Guardian tales 6 1 кошмар прохождение
The evil fairy appears again and explains to you that she shrunk you on the order of the Inquisitors.
Fairy's Mischief
Monster Lv.
Recommended Type
17,042 Gold22,000 Experience
Wedding Ring of Earth
Purple Coin
Star Pieces
Secret Stages
Starting Table: [ ]
Flying Around: [ ]
This map is basically about flying around with your bug and landing on several tables. Look out for the little shadow of your bug and press the attack button to land it at the location of its shadow.
There are in total 19 tables including the one you have started on. So make sure you have found all of them before leaving the level. To make it easier to find I divided the map into five lines of tables and will follow the explanation from the most northern to the most southern line.
As well you carefully screen the areas between the tables as many purple items are flying in the air.
Table with Bushes: [ ]
At the top left is a table with nine squares of pushes, six of them occupied by gnomes picking berries. You could "talk" to the remaining three squares - each made of four bushes - to destroy them and mostly get food items/Health, but under one of them is star piece.
Table with Ants: [ ]
Flying south-east you will find a square table with three ants and 2 bugs on it. Go down and fight them, nothing more to do. This starts the second line of tables.
Table with Praying Gnomes: [ ]
Flying further to the right you will reach a table with praying gnomes. They seem to be some part of a cult and you could donate some gold to them, but this seems to have no Benefit, so better save your money. You need to steal from the urn mutiple times to obtain the gold prize from this level. Repeat it until Lorraine gets you.
Small Table with Food: [ ]
Further to the right (and a little south), there is a small table with only a tiny spot to land on so you could collect the purple coins.
Table with Gnomes and Mice: [ ]
On this table, you find three gnomes and four mice, so it looks like one gnome is missing to make it even. Indeed you find this gnome at a different table later on and after you return it here, you will be gifted a star piece.
A table with a Hole: [ ]
Further right on this line, there is a table with gnomes standing around a hole in the ground. Dropdown into this hole and you will have an encounter with gnomes fighting you - and these little guys are pretty strong. Once you have defeated them you will meet the shoemaker gnome which gives you access to a secret level (Shoemaker's Favor).
Table with Cakes and Flames: [ ]
Go south to reach the third line of the table starting with one holding a lot of cakes of which some are surrounded by a fence so you could not directly reach them. Take one of the pieces outside the fence, light it at one of the burning braziers, and then use it to light one of the ones not burning yet. It will result is all cakes inside the fence catching fire so you could afterward land there with our little bug and collect the items.
Table with four Dishes: [ ]
Going straight to the left you will after a while reach a table with three dishes of food and one with a candle on it. Land there, collect everything, and move on.
Tomato Table / Mice Bar: [ ]
Moving further left for quite a while you will reach a table with a hole covered by a tomato. Just raise the tomato and throw it away to be able to jump down the hole. Inside you will find a bar packed with mice eating cheese. Go to the barkeeper and if you order the correct menu (read the note that the white "mouse" leave behind when you talk to him couple times) he will open the backstage area for you. It will reveal not only some purple items and a treasure chest, but Knowledge about the Mouse Hole.
Stone Cross Table: [ ]
By flying south-east we reach not only a table which has a dish of cake and stones aligned like a cross, but is as well the first one of the fourth line of tables. Just destroy all stones to make sure you do not miss an item before moving on.
Table with Gnomes and Bugs: [ ]
Moving to your right there will be a table with a few gnomes, bugs, and bushes. You will have a small piece of story about how to tame your bug so that it does not explode. Of course, do not forget to look under the bushes.
Table with Bombs: [ ]
On the far right, you reach a table with four braziers, two bombs, and a hole being obviously covered. Take on of the bombs and throw it onto the hole to open it. Jumping down you will find a small room with again some braziers, but as well a fire pit in it. Take it with you to the top and use it to light the braziers there to get a star piece.
Table with Meat: [ ]
Going directly south you find a table nearly completely covered with food. Land on the tiny free space to collect the purple items.
Table with a Fence: [ ]
We are now on the last line of tables, but although there is something on the right, we first move to the left. There is a table where the top part is fenced so that you could only land at the bottom part. Go for the left side with the bomb and use it to destroy the massive stone. Then take a bomb again and throw it down the hole. Follow it right away to pick it up again and throw it at the massive block down there to destroy it, too. It will open the way to the fenced area so you collect the items.
Empty Table: [ ]
Further left you find a squared table with only destroyable items, leaving it completely empty after you have left.
The trapped Gnome: [ ]
At the very left of this line, you find a table surrounded by food items building a "natural" cage for the gnome on it and indeed she is not able to escape from here. Pick her up and fly her back to her friends (Table with Mice and Gnomes at the second line) to get a star piece as a reward.
The Exit: [ ]
The last table is the one at the very bottom right, so make sure you have screened all tables and the gaps in between and around them for purple items before going here. When you arrive you directly have to fight back some ant soldiers before you are allowed to exit the level.
Fly to the table at the bottom right where you have to fight a small army of ants before you are able to access the exit.
В конце видео есть карта с расположением всех фиолетовых монет, звездных кубов, сокровищ, мистических табличек, комиксов и видео записей.
Цифра показывает число фиол. монет в локации, чтобы вы легко могли найти недостающие.
В конце видео есть карта с расположением всех фиолетовых монет, звездных кубов, сокровищ, мистических табличек, комиксов и видео записей.
Цифра показывает число фиол. монет в локации, чтобы вы легко могли найти недостающие.
Normal Mode Nightmare Mode
Forest Monster
Vow to the Blue Knight
Police and the Thief
Star Pieces
6 (Nightmare)
Purple Coin
221 (Normal)130 (Nightmare)
100% Reward
Strange Noblewoman Karina (Hero costume)Secret Stages
Kanterbury Forest stretches out around Kanterbury Castle. At one point, the castle can be seen on the horizon, covered in a dark haze. Kanterbury Forest is home to Loraine's Inn and the Champion Sword, as well as various types of goblins and slimes. On top of that, something strange seems to be brewing in the forest.
Normal Mode [ ]
After the Prologue, The Knight (your player character_ is thrown into Kanterbury Forest with the Little Princess. You are separated from her early on and must chase after her through the forest in an attempt to bring her to safety and reunite with your companions, Captain Eva and Camilla the Queen.
As soon as you are given the map, 1-1 Inn is open and you can play it for 15 Stamina.
Main & Sub Stages [ ]
Nightmare Mode [ ]
Kanterbury Forest Nightmare mode continues where you left off with Normal mode. You have yet to solve the mystery surrounding Loraine, so you enter the forest again, only to see creatures ranging from humans, to monsters, to elves being attacked by some very suspicious shadows.
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