Half life hazardous course 2 прохождение
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The Hazardous-Course 2 is a spoof of the original "Hazard-Course" from Half-Life, which resembles the first player training levels. In contrary to this, the Hazardous-Course, as it's name let's suggest, is much more dangerous. Although it's a mod for a first person shooter, the player can only wield a weapon at the designated target range. So it plays more like an adventure. The difficulty is quite challenging, but the rewards are accordingly. The Basic Training is peppered with hidden Secrets, which reveal tools, shortcuts, control rooms, and other features, to ease almost all challenges. There are two Secret Levels and one Bonus Level to discover, and to complete to access the final part of the Hazardous-Course. Help can be found on the page in form of a FAQ and a complete walkthrough. Unfortunately these are all in german. But to be translated soon. But be aware, that these helps may spoil some surprising Easter eggs, insider gags, and a lot of the actual game play of the HC2!
Tips & Tricks to the "Hazardous Course 2" If you stuck somewhere in the HC2, you may have a look here. Caution! This FAQ contains spoilers to some HC2 content. If you want to discovery the Secrets, bonuses and Easter eggs by yourself, don't read any further!
Posted by Richman on Mar 17th, 2012 - Advanced Other
- Can I use a savegame of an older version of HC2, like 0.3 or 0.9, an continue where I stopped?
Unfortunately no. A lot of things in nearly every map have changed, so a older savegame is not compatible. But the difficulty of the older maps was immensely reduced, so it should be easy to catch up to where you were before. ;-)
- I'm unable to enter my quarter in the first level!
Try to open the door with the use-key. In the HC2 are a lot of doors usable!
- The challenges in the "Basic Training" are all too difficult!
Almost all of the challenges can be changed easier. Have look around you for hidden areas. Usually, you can climb up somewhere to discover a Secret and an option to manipulate the challenge you're facing.
- I'm unable to do the last jumping challenge in part 3. Is it even possible?
Yes it is. Watch your timing. Maybe you need some training jumps. In this case, make use of the quicksave key. Additionally, you can ease the challenge in control room.
- How do I get from the broken bridge to the broken ladder?
Try to catch the edge of the ladder, which hangs lowest.
- How to leave the Pitch-Black area with the monsters?
There's a room, lighted occasionally by sparks. There you can find a hand wheel to open the grate on the other side of the window where the green Exit light flashes. When the grate is open, hurry up, it's closing slowly!
- I found a small generator in the dark area. It won't start, what is it for?
This generator is old. It may take you several tries to get it to work. But be careful, it's fuel only last for a few minutes!
- Until I've turned the wheel fully, I'm dead because of the zombies by then!
Use the crates and the barrel on the same level, to block the access to the room.
- The first long jump challenge is impossible!
No, it's not, but it's quite difficult. Remember to look straight horizontally when jumping. If you look up or down, your jump will be shorter! And try to jump direct not diagonally. Use of the quicksave key on the middle post is recommended!
- How can I beat the last enemy on the Target Range?
Collect as much ammo as possible before you enter the range. So you've enough grenades to kill the last target. Or search for the "Holy Grail". ;-)
- How can I make it through the fire? The health-kits down at the pipes don't help much!
Don't try to get them when the fire's still on! As soon as you exit the tunnel, the fire will be extinguished. Do you remember carrying the long jump? Your fastest with jumping long jumps. So try to cross the fire with long jumps. Try to jump on the sides of the tunnel, so you don't get stuck on the ceiling grates.
- I'm not surviving the cooling basin in the reactor!
Tip: Beneath the storage block in the cooling basin is the fresh water feeding. It isn't radioactive!
- I found a combo-lock, but no code!
Codes for combo-locks are hidden in easy accessible areas previous to the difficult challenges, e.g. in form of a note book or a audio tape.
- At the conveyor with the boxes, Barney can't follow!
Watch for the timing here too. If the distance between you and Barney isn't big enough, Barney just walks. So he isn't fast enough and get caught, with fatal consequences.
- How do I get Barney through the laser cutter?
The trick is to cross a laser, when it's at it's top point. If you don't hesitate to long, Barney can follow you just without touching any laser.
- How to connect the power at the power station?
If a contactor doesn't shut, you need to bridge the gap with an other conduction material. Maybe you need a brave, selfless volunteer. ;-)
- At the speed gauge station, can I make the train go faster?
Nope. But have a look at the way the speed is measured. Maybe you get an idea. ;-)
- I'm lost in the train maze! How to get out?
Simple, just switch every switch point before crossing it.
- The train stops in the train maze after the first switch point. What now?
Sadly, this is a known bug. It's not reproduceable, nor fixable. It helps to load savegame from a previous map.
- At the cleaning station, where the train turns 360°, I'm falling down!
It's not necessary to stay up. Bellow, you can stand on the grate without touching the acid. From there, you can reach safe ground.
- How do I recognize a Secret if I find one?
Secrets are rotating lambda symbols, which can be picked up. As soon as you find one, it tells you which one you found.
- What use has collecting Secrets?
If you find a Secret, you get a opportunity of making a challenge easier. Additionally, the game counts how many Secrets you found. If you found them all, you get access to a Bonus-Level.
- And how do I know how many Secrets I found?
As soon as you found the first Secret or finish the "Basic Training", you can access a situation of you're found Secrets in Freeman's quarters.
- At the first climbing tower stage, I get stuck in the elevator and can't move. What's going on?
Unfortunately, this is a bug of Half-Life. It can help if you jump, otherwise you have to load a quicksave.
- I'm climbing up the wrong side of the ladder. How can I continue?
Come on! Is it that difficult?
Just jump and try to change sides in mid air.
- At stage two are the distances between the ladders to big. And space on top of the ladders is not enough to jump!
Don't try to jump straight. Jump sideways and try to turn in mid air. You get more speed, and keep your momentum to reach the other side.
- I completed the "Basic Training" and the "Climbing Tower", and now am back to where I started. What next?
To finish the HC2, you have to complete all three Bonus Levels. The two Secret Levels you find in connection to the two courses. And you have to find all Secrets in the "Basic Training" to access and complete the Bonus-Level.
But don't worry, all important areas are still accessible after completion!
The Hazardous-Course 2 is a spoof of the original "Hazard-Course" from Half-Life, which resembles the first player training levels. In contrary to this, the Hazardous-Course, as it's name let's suggest, is much more dangerous. Although it's a mod for a first person shooter, the player can only wield a weapon at the designated target range. So it plays more like an adventure. The difficulty is quite challenging, but the rewards are accordingly. The Basic Training is peppered with hidden Secrets, which reveal tools, shortcuts, control rooms, and other features, to ease almost all challenges. There are two Secret Levels and one Bonus Level to discover, and to complete to access the final part of the Hazardous-Course. Help can be found on the page in form of a FAQ and a complete walkthrough. Unfortunately these are all in german. But to be translated soon. But be aware, that these helps may spoil some surprising Easter eggs, insider gags, and a lot of the actual game play of the HC2!
Half-Life-версия знаменитой Syobon Action/Cat Mario
Всего лишь стандартное продолжение тренировки оригинальной 'Half-Life'…
Модификация для мазохистов: преодолевайте препятствия, избегайте ловушек, забиндите Quicksave и Quickload на кнопки поудобнее и приготовьтесь сыграть в The Hazardous-Course 2 - Half-Life-версия знаменитой Syobon Action/Cat Mario.
Вы постоянно сваливались в бездонные ямы Ада в Cat Mario, вы без конца умирали в Dark Souls, а теперь приготовьтесь рвать волосы на голове, когда вы в очередной раз провалите сегмент платформинга от первого лица!
Помимо всего прочего, на уровнях присутствует множество пасхалок и секретов, а также три бонусные карты, которые вам придётся найти самим, ибо прохождение мода доступно только на немецком.
Хорошей игры и приятных смертей.
Прим.редакции: Отдельное спасибо хочу передать сайту GameFront: гори в аду, кусок индусского кода!
Установка модификаций для Half-LifeМодификации
Итак, ты скачал архив с модом. Открыть его можно с помощью любого архиватора (WinRAR, WinZip, 7Zip, FreeArc и т.д.): они поддерживают любые форматы, имеющиеся у нас на сайте. Твоя следующая цель - провести правильную установку.
Итак, распаковав архив мы видим или папку или инсталлятор в формате .exe. Папку с модом разархивируем/инсталлятор устанавливаем по следующему адресу:
- non-Steam-версия C:\Games\Half-Life\
- Steam-версия C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\
В результате у нас должна появиться папка, название которой должно соответствовать полному или сокращенному названию самой модификации. Пример: у игры Counter-Strike 1.6 папка называется cstrike.
Запустить мод можно несколькими способами:
- Создать ярлык на рабочем столе
- non-Steam-версия C:\Games\Half-Life\hl.exe -game ПапкаСМодом
- Steam-версия C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\hl.exe -game ПапкасМодом
, где ПапкаСМодом это та самая папка, которую мы разархивировали/установили.
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