Heretic e1m6 прохождение
E1M5: The Citadel is the fifth level in the City of the Damned episode of Heretic.
You begin the level by a river between four buildings. Head west and go up the stairs outside the northwest building. At the top, dash across the gap to the upper level of the southwest building and locate Gauntlets of the Necromancer, a Silver Shield, and the yellow key.
Use the yellow key to enter the northeast building. Pull the switch to raise the stairs outside, then head to the top floor of this building to collect the Ethereal Crossbow. Now enter the southeast building and go upstairs to find the green key on the balcony.
Head to the south of the area and go up either set of stairs to find a green door. Pass through and pull the switch to lower the red barrier. Head down the passage that is revealed and go through the second door to the side. A barrier lowers to reveal another outdoor area with a large building.
Find the blue key in the water to the south of this area and take it to the blue door at the north end of the area. Pass through, turn left, and go behind the stairs to find a switch. Pull it to open the exit door. Now climb the stairs and head to the exit.
This map contains a few secrets, and also requires you to open doors that would otherwise be considered secret in other situations. You start in the northwest corner of the map.
Yellow key [ edit ]
The yellow key is directly behind the starting position, but is on a raised platform. To reach it, make a hard right turn, and go up the steps. Once you reach the window overlooking the cathedral, the platform below the key has lowered to the ground level. Drop directly down to grab the key.
You can now exit the church section through the yellow door.
Green key [ edit ]
If you want an Etheral Crossbow, flip the switch at the bottom-left, and run to the lowered lift at the norht-west corner.
Travel to the east edge of the room, and flip the switch to lower the nearby lift. Continue east, collect a bag of holding and silver shield if desired to enter a large room. This room will darken if you try moving between the pillars, but doing so allows you to collect a claw orb. Continue through the doorway.
In the next room is a door in the south-east corner, marked by a misaligned texture. Head into the spiral stairs, and jump across the altar. This allows you to access the graveyard.
There are two things to perform in the graveyard. First, approach the altar on the right to allow access to the green key. Next, open a concealed door marked by a glowing light in the south-west corner of the building. This not only brings you to a switch that raises the stairs to the green door, but to a teleport that brings you near the Tome of Power.
Exit [ edit ]
Go through the green gate, at the south-east exit of the central room. Take the northwest path, until you reach the platform overlooking the central room. Flip the switch to allow access to the exit switch in the north-east corner of the central room. This exit switch lowers the center platform, which you can enter.
Secrets [ edit ]
- When starting the map, turn around, and open the west alcove. This reveals gauntlets of the necromancer.
- After getting the above secret, enter the eastern alcove. It's empty in single player, aside from a nitrogolem, but you must enter it to claim the secret.
- Northwest of the darkened room is a small alcove. Open this to retrieve a map scroll.
- North of the darkened room is an alcove where you can collect a claw orb. You may either walk through the wall, or locate a teleport past the green key gate to enter this secret.
- South of the darkened room, which is opened by a secret door bordered by two hanging skulls. Leads to a shortcut back to start or to a previous room.
- In the graveyard, look on the west-edge of the building for a misaligned texture. Open to collect a shadowsphere.
- Take the north-west exit in the graveyard. This reveals a teleport which allows you to reach a morph ovum near the beginning.
- When you flip the switch that allows access to the exit switch, walk off the platform (or at least walk just beyond it.) This opens a secret door. The secret door contains a large number of items between the stairs, but the stairs only lead to a closed door. You can open it by flipping a switch at the southern part of the level, revealing the secret exit.
While not tagged as secret, you can collect the Wings of Wrath by entering the south-west alcove just past the green gate. This lets you collect items at the start of the level.
E1M6: The Cathedral is the sixth level in the City of the Damned episode of Heretic. This level contains a secret exit leading to E1M9: The Graveyard.
Walkthrough [ edit ]
Essentials [ edit ]
You start out facing a set of pews, with the yellow key immediately behind you but above your reach. Turn right and follow the curving stairs to the window above the starting point. This will lower the yellow key and open an ambush. Grab the key and head down the aisle, passing around the grey stone wall when you reach it. Head up the stairs and pass through the yellow door to enter the central area of the level. Turn right and press the switch, then turn around and run over to the platform that lowers. Ride it up and follow the passage to collect the Ethereal Crossbow. Now go to the easternmost grey structure in the central room. Pull the switch to lower it, then ride up and pass through the door into a room with many stained glass windows. An ambush triggers as you enter this room. Collect the Dragon Claw and head through the door opposite the one you came in from. You will find yourself in a room containing barrels and an altar. This appears to be a dead end, but if you search the southeastern wall, you will see a section that is out of alignment. Open this hidden door and head up the stairs to run over the altar. A section of the floor will lower temporarily. Go through the passage that is revealed and follow it to a graveyard with a large tomb in the center. Enter the tomb and locate a corner with a flashing light. Open the west wall of this corner and make a U-turn to the right as you pass through to find a switch. Pull the switch to raise the stairs near the green door, then go through the teleport to find yourself on top of the coffin. As you walk away from the coffin, a section of the roof will fall in, revealing monsters and the green key. Take the key and exit the building the way you came in, going straight ahead through the demon face door to find yourself in the central room again. Head straight across and up the stairs to the green door and pass through. Make a wide U-turn to the right to find a corridor with grey stone walls and wooden supports. Head down the corridor to find a switch next to a platform overlooking the central room. Pull the switch and cross to the northeast corner of the room, where you will find that the previously blocked switch has been made accessible. Pull it to open the central structure in the room, revealing the exit.
Secrets [ edit ]
- At the start of the level, turn around and press the left-hand carving of a robed man to reveal a chamber containing the Gauntlets of the Necromancer. The other carving will raise when you take them, releasing a monster. (sector 214)
- Enter the second chamber that opens when you get the above secret for another credit. (sector 193)
- In the room with many stained glass windows, one of the windows to the north is a fake wall. The sides of it are marked by hanging skulls. Pass through it to collect a Tome of Power. This chamber is also accessible via a teleport found through the door straight ahead from the green door. (sector 258)
- In the room with many stained glass windows, one of the windows to the south is a secret door. The sides of it are also marked by hanging skulls. Pass through to reach an area with Timebombs of the Ancients. (sector 2)
- In the northwest corner of the room with many stained glass windows, there is a secret door concealing a Map Scroll. (sector 282)
- In the graveyard area, you will find a black demon face door to the northwest. Open it and pass through the teleport to collect a Morph Ovum hidden near the starting point. (sector 187)
- Outside the building in the graveyard area, locate a wall on the west side that is unaligned from the rest. This secret door conceals a Shadowsphere. (sector 248)
- Secret Exit: Open the exit portal, but do not exit. Go through the green door and head to the grey stone corridor. A passage will have opened in the side wall. Pass through and head to the south of the area to find a switch. Pull it to open the sealed door nearby and pass through to find the secret exit. (sector 47)
Bugs [ edit ]
The hidden stairs behind the altar room lack upper textures. The numbers of the erroneous sidedefs are 732, 734, 736, 738 and 740.
Due to an anomaly in the level's REJECT table, if the player is standing in sector 95 (the sector touching the western edge of the yellow door), monsters in the large room on the other side of the door will be unable to see them. This is most noticeable immediately after opening the yellow door, as several monsters in plain view of and facing the player will not wake up until the player either moves through the door frame, or steps backward into sector 94, or makes a sound. Additionally, the two Undead Warriors on the central platform cannot use ranged attacks against the player.
E5M6: Colonnade is the sixth level in The Stagnant Demesne episode of Heretic Shadow of the Serpent Riders.
Walkthrough [ edit ]
Essentials [ edit ]
From the start, head down the stairs, collecting the Ethereal Crossbow as you go. Through the large wooden door you find a long corridor with the exit, locked behind a blue door, at the end. There are just a few golems waiting but when you engage them, you'll also alert a large number of gargoyles that will attack from behind, so you may want to get well within the hall before you open fire. At first, only the west side is accessible but you can head up either pair of stairs you prefer. They take you to a long silver room with undead warriors imprisoned in cells along one wall. There are also some hiding behind the green-eyed demon walls at the ends, which are shoot-through but not walk-through. The Dragon Claw can be found between the two cages. Pull the two switches on the west wall of this room, then shoot the red-eyed skull wall in the alcove between them. It opens as a door and a large group of disciples will come out, plus nitrogolems behind them. Inside the chambers beyond are some useful items, including the Ring of Invulnerability, as well as a switch to pull.
Now head back; the central east wall of the silver room is lowering to give you access to the blue room. There's a drop down to reach it and pods all around the room's perimeter making things quite perilous. You might wish to hold off on blowing these up until after the ambush in this room opens, so that you can use the pods to damage or destroy the disciples that come out. You might also want to use the ring you got recently to avoid getting blown up by any pods the monsters hit before you're ready to go. Once the coast is clear, enter the alcove that you entered the room from to lower lifts to either side, taking you into the cages where the undead warriors were. In the south one is a switch and pulling it will let you reach the yellow key. Once you have the key, you can open a shortcut back to the entrance hall by using the walls that have brown grates at the bottom on either corner of the wall adjoining that hall.
When it comes to which yellow door you choose to go through, you may wish to visit the southern one first for the Hellstaff secret. To progress, however, you must pass through the northern yellow door, then open the nearby secret door marked with a red banner. A switch inside will open both a chamber with Gauntlets of the Necromancer and an alcove near the entrance of the building, where you'll find a switch. This switch raises the stairs to the central east area. Head up to a room with many pillars adorned with banners. Several of the pillars have switches on them, and the southernmost lowers a lift at the north end of the room granting access to the green key. Beware, as the stained glass windows are fake walls with disciples and an iron lich behind them.
With the green key, you can head downstairs through either of the yellow doors, then pass through the green door into the water area beneath the green key area's balcony. Find the small corridor into the eastern structure and head up a lift. The first gold trident on the green wall also marks a lift, the next one lowers the wall blocking a switch. As you ascend here, an ambush of many disciples will come out so stay on your toes. Once you pull the switch, you can drop down and climb up the smaller structure to the blue key. Taking the key drops the nearby wall, behind which waits an iron lich. The switch where the iron lich is will lower the border of the balcony above as a lift, letting you get the Phoenix Rod and serving as a shortcut back to the green key room. With the blue key, you can open the exit chamber, which is guarded by merely a lone disciple.
Secrets [ edit ]
Official [ edit ]
- Enter the exit chamber to open the secret sector, then backtrack to the silver room, hit the small red-eyed skull wall with your staff, causing it to open. You can now go straight through and around the bend to get to the lava chamber containing a Mystic Urn. (sector 327)
- Mirroring the above on the north side. This one contains a Ring of Invulnerability. (sector 342)
Non-Official [ edit ]
- The areas behind the red-eyed skull walls that must be accessed for the official secrets do not count as secrets themselves, despite containing hidden corridors and items in their own right.
- At the bottom of the stairs from the southern yellow door, open the wall marked with a red banner and head down the long winding flight of stairs to find a Hellstaff.
- In the green key room, the switch that has a spiderweb in front of it drops a lift to a teleporter which takes you behind the starting area of the level, where a generous amount of ammo and some healing items can be found both on the ledges and in the water. An ambush of undead warriors also resides here.
- From the green key ledge, the center stained glass fake wall hides an Enchanted Shield while the side ones (opened by the middle of the three switches in the pillar room) lead to a chamber with two teleporters, each leading to a claustrophobic maze with green floor and ceiling. The switches in these mazes drop the walls, revealing bonus items. One of these also has a passage leading to the ammo-laden ledge in the green key room, and a Map Scroll.
Firemace [ edit ]
If the Firemace has appeared at the level startup, you will find it from one of five different positions. In order of appearance, they are located:
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