Как попасть в сбр в yba
Многие из нас слышали хотя бы раз о таком мультсериале , как ДжоДжо. Это известный по всему миру мультсериал, который считается как аниме. Даже в Роблокс можно найти режим, созданный по мотивам мультфильма.
Коды YBA
В режиме есть коды, которые могут дать разные вещи. А именно:
- Yay251k — дают некоторых бойцов и небольшое количество стрел.
- Yay242k — вновь ряд бойцов, снаряжение.
- Yay237k — арсенал и персонажи.
- EXP2 — дают засекреченный подарок.
- ThxFor200k — дают подарок.
- EXP4 — умножают количество полученных навыков в несколько раз, но на 25 минут.
- EXP3 — дают вновь умножение полученных навыков в несколько раз. Ограниченно временем — 25 минут.
Это лишь небольшой список тех кодов, которые вы можете использовать в игре. На самом деле их гораздо больше и узнать о всех них вы можете на YouTube у русскоязычных блогеров. Однако и эти коды отлично помогают при прохождении режима.
В чём смысл режима?
В мультфильме было так, что у каждого героя был свой стенд. Стенд представляет собой его суперспособность, которая есть только у данного героя. По сути, получить стенд просто так нельзя, для этого нужно много тренироваться. В целом, в данном режиме всё именно так.
Первым делом игрок получает свой стенд, прокачивает его и старается стать сильнее со временем. Использовать стенд можно в сражениях и не только.
По сути, данный режим отлично подойдёт тем игрокам, которые соскучились по необычному режиму в Роблоксе , ведь сегодня многие из них достаточно схожи друг с другом.
Режим достаточно простой и удобный, поэтому каждый сможет найти занятие для себя.
Diavolo's Castle
Diavolo's Castle is the place where the storyline ends. Pucci can also be found in one of the slits in the wall, as well as the Jesus NPC, which has a chance to spawn near Abbachio.
The SBR Ingress
"The Steel Ball Run" (or The Metal Ball Run) entrance. Used to teleport players to the race, either on competitive or casual. Prestige Master Will can also be found next to it, allowing the player to increase their Prestige.
Thugs Zone
The normal Thugs zone is an important zone for new players, as the only Level 1+ quest to kill 5 Thugs is there.
Eli's Pizzeria
The Pizzeria is one of two places where you can RP, it includes the merchant for pizza, and there are a few item spawn locations inside.
The Park
The Park is a location found next to the pizzeria. It includes: a few item spawns, a Giorno Giovanna NPC and a Boss NPC, Leaky Eye Luca.
The Boss' Cafe
The Boss' Cafe is similar to Eli's Pizzeria, except you can buy some Tea rather than Pizza. It also has a few more spawns and a backroom.
The Smaller Park
The second and smaller park in the game, located close to the arcade. It has a Pancake Fog NPC as well as Isabelle the Arrowsmith for Requiem Arrow creation. There is also a sewer entrance nearby.
The Arcade
The Arcade is a location that allows the player to gamble 1500 and 1 gold coin to win items, prizes ranging from a Mysterious Arrow all the way to a Pelvis of the Saint's Corpse. It's located parallel to the travelling merchant, ShiftPlox, across the road, denoted by its black colour and height difference to nearby buildings.
The Alpha Thugs Zone
The Alpha Thugs zone is located parallel to The Boss' Cafe. It's required to kill these Thugs for Pucci's "sinners" quest. It also has a sewer entrance nearby.
Individual NPCs
YBA also has some individual NPCs that are not worthy of an entire location to themselves.
trainers: these can be found in individual locations but do not have specific landmarks to support them.
- Joe Kujoe: located next to Diavolo's castle. Drops the JOE's disc, used to acquire Made in Heaven
- Storyline NPCs, which can be found all around the map. Similar to Spec trainers, they do not have any landmarks to mark their locations.
The Train Station
First Station Exterior
The first station includes a few item spawns, as well as a lot of NPCs. Including: the first Giorno Giovanna NPC in the Storyline, the JOE Boss as well as the quest giver, DEO and finally the Security Guards related to Giorno's first quest. It also has the Pancake Fog NPC for the main Storyline.
First Station Interior
The interior of the first train station, like it's exterior, also has around 2-3 item spawns. As well as that, it also includes the Bruce Brunorati Boss. This location also had the now removed NPC Angel the Mailman.
Train Station
Train Station Line
The actual line of train tracks which connect the two stations. The only thing to be found here of major importance is the NPC Boss Pepsi.
Second Station Interior
Nothing to note about the second station, apart from the fact that there is a chance for the Jesus NPC to spawn here.
Second Station Exterior
The second station exterior isn't as interesting as the first, however there are a few item spawns, as wells as the Mister and Ice Cube NPC.
Note: The sewers don't have any way to easily navigate them, excluding some landmarks around the tunnels. So for the sake of clarity, the sewers will be generalised into just those landmarks.
The Vampire Bar
The Bar is a somewhat hidden location found in the sewers. It's found behind some debris and bent pipes near the castle side of the sewers. Excluding the location, it only serves to have some item spawns and the "trainer" for vampire, allowing the player to fully unlock the spec after using a stone mask.
Zombie Henchmen Area
This area servers as a questing area for those who have a level of 20+. There are two exits, one leading to the Zeppelin NPC and Dracula. The other leading towards Homeless Man Jill.
Homeless Man Jill
This NPC is the only remaining one to do a "fetch" type quest in the game (RIP Angel). This NPC allows the player to convert 10 gold coins into EXP daily.
Kars is one of the two NPCs in the game to provide quests to kill other players. Specifically two hamon users. He doesn't have any landmarks near him so locating him can be a pain.
DIO's Realm (Heaven Arena)
Heaven Arena
Heaven Arena (DIO's Realm) is where you will be sent by JOE to defeat Heaven Ascension DIO and collect his bone. This is part of the Made In Heaven and The World Over Heaven Quest.Steel Ball Run (Metal Ball Run)
Beginning Area/Town
- The Stables where the player can use horse feed to upgrade their horse's cold and heat resistance respectively. Jongic can also be found outside these.
- Teamer's Rock where a lot of independent players will meet to form a team.
- The starting line of the race, A big red block is present until the 2 minute starting time runs out when 16 players are present.
- The bar, a lot of wipers used to meet in here.
- The tents, Prestige master will can be found here and gives the quest to unlock requiem arrow creation.
- The sea, wouldn't recommend standing near here as you can get pushed under the ocean.
The Dead Forest
Is a forest between the starting line and the desert. Nothing of note here.
The Desert
The desert is the first real zone in SBR, it has multiple paths that stretch out and can either lead to a dead end or the end of the stage. This is also one of the two unique stages that affects your horse's temperature.
The Devil's Palm
The Devil's Palm is an area that is present around the final stretch of the desert stage. It will apply a poison effect to your character.
The Plains
In the Plains you can relax and heal, waiting for cooldowns. Don't stay AFK, because this stage is much shorter than the others.
The Forest
In The Forest you can't take damage for hot or cold is a medium zone but others players are very dangerous because is a little zone. The most number of player go on the right but if you go on the left you will levitate a great number of players.
The Arctic
Is the most cold zone of the SBR, where if you don't move you start take little quantity of damage. In this area the WA users are invincible because they moves faster than others player and you have to stay far from they.
Pre-Final Stage
The final stretch before the Final Stage. From here a dome will be created dealing damage to all players who aren't in it, like that of the Devil's Palms. People in teams are very dangerous, as if you aren't part of a team you may be killed or targeted immediately.
Final Stage
In the Final Stage you have to fight with others the only last 7 will end the SBR. A strategy would be:
- If you haven't revealed your stand prior, it is suggested that you save it until you need to bring it out. If you have a team, it's suggested that you help kill everybody else who isn't in it, as eventually you're going to need only 7 or less to win. Normally once everybody that isn't part of the team is dead, it leads to 1v1s, where players pick off one by one until 7 remain.
- Another method would be where saying "I'm here for Spin" which is a relatively common tactic, meaning people might be less likely to target you if you're there for a fighting style.
The last part of the bridge
This part you can talk to Gyro and obtain Spin if you have $10000 and a Steel Ball, after that it teleport you to the main game.
1v1 and 2v2
Note: The guide is not official it was made to help other players beat SBR.
Do never let you horse on any part, you lose on the finals for sure. (unless you only want Spin)
If you wanna spin go to casual, people that only want spin are annoying for the player that want corpse parts
The Second Path: Stage 2 have also a second path but is from poopverse and is more short than the normal one, but people that know this stage have 2 exits they will go for there to maybe kill you so try hide.
There is no more second path, you need to hide yourself, if a server wiper found you, you gonna have a bad time, and you need to leave the horse if you wanna survive.
Stage 4 there needs to be only 7 or less on the last stage, so better you prepare for: 1v1, Simon Says and battle against Server Wipers
Never Give Up if you getting beat on the last stage by Server Wipers, if kill one of them they will get mad and start beating you up, but remeber that you show them are you made of.
You expected another tips but King Crimson already.
Для новых участников.
Мы НЕ являемся официальным сообществом плейса Your Bizarre Adventure, и мы не можем никаким образом связаться с Uzu, разработчиками или модераторами игры.
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[самопиар момент]
я тут группу бахнул по eco (это не плейс в сроблоксе, а отдельная игра)
если кто-то шарит за игру, то зайдите пж
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Дурачок Амир решил что будет смешно перебанить всю беседу.
Если не получается зайти то пишите в лс
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(Для тех кто не в курсе: Kur (создатель A Universal Time) использовал эксплойты чтобы украсть ассеты Your Bizarre Adventure. Kur уже сам перестал это скрывать, но если кому-то нужны пруфы то смотрите видео в посте ниже)
"Для людей которые спорят насчет того что Uzu украл ассеты у людей не из команды разработчиков Yba.
Показать полностью.
Разработчики у которых Uzu взял ассеты ПУБЛИЧНО опубликовали их в тулбокс Роблокса чтобы каждый разработчик мог ими воспользоваться.
Uzu никогда не использовал эксплойты чтобы красть ассеты у других разработчиков и это тупо сравнивать использование бесплатных ассетов с реальным воровством."
К слову, вот что пишут в Дискорде AUT:
1. So, just to address the ping that was made by Uzu in the YBA server. No one but kur was aware of this particle situation, he was made aware of it a few days ago, however had his COVID vaccine and therefore wasn’t able to rectify the issue.
I’m going to tell the full story as I know it, just so you can form your own opinions about the matter.
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I saw the YouTube video Uzu referred to yesterday, and immediately contacted a senior YBA member to confirm whether these assets did in fact belong to them. I did some digging, and found quite a few that were registered to the YBA developer featured in the video, I got into contact with him, explained the situation, and let him know I’d be removing the particles as soon as I had a replacement for them. “Why not remove them instantly?” I hear you ask, well, kur is the basically the only person who works on effects, we script the moves and the current deal has always been that he adds effects to them after we have made the functional side of them, I cannot go around removing assets from other peoples code without causing errors and potentially breaking the game, therefore I said that I would replace the assets as soon as I could find a replacement.
Myself, the developer mentioned in the video, and a few other members of the YBA team hopped in a group chat, and they tried to give me any information they could about assets that may belong to them, I developed a search algorithm and found that the majority shown in the video were actually the same 5 or 6 particle emitters, however they were just recoloured. I’ll be removing them ASAP.
Alot of the assets belonging to YBA were not taken by us, a developer (who I’m not going to name as they will just get hate) had clearly stolen YBA assets, and then sold them to us without our knowledge of them being stolen.
However, as kur admitted in that group chat, he did copy the properties of some of emitters he knew were stolen from YBA. I’m not going to defend that action, as I personally don’t agree with it.
However, kur admitted this to the YBA team, and we agreed we’d pay them in full for the assets he had copied, and we would remove them from the game. They were happy with this, and we agreed to discuss it further today as it was getting rather late for all of us. We agreed not to make a public fuss out of the scenario, as that’s not beneficial to anyone in this scenario, and we’d agreed to all the terms they’d proposed.
Uzu was obviously told about this, and posted his ping, inciting people to report AUT for exploiting, to my knowledge, kur nor any of the current AUT developers have ever used an exploit client on YBA, however, by association I understand Uzu’s reasoning.
My own personal opinion, is that this was a disproportionate response, and that if the offending game had been anything other than AUT (YBA’s current biggest rival) there would have been no announcement about it, and this could have been something sorted very easily. I also do find fault with the fact that this whole situation started with someone using exploit clients on our game, and yet Uzu has asked the YBA discord to report us for the very same thing, but I can understand his reasoning, and I’m not going to act as though Kur is innocent.
We’re obviously still going to the agreed compensation to the YBA developers, remove their assets from AUT, and I don’t intend on commenting any further on this situation, as I believe it’s been resolved.
Thanks for reading.
2. TLDR;
Kur used assets that were stolen from YBA, he knew they were stolen, the developers will receive the compensation they agreed to.
No further replies on this message.
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