Как купить tell me why в россии
1 июня в Steam и Microsoft Store стартовала раздача эпизодической игры Tell Me Why, которую разработала студия Dontnod, известная по Life is Strange, Remember Me и Vampyr.
В 2020 году стало известно, что игра больше недоступна в некоторых регионах Steam и Microsoft Store, включая Россию и Украину — причина такого решения неизвестна до сих пор. И если в случае с магазином Microsoft сменить регион довольно легко, то с онлайн-магазином Valve могут возникнуть некоторые трудности.
Тем не менее, в обсуждениях Steam появился действенный способ с описанием того, как можно забрать Steam-версию Tell Me Why даже в тех регионах, где она недоступна.
- Выходим из клиента Steam и включаем VPN той страны, где игра доступна (я выбрал США)
- Добавляем в корзину любую игру/программу/саундтрек и в окне покупки меняем валюту
- Ищем в магазине Tell Me Why, переходим на страницу игры и забираем её
- Вы восхитительны!
Примечание: в игре недоступен русский язык, но есть возможность установить русификатор.
Не рекомендую 13.1 ч. всего They had me in the first half, not gonna lie.I am no stranger to interactive movies masquerading as games, like TellTale's The Walking Dead, for example. These games bank on their stories, characters, and the world to engross the player and deliver an enjoyable experience. But we also saw some much-needed innovation to the gameplay. Detroit Become Human, Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, all of them have constant uncertainty whether a single "wrong" choice or late button press could mean a swift end to one of the protagonists.
So does Tell Me Why bring something new to the table? No, it does not. It's a pretty generic story-driven game with some okayish bits. The mystery surrounding the events that unfolded on that faithful night and Mary-Ann's life did push me to play and see how all of this would resolve, and I liked how Michael and the edgy lone wolf, Tyler, were written. Both are part of the LGBTQ+ community, but neither has their sexual orientation or gender as their defining character trait, nor is Tyler's transition to a transgender man used as the only focal point of the story. It is integral to the plot, but it's also just another piece to the puzzle, called "The life of the Ronans". So props to the writers for creating compelling and believable characters in these two. The others. Well, they could've used some of that love as well. They weren't bad, but I found them lacking, as they mostly filled a specific stereotype so the story could progress further. None of their actions left me surprised, nor did I care for them. But, the only one that really disappointed me was Alyson. I can't put my finger on it, but she was just plain, uninteresting, and I never enjoyed playing as her.
But this is where our, mostly, happy train ride ends.
Sv. Prolivije did not like that!Let's start with the interactions between the twins, Alyson and Tyler. It felt fake and forced. I never got a feeling they were close nor cared for one another, as they so often claimed. They felt more like stage actors who took this gig for a quick buck. It's also absurd how much they fight and how quickly they forgive one another. It's as if it was purposefully written like this, just to create some fake tension and drama between the two.
Now, onto the "amazing" bond system between the siblings. It's either deepened by being nice to everyone or worsened by being an arse, justified or not. And this just did not work for me, for the simple fact that some people really did deserve the arse reaction. So instead of telling someone off, who lied and betrayed your trust, you should be nice to them, so you don't hurt your sibling's feelings or something.
But what does it matter when your choices won't affect the ending? Sorry, I should rephrase that - But what does it matter when only two choices in the entire game, both in chapter 3, influence the ending? Expanding further would require heavy spoilers, so I'd rather not go into too much detail. Just know, each of the two scenarios in chapter 3 that determine what ending you get will offer you two choices - one makes sense and fits the story, the other doesn't. Simple. This pretty much made the "twins bond" stuff irrelevant. But so are all the choices leading up to this chapter. So do feel free to be an arse when the time is right, without fearing that you will get a bad ending or something.
Speaking of bad endings, remember Mass Effect 3 and its awesome endings (Red ending is finally canon! Woooo!!)? Well, the endings to our heroes journey are basically that - just two differently coloured endings. The final chapter felt like it was on rails, with poor pacing compared to the previous parts. But oh boy, is the story riddled with plot holes and conveniences just so the story can happen. Shakespeare who?
There was one scene where I thought the story would take a more supernatural turn. Maybe the twins, constantly using their "voice", a form of telepathic communication between the two, somehow manifested the menacing Mad Hunter from their stories, and he had a hand in all of this. But nope. Instead, the more boring prediction came true. Now, I'm a little sad my silly supernatural thingy wasn't the correct one.
Anyway, let's wrap this up. The last part is the gameplay. While I don't judge the gameplay of story-driven games too harshly, Tell Me Why feels outdated. Even TellTales The Walking Dead: The Final Season had other forms of player interaction besides simply walking around and pressing A. You got to shoot and use traps to kill zombies. Here, you walk, press A to hear pointless dialogue or watch short memories from the twins' past, then press A some more until a cutscene triggers and repeat. On occasion, there is a puzzle or two, but they were a nuisance; The solutions were simple, yet the process of finding them was tedious. You have to scour a book the twins have from their childhood and find clues hidden within its stories. Thankfully, you can also pry any lock, as there is always something lying around that will help you do that. So props for the self-awareness about the quality of your puzzles, Dontnod.
And lastly, there are no quick-time events, time-limited or button-mashing sections, and during dialogue that affects the story, you have all the time in the world to decide your answer. However, a constant sense of urgency looms over the game's story for some reason. The twins MUST sell their hours and move away from their hometown as soon as possible. Why? So the story can happen of course! It's just poor writing, done to create an artificial sense of urgency in the player. And it's clear since the gameplay lets you dillydally all you want without any repercussions.
In the end, I felt like I wasted my time playing this game. I liked some characters and the mystery surrounding Mary-Ann and her life, but once all of the pieces were in place, the payoff was underwhelming and definitely not worth the wait. Pair it with tedious gameplay, used only to prolong the game's runtime, and you have yourself a perfect recipe for a "masterpiece" of a game.
Also, how are you gonna call your game Tell Me Why and not include a single kart racing easter egg or collectable? For shame Dontnod, for shame!
Началась раздача игры Tell Me Why, её можно бесплатно забрать до 1 июля 2021.
К сожалению данная игра не доступна для покупки в России, но всё же есть возможность, добавить её к себе на аккаунт.
Для этого можно воспользоваться браузером Opera, он со встроенным VPN. Устанавливаем браузер, в настройках включаем VPN, выбираем страну Америка. Далее заходим в Steam профиль, через браузер Opera. В магазине кидаем любую игру в корзину (не Tell Me Why), заходим в корзину, над игрой в корзине будет вкладка страна, в ней меняем рубли на доллары, подтверждаем что мы из США. Далее заходим уже на страницу игры Tell Me Why и добавляем её к себе на аккаунт. И под конец снова заходим в корзину и меняем доллары на рубли, подтверждаем что мы из России. Выходим из Steam профиля, отключаем VPN. Игра на аккаунте, все счастливы.
Если вы уже ранее, до этой раздачи, забирали первый эпизод и у вас не появляется второй и третий, просто удалите игру с аккаунта. Заходим в библиотеку, кликаем по игре Tell Me Why, выбираем раздел поддержка, далее пункт меню: Я хочу навсегда удалить эту игру со своего аккаунта, подтверждаем удаление. После удаления игры с аккаунта, снова забираем её способом описанным выше.
Данный способ скорее всего подходит и для других стран, в которых данная игра не доступна для покупки. Экспериментируйте.
В России запретили VPN в браузере Opera. Есть способ его вернуть при помощи возни в корневых папках браузера, но можно поступить проще. Достаточно скачать VPN расширение для браузера. В браузере кликаем по меню, расширения, загрузить расширения, в поиске вводим Browsec, устанавливаем его и включаем, дальше делаем всё то что описано выше.
И под конец совет, не относящийся к данной игре. Чтобы в дальнейшем не возникало проблем с доступом к разнообразным сайтам, не доступным на территории нашей страны, рекомендую скачать расширение для браузера: Обход блокировок Рунета. Установили его и забыли об VPN, все закрытые сайты начнут открываться. Данное расширение есть почти для всех браузеров: Chrome, Firefox, Opera. Для того чтобы поставить его в Opera, нужно для начало установить расширение, которое позволяет устанавливать расширения из браузера Chrome. Название расширения для браузера Opera: Install Chrome Extensions. Всё достаточно просто.
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