Idol manager гайд
Цитата VisualNoble ( )
Выглядит-то оно симпатично, но вы материалы по теме изучали, или это игра по мотивам?
Сначала подумал "Так, а почему все выглядит так организованно и симпатично?". Потом посмотрел твиттеры и увидел, что в команде 1 русский и он программист. Залог успеха, как говорится.
P.S. И нет, залог успеха не в русском программисте. :)
Ну эй, так-то кроме спрайтов всё русский программист делал D:
Это была ирония с моей стороны, так-то я не сомневаюсь, что ты свою часть работы в проекте выполняешь как надо. Я тут имею в виду организацию, которая несвойственна нашим любителям, да что уж, и профессионалам. С первого взгляда виден совершенно другой уровень подхода к делу. Тут тебе и правильный выбор темы - игра на интересах западных отаку, а следовательно успешнейший кикстартер. Здесь тебе текст сразу на английском, то есть никто как бы не будет плеваться, читая его, тут тебе войсоверы от самых заезженных уже артисток на Западе (если, конечно, я правильно узнал, иначе все американки, косящие под "онеме", звучат одинаково). Короче, игра с нормальным бизнес-планом и грамотной организацеий. Нашим поделиям еще до такого расти и расти.
Разве что сам в эту игру я бы играть не стал, потому что все эти аниме-симы, повылезавшие после успеха Ханипопа, не блещут ни глубиной, ни оригинальностью, обычно. Но да, бабок вы уже заработали, и заработаете еще больше, а это главное.
Цитата sadambober ( )
Я говорю, скорее, о том, знает ли кто-то из вас о том, как оно работает, что бы, собственно, об этом писать? Будет не очень кошерно, если окажется, что это симулятор "Тату".
- Removing an idol from a room won't disable the auto practice setting in this room. However, the idol that you removed won't get picked up for any auto practice for 1 minute.
- Fixed: Idol salary getting stuck at ¥1,000 when using +/- buttons
- Fixed: Popup for manually changing idol salary not displaying any text in Japanese and Chinese versions
- Fixed: Idols that work in a cafe could show up in multiple rooms at the same time
- You can now create custom auditions. Use this dialogue effect (available in the latest version of the editor):
Meta -> Custom Audition -> IDs of unique idols separated with spaces (at least one idol, up to five)
You can check how it works in the updated Unique Idol Example Mod
Idol Manager
Bug Reports
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Debt simulator; is it actually fun yet?
So have the devs fixed the game yet or is crippling debt practically inevitable?
9 окт в 17:07
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[Steam] Idol Manager - Preview with Nyanco Channel
Idol Manager Achievement Guide! 100% Achievements
Hello there and welcome! This is an achievement guide for Idol Manager. I tried to make it as organized and detailed as possible. Hopefully it is an easy guide to follow and you'll be able to finish your achievements asap. I was able to complete my achie.
An explanation of age-based stat changes
Is your 14-year-old idol seemingly incapable of becoming more "Cool?" Are you flummoxed by idols constantly losing massive amounts of Cuteness every time they get older? Here's a full explanation of how idol stats actually work and how they're affected by.
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That moment when you find out that you were playing for 10 hours nonstop. It gets you, getting better and better. The management is ok, a bit difficult at first but ultra easy in late game. You should check Workshop for some characters you know, so it becomes a little more interesting.
Some sounds and music can be repetitive, but it's not a game where you actually need to hear that much. Actually, it's cooler when you play your favorite music with it.
The normal difficulty is a bit challenging at start, but the late game is extra easy (and a bit boring) if you do things well. So I'd recommend playing it on hard and take the risk, good luck.
What surprised me the most, is the story, I wasn't expecting much of it here but I loved it. You should play and get all the endings, they're all great and filled with twists and surprises.
Will you create a perfect business group with a billion yen monthly income, or a world changing group that challenges every standard in the idol industry?
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ВНИМАНИЕ. Данный обзор является переводом обзора забугорного сайта. Не пишите,что уже читали его в инете ( ну, если вдруг) Будет полезно новичкам, которые только начинают свою карьеру менджера айдол группы, однако некоторые советы могут б
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Idol Manager "Без цензуры"
感谢大家购入《Idol Manager》! 遇上系统错误,游戏相关的任何问题或意见时,欢迎随时在此留讯息给我们! 此外,关於错误发生的反馈, 如果您可以将游戏画面截图和您的 PC 系统配备 dxdiag.exe 中的资料一起贴上来, 我们会以您提供的数据进行错误分析来调查原因, 您的协助会令我们大大改善服务品质呢! ※若觉得有什麽好玩的日语游戏想在地化成中文版时, 请务必推荐这些好�.
25 сен в 3:21
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no more Sexual content? Or I have to buy SC in DLC?
Title thanks in advance
11 окт в 19:49
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v.1.0.5 Patch Notes
- Relationship notifications don't block event text anymore
- Fixed: BGM sometimes not looping
- You can now set which voice your custom idols should use
- Use parameter "vo_default" (you can check updated Unique Idol Example mod on Steam Workshop)
- Possible values: Idol01-Idol06, Amami, Aya, Azumi, Dance, Doctor, Fujie, Fujimoto, Intern, Kato, Music, Office, RivalF, RivalM, Sawamura, Shimizu, Style, Tanaka, Yuzuru
- Keep in mind that some of these characters don't have a full set of sounds
Idol Manager
11 окт в 2:36
Общие обсуждения
v.1.0.4 Patch Notes
- A warning will be displayed if you don't have enough idols or staffers for the next story event
- Fixed: Context menu for idol's auto practice setting always showing visual traits as not selected
- Fixed: Changing single's title when digital only release is selected would make the quantity field visible
- Fixed: Projected attendance of a concert not changing after adding/removing songs
- Fixed: Levelling up Performance to level 10 on Unfair difficulty was impossible (requirement for concert attendance was higher than venue's max capacity)
- Fixed: Bankruptcy warning in the money tooltip still showed up after getting finances into the black
- Fixed: Not being able to click anything after getting one of the endings and then loading a save file
- Fixed: One of the Phantasm Facade events sometimes not triggering
- Fixed: Popup for random event outcomes sometimes appeared with the text scrolled to the bottom
- Fixed: Single Formation popup showing idols from the previous formation for a second
- Fixed: It was possible to add one idol to the formation twice
- Fixed: Scandal points counter could display wrong value after getting new scandal points
- Fixed: Full scandal points tooltip didn't show up after loading a game until your number of scandal points changed
- Fixed: Some of the random events outcomes added/removed a wrong number of fans (bunny costume, game otaku, old photos)
- Fixed: Elections popup - removed the "lock" icon from the single selection button
- Fixed: Tooltip with the information about accident chances during a concert was hidden
- Custom BGM songs will play one after another instead of looping until the next event
- Fixed: Mods that added custom BGM music caused a memory leak
Idol Manager
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Азгарлагы бурмештах балдыр Идол Манагеру-балы турахмен салы рухмантды баметхуш
Idol Manager Beginners Guide & Tips
For those who just want the short version of this guide, here it is:
The 4 simple steps for not going bankrupt in the early game:
As you continue to play:
Following all of the above will help you maintain positive cash flow in the early game while you work on building out the other parts of your agency. (As you do this, your best long-term investments are activities that increase fans.) Once you begin making money from singles and concerts, you will start to have more leeway/freedom/flexibility
Beyond the TL;DR:
This is important and recommended reading, because once you understand WHY these are good strategies for the early game, you will understand when these early game tips are no longer necessarily or valid, which will ease your transition into the mid-game and beyond as you start to doing other types of activities and business deals
The two resources you have to manage
If you only take one thing away from this guide, it should be this: IDOL STAMINA IS A RESOURCE THAT SHOULD BE TREATED AS VALUABLE AS MONEY.
Stop wasting idol stamina. TREAT IT AS A PRECIOUS, because IDOL STAMINA IS MONEY.
In managing these two resources, realize:
- You can convert Idol Stamina to money by having them do business deals.
- You can convert money into idol stamina by holding an audition and hiring more idols.
Idol stamina: how to spend it, and how to get it back
Keeping idol stamina high
The single most important tip I can give: INVEST IN A BREAK ROOM.
Build a break room ASAP. Take out a loan if you have to. It is one of the most important investments you will make.
The new-player trap: turn off auto-coaching!
Again, it bears repeating: the key to avoiding bankruptcy in the early game is to STOP WASTING IDOL STAMINA!
Are your coaches spending every spare moment on training idols? Are you immediately dragging your idol into the dance room or recording studio for a coaching session every time the dance room comes off cooldown? STOP!
- Business deals (the most lucrative use of idol stamina)
- Promotion daily activity (which increases your fanbase, which directly improves the number of sales you get from singles)
- Performance daily activity (which automatically puts money in your pocket)
So, what should I spend stamina on?
Each of the following will have their own section, but to give you a quick over-view of your priorities:
For daily activities, you should be doing either Performance or Promotion every day. (As mentioned before, your passive stamina recovery from building a Break Room exceeds the stamina spent from doing daily activities.)
Business deals
yen 100,000
new fans: 10
fame: 300
stamina: -25
Money efficiency (yen earned per point of stamina spent): 4000
yen 20,000 per week (240,000 total)
new fans: 0
fame: 250 per week (3000 total)
stamina: -10 per week (-120 total)
Money efficiency (yen earned per point of stamina spent): 2000
Several important takeaways:
- If the ONLY thing we care about is converting idol stamina into money, then photoshoots are TWICE AS EFFECTIVE as advertisements.
- Furthermore, advertisements come with LIABILITY: if an idol becomes involved with a scandal, the contract will end, AND you will pay a large penalty greater than the money you would have earned.
- So, focusing 100% on photoshoots is generally the way to go.
THAT BEING SAID, there are several reasons to consider advertisement contracts:
Tip: Consider investing in a second sales manager
- Generate twice as many business deals (when you have the available stamina), effectively doubling your business deal income
- When you need a staffer to do business production tasks (like coming up with a marketing plan for a single), you can have the other staffer continue working on business deals
- You can have one staffer work on business deals to generate revenue, while the other generates research points to upgrade your business plans.
In fact, a second office fits very early into your starting player agency building. If you followed the tutorial, and then followed this guide and built a break room, your agency should look something like this:
Tip: UPGRADE your business deals!
Idol salaries
Transitioning to mid-game
And now, we reach the conclusion:
To summarize the intent of this guide, the advice given above is all intended to help new players avoid bankruptcy in the early game.
That being said, here are a few simple tips to help you transition your early-game economy as you grow:
That the amount gained per day. Every single one of these milestones is a HUGE deal, and the upgrade requirements for each of them should be the main thing that guides you as you develop your group in Idol Manager.
Beginner Guide & Tips and Tricks
The 5 simple steps for not going bankrupt in the early game:
As you continue to play: Idol Manager Beginner Guide
Following all of the above will help you maintain positive cash flow in the early game while you work on building out the other parts of your agency. (As you do this, your best long-term investments are activities that increase fans.) Once you begin making money from singles and concerts, you will start to have more leeway/freedom/flexibility.
The Two Resources you Have to Manage
If you only take one thing away from this guide, it should be this: IDOL STAMINA IS A RESOURCE THAT SHOULD BE TREATED AS VALUABLE AS MONEY.
Stop wasting idol stamina. TREAT IT AS A PRECIOUS, because IDOL STAMINA IS MONEY.
In managing these two resources, realize:
- You can convert Idol Stamina to money by having them do business deals.
- You can convert money into idol stamina by holding an audition and hiring more idols.
The single most important tip I can give: INVEST IN A BREAK ROOM.
Build a break room ASAP. Take out a loan if you have to. It is one of the most important investments you will make.
Again, it bears repeating: the key to avoiding bankruptcy in the early game is to STOP WASTING IDOL STAMINA!
Are your coaches spending every spare moment on training idols? Are you immediately dragging your idol into the dance room or recording studio for a coaching session every time the dance room comes off cooldown? STOP!
- Business deals (the most lucrative use of idol stamina)
- Promotion daily activity (which increases your fanbase, which directly improves the number of sales you get from singles)
- Performance daily activity (which automatically puts money in your pocket)
So, What Should I Spend Stamina on?
Each of the following will have their own section, but to give you a quick over-view of your priorities:
For daily activities, you should be doing either Performance or Promotion every day. (As mentioned before, your passive stamina recovery from building a Break Room exceeds the stamina spent from doing daily activities.)
What Type of Business Deals are Best to Focus on?
- yen 100,000
- new fans: 10
- fame: 300
- stamina: -25
- Money efficiency (yen earned per point of stamina spent): 4000
- yen 20,000 per week (240,000 total)
- new fans: 0
- fame: 250 per week (3000 total)
- stamina: -10 per week (-120 total)
- Money efficiency (yen earned per point of stamina spent): 2000
Several important takeaways:
- If the ONLY thing we care about is converting idol stamina into money, then photoshoots are TWICE AS EFFECTIVE as advertisements.
- Furthermore, advertisements come with LIABILITY: if an idol becomes involved with a scandal, the contract will end, AND you will pay a large penalty greater than the money you would have earned.
- So, focusing 100% on photoshoots is generally the way to go.
THAT BEING SAID, there are several reasons to consider advertisement contracts:
- Generate twice as many business deals (when you have the available stamina), effectively doubling your business deal income
- When you need a staffer to do business production tasks (like coming up with a marketing plan for a single), you can have the other staffer continue working on business deals
- You can have one staffer work on business deals to generate revenue, while the other generates research points to upgrade your business plans.
In fact, a second office fits very early into your starting player agency building. If you followed the tutorial, and then followed this guide and built a break room, your agency should look something like this:
Hiring More Idols
This means that the early game is all about finding ways to convert idol stamina into money.
My total cost is 108,000 yen per week, but idol salaries only account for 8,800 yen of that. In other words, idol salaries are only 8% of my total expenses!
Well, as it turns out, this is quite a valid strategy that I have used several times in the past! Hiring a lot of idols very early is much more viable than people might think (probably because they over-estimate how much idol salaries contribute to expenses).
That being said, there are several things that you do have to consider:
Obviously, the local auditions are the cheapest: regional auditions are x10 as expensive, and nationwide auditions are x100 times as expensive! That means that nationwide auditions will probably be out of your price range as a new player.
That being said, it is worth being informed about why more expensive auditions may be worth it:
Thus, it is generally best to hire idols in batches if you can, rather than just holding an audition and picking out the one with the highest stats.
And now, we reach the conclusion:
To summarize the intent of this guide, the advice given above is all intended to help new players avoid bankruptcy in the early game.
That being said, here are a few simple tips to help you transition your early-game economy as you grow:
That the amount gained per day. Every single one of these milestones is a HUGE deal, and the upgrade requirements for each of them should be the main thing that guides you as you develop your group in Idol Manager.
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