House party combat training прохождение
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After you have opened your command console, you can enter "help" to see a full list of all the possible commands. Enter "help" + one command to receive an explanation and enter "example" + one command to get a concrete example with the respective effect explained
Helpful Cheats
- Door: Lock or unlock doors
Command: 'lock or unlock' door 'door name'
Example: lock door masterbedroom // lock door "master bed room" = lock the master bedroom door
Possible values for third term: select any door and insert its name (without "door")
Note: Useful to lock away characters even in rooms you don't have a key for.
- Roaming: Prevent characters from moving away their current location
Command: 'character' name' roaming 'true or false' allow
Example: Leah roaming false allow = Leah won't go away from her current location.
Note: (I) Some characters have restricted roaming abilities, to see these places type in: roaming 'person's name' list (II) To make a certain character move everywhere, type: roaming 'person's name' clearlist (III) You can also be more precise and deny characters to go to certain locations or to get close to certain people.
- WalkTo: Make characters walk to a desired location
Command: 'character's name' walkto 'location name'
Example: amy walkto bed = make Derek leave the house
Possible values for third term: outside, bed = master bedroom bed, hottubseat1, and more.
- WarpTo: Make characters be teleported right in front of you
Command: 'person's name' warpto player
Example: Vickie warpto player = Vickie will appear in front of you.
Combat: Make characters fight each other
Command: combat 'character name(s)' 'passout or wakeup or fight'
Example: combat Frank Derek fight = make Frank and Derek fight each other
Another example: combat Frank passout = make Frank unconscious
Possible values for third term: fight, wakeup, passout.
Notes: Once Frank is passed out, you can help yourself with the booze in the cabinet.
Intimacy: Having sex with any person
Command: intimacy player 'other person's name' 'sex position' sexualact
Example: intimacy player amy 10052 sexualact = Cowgirl with Amy.
Possible values for third term: 9000 = make out, 10000 = blowjob, 10011 = handjob, 10030 = missionary, 10050 = doggy, 10051 = masturbate, 10052 = cowgirl, 10053 = licking, 10054 = 69, 10055/56/57 = wall sex.
Example: 0 intimacy Amy 10051 = make Amy masturbate
Example: Amy 0 10050 Rachael intimacy = make Amy take Rachael doggy
Note: (I) You need to remove the clothes of the involved people, (II) You can make males fuck each other, (III) All positions except for 9000 "make out" are invalid with Arin and Dan.
Player: Adjust orgasm sensitivity
Command: values player OrgasmSensitivity equals value
Example: values player OrgasmSensitivity equals 0
Note: 'OrgasmSensitivity' is case-sensitive. Value is anywhere between 0 to 9, with 0 the slowest (no progress on Orgasm meter) and 9 the fastest. You can also set the decimal value as for example 0.1 or 2.3.
Player: Add items to your inventory
Command: player inventory add 'item name'
Example: player inventory add merlot = receive the merlot from Patrick in your inventory
Note: (I) There are also shortcuts like mer = merlot and natty = natty lite to be used for the 'item name' value, (II) The items will be removed from their origin in the house.
Quest: Complete quests automatically
Command: quest 'start or complete' ' "quest name" '
Example: quest complete "scavenger hunt" = completes the quest Scavenger Hunt
Possible values for third term: use command: quest list 'person's name' to see which quests are available
Note: you can only complete opportunities that you have already started
Social: Boost friendship, romance and drunk-level of characters
Command: social 'target person' player 'number' friendship add
Example: social leah player 100 romance add = increase romance with Leah by 100
Possible values for forth term : positive and negative numbers, range from -30 to +30 (?)
Funny Cheats
Bodyparts: Change the size of certain body parts
Command: bodypart 'respective body part' 'target person' 'value'
Example: bodypart tits Brittney 0.75 = make the breasts of Brittney smaller by 25%
Possible values for second term: tits, head, penis, hands, butt, feet
Possible values for fourth term: any value between 0.1 and 10
Note: the exact order of the four terms seem to be variable, just make sure you have these terms included in any sequence
Drunk: How to get yourself
command: social player drunk add 'number'
Possible Values for fourth term between 0 and 10 or 100
Clear: Empty your command history
Just type in "clear"; for overview purposes.
Clothing: Remove clothes of the characters
Command: clothing 'character name' 'item' change 'on or off'
Example: clothing amy 0 change off = remove Amy's top
Possible values for third term: 0 = top, 1 = bottom, 2 = pants, 3 = bra, 4 = shoes, 5 = accessory, 6 = strapon (female characters only), or all (can also use the name instead, all has no number)
Notes: (I) Some characters don't have a bra, removing their top will reveal their boobs; (II) Can also use the value "all" for the second and third term; (III) Characters entering and leaving the hot tub will remove this command.
Item: Give any character an item to hold
Command: 'person's name' mount item glasses head true
Example: Ashley mount item glasses head true
Possible values for fifth term : head, lefthand, righthand
Personality: Making the people not cover their nudity anymore
Command: 'person's name' personality exhibitionism equals 100
Example: Amy personality exhibitionism equals 100 = Amy will stop covering herself when being naked
Note: with this function you can change all the 17 character traits of each person, but for me it didn't change their behavior accordingly.
Set any character on fire
You can set any character on fire. Simply type in the following command and they'll be on fire followed by passing out:
Command: state 51 add 'person's name'
To extinguish the fire, simply replace "add" with "remove".
Pose: Make any character pose for you
Command: 'person's name' pose 'respective pose' true
Example: Stephanie pose 2 true = Stephanie will bend over
Possible values for third term: insert any number between 0 and 42.
Note: to release characters from their poses, substitute " true " with " false " for the same command.
- 0 = Hand Behind Head
- 1 = Sitting on Floor
- 2 = Bent Over
- 3 = Hands Behind Back
- 4 = Sticking Ass Out
- 5 = Sitting 1
- 6 = Sitting 2
- 7 = Sitting 3
- 8 = Sitting 4
- 9 = Blowjob Action
- 10 = Blowjob Ready
- 11 = Female Lay 1
- 12 = Female Lay 2
- 13 = Female Lay 3
- 14 = Model Pose 1
- 15 = Model Pose 2
- 16 = Model Pose 3
- 17 = All Fours
- 18 = Missionary Bottom
- 19 = Sex Ready
- 20 = Doggie Style Front
- 21 = Cow Girl Top
- 22 = Cunnilingus Top
- 23 = Hot Tub Sit 1
- 24 = Hot Tub Hand Job
- 25 = Take Cell Photo
- 26 = Sixty Nine Top
- 27 = Selfie
- 28 = Missionary Top
- 29 = Doggie Style Behind
- 30 = Cow Girl Bottom
- 31 = Cunnilingus Bottom
- 32 = Sixty Nine Bottom
- 33 = Making Out (Primary)
- 34 = Making Out (Secondary)
- 35 = Wall Sex 1 Female
- 36 = Wall Sex 1 Male
- 37 = Wall Sex 2 Female
- 38 = Wall Sex 2 Male
- 39 = Wall Sex 3 Female
- 40 = Wall Sex 3 Male
- 41 = Hot Tub Handjob Male
- 42 = Masturbate
Other Cheat Codes
To get more information about this codes, open the command console and type in "example" + the respective code.
House Party
Статистика: House Party > General Discussion > Подробности темы 10 окт. 2019 в 5:16 Is there any way to have the maximum fight skills without playing the story trough each time? A console command would be very good! Thanks in advance!Yes, it'll disable your Achievements though.
Use these, one command at a time. You can copy paste into the console.
Values player Combat:Skill equals 12
Values player Attribute:Stamina equals 7
Values player Attribute:Strength equals 50
Values player Attribute:Speed equals 9
Property player playercantblock false
You can change the stamina value to 10 to be invincible. The above just gives you a strong fighter, without being horribly overpowered.
To simply copy the setups used at the end of each of Leah's paths, ignore the above and use:
Good path:
Events Brittney performevent playertankbuild
Events Brittney performevent playerdpsbuild
You can also play around with the Combat Training story we added to the main menu.
[Разработчик] 10 окт. 2019 в 8:42Yes, it'll disable your Achievements though.
Use these, one command at a time. You can copy paste into the console.
Values player Combat:Skill equals 12
Values player Attribute:Stamina equals 7
Values player Attribute:Strength equals 50
Values player Attribute:Speed equals 9
Property player playercantblock false
You can change the stamina value to 10 to be invincible. The above just gives you a strong fighter, without being horribly overpowered.
To simply copy the setups used at the end of each of Leah's paths, ignore the above and use:
Good path:
Events Brittney performevent playertankbuild
Events Brittney performevent playerdpsbuild
You can also play around with the Combat Training story we added to the main menu.
Помощь в прохождении игры House Party. В прохождении вы найдете консольные команды, которые сделают вашу игру ярче и интереснее.
Как только строка для ввода команд будет активирована, ваши достижения временно станут недоступны. Начните новую игру и достижения станут доступны
Активация консольных команд
Чтобы ввести консольную команду нажмите кнопку тильда (
Имена персонажей на английском языке
Имена используются при вставке консольной команды:
- Amy
- Ashley
- Brittney
- Derek
- Frank
- Katherine
- Leah – новая жрица любви
- Lety - новая жрица любви
- Madison
- Patrick
- Player – ваш персонаж
- Rachael
- Stephanie
- Vickie
Снять одежду с персонажей
Введите имя желаемого героя игры:
- clothing (имя) 0 off
- clothing (имя) 1 off
- clothing (имя) 2 off
- clothing (имя) 3 off
- clothing (имя) 4 off
Наименования одежды:
- 0 - верх,
- 1 - низ,
- 2 – зона бикини,
- 3 - лифчик,
- 4 - обувь.
Если вы желаете снять все сразу, то вводите: clothing (имя) all off
Снятие одежды одновременно со всех персонажей: clothing all all off
Одеть одежду на персонажей
Соответсвенно вводите команды, чтобы одеть героя:
- clothing (имя) 0 on
- clothing (имя) 1 on
- clothing (имя) 2 on
- clothing (имя) 3 on
- clothing (имя) 4 on
Наименования одежды:
- 0 - верх,
- 1 - низ,
- 2 – зона бикини,
- 3 - лифчик,
- 4 - обувь.
Одеть персонажа полностью: clothing (имя) all on
Одеть всех персонажей одновременно: clothing all all on
Половой акт
Прежде чем приступить к дальнейшим действиям, вам необходимо раздеть персонажей. Также при желании можете увеличить обзор игрока в графических настройках игры сделав значение 60 (клавиша Escape - Graphics Settings - Field Of View - 60).
- intimacy player (персонаж) 9000 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10000 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10011 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10030 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10050 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10052 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10053 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10054 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10055 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10056 sexualact
- intimacy player (персонаж) 10057 sexualact
Наименования поз:
- 9000 - разглядеть и погладить по лицу,
- 10000 - минет,
- 10011 - мастурбация,
- 10030 - миссионерская поза,
- 10050 - коленно-локтевая поза,
- 10052 - поза наездницы,
- 10053 - куннилингус,
- 10054 - поза 69,
- 10055 - у стены поза номер 1
- 10056 - у стены поза номер 2
- 10057 - у стены поза номер 3
Бесконечный половой акт
Необходимо ввести в строку консольной команды:
values (персонаж) OrgasmSensitivity equals 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001
Отмена полового акта
Для отмены действия:
intimacy (персонаж) reset
Изменение частей тела персонажей
Введите нужную команду:
- bodypart tits (персонаж) 5 - грудь
- bodypart head (персонаж) 5 - голова
- bodypart penis (персонаж) 5 - пенис
- bodypart hands (персонаж) 5 - руки
- bodypart butt (персонаж) 5 - ягодицы
- bodypart feet (персонаж) 5 - ноги
Вместо 5, вы можете поставить любую цифру до 10. Выбирая нужный вам размер определенной части тела.
1. Take a pain pill: Increases your combat stamina. The pain killers are in the upstairs bathroom behind the door. Make sure to take one before you pick them up.
2. Punch the bike lock: Allows you to hit harder. The bike lock is on the closet door in the spare bedroom. Click on it to bring up the menu and select 'Punch'.
3. Climb the gutter: Increases your strength. The gutter is on the right side of the porch in the back yard. Click on it to bring up the menu and select 'Climb'.
4. Have sex: Increases your combat stamina. Complete one of the quests and have sex or receive a BJ.
6. Reach for the MP3 Player: Increases your combat stamina. The MP3 player is wrapped around the chandelier above the front door. Stand on the landing upstairs and click on it to bring up the menu and select 'Reach For'.
7. Drink beer and wine: Allows you to hit harder. Each bottle of beer or wine that you drink will allow you to hit harder. Depending on what quest you want to complete, will determine how much alcohol you can consume.
8. Have Patrick touch the bug zapper: Increases your combat stamina. You must complete Patrick's and Rachael's story in order to do this. This is probably the hardest one to do and is certainly is the longest.
9. Eat the food in the refrigerator: Increases strength and replenishes health. You don't want to eat this right away. It's best if you wait until you are in a combat situation. When you're in a fight and your heath is getting low, run away, drop your guard (press the space bar), eat something, then put your guard back up. There are 4 items in the refrigerator that you can consume.
10. Complete Vickie's training day: Increases your combat stamina. This is another long quest and it involves having Derek and Patrick beat Frank. But, when this is all done, you'll be rewarded with sex with Vickie and another combat stamina perk.
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