Hand simulator survival гайд
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Для игроков Hand Simulator: Horror, это полный и исчерпывающий тур по игре, он будет объяснен изображениями, давайте посмотрим.
100% гид Hand Simulator: Horror
Часть 1: Непредвиденные последствия
Это полное руководство по Hand Simulator: Horror. В этом руководстве мы стремимся предоставить невероятно простой и хорошо объясненный учебник.
После вступительной сцены можно начинать controlЯ выгуливаю козу. Для этого просто схватите козу и хорошенько ее встряхните.
In this guide you can find useful info with pictures about game mechanics and other for best surviving in the game.
Survival Game Guide
Basic Controls
For People who can't just look at the options.
- WASD to move around.
- MOUSE to look around.
- MIDDLE MOUSE to voice chat / use neck.
- L-SHIFT to run.
- L-CTRL to crouch
- R to uncrouch
- L-SHIFT to use hand mode / switch hands (Moving will cancel hand mode).
- MOUSE to move hands.
- HOLD R-CLICK to rotate hand.
- L-CTRL to move hand up.
- R to move hand down.
- L-CLICK to move all fingers.
- Z, X, C, V, and SPACE to move individual fingers.
- E to eat (You have to bring the food next to your mouth using your hands).
Stay Off the Ground!
Torched Bone
Spear Fishing
Building Planks
Cracking the Coconut
Complete List of Vitals
All the vitals that you have to keep in check!
Keep your heart beating!
You have a max health of 100, and goes down anytime you do one of these things.
- Starve (-15 hp per 10 seconds)
- Dehydration (-15 hp per 10 seconds)
- Hypothermia (-15 hp per 10 seconds)
- Animals (See individual animals)
- Drowning (-10 hp per 1/2 second)
Don't starve: Hand Simulator edition!
- All food gives hunger in varying amounts.
- Hunger goes down slowly over the course of the days and nights, but is slower then thirst.
- Sprinting uses up more hunger faster.
- When you're out of hunger you start to starve at about a rate of -15 hp per 10 seconds.
The ocean isn't your friend!
- All food gives thirst in varying amounts.
- Thirst goes down slowly over the course of the days and nights, but is faster then hunger.
- Sprinting uses up more thirst a lot faster.
- When you're out of thirst you start to dehydrate at about a rate of -15 hp per 10 seconds.
- You can't drink from the ocean, and you start to drown at about a rate of -10 hp per 1/2 second once your head is below the water line.
- Stamina in depleted when you sprint and jump.
- It uses it up a lot faster then it regenerates, so use it wisely.
- Increased food and water consumption while sprinting.
Winter is coming!
- Temperature only drops at night.
- Use fires to regain temperature, and torch's slow down temperature lose.
- When your temperature bar goes all the way down, you start get hypothermia, at about a rate of -15 hp per 10 seconds. Your character will make chilly sounds each time.
Complete List of Flora
All the plants and edibles in the game.
Red Mushroom
Can save you in a pinch!
- Rarity: Uncommon.
- Food Amount: Low.
- Water Amount: Low.
- Health Amount: Low.
- Found randomly in the grass.
Can also save you in a pinch!
- Rarity: Common.
- Food Amount: Low.
- Water Amount: Low.
- Health Amount: Low.
- Found randomly on trees or on large rocks.
The best source of thirst!
- Rarity: Common.
- Food Amount: Low.
- Water Amount: High.
- Health Amount: Medium.
- Found next to coconut trees or palm trees, or randomly on the beach.
- While holding a rock and the coconut, bang the rock against the coconut to break it.
- The crack coconut is the only edible one. Obviously.
Required for building!
Use a rock to cut down.
Can be used as a spear when cut, good against animals (2nd highest damage in the game: -7 hp per "hit").
Grab near the top of the bamboo, and jam it into the ground to place it.
Then, while holding another piece of bamboo, jam the rock into the bamboo placed against the first bamboo to place that bamboo in place.
Source of Planks!
Bang a rock against the tree to chop it down (Gives you three logs).
Turns into four planks when logs are chopped up chopped down.
Good for platforms due to it's flatness.
While holding a rock (and the plank if you want), bang to rock into the plank against a piece of bamboo to lock it in place.
Can't burn (Oddly).
Non-Important Plants
Why is this a category?
Coconut tree
Small Palm Tree
Small Oak Tree
Massive Oak Tree
Complete List of Fauna
All the animals and edibles in the game.
Don't eat it raw!
- Food Amount: Medium
- Water Amount: Low
- Health Amount: -10
- Removes hp.
Best source of hunger!
- Food Amount: High
- Water Amount: Low
- Health Amount: Medium
- Put uncooked meat next to fire for about 30 seconds to cook it.
- Used to make the torch.
- Oddly doesn't burn by itself.
- Rarity (Day): Uncommon
- Rarity (Night, at 24:00): Common
- Health Amount: One Hit
- Damage Amount: 30 hp (1/3)
- Found randomly in the grass or on the beach.
- Drops one meat and one fat when killed and gutted.
- Grab the corpse and a rock and bash the rock against the corpse to get your meat and fat.
- Rarity (Day): Uncommon
- Rarity (Night, at 24:00): Common
- Health Amount: One Hit
- Damage Amount: 30 hp (1/3)
- Found randomly in the grass or on the beach.
- Drops nothing when killed and gutted.
King of the jungle!
- Rarity: Very Rare (One per game)
- Health Amount: High
- Damage Amount: 30 hp (1/3)
- Aggressive, can keep chasing you.
- Found randomly on the island.
- Drops three meat and one fat when killed and gutted.
- Grab the corpse and a rock and bash the rock against the corpse to get your meat and fat.
- Rarity: Very Rare (Two per game, in the same locations)
- Health Amount: Can't hurt it.
- Damage Amount: -5 health per 1/2 second.
- Aggressive: Chases you down.
- Hurts you and makes buzzing noises when under it.
- Rarity: Rare
- Health Amount: One Hit
- Damage Amount: Peaceful
- Found randomly in the grass.
- Runs (hops?) away when it see's a player, which can make it hard to catch.
- Drops one meat and one fat when killed and gutted.
- Grab the corpse and a rock and bash the rock against the corpse to get your meat and fat.
Almost impossible to catch!
- Rarity: Rare
- Health Amount: One Hit
- Damage Amount: Peaceful
- Found randomly in the water.
- Almost impossible to kill without drowning.
- Drops one meat and one fat when killed and gutted.
- Grab the corpse and a rock and bash the rock against the corpse to get your meat and fat.
Complete List of Items
All the items that didn't fit in the other categories.
Stick (Firewood)
What's long, hard, and has a shaft?
- Rarity: Very Common
- Found in the grass or on the beach.
- Used to make a fire (5 sticks), or a large fire (8 sticks).
It's a rock. What did you expect?
- Rarity: Very Common
- Found in the grass and on the beach.
- The most important tool, used in about everything.
- Does the most amount of damage. (-10 per "hit")
- Strike two rocks together to make sparks for a fire (Damages the rocks slightly).
- Bang rocks on structures to damage them.
I have a bone to pick with you!
- Rarity: Common
- Found on the beach.
- Used to make the torch.
- Refills the temperature gauge.
- Firewood can be found on the ground, which is just sticks.
- Fire does have to start out with 5 logs. To get through the night, you have to continuously add logs to keep the fire going, as logs with slowly disintegrate.
- Large fires (8+ sticks) can alert the ship once it comes by your side of the island if you are on the beach.
- Used to light the torch.
- Burns you if you stand on it. (-10 per second on it)
- You can have bamboo/planks above it and not get burned, but still get warmth.
Materials required for a torch.
Man's Night Light!
- Made using a piece of fat and a bone.
- Jam the bone into the fat, not the other way around.
- Greatly slows down temperature lose during the night.
- Once lit, it doesn't go out.
Achievements and Information
- You can swim in the water, but if your head goes below the water line you start to take damage.
- Putting a platform above a fire lets you raise your temperature without being on the ground, which means as long as you have food and wood, you can stay up there the entire night without having to worry about snakes.
- The key currently in training mode can't open the door. Trust me, I've tried.
- The rock does -10 damage per hit, the bamboo (spear) does -7 damage per hit, and everything else does -5 damage per hit. Hitting humans in the head does 2x damage.
- The log from palm trees is the largest item in the game, and can put distance between yourself and hostile tigers/humans.
- At around 24:00, snakes and scorpions will start to spawn in. This is why it is recommended make a platform before nightfall, because the snakes and scorpions can overwhelm you.
- You don't have to have a big structure. The bear minimum required is 2 pieces of bamboo and 1 plank, arranged in the following image:
All the achievements should be pretty obvious. You just survive from 7 am to 7 am for each day.
Winning the Game
Hint on how to win the game.
Spoiler on how to win
The ship that rescues you each night travels along a different path on the 4 sides of the island. What you have to do is that along that path, you have to build a large fire (8+ sticks). Make sure you are on the beach! Once rescued, it will trigger the cruise ship to let off a firework / flare, saying "[PLAYER NAME] has left the island!", and prompting a win screen.
This guide will show you how to survive in a game called Hand Simulator: Survival.
Guide to Survive
Food are special items that you need, if you don't have any or know any, here are the food items:
The Coconut
- Gives you 10 hp and fills almost half of your thirst and hunger.
- Gives you 11 hp and fills a little bit of your hunger.
- Gives you 11 hp and fills almost half of your hunger.
- Gives you 11 hp and fills hunger.
There are many items, they are the most important object(s) in the game.
The Eaten Coconut half
- Used as fuel, you cannot do anything with it, you can only use it as fuel.
- Used to make a torch, a useful tool to escape the island, you need animal fat to make a unlighted-torch
- The Rock is very useful, you can make a fire with it if you have 2 rocks, but i'll explain that later, it also does 15 damage.
- Animal fat is used to make a unlighted-torch, which you can light it with fire.
- The Bamboo is a tool, used to kill any animal on the map, it does 20 damage per hit.
- The Dry stick or wood is used for the campfire, you need in total 6/5 sticks/wood to make a campfire, it is used for fuel for the campfire.
- Tools are important for survival, you almost can't survive without tools.
- The torch is used to escape, if the day falls a yacht will spawn and make sounds, if you have a lighted-torch, the yacht will go into the island and you will escape.
- The bamboo spear is a long bamboo spear that deals 20 damage, it cannot harvest anything or anyone, it is used for combat, hunting and fishing only.
- The rock is used to harvest dead animals, trees, coconuts, it can also damage other players and animals. it does 15 damage.
The plants are either decorations or props.
The Palm-Tree
- 30 hp.
- It drops 2/3 coconuts if chopped down, it also drops 3 logs, that are used for building.
- Doesn't have hp, doesn't drop any thing.
- It cannot be chopped down, the mushrooms spawn's on it.
- They don't have any use, they are decorations for the island and nothing else.
- 20 hp.
- The bamboo drop the bamboo spear, go to Tools to get more information for the bamboo spear.
Animals are friendly or hostile, there aren't many on hand simulator survival but i'll list them anyways:
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Если вы новый игрок XERA: Survival, это базовое руководство по выживанию в пятом сезоне, которое поможет вам повысить шансы на выживание, давайте взглянем на него.
Как выжить в XERA: Survival (5 сезон)
На карте есть обычные города, военные базы и зоны событий. Карта очень большая, поэтому найти машину необходимо на всех этапах игры. В начале игры обязательно найти хорошее место для строительства, вам нужен хороший город с как минимум двумя точками появления автомобилей, быть рядом с поселением и быть рядом с хорошим событием, таким как сложное событие или авария. сайт вертолет.
Существует 3 типа XOID: нормальный XOID (красный), Stalker XOID (синий) и тяжелый XOID (зеленый).
Синие XOID или «сталкеры» - это улучшенная версия красных, они так же быстры, как и вы. Вы не можете оглушить их, вы не можете сбить их с машины, у них примерно вдвое больше здоровья, чем у обычного XOID, и они наносят 16-20 урона за удар, вам нужно быть осторожным с ними и избегать использования против них рукопашного боя. .
Зеленый или «тяжелый» XOID самый сложный из всех, у него примерно в 10 раз больше здоровья или нормальный XOID и броня, защищающая его тело, он намного быстрее, чем вы, поэтому вы не можете оставить его позади, и он наносит сумасшедший урон 30 до 40. за кач.
Как бороться с XOID
Когда дело доходит до уничтожения XOID, необходимо иметь машину, когда вы за рулем, вы можете запускать красные XOID, когда вы превышаете 30 км, а когда вам нужно убить синий и зеленый XOID, вы можете встать внутри машины и прыгать, чтобы стрелять в них без него! может атаковать вас!
Есть 2 типа транспортных средств: квадроцикл на 1 человека и багги на 3 человека. Транспортные средства появляются в разных частях карты, и важно построить свою базу как минимум рядом с двумя точками появления автомобилей.
Другие гиды XERA: Survival - Руководство по обработке металлолома и гвоздейВот карта сборки автомобилей для 5 сезона (не моя)
красный = багги
желтый = квадроцикл
Составное событие
В сложном событии вам нужно будет убить 30 XOID (роботов), будет около 25 обычных XOID (красный), 4 XOID-сталкера (синий) и 1 тяжелый XOID (зеленый). Чтобы быть подходящим, вам понадобится машина, лом (для ремонта машины), достаточно бензина, около 120 патронов и около 40 хилов, стоящих здоровья.
Когда наступит событие, вам нужно будет остановить машину перед комплексом, выйти из машины и бежать, собирая как можно больше XOID, как только у вас будет больше 5 на спине, вернитесь к машине (когда вы в машине, XOID, они не могут вам навредить) и просто наезжайте, когда зеленый или синий XOID появляется после того, как вы просто стоите внутри машины и прыгаете, чтобы стрелять, пока они не могут причинить вам вред. Как только комплекс будет готов, вы сможете добыть тонны военных творений и 3 аэродрома!
Крушение вертолета
Вертолет будет разбиваться каждые полтора часа или около того и сбрасывать добычу высокого уровня, у него будет 1 зеленый робот, охраняющий добычу, поэтому не забудьте взять с собой машину и немного боеприпасов и приготовиться к бою!
Эти события немного бессмысленны, они дадут вам около 400 долларов и немного опыта, а также создадут раздачу в случайном месте на карте.
Капли воздуха
Воздушные капли будут приземляться каждый раз, когда кто-то фиксирует радиовышку в случайном месте на карте, она будет содержать броню, лечение, оружие и боеприпасы.
Как добыть металлолом и гвозди
Самый простой способ добыть гвозди и металлолом - это потопить печь. С помощью печи вы можете плавить металлическую руду в металлические прутки, из которых можно сделать 3 металлолома каждый! Вы также можете разобрать металлические рычаги и трубы на металлолом, чтобы получить свою первую печь!Это все, чем мы сегодня делимся XERA: Survival - Руководство по выживанию для начинающих (5-й сезон), не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии ниже. Увидимся!
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