Immersive taming ark гайд
Immersive Taming Mod is a game modification (mod) used on PTC's Ark (Ragnarok map) server because it allows you to tame a dino without drugging them and tapping your foot and looking at your watch until it wakes up as your new best friend. As far as the functionality goes, it's not unlike a mashup of classic taming with less violence and rearing baby dinos in a hatchery without any starvation risks.
Features [ ]
This one is complex, so see the official mod page on Steam for full details. Watching some videos should help demystify the process or you can try it out with a fun, easy tame like a dodo.
Immersive Taming offers an alternative to Ark's vanilla taming methods, by allowing creatures to be tamed through in game actions vs traditional inventory items and timers.
As taming increases, so does the creature's trust in you. Even the most hostile creatures will eventually start to consider you a friend. They may start following you around, wanting care or fed a fresh corpse, and may even protect you in battle!
- Target Prevention - 25%
- Hand and Corpse Feeding - 35%
- Following - 45%
- Caring - 55%
- Gifting - 65%
- Species Target Prevention - 75%
- Protection - 85%
- Feeding bait to the dino - Hand feeding offers a configurable bonus as opposed to the dino eating it from the ground. Eating also heals the dino for a small amount. Hand feeding requires baits to be in the last item slot of the hotbar.
- Corpse feeding - Dinos will only eat a corpse if it offers resources that the Dino would eat once harvested. Grants affinity dependant on creature size, with smaller creatures providing the affinity of Raw Meat all the way up to the largest creatures providing the affinity of Mutton.
- Petting the dino - Has a short interval between each pet and grants a small taming increase.
- Caring for the dino - Can be cared for once the dino arrives at the player when following. Caring also heals the dino for a small amount (slightly more than feeding).
- Attacking the dino's target - Damage to the dino's target is converted to affinity, and increases taming progress.
- Protecting the dino from attackers - Damage to dinos that have targeted the dino being tamed is converted to affinity, and increases taming progress.
- Killing the dino's target - Damage is converted to affinity with a 20% bonus, and increases taming progress.
- The dino protecting you - Small taming increases are granted when the dino protects you from an attacker.
Additional features, many of which can be edited via the Taming Customizer Menu -
- UI messages display the progress of the tame, with yellow text indicating taming milestones and blue indicating affinity increases.
- If taming the leader of a pack, all its followers will also be tamed.
- The chance of a gift increases with taming progress. Gifts may be presented when the dino is cared for and the items are unique to the specific dino being tamed.
- Due to the developed bond, taming always results in a perfect tame (Can be disabled via menu).
- Completing a tame using the mod rewards Taming XP equal to Kill XP.
- Option for taming to commence through combat events in the wild.
- Options to use Taming Ineffectiveness and Imprinting
- Configurable bait affinity values, which allow players or server hosts to fully customize each item.
Baits are crafted in their respective crafting station, which can be unlocked from the Engram screen. Simply throw a bait by using it once it's on your hotbar, or shoot a bait arrow from a bow, crossbow or compound bow. By default, bait attraction is determined by if the Dino would normally eat the food item when tamed, as opposed to its vanilla taming item preferences. In addition, taming can also commence on some creatures by saving their life in the wild.
The more powerful creatures of the Ark will need to be bested in battle before they will consider you worthy to befriend. To do this, display your worth as a hunter by presenting a trophy bait. Doing so will initiate a battle! Once you have shown your prowess, these Combat Tamed creature can be tamed as normal with the mod's other activities.
With the exception of Combat Tames, Dinos will need to be have no aggro in order to be attracted to a bait or be petted or cared for.
Prior to taming, blood samples can be obtained by shooting creatures with blood vial darts. Once retrieved, the sample can be analyzed at the chemistry bench. Doing so allows you to see the creature's wild stats, providing you some intel before deciding if the creature is worth the time and resources. Much like humans, dinos don't like needles, and will aggro once hit.
While taming, ensure not to harm the creature or any of its nearby allies (excluding combat tame battles). Doing so will grant a short de-buff to taming progress, in addition to negatively impacting taming effectiveness and imprinting. Damaging the creature for an extended period will break the trust and end the tame, resetting progress and resulting in a short cooldown before it can be tamed again.
* By default, some species with strict diets have been manually added to certain baits. See this thread for more info.
* You can also edit bait preferences to your own liking, using the Taming Customizer Menu. Allows you to create custom food chains and kibble trees, along with per creature tweaks. See this thread for more info.
Q) Why can't I craft X bait?
A) Likely down to a stacking mod. See this thread for more info.
Q) Can I tame X creature?
A) By default, If the creature can be tamed in the regular game either through normal methods, or being raised from an egg, then yes. See this thread for more info.
Q) Does this work with X mod?
A) The mod uses the game's buff system as opposed to remapping dino classes, so it's clean and stackable and should work with most mods and modded creatures. However, if another mod alters taming in any way, it could conflict. Total conversions also depend on how much they've altered.
Q) Does this replace regular taming methods?
A) The mod offers a alternative to regular taming. All dinos can be still be tamed their normal way, but the mod allows an option to disable vanilla taming.
Q) It's too easy/ too fast / too X. Is it customizable in any way?
A) There's various options to tweak the mod to fit your playstyle, including excluding certain dinos, custom bait preferences and adding a KO requirement for certain creatures. These options are accessed via the in game Taming Customizer Menu. See this thread for more info.
Q) What happens if I remove the mod?
A) Any dinos tamed via the mod will remain in your game.
Иммёрсив тэминг – альтернатива стандартному приручению существ, которая добавляет интереса и разнообразия в него, в то же время не лишая вас возможности приручать дино так, как вы привыкли.
Преимущества мода:
— Очки характеристик, вложенные у диких дино в скорость, а значит, потраченные впустую, будут случайно распределены по остальным параметрам. У существ без кислорода (летуны и водные дино) будет перераспределён и он.
— Делает возможным приручение виверн, дрейков, магмазавров.
— Более быстрое и эффективное приручение по сравнению с ванильным.
Для приручения существ с помощью этого мода вам понадобятся:
Taming Journal – Внутриигровой гайд, в котором у каждого дино есть своя страница, где написано, как и чем его приручать.
Food Bait Station – Верстак для изготовления простых приманок из ягод, мяса и овощей.
Kibble Bait Station – Верстак для изготовления приманок из кормов, которые работают наиболее эффективно.
Trophy Bait Station – Крупные хищники захотят сразиться с вами, чтобы посмотреть, чего вы стоите! С помощью этого верстака вы сможете изготовлять трофейные приманки и вызывать их на бой.
Как это работает:
Для начала ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО сделайте Taming Journal и посмотрите, как и чем приручается динозавр. Обратите внимание на:
Разместите приманку на 0 слоте и используйте рядом с динозавром, которого хотите приручить, чтобы выбросить перед собой. Когда он её заметит, немедленно направится к ней, если не будет атакован или заагрен на другое существо. Для приручения агрессивных дино вам понадобятся приманки на стрелах, чтобы не потревожить их, подойдя слишком близко. После того, как существо съест приманку, начнётся процесс приручения.
Хищники всё равно нападут на вас – об этом говорит красное свечение, появляющееся с началом приручения. Издалека подкармливайте их, пока приручение не достигнет 25% - тогда они перестанут быть агрессивными, и свечение сменится на синее, а после 35% начнут вам доверять, и вы сможете кормить их с рук на Е.
При достижении 45% динозавр станет следовать за вами.
После 55% вместо обычного кормления вы иногда сможете проявить заботу о существе (care), после 65% при заботе дино в ответ может подарить немного ресурсов: травоед подарит ягоды, хищник – шерсть или кожу, а самка виверны – молоко.
На 85% - существо будет защищать от внешних угроз не только себя, но и вас.
Если дино должен быть вызван на бой:
Создайте подходящую трофейную приманку и разместите её на быстрый слот. Используйте рядом с существом, чтобы бросить её.
Он немедленно прекратит все свои занятия и направится к приманке, после чего будет заагрен на вас. Будьте осторожны, в этом состоянии существо наносит повышенный урон (+33%) и получает на 20% меньше урона! Вам нужно бить его любым оружием или кусать своим дино и сбить 50% здоровья, но если динозавр не сможет бить и кусать вас в ответ, то решит, что бой проходит нечестно, и приручаться не будет, а может вообще начать убегать и не будет с вами сражаться. Например, если вы будете стрелять в него со скалы или кусать летающим существом, быстро пролетая мимо.
По мере нанесения урона будет заполняться шкала прогресса. После её заполнения у дино будет 25% приручения, он станет нейтрален к вам, и вы сможете приручать его, кормя обычными приманками сначала с земли, а потом с рук.
Интересные факты:
— Шанс получить подарок при заботе увеличивается с прогрессом приручения.
— Завершение приручения с использованием мода дает опыт, равный опыту за убийство.
— НИ В КОЕМ СЛУЧАЕ не бейте сородичей приручаемого существа или его самого (если только не идёт бой), иначе он обидится и потеряет эффективность, а вам придётся успокаивать его на Е. Хотя я рекомендую в случае, если это всё же произошло, побить его ещё, чтобы приручение сбросилось, и можно было начать сначала со 100% эффективности.
Хотите присоединиться к обсуждению? Для этого нужно войти или создать аккаунт. Дата создания: 5 мая. 2018 в 17:20 Другие обсуждения 109 468 5 13 Тема закреплена. Скорее всего, здесь есть важная информация. [Разработчик] 5 мая. 2018 в 17:20 Immersive Taming Customization Immersive Taming CustomizationThe Dino list is populated on map load and again on an interval as set in the World Scan Interval field. Both the world's spawners and the world itself are searched for tameable creatures.
Updated settings are not retroactive. Edits will only affect any new creatures that start being Immersive Tamed.
Immersive Taming Settings can be edited via -
1) Console Commands - SP and Local Host only.
admincheat ScriptCommand ITSettings - Opens the Immersive Taming settings menu
admincheat ScriptCommand ITUpdate - Checks the world for new dinos.
admincheat ScriptCommand ITReset - Resets Immersive Taming settings to default, and repopulates default bait preferences.
2) Taming Journal - Any session type if a server admin.
Accessed via the radial menu. Options to review, edit, update and reset Immersive Taming settings.
The Taming Journal also allows non admins to see the current Immersive Taming settings. This is helpful for servers that use custom setups.
All of the following information can be reviewed in the Help tab or tooltips of the menu itself.
Save files can be found under -
Save files allow settings to be easily shared between players or clusters.
Some setups that that have already been created can be found in this thread.
Main SettingsImmersive Taming Speed Multiplier
Overall speed multipler. Multiplies alongside TamingSpeedMultiplier. Higher values mean more taming progress is gained for each action performed.
Hand Feeding Efficiency
Sets the affinity effectiveness of baits when hand feeding (1.15 = 115%).
Immersive Feeding Interval Multiplier
Overall time interval for all bait and corpse feeding. Higher values mean it will take longer for creatures to become hungry again.
Immersive Activity Interval Multiplier
Overall time interval for petting, following and caring. Higher values mean it will take longer for creatures to carry out these actions again.
World Scan Interval
Sets the length of time in seconds between searches for new creatures to add to the Dino List.
Enable Immersive Only
Disables vanilla sleeping and passive taming, and enables Immersive Taming to be the only method of taming creatures on the Ark. Some creatures with unique vanilla taming methods may still be able to be tamed their regular way. One example being the Hyaenodon.
Enable Protection Initiates Tame
Enables the option to allow Immersive Taming to commence through combat events in the wild. Will only commence on non-KO and non-Combat Tame creatures, and only during certain situations.
Enable Taming XP
Enables an option to grant XP upon taming completion.
Enable Dino Gifts
Enables an option for the chance of a dino to present a gift when cared for.
Enable Pack Taming
Enables the option for automatic taming of followers when taming a pack leader.
Enable Taming Glow
Enables the glowing effect for creatures being Immersive Tamed. Changes depending on the hostility of the creature.
Enable Taming Ineffectiveness
Enables taming ineffectiveness when Immersive Taming. Effectiveness decreases on each each non hand feeding, and if you damage the creature.
Redistribute Wasted Stats
Redistributes unused wild stat points upon taming completion, specifically movement speed and oxygen on creatures that cannot suffocate.
Enable Journal Tame Tracking
Allows tamed species to be tracked using the Taming Journal.
Enable Baits From Flyers
Allows baits to be dropped while riding a flying creature that is currently in the air.
Enable Baits From Non Weaponry Dinos
Allows baits to be dropped while riding a creature that prevents the player from equipping weapons (excluding flyers).
Enable Combat Health Bar
Displays a progress bar during the battle portion of a Combat Tame.
Combat Damage Requirement
Overall percentage of health that is required to be depleted to prove your worth to a combat tame (0.5 = 50%).
Combat Damage Multiplier
Damage multiplier creatures will receive during the battle section of a combat tame (1.2 = 120%).
Combat Damage Receive Multiplier
Damage receive multiplier creatures will receive during the battle section of a combat tame. (0.8 = 80%).
Combat Speed Multiplier
Speed multiplier creatures will receive during the battle section of a combat tame (1.2 = 120%).
Enable Taming Imprinting
Enables the option to allow imprinting increases through Immersive Taming actions.
Imprinting Speed Multiplier
Sets the speed imprinting quality increases through in game actions.
Max Imprinting Percent
Sets the max imprinting amount from Immersive Taming actions (0.25 = 25%)
Enable HUD Notifications
Enables HUD messages that display Immersive Taming activities and milestones.
HUD Notification Duration
Sets the duration that Immersive Taming HUD messages will be displayed for.
Bait Affinity Overrides
Allows affinity values to be tweaked on a per bait basis. Useful if you'd prefer to distinguish more of a quality gap between certain baits. Numerical values display bait quantity requirements for the currently selected creature in the Dino List. Useful for players or server admins for fine tweaking specific creatures. Default bait affinity values mirror vanilla, with the exception of one or two creatures.
Allow Immersive Taming
Enables this creature to be able to be Immersive Tamed.
Exclude From Immersive Taming Only
If Immersive Taming Only is enabled, allows this creature to be able to be tamed using its default methods.
Survivor Level Requirement
Sets a level requirement a player must be to be able to Immersive Tame this creature.
Require KO
Enables an option to require this creature to be knocked out before being attracted to a bait. If enabled, you don't need to wait for the creature to wake up. Baits will awaken the dino.
Require Combat
Enables an option to require this creature to be challenged in battle before accepting baits. If enabled, ensure to scroll down and select a desired trophy bait for the creature to be attracted to.
Use Combat Stat Adjustments
Enables stat modifiers for this creature during the battle section of a combat tame. Values are set in the Main Settings.
Hide In Journal
Hides this creature from the Taming Journal.
Feeding Affinity Multiplier
Creature specific food affinity multiplier. Multiplies alongside ImmersiveTamingSpeedMultiplier and TamingSpeedMultiplier. Higher values mean more taming progress is gained for food related activites.
Feeding Interval Multiplier
Creature specific food interval multiplier. Multiplies alongside ImmersiveFeedingIntervalMultiplier. Higher values mean it will take longer for this creature to become hungry again.
Activity Affinity Multiplier
Creature specific activity affinity multiplier. Multiplies alongside ImmersiveTamingSpeedMultiplier and TamingSpeedMultiplier. Higher values mean more taming progress is gained for non-food related activites.
Activity Interval Multiplier
Creature specific activity interval multiplier. Multiplies alongside ImmersiveActivityIntervalMultiplier. Higher values mean it will take longer for creatures to be able to be petted, cared for or follow again.
Normalize Wild Levels
Normalizes the level at which this creature spawns to be the standard 1-30 multiplied by difficulty. Can be used to balance some creatures that would normally spawn at a higher or lower level.
Use Custom Offset
Enables the use of a custom distance offset for this specific creature. Used to determine if a creature is in range of a bait or player. Useful for modded or resized creatures.
Custom Offset
The value of this creature's custom offset. Is measured in unreal units (1 unit = 1cm).
Must be entered in the GameUserSettings.ini, under the [ImmersiveTamingSettings] header. You'll need to add the header if it's not already there.
Changes the number of items slots bait crafting stations have.
Sets the minimum age a dino has to be in order to be Immersive Tamed.
Sets the maximum age a dino has to be in order to be Immersive Tamed.
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