Как пройти уровень 1 32 bad piggies
Level 1-32 is a level in Ground Hog Day. It introduces the Combustion Engine, a more powerful motor that supplies even more power to whatever contraption you add it to.
The player is given a 4x2 grid, along with the following parts:
- 1x Ross
- 4x Metal Frame
- 1x Metal Wheel
- 2x Powered Wheel
- 1x Combustion Engine
- 1x Spring
The player is awarded stars for the following conditions:
- Ross reaches the goal.
- The level's Star Box is collected.
- The level is completed within 28 seconds.
The player should build a 4x2 metal cart with a Powered Wheel as the front wheel. Ross and the Combustion Engine can be placed in any of the four Metal Frames.
To fulfill the time condition, send the cart down the first hole by stopping the Powered Wheel just as the cart passes over a patch of thin grass before the hole. Once it goes down the hole, the wheel should turned back on for about a second, so that the cart doesn't get stuck at the upcoming jump. From there, the cart should roll to the goal with only a second (or less) on the timer.
As for the Star Box, the player should send the cart down the second hole instead, by turning the Powered Wheel off as it reaches the peak of the hill before the hole. Then, as it goes down the ramp, the wheel should be turned back on for as long as possible, so that the cart has enough speed to reach the Star Box. From there, the cart should be left to roll the rest of the way to the goal.
This page contains the solution of level 1-23 in episode 1 (Ground Hog Day) from the popular iOS and Android game Bad Piggies. Below you can find a walkthrough for building the right contraptions needed to earn all 3 stars.
Build a regular vehicle with 3 wooden boxes and 2 wheels. From the top-right to the left: put the pig, TNT-box and 2 engines inside the wooden boxes. Now place a golden umbrella on the left side of the cart and start playing. Turn on the umbrella and wait until you reach the star-box. Turn off the umbrella and wait until you almost go down the hill again: then detonate the TNT. With a bit of luck, you'll reach the finish. Next, start a new game with the same contraption and detonate the TNT as soon as you're almost on top of the hill. Again - with a little bit of luck - you'll reach the finish within the 16 seconds range. Feel free to add a comment when you've got a different strategy.
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September 27, 2012
Ground Hog Day 32
Ground Hog Day 1-32
Level 1-32
3 Star Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Cheats
Recorded On: iPod Touch
Available On: iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android, PC, Windows, Mac, Apple, OSX, Facebook, Nokia, Windows Phone, Kindle, DS Lite, DSi, Playstation 3, XBOX 360
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Bad Piggies Walkthrough is your online resource for tips and strategies on how to play Bad Piggies. Unlike Angry Birds, this game reverses the roles and has you building fortresses to prevent the birds from knocking you out. The objective of the game is to put pieces in place and set your pigs within your fortress, in hopes that the birds will not be successful in their attempts to topple you. Bad Piggies Walkthrough will have news, tips, strategies and walkthrough videos for each level in the game.
Unlike Angry Birds, there are no slingshots to flip. Your objective is clear. Get the eggs! The entire premise of this game is to play the game from the pigs' point of view.
По мере роста популярности такой мегафраншизы как Angry Birds, разработчики долго думали над тем, как бы предложить пользователям нечто новое, а не очередной набор свежих уровней с подкрашенной графикой.
Оказалось, что решение вопроса лежит на поверхности. Надо всего лишь дать геймерам возможность сыграть за «плохишей». Да притом не просто в формате «заменим одних персонажей на других», а придумав новую концепцию и даже предысторию.
По сюжету Bad Piggies, свинки еще не добрались до птичьих яиц, зато придумали гениальный план, как это сделать. Правда, из-за неосторожности одного из героев, листок попал в вентилятор, а его куски разлетелись по всей округе. И теперь героям предстоит восстановить чертеж и претворить в жизнь задуманное.
Концепция игрового процесса следующая — используя подручные средства, необходимо собрать некое подобие автомобиля, дабы с его помощью преодолеть путь из точки А в точку Б, успешно миновав все препятствия.
Как все это выглядит и играется на практике — вы можете узнать из данного летсплея. Или даже использовать его в качестве гайда в случае, если застрянете на каком-нибудь из уровней.
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