Gesture of the drowned risk of rain 2 как открыть
11 апр. 2019 в 10:45 Gesture of the Drowned ItemID
I have zero interest in chasing crabs off a cliff and would like to go ahead and unlock gesture of the drowned through editing the profile xml file. Does anyone have the itemID or willing to grab it for me?
Your profile xml file will be at Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\'yoursteamid'\632360\remote\UserProfiles and the line will be something like <unlock>Items.'itemID'</unlock>. If you have gesture unlocked it'll be in there by some name that I'm looking for.
The Gesture of the Drowned is a lunar item in Risk of Rain 2.
The first Gesture of the Drowned reduces the holder's equipment cooldown by half, but activates it as soon as it is ready.
Subsequent Gestures reduce equipment cooldown by 15% each, the same amount as a Fuel Cell Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.
Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack) . Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack) . .
Version History
- Major Content
- Added New Lore Entry: Gesture of the Drowned
- Update visuals to match other assets
- Gameplay Changes
- Cooldown Reduction: 50%(+50% per stack) ⇒ 50% (+15% per stack)
- GoTD, unlike most other Lunar items, doesn’t have stacking drawbacks, and should therefore stack more like a Tier 2 in power.
- Fix equipment targets not being updated at the moment of firing (i.e Woodsprite 15s Heal over time. Activate to send to an ally.
Gain a Woodsprite follower that heals for 1.5% of your maximum health/second . Can be sent to an ally to heal them for 10% of their maximum health . not being able to select targets with Gesture)
- Bug Fixes
- Picking up new equipment with Gesture of the Drowned no longer fires every frame
Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown. BUT it automatically activates.Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack) . Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown .
Bandit - How to Unlock & In-Depth Guide - Now with Achievement guide От Rainbow Knight A quick guide on bandit as well as some in-depth info such as items, ability list etc.
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How to Unlock
Bandit Achievements/Challenges
How to play as Bandit - Gameplay
Комментарии How to UnlockThe bandit is one of the easiest to unlock if you already have the "Huntress" character then he is automatically unlocked when you load the game, for those without the Huntress unlocked he can be acquired by going and completing the third teleporter event. (Just go to stage 3 and teleport to stage 4)
All the ability unlocks are underneath themselves respectively as well as how to unlock them
All of the bandits abilities and suggestions on how to use them as well as synergies and
Whenever you are behind an enemy all attacks are critical (Double dmg) Primary - 1 Fire a shotgun burst for 5x100% damage. Can hold up to 4 shells.
Proc: 5x0.5
Cooldown: 0.5s Primary - 2 Fire a rifle blast for 330% damage. Can hold up to 4 bullets.
Proc: 1
Cooldown: 0.5sTo unlock this you need to complete Bandit: Classic Man Challenge.
As Bandit, successfully use 'Lights Out' to reset your cooldowns 15 times in a row.Self explanatory - See Achievements/Challenges section
Secondary - 1 Serrated Dagger Lunge and slash for 360% damage. Critical Strikes also cause
Proc: 1
Cooldown:4s Secondary - 2 Serrated Shiv Throw a hidden blade for 240% damage. Critical Strikes also cause
Proc: 1
Cooldown:4sTo unlock this you need to complete Bandit: Sadist Challenge.
As Bandit, kill a monster with 20 stacks of Hemorrhage.See Achievements/Challenges section
Smoke Bomb Stunning. Deal 200% damage, become invisible, then deal 200% damage again.
Proc: 1
Cooldown:6s Special - 1 Lights Out Slayer. Fire a revolver shot for 600% damage. Kills reset all your cooldowns.
Proc: 7
Cooldown:6s Special - 2 Slayer. Fire a revolver shot for 600% damage. Kills grant stacking tokens for 10% more Desparado damage.
Proc: 7
Cooldown:6sTo unlock this you need to complete Bandit: B&EChallenge.
As Bandit, kill the final boss with 'Lights Out'. MithrixSee Achievements/Challenges section
Bandit Achievements/ChallengesDue to a fair amount of people wanting more info on getting the achievements to unlock the abilities I decided to make a paragraph or 2 about it.
Bandit: Mastery - As Bandit, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.
Beat the game on Monsoon difficulty, either by obliterating or killing the final boss. The final boss is probably easier and can get you more achievements.
Bandit: Sadist - As Bandit, kill a monster with 20 stacks of Hemorrhage.
Collect the following items - 5x Back up magazines, 2-3x Purity, 3 Transcendence, lots of Tougher Times, 5x Fuel cells and Ocular Hud (Try not to stack damage items such as Crowbar, Armour piercing etc.)
Your boss options are as follows:
Overloading Worm - 12000hp + 3600 for each level
Grandparent - 3625 + 1088 for each level
Scavenger - 3800 + 1140 for each levelNote: you may die so do it on drizzle. For Scavengers and Overloading worms you will have to loop but with grandparent you should be able to get on stage 5.
if you have a better way of doing it please let me know
Bandit: B&E - As Bandit, kill the final boss with 'Lights Out'.
If you really want the achievement you can go into drizzle and complete the game by killing Mithrix . Though this achievement should come fairly naturally and can be done while trying to get Bandit: Mastery and Bandit:Sadist
Bandit: Classic Man - As Bandit, successfully use 'Lights Out' to reset your cooldowns 15 times in a row.
Go onto drizzle with Artifact of Swarms, Glass and Kin. Then kill an enemy with "Lights out" and do this 15 times without missing a shot. (You will be resetting "lights out's" cool down so you don't have to have anything else on cool down)
Its hard to come up with a list of items that the bandit should use especially seen as he is so unique and new. Here are some that will be updated the more I play with him and find new combos.
Читайте также:
- Cooldown Reduction: 50%(+50% per stack) ⇒ 50% (+15% per stack)