Just escape прохождение
Purchase hints if you need help, and it will give you tips and answers which items to be pick or how to solve the puzzle logic. Your mission is to escape and clear every puzzle room, enjoy the beautiful view and graphics of this just escape game. Currently there are 12 free stages : 7 medieval + 5 futuristic and 9 room that you can unlock by purchase : 4 medival + 5 futuristic.
Just Escape Cheats
Just Escape Medieval Level 1 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 2 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 3 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 4 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 5 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 6 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 7 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 8 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 9 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 10 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 11 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 1 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 2 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 3 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 4 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 5 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 6 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 7 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 8 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 9 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 10 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 1 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 2 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 3 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 4 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 5 Walkthrough
Incoming search terms:
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- just escape level 2
- just escape futuristic room 5
- just escape Lösung
- just escape прохождение
- just escape a room escape game
- just escape hints
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- just escape game
- cheats for just escape game
Just Escape Futuristic Room 5 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find hints on the abandoned space station to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape futuristic level 5 video cheat guide :
just escape futuristic room 5 solutions :
pick up a blue screwdriver on bottom left
get a wire on top right pipe
tap the bottom right panel, use the screwdriver to remove 4 screws open
tap the right switch to turn on the light bulb, get a pliers
tap the left switch and pick up the light bulb
combine the pliers + wire together, then combine the wire with light bulb
tap the left panel, get a battery
combine the bulb + battery
tap the left circle panel
open it and get a paper on the 2nd circle
inspect the crumpled paper for clue numbers :
0 green
+1 orange
-1 red
-2 yellow
+2 purple
Incoming search terms:
- just escape futuristic
- just escape futuristic level 5
- just escape futuristic 5
- futuristic room 5
- just escape level 5 futuristic
Just Escape Futuristic Room 4 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find hints on the abandoned space station to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape futuristic level 4 video cheat guide :
just escape futuristic room 4 solutions :
open the right middle locker for 2 keycard and pen, now open the right locker for copper wire
tap the left monitor and change the red bulb into green
look on the sewer, you can see a key.. now create a magnet to reach it
combine pen + copper wire together, then add the battery
use the combined item to get the key
use the key to open the 1st locker on the right
open it and get a green keycard
dismantle the green keycard, and use it on the monitor card slot
enter 0529
now add red keycard on the slot
solve the hanoi tower puzzle to move the block from left to the right with the same order of width
when you finish, the door will open and you can continue for just escape level 5
Incoming search terms:
- Just escape futuristic level 4
- just escape level 4
- just escape futuristic level 2
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- just escape futuristic 4
- just escape room 3 futuristic
- Just Escape Futuristic Room 4 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Room 3 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find hints on the abandoned space station to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape futuristic level 3 video cheat guide :
Incoming search terms:
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- just escape futuristic level 3
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- just escape walkthrough futuristic
- Just escape futuristic 3
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- just escape room 5 futuristic
Just Escape Futuristic Room 2 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find hints on the abandoned space station to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape futuristic level 2 video cheat guide :
Incoming search terms:
- just escape futuristic room 2
- just escape futuristic 2
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- just escape room 2 futuristic
Just Escape Futuristic Room 1 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find hints on the abandoned space station to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape futuristic level 1 video cheat guide :
just escape futuristic room 1 solutions :
tap the front floor tile and get a wire
open the right middle locker, pick up a screwdriver and the right locker for pliers
tap the left panel screen
use the screwdriver to remove 4 screws and open the panel
comine the pliers and wire and use the wire to connect the panel
select the screws for each wire end
tap the lever at bottom right
Incoming search terms:
- just escape futuristic room 1
- just escape futuristic level 1
- just escape room 1 futuristic
- just escape futuristic 1
- solution just escape
- just escape room 1
- just escape level 1
Just Escape Medieval Room 7 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find clues on the medieval castle to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape medieval level 7 video cheat guide :
just escape medieval room 7 solutions :
there are 4 axe holder on the wall, so find some axe on this room :
floor : on left side, on right side
left wall : 2 on shield
2 under the left hays
1 behind left barrel
1 on right box
use one of the axe to break the right box for axe
Incoming search terms:
- just escape
- just escape room 7
- just escape level 7
- just escape 7
- just escape room 7 walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Room 6 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find clues on the medieval castle to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape medieval level 6 video cheat guide :
just escape medieval room 6 solutions :
pick up these items to inventory :
ladder on left side of the door
broom on right side of the door
cloth on the left table
get 2 tiles on left wall and 2 tile on right wall that have different colors
you need to use ladder to get 1 tile on right side
use the cloth on the left bowl on table, now combine the cloth on each tiles to clean and you will see a different pattern
Incoming search terms:
- just escape level 6
- just escape room 6
- just escape level 6 walkthrough
- room escape 6
- room escape 6 walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Room 5 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find clues on the medieval castle to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape medieval level 5 video cheat guide :
Incoming search terms:
- just escape room 5
- just escape level 5
- just escape cheats
- just escape 5
- just escape 2
- just escape room 5 walkthrough
- just escape walkthrough level 5
Just Escape Medieval Room 4 Walkthrough Cheats how to solve puzzles and find clues on the medieval castle to unlock the door and Just Escape the room
Just Escape a room escape game by Inertia Software
just escape medieval level 4 video cheat guide :
just escape medieval room 4 solutions :
pick up a silver shield under the table on left
get a book and hammer on bookshelf, open the drawer for 2 shield
get the red shield on top of the bookshelf
get the yelow + green shield on left side of the bookshelf next to the broom
inspect the book inside inventory for a tool and hint : 396
dismantle the book
use the hammer to break the right vase and pick up a red + white shield
combine the hammer + tool together inside inventory
use the combined item on the floor tile with cracks to get 2 shields
tap the flag on right wall to reveal a hole
use the combined item on the hole for red + blue shield
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Используйте новый элемент кремня на камине.
Возьмите свечу на баррели в правой стороне комнаты. Используйте свечу на огне.
Используйте зажженную свечу на свечи рядом с рыцарем.
Поднимите рог. Возьмите меч на щите. Поднимите топор выше камина. Возьмите рог в вашем инвентаре. Снимите медальон. Осмотрите сложенный лист бумаги.
Нажмите на ведро в передней части грудной клетки, чтобы переместить его. Используйте топор, чтобы разбить. Возьмите золото.
Поставьте золото в руку рыцаря, а затем возьмите копье.
Посмотрите на огонь. Используйте рог с водой на нем, чтобы погасить его.
Используйте копье на барреле в углу и вода будет просачиваться в кастрюлю. Используйте рог на сковороде, чтобы получить воду.
Посмотрите на огонь. Используйте рог с водой на нем, чтобы погасить его.
Используйте тунику чтобы взять ключ.
Посмотрите на четыре щита в комнате. Найдите картину, которая отличается от остальных, и измените цвета и рисунки за ним (слева направо).
Синяя диагональная полоска
Красная вертикальная полоса, синяя вертикальная полоса
Синяя диагональная полоска, насыщенный красный, Красная вертикальная полоса, синяя вертикальная полоса
Читать прохождение Just Escape Medieval, следующие уровни (здесь)
Привет пользователи сайта. Сегодня я буду показывать вам прохождение Just Escape Futuristic и вы узнаете как пройти Just Escape Futuristic с 1 по 3 уровень. Вступайте в наши группы, ставьте лайки и пишите комментарии!
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Нажмите панель на левой стороне. Используйте отвертку, чтобы удалить винты и открыть её. Поместите провод внутри. Используйте винты, чтобы закрепить провод на месте. Нажмите красный рычаг.
Нажмите синюю панель. Измените направление линий на каждом темном круге, так, чтобы все небольшие круговые огни включить. Нажмите мигающий экран.
Откройте решетку на землю и заберите предмет внутри.
Посмотрите на трубу (в правом верхнем углу комнаты) и забрать размещенный там предмет.
Посмотрите на трубу (вверху слева) и заберите предмет.
Откройте круглый контейнер торчащий из левой стены и заберите найденный предмет.
Нажмите экран рядом с дверью и заберите предмет.
Нажмите правую стену с отверстиями в ней. Поместите драгоценные камни в маленькие отверстия. Перетащите драгоценные камни в правильные места, так, чтобы лазер попадал в концы (см. скриншот).
Нажмите экран рядом с дверью.
Посмотрите в телескоп. Переход от 0 до 1. Отрегулируйте ручку от 1 до 5 (использовать ручку вправо, чтобы настроить фокус). Запомнить внутренний цвет и внешний цвет и каждый номер. Помните количество звезд.
1 = синий внутри, красный снаружи, 5 звезд
2 = желтый внутри, фиолетовый снаружи, 4 звезды
3 = зеленый внутри, желтый снаружи, 1 звезда
4 = красный внутри, синий снаружи, 3 звезды
5 = фиолетовый внутри, зеленый снаружи, 6 звезд
Нажмите экран рядом с дверью. Отрегулируйте правую цветную полосу, чтобы увидеть соответствующие числа.
Нажмите флажок и он будет мигать.
Читать прохождение Just Escape Futuristic, следующие уровни (здесь)
Purchase hints if you need help, and it will give you tips and answers which items to be pick or how to solve the puzzle logic. Your mission is to escape and clear every puzzle room, enjoy the beautiful view and graphics of this just escape game. Currently there are 12 free stages : 7 medieval + 5 futuristic and 9 room that you can unlock by purchase : 4 medival + 5 futuristic.
Just Escape Cheats
Just Escape Medieval Level 1 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 2 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 3 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 4 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 5 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 6 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 7 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 8 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 9 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 10 Walkthrough
Just Escape Medieval Level 11 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 1 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 2 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 3 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 4 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 5 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 6 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 7 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 8 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 9 Walkthrough
Just Escape Futuristic Level 10 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 1 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 2 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 3 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 4 Walkthrough
Just Escape Motel Level 5 Walkthrough
Incoming search terms:
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- just escape level 2
- just escape futuristic room 5
- just escape Lösung
- just escape прохождение
- just escape a room escape game
- just escape hints
- walkthrough for just escape
- just escape game
- cheats for just escape game
This entry was posted in just escape and tagged Just Escape Cheats on May 23, 2014 by 100doorssolution .
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