Guild wars 2 месмер гайд
The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good.
Designed for:
A core condition Mesmer build for sPvP made to win duels. Available for F2P players as well.
Staff Healing Utility Elite Scepter/TorchTemplate Code
- trades CD reduction on , your elite and for a potential proc on heal.
Superior Sigil of Doom Your next attack after you swap to this weapon while in combat inflicts poison (6 seconds). (Cooldown: 9s) Superior Sigil of Energy Gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9s) Superior Sigil of Doom Your next attack after you swap to this weapon while in combat inflicts poison (6 seconds). (Cooldown: 9s) Superior Sigil of Energy Gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9s) Superior Rune of the Lynx (1): +25 Power (2): +35 Condition Damage (3): +50 Power (4): +65 Condition Damage (5): +100 Power (6): +25% Movement Speed Sage's Amulet +1000 Power +500 Vitality +500 Healing Power +1000 Condition Damage Carrion Amulet Carrion Amulet +900 Power +900 Vitality +1200 Condition DamageUsage
- Try to send your Phantasms on CD before using as your healing skill partially recharges them.
- grants you Stability whenever you shatter, so consider using one of your shatters to prevent interrupts on important casts like while under pressure or if you're stomping a downed enemy.
- Don't be afraid to use if you need to keep the pressure up but you're all out of shatters. This signet also lets you be a bit more wasteful of your shatters, knowing that you can recharge them anytime.
- Aim to use inside whenever possible in order to combo Chaos Aura for yourself.
- Keep in mind that auras don't stack in duration, so don't try to combo it with .
- Use for mobility while roaming between capture points or chasing after targets. PR teleports you in the opposite direction of where you're facing, so in order to teleport "forward" simply turn around and use it then turn back. We recommend that you set up a bind for about face to do this in a fluid manner (Options ⇒ Control Options ⇒ Movement).
- About face ⇒ ⇒ about face is the rotation.
- Make sure that you don't have an enemy targeted when doing this!
- Every shatter inflicts Torment via Can't find such trait "Maim The Disillusioned"! Please refer to our trait index.
- is the strongest shatter skill here when it comes to damage, followed by . These 2 will help you burst.
- Scepter is your offensive set while Staff is more about defense and sustained damage. All Scepter skills deal good damage.
- The autoattack chain of Scepter can be progressed without a target, even out of combat. This is useful because autoattacking the air twice lets you start fights with for a free clone.
- The build has plenty of ways to deal with conditions:
- Weapon swapping removes a condition via .
- is your mass cleanse, removing a total of 5 conditions with .
- removes another one when you use your healing skill.
- cleanses whenever you shatter.
- Last but not least, is another source of cleansing.
- Every signet grants .
- is an excellent panic button and mobility tool that instantly yeets you across the battlefield whilst breaking stun.
- Your strongest option against damage in general is , granting you immunity to any form of pressure including CC and conditions that are already on you.
- can be used even while stunned, blinding nearby enemies and giving you a chance to gain Protection whens struck.
- Same goes for , you could use it to get out of harm's way even while stunned.
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Build rating - 5 stars Only registered users can vote. Log in or Register. (It only takes a few seconds!) ThaneXLR gave this build 5 stars • last monthSince I have made top 10 end of season multiple times on this build, I will give a short pro and con of the build.
Overall: The build performs at every level if played correctly. Its kill potential is extremely niche compared to any other build: relying on reflecting projectiles, confusion, interrupting key skills, and constant basic attacking+mind rack. I recommend moa signet against minionmancers to instantly disarm spawned minions, other than that it is better to stick to mass invisible at all levels. Always take method of madness over master manipulator, 7 second reduced cd is not worth trading off a passive chaos storm.
-Essentially immune to conditions
-Can do raw power damage if needed (hybrid damage)
-Does very well into projectile reliant builds (renegade, slb/condi ranger, condi thief)
-One of if not the best build to take outnumber fights
-Good stealth tracking (scepter 3, staff 3)
-Very low burst damage output
-Relies a lot on enemies to make mistakes in order to win fights quicker (confusion, interruption, reflects, scepter 2)
-Loses to these builds most of the time: fire weaver, prot holo, reaper, scourge (if on point)
Good luck and have fun.
P.S. I may start streaming on Twitch under the same username idk
Hanz gave this build 4 stars • April 2021В этой теме я не собираюсь писать гайд. Скорее поделюсь тонкостями, которые позволят вам (при грамотном использовании), выжимать из своего персонажа максимум.
Краткий исторический экскурс:
Реалии таковы, что все, даже самые жуткие аутисты, уже выучили эту комбинацию и научились ее контрить банальным эвейдом.
Сегодня я бы хотел поговорить о Shatter билде, которым играю сам.
Masterful Reflection очень важная черта в условиях нынешней меты рейнджеров. Разве что в инвизе лучше не использовать с: Как работает? Принцип очень простой: помимо полного имунна скилл будет отражать обратно все метательные снаряды. Фулл прокаст рейнджера в этот скил сносит ему, примерно, 50-60% здоровья.
Я описал и, надеюсь, пояснил отличие своего билда от классического. Теперь поговорим о комбинациях.
Единственный случай, когда его следует использовать для урона:
(и только если вы обездвижили цель)+ + (используем, чтобы враг не прожал ничего, что могло бы снять связку).
В остальных случаях просто используйте другие умения для нанесения урона.
Используйте и после нанесения урона (можно после перекат сделать). В результате все впитает в себя ваша иллюзия, а вы окажетесь в выгодном положении: атаковать из инвиза.
Месмеры (Mesmer) – маги-дуэлисты, полагающиеся на обман и контроль своих противников. Нерешительность – их главный союзник. Используя могущественные иллюзии, чтобы сбить с толку противника, они практически никогда не сталкиваются с врагом лицом к лицу. Они используют свою мощь и тактику для бесчестной драки. Когда вы думаете, что уже поняли намерения Месмера, иллюзии разрушаются, клоны тают в воздухе, и вы обнаруживаете, что всё время сражались с воздухом. Трудно уследить за настоящим Месмером.
У Месмера нет грубой силы воина или мощи дальних атак рейнджера. Вместо этого месмер создает сеть из переплетающихся иллюзий, состояний и призрачных источников урона. Благодаря умелой игре, месмеры могут объединить все эти части в смертельную головоломку, которую предстоит решить врагам и которая поможет союзникам.
Месмеры могут создавать иллюзии – образы, проявляющиеся на физическом плане. Большинство иллюзий направлены на конкретную цель, однако кто угодно может увидеть и атаковать их. Они существуют до тех пор, пока жива их цель и могут быть разрушены только если атаковать её. Месмер может поддерживать до трех иллюзий одновременно, при создании новой иллюзии сверх этого числа, самая старшая (вызванная ранее всех) будет замещена новой. Существует два вида иллюзий: клоны и фантазмы.
Клоны – иллюзии, которые выглядят так же, как и заклинатель, получают имя мага и основные линии поведения. У клонов низкий уровень здоровья и, как правило, слабый урон. К примеру, у месмера, вооруженного мечем, будет два умения, вызывающих клонов: Leap (прыжок), который перемещает месмера вперед, оставив на прежнем месте клона, и Illusionary Leap (Иллюзорный Прыжок), который вызывает клона, прыгающего затем вперед.
Фантазмы (Phantasms) – иллюзии, которые выглядят как заклинатель, но имеют собственные имена и используют особое иллюзорное оружие, которое выглядит иначе и имеет свои специфические свойства. Фантазмы мощнее, у них больше здоровья и они наносят больше урона. К примеру, Месмер с посохом может вызвать иллюзорного мага, который будет атаковать его цель и наносить дополнительный урон за каждое состояние на противнике.
Категория умений, которая имеет две фазы. Сначала месмер активирует мантру с долгим временем каста, после чего в соответствующем слоте появляется умение с мгновенным использованием. Мантры очень действенны, так как перед битвой вы можете «зарядить» несколько, а потом использовать их в середине каста другого заклинания, не прерывая его. К примеру, (Mantra of Pain) Мантру Боли можно зарядить и получить умение, наносящее моментальный урон копьём энергии, которое можно использовать во время применения направленного заклинания (channeled spell), дающегося с двуручным мечом.
Месмер может использовать различное оружие, как магическое, так и ближнего или дальнего боя.Основная рука: Меч, Скипетр
Вторая рука: Фокус, Пистолет, Меч, Факел
Двуручное: Посох, Двуручный мечСостояние «Confused»
Месмер добавляет в нашу копилку состояний новое, под названием «Confused» (озадачен, запутан). Противник в таком состоянии получает урон при каждой активации какого-либо умения. Это состояние можно накапливать, так что чем больше confusion на противнике, тем больше урона он будет получать.
Shattering (Разрушение)
У месмера есть особые способности, которые позволяют разрушить иллюзии. Разрушение уничтожает иллюзию и создает вторичный эффект. Существует четыре различных разрушающих умения:
Mind Wrack – разрушает ваши иллюзии и наносит урон противникам рядом с ними.
Cry of Frustration – разрушает ваши иллюзии и накладывает состояние Confused на ближайших противников.
Diversion – разрушает иллюзии и оглушает ближайших противников.
Reflection – разрушает иллюзии и устанавливает вокруг месмера барьер, отражающий вражеские снаряды.Скриншоты
ЭлементалистWelcome to the Builds Archive. See the ones that gathered dust, were orphaned by their original writers, or became obsolete by balance patches. We keep the orphan builds together and salute the veteran builds that held a position in the good, great, or meta categories. Click here to view current builds.
Designed for:
Leveling Tips
It is strongly advised that you review our Leveling Tips Guide before proceeding with this build.
Mesmer can be a hard class to level due to its heavy reliants on triat synergies, which don't come into play until around level 45. However, it is an extremely versatile class which can fill almost any role in the game and which has several different playstyles. Its Elite Specs, Chronomancer and Mirage, are often sought after in raids to fill niche roles and have proven strong in WvW and PvP at times.
Mesmer in general can be fairly complex to play and learn but is worth the time investment if you like a jack-of-all-trades playstyle and an engaging class that's based heavily on game theory.
The Build
This is a preview of the build you are aiming for. Progression is explained below.
Skill Bar
Sword/Sword Healing Utility EliteSpecializations
Shatters are the Mesmer's profession mechanic. Each shatter has its own effects, which increase in strength based on the number of clones you currently have active. This destroys your active clones. These shatters, especially , are critical to Mesmer's gameplay.
Illusions, Clones, and Phantasms
Mesmer's second profession mechanic includes its Illusions. Mesmer can generate illusions in a number of ways and there are two types of illusions: clones and phantasms.
Clones copy your current autoattack and deal very minimal DPS. They can occasionally grab aggro from mobs, though this is inconsistent.
Phantasms are advanced clones which have their own skills. Phantasms are generated by specific skills, such as , and become a Clone after they execute their specific attack. It is always best to let your Phantasms complete their attacks and become a clone before shattering them.
- Your sword autoattack is your bread and butter. Use it.
- - deals very high damage
- - good area damage
- - can be dropped at the start of a hard fight for high CC and a massive boost to your damage.
- - used when you have three clones, deals very high burst damage
- - reduces the cooldown on all phantasm abilities
- - long duration evade
- - blocks an attack
- - breaks stun
- - can be taken to clear conditions
- - personal invulnerability, great panic button
The gameplay of this build isn't terribly complicated: Summon phantasms and clones, shatter them, use high-damage skills off cooldown, and use defensive cooldowns when needed. You may struggle somewhat before level 45; keep going, it gets much better.
Unlocking the build above will take quite some time, but you should aim to follow the guide below. Note that you should have more hero points than you will need for this build, so do some experimenting and unlock things that seem fun to you. This build a guideline, not a hard rule to follow.
Tier 1
Tier 1 is level 2-10 and during this tier you will be slowly introduced to some of the core concepts of the game, like weapon and profession skills. You will begin with some weapon skills unlocked and will unlock more as you level. At level 5 you will unlock your first Shatter,
Through this tier you will unlock more weapon skills. For now, work on reaching the next tier by completing events and exploration. At level 10 you will unlock the ability to swap weapons.
Complete your Personal Story and proceed to Tier 2.
Tier 2
From levels 11-20 you'll be in Tier 2, where you can start unlocking slot skills
Slot Skills are divided into three categories - Healing, Utility, and Elite. You already have a Healing Skill, but now you can begin unlocking Utility Skills.
On reaching Level 11 you'll receive 5 hero points. You can get hero points from levels or completing Hero Challenges in the world, but for the purposes of this guide we will only consider your hero points gained from levels.
To start off, open your hero panel and look under the Training tab. You'll see several options for Slot Skills. Your goal in Tier 2 is to unlock the following skills and any skills that come before them:
You won't unlock much else this tier, so keep exploring until you hit Tier 3.
Remember to focus on Power gear as you level. The secondary stat can be any of your choice, though Precision, Vitality, Healing Power, or Toughness are recommended.
At level 20, you will unlock Chapter 2 of your Personal Story. Complete it and proceed to Tier 3.
Tier 3
Tier 3 contains levels 21-30 and right away you will unlock the ability to select Core Specializations and unlock Traits.
Your goal in this Tier is much the same as Tier 2 and 1: Complete open world events, hearts, vistas, and the like while gaining levels.
At Level 30, complete your next Personal Story chapter and move to Tier 4.
Tier 4
From levels 31-40, right away you can unlock your Elite Skill. Elite skills are unlocked at the end of some Skill Lines and can be very powerful. For our purposes, we'll focus on:
It is worth noting that you will begin unlocking dungeons here, as listed in our Leveling Tips guide. Be sure to consult that section, as dungeons are a valuable source of gold and experience.
At level 40, complete your Personal Story chapter and move to Tier 5.
Tier 5
In this tier we get another choice of trait line at level 45. In this case, you'll want to begin unlocking the Dueling Specialization, aiming for these three traits
With Dueling complete, the core of your build is finished and you should immediately notice a massive difference in DPS.
You should have these three traits fully unlocked before hitting the next tier, but if not continue to unlock them in the next tier. At level 60, complete the next chapter of your personal story and move to Tier 6.
Tier 6 and Tier 7
The next two tiers, 6 and 7, are mostly the same as Tier 5. You will unlock new dungeons like Twilight Arbor and Sorrow's Embrace, and will be able to complete more of your personal story. During these Tiers you will start getting gear with 3 stats rather than 2, so you should start focusing on bringing up your Power and Precision, generally, with the third attribute being of your choice (avoid condition damage).
Runes and Sigils
By level 60 you will be able to obtain Superior Runes and Sigils, which can alter your gameplay drastically. Find some that you like and that are very cheap and use them in your gear. It is not recommended to purchase any specific runes or sigils until level 80, however, so just use ones that you find or are given by the rewards system for now.
Once you have completed your Tier 7 Personal Story, you are ready to proceed to Tier 8.
Tier 8
Level 71 is where you start getting your first tastes of the end-game. Here we unlock our final Specialization slot, which we'll be dedicating to Domination.
By this point, you will have most of the maps in Core Tyria unlocked and will have made your way to the Orr maps. These maps, such as Malchor's Leap, have extremely frequent events and you will often find "Event Trains" in their public map chat. Join up with these trains for large group activites that are both highly profitable and grant large amounts of experience.
After exploring Orr and participating in events, you will have reached level 80. From here, proceed into your final Story Chapter, and upon completing it you will be ready for some of the end-game content.
Elite Specializations and Post-80 Content
Just because you're level 80 now doesn't mean the game is over, however. Guild Wars 2's leveling experience is a fun series of exploration, story, dungeons, and learning experiences. Post-80, much of that remains the same. There are more level 80 maps in the game than pre-80 maps, so exploring those and experiencing Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, and the Living Story episodes will give you more of that unique leveling experience.
You will also want to unlock your Elite Specializations. You can do this in a similar way to your Core Specializations, by obtaining Hero Points, but Elite Specializations require many more Hero Points than Core. The best way to obtain these is to venture in to the Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire maps and complete Hero Challenges there, which grant 10 Hero Points each. You can often find "HP Trains" in the LFGs for these maps or in map chat, which will allow you to very quickly and easily complete these Hero Points.
The difficulty level of maps ramps up considerably from Core to the Expansions, so be ready to get hit hard. You'll want to explore our Open World section for good Core / Basic Builds to level up your Elite Specs.
Fractals and Raids are also unlocked at 80, and if you own the expansions you can jump right into them. Fractals are a lot like dungeons but with a tiered progression system. Higher level fractals can be very profitable and challenging content but require special Ascended gear. Raids, on the other hand, can be an excellent source of Ascended drops and provide rewarding group content to complete with up to 10 players. You can start off raids in Exotic Gear, which is often relatively cheap, so don't be afraid to look for Training Guilds.
From here, your goals are your own. You can seek to conquer the fractal progression, join up with raids, or participate in the massive number of meta events available around Tyria. Whichever path you decide, you'll need a build for it, so consult the other builds on this site to find one that suits you best.
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