Как пройти техосмотр в май саммер кар
Я прошёл техосмотр. После этого начал подготавливать сатсуму к ралли. А техосмотр теперь нужно проходить каждую неделю, вроде бы неделю. Подъезжаю к механику, возле старта 1-ого этапа ралли, и он мне начинает втирать, что машина должна быть на учёте и иметь номерные знаки. А если заново проходить техосмотр, то это караул. Придётся возвращать машину в сток, потом опять. короче заморочка полная. Как в редакторе сохранений поставить машину на учёт? Заранее спасибо.
ну смотри, через msceditor можно!
1. Открываем файл "defaultES2File.txt"; 2. В фильтре вписываем "carinspected"; 3. Меняем значение параметра на "true"; 4. В фильтре вписываем "leimapaperiin"; 5. Меняем значение параметра на "true"; 6. Сохраняем изменения и проверяем в игре, номера будут в здании тех. осмотра.
не звасимо прокачана она или сток
номера можно будет найти на столе в здании тех. осмотра
Какое значение у тебя было на датчике топливной смеси? Я с 14,7 пройти не могу никак. Делал меньше — безуспешно.
Note on the doors, informing the player about the hours of working.
Lindell inspection shop ( : Katsastus Lindell Oy) is the car inspection office owned by Lindell. The Satsuma can be inspected here by a government-qualified "inspector" for the low price of 325 mk. The inspection shop is open from 08:00 to 16:00 during the weekdays (Mon-Fri). The building cannot be entered during closing hours.
The Satsuma should be inspected before being taken on the highway, but as long as the police don't find out, an inspection is only needed for competing in the Rally Sprint Race. The car needs to be re-inspected every four weeks after the initial inspection to ensure that there are no illegal modifications to the car. When an inspection is due soon, Lindell will send the player a flyer by mail.
Getting the car inspected [ ]
The inspection office is located just past Teimo's shop, take the next left after Pub Nappo and the large warehouse should be visible on the right.
Park the car onto the car lift just through the garage door and be careful not to fall off as the car will be lifted in whatever state it was left on the racks.
Satsuma on the inspection jack.
Walk around to the office where the inspector is situated, pay the man 325 mk and he'll do the job. Enjoy the master at work—with his trusty screwdriver, he'll hit the car in all the right places to listen for any issues; the magical tool will reveal any problem, from unbolted seats to a poorly-tuned carburetor. His actions are a parody of real Finnish inspectors eagerly employing pointy tools to check for rust damage.
How to pass [ ]
To pass the inspection, the car must be fully functional! No parts missing or broken, and tuned well enough for road use. Make sure the car has a properly tightened alternator belt, the cylinders are all firing correctly and isn't running on worn-out tires. Ensure the car doesn't pull off to the left or right too much either: they might fail you for that. The warning triangle must also be present somewhere inside the car—it can be acquired from the tractor by pressing RMB to remove it. Make sure to check your front lights, they can burn out and fail you.
The Satsuma must have new-ish tyres but not the Slick or Rally tyres installed, they are not road legal. It might be possible to pass with its original old tires if they're not worn down yet. The choice of rims does not matter. It should also be noted that the Satsuma will pass the inspection regardless of whether the roll cage is installed or not.
Re-inspection [ ]
Lindell's re-inspection advert.
Each inspection lasts for 28 days, getting the car re-inspected is the same process as the first time you got it inspected, only you won't necessarily have to re-fit your license plates.
Once 21 of those days have passed (leaving you with one week left) Lindell will leave an advert in the player's mail box as a reminder to re-inspect their Satsuma.
Permitted/forbidden parts [ ]
The below sections list what parts can, cannot, or must be installed to the car to pass the inspection; they are separated into three categories: stock parts, upgrade parts, and other/miscellaneous parts
Stock parts [ ]
The stock parts include car parts that originally came with the Satsuma, all of these parts can be found in the garage at home.
The following stock car parts are NOT REQUIRED to be installed for the inspection:
Upgrade parts [ ]
The upgrade parts include car parts that can only be acquired by buying them from the parts catalog or finding them around Alivieska.
The following car parts are permitted to be installed for the inspection since they are road legal.
The following car parts are FORBIDDEN for inspection, as they do not conform to Finnish road laws.
Other parts [ ]
The other/miscellaneous parts include car parts that can be found around Alivieska and are not stock parts for the Satsuma. Out of all of these parts, only the following are FORBIDDEN to be installed for the inspection:
Emissions [ ]
The car must pass a basic emissions test. This examines the car's harmful emissions and will fail if she is running too poorly and hurting poor Mother Earth. To pass emissions, the best air-fuel ratio is 14.7, and it is best to tighten that valve train so the valves aren't fully open. Also make sure the engine is warm and the choke is all the way in. Using the tuning option from Fleetari Repair Shop on the stock or twin carburetors should pass, as long as the rest of the engine is tuned good enough.
What to do with the results [ ]
After the inspection is complete, a boarding card will appear on the desk in front of the inspector. An English version of the card can be viewed by clicking the Union Jack in the top right. If the car passed, the inspector will reluctantly hand over the well-earned license plates which can be applied to the car.
The column on the left shows a list of parts. If a part is crossed with an 'X' it means that the part is either missing, damaged or not applicable. The note on the right reads: "This car is just a huge pile of waste."
Try not to get an HYLÄTTY (FAIL), you want a HYVÄKSYTTY (ADMITTED) or another 325 mk must be paid to redo the inspection.
The Rally Sprint Race can be taken part in with a fully inspected car. If the car does not pass inspection, Fleetari (the rally organizer & mechanic) won't accept the application. A passed inspection is also necessary to avoid being fined at a police checkpoint.
Here are a few tips on how to pass:
- Read the acceptable parts section carefully, and make sure the Satsuma does not have any forbidden parts installed.
- Make sure the car is fairly straight on the car lift, as it may fall off when the man hoists it up. It doesn't have to be exactly in the middle though.
- If an item is showing up as failed, even though it's most certainly fully attached (and not aftermarket), fully remove the item and re-apply it.
Trivia [ ]
No parking signs on the right side of the garage door at the inspection office.
Как пройти технический осмотр автомобиля в My Summer Car? Руководство, советы
Наше полное руководство по My Summer Car содержит основную информацию о том, как выжить в этом игровом мире, ориентированном чисто на выживание.
Чтобы получить положительные результаты теста, вам необходимо:
Станция технического обслуживания находится в городе рядом с магазином. Он открыт с 8:00 до 16:00 с понедельника по пятницу.
Подъехать к подъемнику, заглушить двигатель и включить ручной тормоз. Когда машина будет готова, подойдите к механику.
Если все у вас в порядке, механик передаст вам набор номерных знаков.
Если вы не соответствуете требованиям, в документе, который вы получите, будет указан список причин, по которым ваш автомобиль не был принят.
Что делать?
Это из-за русификатора, там должен быть 7 и 8 параметр. 7 параметр это Двигатель (возможно GT часть стоит) и 8 Emissions (вроде как нужно топливную смесь настроить, или убрать раллийные запчасти, вообщем полный сток нужен)
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