Lakeview cabin collection прохождение
Lakeview Cabin III features itself is a sandbox boss fight. There are many ways you can interact with the area ranging from lighting the campfire to using the zipline to fixing the second floor of a building still partially in construction. The first time you play, all four playable characters will all be gathered on the docks to the right-hand side of the map. Subsequent playthroughs will feature the Brown Haired Man on the right-hand dock the Red-Haired Woman in front of Cabin 2 the Orange Haired Man in Cabin A and the Black Haired Woman in front of the Kitchen
Walkthrough [ ]
Babyface will generally appear any time after the first night if you haven't done anything impure (Like drinking alcohol, taking a hit from the bong or having sex) to prompt him. If you have played through the game at least once he can be summoned by ringing the bell to the left of Cabin A. His starting point is always on the left side of the island. Either way, his arrival in the camp is identified by a flock of birds flying overhead.
Be advised that as soon as the player attacks Babyface a minimum of two times, Red will appear.
After defeating Red the player will be greeted by 'E' at the end of the right-hand docks. If approached from the front E will attack and kill the survivors. If she is approached from behind she can be killed with a weapon revealing the true ending.
Step-by-Step Walkthrough to a Perfect Run
- Starting as Mr. Brown, grab the dog and head West to Miss Red, the redhead in the yellow top. Switch to Miss Red and pick up Mr. Brown while he's still holding the dog. Continue West until you reach Cabin B.Note that the number for this building is inside. It the only building under construction.
- Enter the cabin, go through the door on the left and throw Mr.Brown across the gap before leaving Cabin B. (You can also take a second to grab the hammer from the red toolbox in the room in the bottom right and build the bridge, if you'd rather have it, but the bridge NOT being there prevents Babyface from getting to Mr.Brown and the dog. If you decide to build the bridge eventually set the dog and Mr Brown, on the crate for safety after using the crate. (This isn't recommended as people and the dog may attract Babyface and cause him to run in circles.)
This is just one method of completing the game with no deaths. There are many more to be tested and shared.
Items [ ]
Locations [ ]
Lake of the Dead [ ]
After beating the game the first time, you unlock access to the Lake of the Dead minigame. This can be accessed by interacting with the bones near the bell, between the Kitchen and Cabin A. Upon activation, the map will darken, and gain a black and white filter. Rapidly, zombies will start to spawn from the water. Only about 20 can be alive at a time, and they spawn infinitely. There is no way to win the minigame, just get a high score. The game is over when all 4 player characters are dead. Zombies are very fragile but run faster than players if they see them.
Tips for Lake of the Dead [ ]
For a better night vision, before you start the game or go to the main menu and turn flashlight effects ON (press CRTL) this will remove the lack and white effect.s
Walkthrough [ ]
To beat the game you must summon three different creatures that are pitted against you in the short mini game "Super Dad!"
Summoning The Demon [ ]
- The Upside-Down Person: to die of fall damage, which is only achieved by jumping of the blonde girl's Pink House.
- The Skull: In the Pink House's kitchen open the drawers and find the only bottle with a lid and keep taking pills until you OD and die.
- The Dagger: The easiest one to get as you may not even have to die. Just get stabbed by the killer either to death or once.
- The Judgment Scale: Go into the blonde girls bedroom, go on the phone, dial 911, and hit call. The police should arrive and they will accidentally shoot and kill a playable character. If for some reason this doesn't work, getting one of your teenagers to shoot will also work.
Put each teenager on each proper spot and you will summon the tall faced creature that walks around limbo. Next time the killer appears, he will summon and attack the killer.
Summoning The Doll [ ]
In the pink, empty housed limbo on the first floor you will see a ghost like figure pointing to a hole in the wall. If you resurrect yourself and go to the pink house in the living world, grab either the football or another teenager, and throw either at the spot where the hole would be, the painting in front of it will fall down. From this hole you get a doll head which you can put on the doll body found in the attic of the pink house. From now on when you leave the doll alone off screen, it will automatically teleport to the pink houses bedroom.
The bible passage hint. Will be replaced by the words "NOT YOU" when not the brother or sister player characters.
Now if you go back to the pink house limbo the ghost will move into the bedroom where you spawn and "1 JOHN 3:14" will be written on the ground. Turns out that this is a bible passage. When you search this passage up on google you will be met most likely by " We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death." If you look at different translations, they have the words "brother" and "sister" in them much more. My favorite is this, "The way we know we’ve been transferred from death to life is that we love our brothers and sisters. Anyone who doesn’t love is as good as dead. Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know very well that eternal life and murder don’t go together." That's because it suggests something about our killer.
The Doll right before he attacks the killer.
The final clue, and most likely the first people find, is an old newspaper clipping that, like I mentioned before, can be found on top of the white bookshelf in the pink house. This article talks of something that went down in the pink house. I'll reference it word for word, "Oct **** 1954, 'SMILING KILLER CAUGHT IN COITUS WITH HIS SISTER!' The child killer terrorizing the town was caught at his home yesterday afternoon. The detectives at the scene said they found the suspect-" It cuts off there.
This plus the bible passage suggests "loving your brother." So take the two brunette, sibling teens, take off their clothes, and put them in the bed so they will have sex. You'll have to wait a moment and make sure the doll is in the room somewhere. After a moment the doll will freak out and seemingly fuse with the spirit in the pink house limbo (despite the spirit still being there after you summon the doll,) and run off screen. Next time you spawn the killer the doll will appear and attack him.
Summoning The Witch [ ]
This summoning is by far the hardest and most shrouded in secrets. Returning to the ouiji board, it should eventually spell out 'm-a-n-u-a-l'. Enter into your clue menu and scroll over to the game cartridge. Interact with it, and you should be greeted with the manual, which includes a bit of backstory as well as the order of interaction as explained below.
To start you have to enter the limbo with the cabin similar to the cabin bedroom that was featured in the very first Lakeview Cabin game that isn't part of the Lakview Cabin Collection. In this you will see the two most important parts, an axe laying on the ground and a closed door you can't open. Pick up the axe and an undead fetus, who is also featured in the first Lakeview Cabin game, will drop from the ceiling and attack you. If you manage to hit it enough times the door will break and the fetus will no longer attack you. You can now leave through the door and take the axe with you.
Take the axe to the blue abandoned house (mentioned in "The Demon" section,) and go into the closed door on the first floor. You will see flickering light shine out from what seems to be the bottom of the door. Use the axe to break down the hidden door and go inside. You'll find the room that the killer was in during the cut scene at the start off the game. The only thing you can interact with is picking up the clue next to the T.V. It is a game cartridge with the title "Lacus Lamia." You can now play the game in the bedroom in the green house.
The two trees to crouch next to to find the clue.
Go play the game. To beat the game "the right way" you have to do it just so. First go to the left area and grab the torch, go to the top area and burn one of the human sacrifices. Go to the right screen, crouch inbetween two trees shown in the picture to the side for a few seconds to get a clue, and then grab the baby.
A full moon with three spikes.
Take it to the bottom most screen when the moon is full and has those three spikes poking out of it and drop the baby in the pool of what is either orange water or lava (you never know when magical ladies in red robes might be immune to lava.) If the moon isn't full you can just walk off the screen and re-select it until it is. On the same bottom screen, grab to hard to see torch on the right side of the pool of liquid. It's difficult to spot but it's there. Go burn the last human sacrifice and then crouch next to the alter thing in between the two sacrifices until the screen shows a cut scene. You should see a naked woman, instead of the red cloaked witch, rise up as the alter transforms into the three pronged eye. If you don't see this you've done something wrong so try again until it works.
Once you have you'll see a glitchy, ragged version of the witch floating next to the T.V. If you don't, go straight down stairs and they should be there.
Now that the witch has emerged from the game, re-enter Lacus Lamia and enter the area where you found the first torch. Crouch down a little way past the cross, and you should hear quiet electronic beeps. Listen closely, and you should realize the beeps are actually a repeated message of morse code, which spells out "555-8731." Enter the blonde's house and dial the number in her phone. If it works, you should be greeted by a jumpscare of the Demon's face. Go back into the game and on the left screen, the same area where you heard the morse code, where there is a blue tree and a cross, a door will have appeared on the right side of the tree. Crouch next to the door until the screen changes to a limbo you've now unlocked, with it being the second door to the left. In this there will be a more detailed screen like the one you just came from with a woman holding what must be a dead baby. You now control the lady but you can do no more than move around this limbo. Get her to drop the baby or preferably throw it across the grave, switch to a teenager, and come and get the baby. Take the baby to the kitchen of the green house and the Witch will be swirling furniture around the room. Stand with the baby until the Witch takes it and zooms away. Now when you next see the killer the Witch will attack him. After that, you need to put the blonde girl and the guy together in bed without clothes to unlock the ending.
Ending A [ ]
Requires you to summon all three antagonists, unlock all six doors in limbo to ultimately obtain the locked box. The locked box must seal the singing mother in Lakeview Cabin III and must be given to the crying kid back in Lakeview Cabin V. Here's a video on all three endings but this one is the toughest. (V)
Ending B [ ]
After you have defeated the killer, go to the graveyard and bring the kid the toy ray-gun, tricycle, and football then stab kill him. You must stab the kid repeatedly to receive this ending.
Ending C [ ]
After the killer has been hit by all three antagonists, go to the newly unlocked graveyard and you'll find a crying boy and a knife. You must stab the kid repeatedly to receive this ending.
Lakeview Cabin Collection IV - Game Guide
от Merula (Nohr-Side)
So, seeing the randomized nature of the Indie horror game „Lakeview Cabin Collection – Curse of the Lake“, I assumed that a guide might be quite helpful to everyone who struggles to figure out the patterns, or find a strategy to beat the game with everyone.
Lakeview Cabin Collection-Гайд по ачивментам!
от KinDDaemon^_^
В этом руководстве я расскажу вам, как получить все ачивки в этой замечательной игре.
How to beat the minisode "Last Christmas"
Hi guys, I'm going to show you how to beat the minisode "Last Christmas" and get the achievement. Don't worry, it's really easy! This is my first guide. I'm sorry for my poor english, it's not my native language. It could be great if someone wants.
How to Fly Using a Motorcycle
от Efflora
Yeah, so what if you've killed two psychopathic killers? Can YOU fly with a motorcycle? Didn't think so.
How to Recreate a Typical Horror Movie
от duckduck
Want this game to live up to a "awesome" b horror movie! Well with this guide you can create every stererotype existing.
How to Kill the Killers
от duckduck
The ultimate guide of every possible way to kill the killers in the game.
Руководство по достижениям lakeview cabin 100%
от Anti freeze
Хотите получить все ачивки? Тогда это руководство для вас! .
LVC V 第五章中文攻略
本次第五章的內容極為複雜,以下攻略將解釋一些細節以及END A的破關方式.
[EN] Full Game Guide: Finish + 100% Achievements Lakeview Cabin Collection
от Mesaperture
A detailed guide on how to get all the achievements in Lakeview cabin Collection. This also includes how to finish the entire game. I will explain how to beat each episode under the "complete Episode x " achievements category. Although you might find some .
LakeView Cabin IV Walkthrough
Side note: Will be adding more to this, here is just the basics I will have item lists and so on. Anyways goodluck! So you wanna beat the fourth chapter? Well there are many tips and tricks to doing this! Also be weary that this will as always contain.
Lakeview Cabin IV: Curse of the Lake begins as the band's van runs out of gas near a chaotic Mansion. The violent community inside the demented halls of the Mansion will be a violent roadblock keeping the girls from leaving. Saving everyone will be harder than expected.
Gameplay [ ]
Lakeview Cabin IV features a much more randomly generated gameplay, with the rooms and items in the mansion being randomized each run.
The goal of the game is to collect 4 gas cans, load them into your van, and escape. They are found in the following places: The pit trap in the cellar, one of the attic rooms, inside the gas station, and in Piggy's room at the slaughterhouse. There is also a chance to find one in the secret gift room.
Each playable character has 10 health.
Walkthrough [ ]
The layout of the map is randomized each reset so there is no one definitive way to beat Lakeview Cabin IV, though there is a certain way of having less trouble with it.
First, get into the Mansion and activate the alarm, which will cause every NPC to be active. Pick up the Chicken Feed and go to the Slaughterhouse. Every time you enter a door, drop the Chicken Feed a couple of times and that will tell you which doors to use when escaping. You can also peek through the doors before entering to avoid being spotted by Cannibals if you took the wrong route. Once you have arrived at the Pig room, drop the Chicken Feed and enter. Grab the gas can. When escaping, follow the Chicken Feed outside of the Slaughterhouse.
Once you collected the gas, wait for the Piggy to get out and fall into the trap at the right of the map. It will get into the mansion and kill everyone in its way, which will cause everything to be easier. Now just wait for Piggy to get out of the mansion and follow the broken doors. It will lead you to the basement, be but careful because Piggy will probably be there. Act as fast as possible, get the can from one of the 3 rooms and get out, and try to get a weapon.
If you need to set off a Bear Trap, you can always go back for the Chicken Feed. Throw the Chicken Feed at the Bear Trap and you will get 3 uses out of it. The Bear Trap is needed to kill Piggy (once the trap knocks Piggy down, kill with a Power Tool. Pick up the chainsaw which has lots of fuel and then go back to the Slaughterhouse but this time take the path to the mansion. You'll probably be greeted with hostile NPCs so kill then with the weapon you got. Finally get to the Attic, where you'll have your last gas can. Always peek before entering a room to avoid confrontation with the Mutant Rat. The air ducts will rattle just before the rat appears.
The first time you play, the four playable characters will all be gathered near the van on the right hand side of the map. Subsequent plays will have the characters inside the gas station.
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