Library story прохождение
Library Of Ruina - Южнокорейская стратегическая однопользовательская игра от инди-разработчиков Project Moon. Игра является представителем жанра коллекционной карточной игры чей сюжет подан в стиле визуальной новеллы.
Основными официальными лицами указаны директор Kim Jihoon, дизайнеры Han Eunkyung и Lee Yumi, художники Jin Harin, Kim Jiyeon, Kim Yunjung и программисты Ju Hyungjun, Seong Yoonjae, Choi Taehyung.
Сюжет [ ]
Сюжет является прямым продолжением Lobotomy Corporation. В игре вам предстоит в роли библиотекаря "принимать гостей" в библиотеку. Процесс приёма представляет собой бой между библиотекарями и гостями. Гости, привлечённые ценной для них Книгой, сражаются, чтобы её получить, когда как библиотекари сражаются, чтобы превратить самого гостя в Книгу.
Главным протагонистом игры является Роланд, корректировщик 9 ранга, случайно попавший в библиотеку и в итоге ставший прислугой директора библиотеки - Анжелы.
По ходу прохождения игры нам будут открываться новые этажи (БР) и раскрываться мир мистического сеттинга, старательно сохраняя интригу о сюжете приквела.
Игровой процесс [ ]
Игровой процесс состоит в несколько фаз:
- Библиотека - в этом этапе мы можем сжигать Книги на страницы, распределять и улучшать полученные страницы, составлять колоды и редактировать библиотекарей.
- Приглашение - в этом этапе мы можем составлять приглашения, можно просматривать ветку гостей, требуемые для них Книги, а так же характеристики самих гостей и историю до/после битвы, если до этого уже победили их. Приглашения бывают обычными - составленными из любых книг, от ценности которых (книг) зависит какого ранга придёт гость, а бывают красными - составленными из конкретных книг. так же Красные приглашения двигают сюжет вперёд.
- Приём - этап боя. В начале каждого акта мы можем просмотреть характеристики оппонента, его колоду и пассивные способности, можно выбрать этаж, выбрать библиотекарей, и просмотреть, сколько ещё доступно этажей для приглашения, после чего начать уже сам приём. Приём состоит из сцен, в каждой сцене мы просматриваем, чем атакует оппонент и определяем, какими картами и кого будут атаковать библиотекари.
Персонажи [ ]
В Library of Ruina есть много персонажей, так или иначе влияющих на прохождение.
Поэтому, мои друзья. *пугающим голосом* только Ф-я-В-Е дня осталось! ^_^
Надеюсь, что по сравнению с предыдущим ожиданием этого пять дней пролетят очень быстро.
Финишная прямая опубликовано 31 июля 2015
Так вот на конец месяца.
Основная часть работы сделана. Большая часть, но не всю.
Искусство делается для 98%. Русский перевод почти закончен. Сражения сбалансированы. Диалог и события устанавливаются.
Только небольшие губбинс остаются, как видите.
Но если мы не уделяем достаточно внимания этому, казалось бы, незначительные вещи, это может убить всю тяжелую работу, проделанную за эти месяцы.
Так что это не то, как это будет сделано.
Нехотя (мы так надеялись успеть!), мы решили отложить релиз до 5 августа.
Тем временем, мы будем добавлять текст на английском языке и испытание боевых и диалог (после того, как наконец-то начали спать)! И поскольку моя собственная работа будет выполнена на данный момент, я планирую сделать ряд дополнительных искусство, первоначально не запланированных для демо.
Ну, ребята, у меня есть вера в Вашем понимании!
Пять дней-это короткий срок, и мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы сделать ваше ожидание того стоит!
Handjob and spanking : get 200 hunting > wander around aimlessly until you get the scene where Gaston gets robbed > you'll catch her and demand compensation for the $ lost > 1 option gives a blowjob/handjob scene, another is spanking her ass/gives her the Red Ass name.
Beast rape : found in the "toughest" part of the forest (big area on the bottom right in the town map) > pretty random and [un]doable without the Patron only Silver Arrow > as the scene unfolds, you'll get a few choices : stay and watch, intervene to fight it off and just run like a wuss.
Jungle Girl
Joined Nov 27, 2013 Messages 36 Reputation score 2somebody knows the use of the Sprout of a tentacle tree?
Tentacle God
Joined Jul 14, 2011 Messages 2,800 Reputation score 174For those still in the unknown : you can pour the love potion in the water pitcher in Belle's room. Thank you Patron answers.
Jungle Girl
Joined Sep 23, 2013 Messages 7 Reputation score 2how can i hack thies geme Cheat Engine ??
Jungle Girl
Joined Jan 3, 2016 Messages 31 Reputation score 4Here is a bit of a Walkthrough/Hints list for exploring the demo;
-Masquerade: Start the game with a lockpick
-Gilded Whip: Belle starts with +20 Submission
When you encounter the red headed thief, depending on your hunting skill, Gaston has a chance to catch the Red Headed thief. Choose the option to spank her.
-Monster Hunter: Start the game with 150 additional Hunting Skill
Beat the beast encounter in the forest
-Looser: Start the game with a set of armour
Loose 10 or 12 (not completely sure) fights
-Money Box: Start the game with 150 additional gold
Amass 750 gold pieces
-Honorary Collector:Begin the game with 3 special mushrooms
Collect at least 1 sample of all 12 plant types in the game. There is only one specimen of one of the plants (Blue something, needed for potion quest) and you need to find the "Dire Cucumber" in the forest and defeat it before you can grab it. Eating the mushrooms in the correct order gives you a nice easter egg
Blue, Green, Yellow
-Hot Dog: Get yourself a hunting buddy
Buy the collar (50gp) as well as a food item from the merchant and proceed to the market square. Next to the gallows, you may see Triggerasorus Rex the Beastly Hunting Dog the third. Feed him some food and then pet him. If/When Gaston says he is a nice dog (I think the amount of food needed is dependent on one of the skills) you can collar him and obtain a meatshield that can tank 2-4 hits per encounter.
My take on starting perk choices:
Personally, I prefer starting the game with Piggy Bank and the Mushroom Basket options for (currently) otherwise unobtainable scene. The extra 150 gp means that you will be able to get things rolling much faster thanks to being able to grab the sword on day 1 but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Atm, due to the first demo run state of the game, game systems are. quite a bit unbalanced. Between the 22 day limit, RNG and not yet implemented aspects of the game, it can be frustrating and/or a savescumming fiesta to get everything done in time.
Because of these, I'll be tackling this section in 2 parts; first I'll list the existing quests, steps to accomplish them and their possible rewards as well as the special encounters and their requirements. Then, I'll give you a step by step walkthrough that is insanely heavy on the savescumming and min-maxing to wrap up everythiing inside the current (0.6) timelimit.
Hungry Rogue: Market District, Central Square, Until 19.00, Until day 8 (Not yet implemented)
-Directly choosing to help him without asking for anything and feeding him a sandwich nets you 5-10 hunting skill and feeding him ham nets you 15-20 hunting skill.
Choosing to bully him nets you a lockpick and a book stolen from Belle at the cost of an hour, which grants you +20 on Tongas. If you editorialize the book, you will later Belle will loose 5 affinity to Tongas but gain +5 Corrupton.
-Asking for rewards and then feeding him will grant you a favor from him down the line (not yet implemented)
Choosing to bully him again nets you the lockpick and the book.
-Torturing him makes him your enemy (Not yet implemented)
Stealthy Rouge:Random encounter when you are travelling to any Town location. (so Tongas' Bookshop and Belle's Cottage are not included)
Skill check (Hunting ) determines if you notice some light fingers on your purse. Failure means loosing 5 to 10 gold. Critical Failure adds insult to injury by an additional chance of loosing 10 Respect for Gaston.
If you pass the skill check, you capture the Rouge.
-Spanking her nets you the achievement and probably an enemy later on (not yet implemented).
-Letting her go nets you lockpicks and possibly some help later on (not yet implemented).
-Taking her to the watch gets you nothing and some quest hooks for later
-Demanding "Services" gets you a handjob. (Possibly an action for aCreme Fountain achievement? Maybe?)
Innocent Belle: Before you can get on with more serious training you need to teach her the basics of sex.
-Get Belle's corruption to 110+ and sell her one of the advanced (the ones with 110 C/B requirements, preferably the "Big Book of Small Perversions") books. This will generate a message that Belle needs training before she can advance in the bedroom arts.
-Click Belle's portrait after the transactions are completed and click shining (Bedroom arts 1) sphere on her character page. This will start the quest.
-Go to her house and automatically spy on her. You can continue but I don't think this gets you anything. When you leave her house, Gaston will decide to slip in a book about proper handmaiden skills.
Next morning, you will get a prompt to give her this special book. Do so.
-Go to her house again and see that she isn't reading the nice book you provided for her. She is so asexual that you need to nudge her a bit.
-Go to Binkertell (The hut in the forest outskirts) and talk to her, She requires some herbs, the blue whatever (which can only be obtained only once, after defeating the Dire Cucumber) and 2 or 3 of another herb. You probably have these in stock so give them to her and get your lust potion.
-Go back to Belle's cottage and click on the water jug to help her wet her dry throat. Watch the fireworks .
-Choosing the last option gets you -30 Relationship on Gaston and +5 Submission
Unique Encounters:
-The Unlucky Nomad will be raped by a Polar Bear in the middle of the Desert:
You can run into this guy after day 3 in both forest (The large, deep green zone) and forest outskirts (The 3 part yellowish green zone, the one next to the Hut in the forest).
The damage bonus from 200 hunting skill is nice as otherwise, you will need some RNG.
You need the Sword, Leather Armour and Rexasaurus the Toothless meatshield fierce attack dogasaurus.
Lots of HP and decent damage potential but no special abilities. A Grizzly on steroids in other words.
Let your faithful companion tank 2-4 hits and then dodge-sword-sword-sword-dodge till the white terror is defeated.
Enjoy your rug and +10 Rep.
-The Dire Cucumber:
Only appears in deep forest.
You need to have the Axe equipped. Your faithful meatshield also makes this fight much easier.
Dodge, Axe, Axe, Axe, Dodge. till it goes to the great garden in the sky.
Do not forget to grab the apples and the Blue whatever!
In addition there are usually 2-3 more herbs hidden among the bushes.
You can apply the venom to 5 arrows in the inventory screen
The sapling (and the gardening) isn't implemented yet
Enjoy your +2 Town Rep.
-The Pirrates:
Only appear in the forest outskirts
You must have the damage bonus from 200 hunting skill or the poisoned arrows. You can skip using the poisoned arrows and use a single bodkin if you have the damage bonus.
You need the Sword, Armour and Warhound Titan.
Nuke the fatso.
Ferocious Bite whenever it comes up. Open with Arrow and then spam sword slashes until the dogsibody is knocked out. After that, continue slashing until gunner finishes reloading and then dodge to negate most of his damage (remember the first turn after you dodge, you recive %75 DR bonus). Continue Nuking Fatso then the defenceless and interruptible gunner.
Grab your spoils of war in the chest!
Don't forget the 2-4 herbs scattered around.
-Ze Beast!
Bigger than Gaston (in every way)
Stronger than Gaston
Uglier, much Uglier than Gaston (if you can believe that)
Immune to Poison Arrows.
No, I don't have patreon perk.
Technichally, this fight is winnable. It just takes a horrendous amount of savescumming to get the beast attack the right target (ie; you when dodge is off cooldown) and do minimum damage with each attack.
Your doggie can tank at most 4 hits during this combat. You need it to tank all 4 of those hits or you will run short of 1 swing and end defeated.
You need to ensure that he tanks the few turns when your dodge is on cd and your dodge bonus is down
The doggie needs to hit for max damage (3 on normal bite and 9 on ferocious bite I think) every time
The Beast needs to hit for minimum damage.
I don't have the save handy atm but roughly the combat goes something like this:
Ferocious Bite (reload until you get max damage, 9 I think)
Reload if the beast hits doggie or hits you for more than 9-10 damage
Bite for 3
Musket Shot, Normal Arrow, 44 dmg + 20 bleed dmg (next turn) +20 bleed dmg (the turn after)
Reload if the beast hits anklebiter or hits you for more than 25
Bite for 3
Reload if the beast hits anklebiter or hits you for more than 25
Bite for 3
Reload if the beast hits you! You want it to hit anklebiter this time as your dodge is on cd but if the anklebiter is hit for more than 25 damage, reload
Beast dies
Congaratz! You just won a fight of epic dickishness, way before you had enough gear to take it on. Now look back on your last hour wasted save scumming and curse yourself blue.
Other Gameplay Elements:
Night Visitor Part 1:
Once you get to 200 Hunting skill or obtain a lockpick, you can sneak into Belle's bedroom at night ONCE. During this you can gift her 15 points of corruption and/or steal a pair of panties and/or steal another pair of panties and/or steal 20 gp and/or steal an extendable duster and/or read what's Belle is reading for a 10 point boost to your Knowledge and 5 point penalty to your Hunting, which gets somewhat negated by the +10 you recive to your hunting skill at the end of your visit.
No matter what you do or don't do, Belle will have her locks upgraded after your visit.
Depending on what you do during your visit, additional things will haooen in the future (not yet implemented)
The 5th!
Every 5th day, Belle decides to browse your shop and choose her next book on her own. If you let her choose a book on her own, she won't get the benefit from it (atm). This can lead to problems if/when she discards high skill books at high corruption levels.
While she is busy browsing your stacks, Tongas can provide some guidance to little Belle:
(From right to left)
-The Paperbag surprise trades -5 affection from Tongas for +2 Submission
-Wet Dress Contest Entry trades -5 affection from tongas for +5 Submission and ends the encounter without Belle buying anything. [Finisher>
-Talk topics grant a one time +5 affection and +5 corruption boni at Knowledge Skill 0. Use it untill you exhaust all options
-Attack ends with you chained in the Marketsquare [Finisher>
-ButSlap trades -10 affection for +10 Corruption
-Jerking off adds 0 to +10 corruption. You can get caught. Ends the encounter with her buying a book at her discretion [Finisher>
-Lifting her skirt; you can get caught for -25 affection and +5 Corruption [Finisher>
-If you don't get caught lifting her skirt, you can have a date with miss Rosy Palms or Grope her. Both getting caught and Groping end in -50 affection +10 corruption [Finisher>
-Ending your date on her rump without her noticing is +25 Corruption, +3 affection and her buying a book of her choice.
Bottom Row:
In addition to the options above, you can scoose to occupy your time by going over your finances for 50 gp or Researching for +20 knowledge, both of which also end the encounter with her buying a book of her choice and +3 affection.
This walkthrough for Super Mario Galaxy [WII] has been posted at 06 Jun 2010 by big dog and is called "Library Story Script". If walkthrough is usable don't forgot thumbs up big dog and share this with your freinds. And most important we have 13 other walkthroughs for Super Mario Galaxy, read them all!
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