Gta san andreas dam and blast прохождение
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Узнав, какая Семья стоит за попытками испортить ему жизнь, Вузи планирует ограбить казино «Калигула». Первый шаг — достать взрывчатку. Она есть в местном карьере.
Самый быстрый способ добраться туда — окружное шоссе. Правда, ехать по встречной полосе не рекомендуем (см. скриншоты). Прибыв на место, вставай в светящуюся область и готовься действовать быстро.
Рабочие уже заложили взрывчатку по местам, и через две с половиной минуты динамит сделает свое дело. Быстро залезай в свою тачку, слегка разгонись и прыгай прямо на дно карьера. Там хватай стоящий грузовик и начинай раскатывать ящики со взрывчаткой. В принципе, данного времени должно хватить, так как заряды расположены близко друг к другу.
«Неожиданно» выезд перекрывают охранники. Придется выбираться другим путем. Прыгай на Sanchez и езжай к чекпойнту. Большинство препятствий преодолеть легко. Проблема может возникнуть с предпоследней точкой, где надо хорошенько разогнаться перед прыжком. Наконец, выбравшись из карьера, отвози посылку ожидающему нас человеку от Вузи.
Русское название:
Взрыв на Плотине
Казино «Четыре дракона» , Лас-Вентурас, Сан-Андреас
Заминировать дамбу Шермана.
Условия провала:
Си-Джей мёртв, самолёт взорван до прыжка с парашютом.
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Краткое описание
Одна из подготовительных миссий перед ограблением Казино "Калигула". Карл Джонсон считает необходимым обеспечить возможность перебоев в подаче электроэнергии в Лас-Вентурас с генераторов дамбы Шермана, чтобы оставить казино без электричества. Для этого под покровом ночи Карл на предварительно подготовленном самолете Nevada вылетает из аэропорта Лас-Вентурас и десантируется в районе дамбы, оставив самолет на произвол судьбы. Ликвидировав охрану и проникнув внутрь гидроэлектростанции, Карл минирует токогенераторы и покидает дамбу.
Carl Johnson about to plant explosives inside the Sherman Dam
Mission Objectives
- Go to the airport . You're going to need a plane to parachute onto the dam quay.
- Get in the plane on the end of the runway.
- Fly the aircraft to the jump point over the dam.
- GO! (When the player arrives to the corona over the dam)
- Make your way to the end of the dam quay.
- Avoid getting spotted by the guards patrolling the area
- There's a knife stashed near one of the containers which you may find useful.
- Go and pick up the knife .
- Get past the guards and find the entrance to the generator room
- This is all about stealth, if you get spotted or make too much noise the whole building will be alerted.
- When close to a generator press (the button that the game tells you) to plant the charges. You need one on each generator .
- Charge placed.
- Charge placed.
- Charge placed.
- Charge placed.
- Charge placed.
- All the generators have been rigged, get to the exit .
Conditions of mission failure
Unlocked by
Technical Information
Time of day
In-game timeDam and Blast is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas given to protagonist Carl Johnson by Wu Zi Mu as part of plans to pull off a heist of Caligula's Palace from The Four Dragons Casino, a casino located along The Strip in Las Venturas, San Andreas.
Carl, having successfully convinced Millie Perkins to date him in order to obtain her keycard, is now positioned to continue preparations for the heist on the main vault of Caligula's Palace. His next step is to establish a means of temporarily cutting the power supply to Las Venturas in order to provide himself and Wu Zi Mu's men with the cover of darkness and the resulting confusion while robbing the safe. To do this, Carl heads out to Sherman Dam, which supplies Las Venturas with hydroelectric power, to plant remotely detonated explosives on the main generators. After sneaking into the dam's facilities and planting the explosives, Carl escapes to the roof, only to be trapped by the guards. With deputies and SWAT closing in with their Rangers and Enforcers from the dam's roadway below, CJ narrowly escapes capture by performing a swan-dive from one of the dam's control towers into the outlet channel to the south (erroneously labeled as Sherman Reservoir by the game).
Mission Objectives
In order to complete the mission the player must:
- Go to the airport. You're going to need a plane to parachute onto the dam quay
- Fly the aircraft to the jump point over the dam
- Get to the highest altitude possible using the aircraft
- Land on the dam quay
- Go and pick up the knife
- Get past the guards and find the entrance to the generator room
- When close to a generator press (RETURN button for PC, Triangle button for PS2, Y button for Xbox) to plant the charges. You need one on each generator
- All the generators have been rigged, get to the exit
The reward for completing the mission is an increase in respect. The mission Cop Wheels is unlocked.
Possible Glitch
Some online walkthroughs for this mission, such as that posted on this website, indicate that Carl loses his weapons after parachuting out of the plane. In the PS2, iOS, and Xbox 360 versions, at least, Carl keeps all his weapons for the mission. In the PC version, if Carl lands on the red marker, he can keep his weapons; if he "loses" his weapons, he will be forced to use the knife, and won't even be able to use fists.
It's unclear whether this is a glitch, or the loss of weapons reported in the walkthroughs is a glitch; the BradyGames Official Strategy Guide makes no reference to losing weapons (and neither do either of the video walkthroughs on this page). The player regains his weapons at the end of the mission, other than any Brass Knuckles or Parachutes he had.
If the player loses their weapons, it is possible to regain them by purchasing at Ammu-Nation. All ammunition will be restored by a single purchase of that weapon type. However, the keyboard commands to change weapons will be rendered inoperative until CJ lands in the water, meaning the player will be forced to use the last weapon purchased.
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