Hunting horn monster hunter world гайд
Охотничий рог - музыкальный брат Молота. Чтобы эффективно использовать охотничий рог, вам нужно понять, как связать цветные заметки Ноты вместе. Охотничий рог имеет семь нот разного цвета. Каждый из них связан с «типом» повышения статуса.
У Охотничьего рога есть еще две способности, которые делают его очень удобным. Первый - когда вы соединяете вместе две белые или пурпурные ноты. Благодаря этому вы получаете прирост скорости, который позволяет вам быстро передвигаться с расчехленным рогом. Как и все мелодии, они длятся недолго, но эти две ноты легко связать вместе, и если вы сделаете это дважды, вы также получите усиление ESP для монстров с твердым панцирем. Вторая способность заключается в том, что вы можете временно нокаутировать монстра последовательными атаками по голове.
Обратите внимание, что эффекты от «Охотничьего рога» действуют только определенное время.
Белая Нота - делает вас сильнее Пурпурная Нота - похож на белый, но более мощный. Красная Нота - Повышает характеристики, такие как HP, Атака и Защита. Синяя Нота - эффекты Anti-Wind и Power / Mega Juice Зеленая Нота - восстанавливает здоровье и вылечивает недуги Голубая Нота - Повышение устойчивости к недугам Желтая Нота - усиление элементальной атаки и защиты
Есть много различных комбинаций нот, которые вы можете разыграть с помощью своего Охотничьего Рога. Чтобы начать воспроизведение мелодии, все, что вам нужно сделать, это расчехлить оружие и нажать кнопку R, чтобы оно сыграло первую ноту. Определить, какая кнопка будет играть какую ноту, довольно просто. Например, самый первый Hunting Horn воспроизводит белый, темно-синий и красный цвета (слева направо).
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R, Квадрат или O - Белая Треугольник - Голубая Треугольник и O - КраснаяБлагодарим n1keman за изображение (Larger image)
Еще один хороший сайт для заметок - Minegarde. Hunting Horn Music Sheet и The Complete Hunting Horn Note Guide For MHFU список HH с необходимыми пометками.
24 фев. 2019 в 16:05 Hunting horn builds?I decided to pick up the hunting horn and after watching a tutorial checked for some builds to get me started but all I can find is stuff from a few months after the game came out so there's at best Deviljho but never any Behemoth gear or any gamma gear in any of the sets being shown.
It seems I'll need to craft different horns with different builds as I'll need to tailor the available songs to the monster.
Deep Vero seems to be most recommended as the best all rounder horn but what armour and decorations do I use with it and what other horns/builds should I use?
Edit: since one reply has mentioned this figured I'd better say here. I have no intention of being a corner horner/ wide range supporter. I will be smacking the monster in the face with the horn.
Отредактировано Aelin Galathynius; 24 фев. 2019 в 18:15 24 фев. 2019 в 16:36 Standard Drachen build with Horn Maestro added somewhere there.There are better horns than Deep Vero though like Luna Blaze or Taroth Sleep. 24 фев. 2019 в 16:49
Unless I'm wrong - a few things i found/tried playing around with, using deep vero.
I have one i was playing around with using some kulve and nergi pieces. - Basically add in horn maestro (increases song length) and wide range to max (for a supporter).
Depends on if you're solo OR with others..because wide range would be useless in solo.
The standard dps builds would work - but if you wanna go as a supporter side - for vero (what i use) it lasts 2-3 minutes for attack up XL, and def up xl (play the song the button twice to play it). So during that time, you can ready more songs and either a) hit the monster or b) play support, and pop a potion or two. The bonuses can be quite big if you keep them up. But it sorta goes that with those you're going to hit it little - or not at all, to keep the support role going for others. Which. isn't bad actually.
Another suggestion is teostra's (or the higher level equivalent) - abnormal status boost helps with sleep bombing, paralysis. blast weapons for more booms. And if memory serves (been a while) has divine blessing/horn blessing too. Think of horn - felyne defender hi + 3 slots of divine blessing from regular. Makes a big boost right/high chance of less damage. (was thinking of playing around with the idea - HAVE NOT tried it myself. but seems doable). It's also a blast element weapon - so abnormal boost - more boom with it.
I'd say go for kulve for a few - easy to get the variations of horns to try a few and play around with.
Fortify if solo - divine blessing (i like this skill)- standard dps skills, maestro (of course) and wide range if playing with others.
O - You do NOT need to be close to cast songs so close to have effect. Just in the same arena i earplugs, or tremor resist - you're fine keeping your distance a bit to play.
20 июл. 2019 в 9:38 Any tips for fresh High Rank, Hunting Horn user? :D I have just unlocked High Rank map, now on a mission to find . Rathian thing.Any helpful tips for a noob such as myself would be appreciated (stuff like what to focus on, what materials to farm, how to unlock 6 star investigations for better materials etc.).
Im currently running Rarity 5 Great Bagpipe III (Hunting Horn). 20 июл. 2019 в 9:55
For offense armor skills it would help to get armor with attack boost and weakness exploit.
For aliment, KO and Stamina Thief
For defense, Divine blessing, evade extender, evade window, resist jewels
Luna "Styx", Nergigante's, Teostra's, Bazel's, Jho's, and Bone are the best. In general you look at songs before you look at stats. At your HR the Bone horn will probably do the most damage especially with non-elemental boost decoration if you come across it.
Key songs are Attack up (L), Defence (L), Reduce Stamina use (L), Earplugs (L), Negate All Wind Pressure.
Health boost 3 is probably the best skill to survive early on.
As for getting 6 star investigations you just need to keep completing new quests while picking up tracks and it will unlock in no time.
Hunting Horn was my first monster hunter weapon and is very satisfying when you clobber a monsters face. Later on wide range is a good support skill to have but I would focus on damage and survivability right now. Good luck on your hunting horn journey!
For offense armor skills it would help to get armor with attack boost and weakness exploit.
For aliment, KO and Stamina Thief
For defense, Divine blessing, evade extender, evade window, resist jewels
Luna "Styx", Nergigante's, Teostra's, Bazel's, Jho's, and Bone are the best. In general you look at songs before you look at stats. At your HR the Bone horn will probably do the most damage especially with non-elemental boost decoration if you come across it.
Key songs are Attack up (L), Defence (L), Reduce Stamina use (L), Earplugs (L), Negate All Wind Pressure.
Health boost 3 is probably the best skill to survive early on.
As for getting 6 star investigations you just need to keep completing new quests while picking up tracks and it will unlock in no time.
Hunting Horn was my first monster hunter weapon and is very satisfying when you clobber a monsters face. Later on wide range is a good support skill to have but I would focus on damage and survivability right now. Good luck on your hunting horn journey!
Thanks for a lot of information :) i will keep all of it in mind. 20 июл. 2019 в 10:26 HH is simply not made for high rank quest. HH quickly became a liability once you progress into elder dragons quests, so it's highly recommend for you to switch to something else.
I hope its not the case, because i usually play Support roles in any coop games :/ 20 июл. 2019 в 10:36 HH is simply not made for high rank quest. HH quickly became a liability once you progress into elder dragons quests, so it's highly recommend for you to switch to something else.
This is unequivocally false.
My advice is shoot for the Deep Vero(Deviljho) horn when you can, it's pretty much the defacto beginner horn and will carry you through a lot, it's also (relatively) quick to farm, since you just have to farm Jho for (almost)all the material.
Sonoros decoration is a useful one for you, and look for songs that can buff your party for the specific monster you're facing - Deep vero is a great allaround buff *and* defends against a few monsters that use wind attacks, for example.
Two quick to get horns I can also suggest is the Sectored/Legia sectored and the Gama (dodogama) horns
The legi does ice damage, negates wind(very underrated song), defense up, 2 types of healing and stamina reduction (very useful for some partners) and the gama horn has more general buffs like attack up and defense up
The bazel horn (you'll have plenty of chances to farm for this even if you don't want to) has a high attack with some ok songs (attack up XL is pretty awesome) this is less supportive and more offensive than the others
Отредактировано Annie; 20 июл. 2019 в 10:38 20 июл. 2019 в 10:39 HH is simply not made for high rank quest. HH quickly became a liability once you progress into elder dragons quests, so it's highly recommend for you to switch to something else.This is simply not true. While you may not have top damage. the HH provides a huge benefit of buffing the entire team. The extra defense or attack from a hunting horn buff can make a real difference in a hunt. Damage isn't everything in this game and while monsters can be beaten with only max dps builds, you will find these people who only focus on damage wiping the most.
You have to ask yourself:
Would you rather have a fight where a HH user with buffs and wide range supports the team, keeps them from dying, and increases their overall damage.
Or would you rather have a team of nothing but DPS where they die over and over due to lack of survival skills and have to repeatedly do a quest and hope for people that can dodge better.
Certain horn buffs like Negate All Wind Pressure will neuter Kushala Daora. Negate All Ailments buff is great as it keeps the electric debuff off teammates during the kirin fight or the val hazaak debuff which halves your health. The point is that certain horns can almost entirely negate some of the most difficult monsters best skills.
In other words, don't listen to anyone trying to discourage you from playing a certain weapon. Each weapon has its strengths and weakness. All weapons unquestionably have their place in MHW and it's endgame.
Отредактировано Robo; 20 июл. 2019 в 10:45 20 июл. 2019 в 10:47 I forgot to say, earplugs is a really underrated skill for HH, if you build that, you'll be able to buff/heal teammates while they can't move and they'll love you for it. 20 июл. 2019 в 10:55 I really like what im reading here so far :DI will definitely aim for at least few Hunting Horns for my collection. 20 июл. 2019 в 11:11
Just don't forget that HH can do damage aswell.
So don't be a corner horner
20 июл. 2019 в 11:16Just don't forget that HH can do damage aswell.
So don't be a corner horner :lunar2019piginablanket:
I never do that :D unless im alone in a camp, starting.
Encore to the face feels really good. 20 июл. 2019 в 12:05
just got into HR and sticking to hunting horn? i used the bug flower bell one, forgot its name that does paralysis and upgraded it first thng and made a mixed set that maximizes on that paralysis. and took that till pretty much end game.
otherwise the dodogama horn is useful with its blast damage and buff songs.
20 июл. 2019 в 12:14Hunting Horns are most appreciated in Kushala and Lunastra missions if you bring Wind Pressure Negated. Otherwise you can pretty much stick to the Deep Vero and just keep Attack Up (XL) and Defence Up (XL) applied on your team and everyone will love you for it.
Just don't be an idiot and try to go full support with Wide-Range on top of a Hunting Horn because you're always better off specialising rather than generalising. Hunting Horn has the luxury of having pretty much zero necessary skills to make it good, some people suggest putting Stamina Thief on there because it aparently does more stamina damage than it does stun damage, but I've never bothered with that at all. Even Horn Maestro is dubious - it's good for keeping Self Improvement on you, but if you're playing properly the buffs should never be wearing off anyway.
Freeform weapon, just go with what you feel is "right" I guess. If you wanted to be a full on support and for some reason wanted to take Wide-Range with a Hunting Horn then I guess consider taking Quick Sheathe so you can heal in a pinch.
The best thing you can do is learn the combo that lets you do the little jab with the pommel of your horn, a "Hilt Stab", since it actually does sever damage. It's not a great deal, but there's nothing more flashy than popping off a tail with a Hunting Horn in a group full of blunt weapon users etc.
20 июл. 2019 в 12:30Just use whatever until you can get the Gama Horn (or if you can beat Nergi with bagpipes do that), then you want to make Nergi's horn for Earplugs and pretty okay damage, Teostra's for Vaal farming or Kirin, Xeno for Kushala and Luna. Bagel horn isn't too bad either, but the sharpness is really annoying to manage. Jho's horn is probably the best for damage and has Attack XL and Defense XL but I don't like using it because the negative affinity and lack of meaningful QoL buffs, but as everyone is saying it's probably the best horn for general use. Luna horns are pretty good, the Styx Horn is a direct upgrade to the Xeno Horn, so do that whenever. Luna Nergi Horn isn't too bad, either, but you lose the elderseal.
Armor wise just use whatever. QoL stuff like Earplugs isn't a bad idea so you don't get interrupted during recitals.
To unlock stuff faster, just rush the main quests. Armor isn't that big of a deal, I just ran Rathian for the extra HP and regen and used that up to Xeno.
The Hunting Horn (狩猟笛 Shuryōbue) is a weapon first introduced in the second generation of the Monster Hunter series. It is similar to the Hammer in that it does impact damage and can stun a monster when it connects with the head.
Weapon Overview
Initially, the Hunting Horns were far weaker than the Hammer, as per the damage formula. Even attacks which the two appear to share, such as the Superpound (Triangle+Circle), were weaker on the Hunting Horn. What makes the Horn different from the Hammer is the Recital ability which is triggered by pressing the "R" button.
As of Portable 3rd, the damage formulas have been changed and the Hunting Horn actually puts out more sustained damage than the hammer. The hammer still does more burst damage and more KO damage, but the HH's sustained is far superior. Also in 3rd the forward stab (done by pressing Select) can actually cut a tail; as seen in this video.
Each Horn has a different set of three color specific notes.These notes can be combined in various ways to create various effects, which mimic items such as Demondrug and Psychoserum, among others.
- All of the note combinations and note sets can be found in the bookshelf at the player's house by looking at the Info Magazine's article Hunting Horn Sheet Music. There are also online sources available displaying the combos; see here and here.
- One important armor skill for HH users is Flute Expert or Horn Maestro. These skills adds one minute to the duration of every effect that the Hunting Horn creates with its music.
- Though extremely unused, it is possible to attack using recital mode. Ironically, this is the most powerful attack for the Hunting horn.
MHFU Controls
- Normally, whenever you enter recital mode, you'll always start with your left note (White or Purple). An undocumented move was discovered that when you swing your weapon, you have an opportunity to start recital mode with the right note as your starting note. Your character will raise his/her horn up to perform the note instead of the usual first note (White or Purple) on his/her right.
MHP3 Controls
In MHP3 the notes are added to the "recital gauge" with each normal attack, in this way:
or + | add the 1st note |
or | add the 2nd note |
or + | add the 3rd note |
therefore it is different to have a hunting horn with notes ♪ ♪ ♪ and ♪ ♪ ♪
Whether the combination of notes is valid, the "recital gauge" indicate that is able to use the recital ( ), else the character will execute the recital hit without activate any effects.
Note: In short, the idea is to combine different attacks depending on the situation
Recital Moves
Note: perhaps needless to say but it is important to remember that when using any recital movement, the character will be playing for a while so it is advisable to use roll ( ) to cancel the Recital quickly
Note: The Double Recital is useful for dodging and hitting a monster at the same time, besides boost the previous recital effect
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