Где находятся сохранения painkiller
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Скопируйте файлы из архива в C:\Users\%user-name%\AppData\Local\SKIDROW\214870\Storage*
*Чтобы увидеть папку Application Data(AppData для Vista\7\8\10) нужно включить показ скрытых файлов и папок.
Инструкцию по открытию этих папок для просмотра читайте здесь
The file you are looking for is called saveData.txt and you should be able to find it at
'C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\EQ Studios\The Painscreek Killings\SaveData'
Just make sure you back it up so that you don't accidentally overwrite it or delete it. I would recommend creating a folder, named accordingly for each saveData.txt, in a separate location (Desktop for example). Then make sure to update the saveData.txt in said folder after every play session. There is no easy way to tell which saveData.txt is which so make multiple backups if you have to.
(Ex. Person A and Person B want to play on the same computer. They each create a folder on the Desktop called A and B respectively. After Person A is done playing they would move the saveData.txt from the game files to folder A. Then when Person B wants to play they just have to copy the saveData.txt from folder B into the game files, so on and so forth.)
Hopefully I could explain that clearly, let me know if you have any questions.
10 янв. 2013 в 19:12Painkiller save files on windows 7
I was victim to the trauma difficulty in painkiller. I beat the game on trauma not knowing that according to the story you can't battle lucifer playing trauma difficulty because you never consume any souls therefore never become corrupted and go stright to heaven. Well i think heaven is for slackers and i really wanna kick lucifer's ass but i don't want to play through the game again on nightmare. I got the save files for chapter 5 on nightmare but I have no idea where I should physically put them on my computer. I have 32 bit windows 7. please. lucifer is impatient and I hate to keep the king of hellfire waiting.
10 янв. 2013 в 19:32
According to GameSave Manager, the save folder is inside the steam folder at [steam folder]\steamapps\common\painkiller black edition\SaveGames. If it isn't there, might want to check your User folder.
10 янв. 2013 в 19:42Oh my goodness. I should register myself as legally blind and never drive a car again. It was right under my nose I was just looking at the wrong drive. Thank you for showing me the obvious.
В других играх без проблем,найти Save Games,а здесь не можем определить где находится Saves,в XP игра Painkiller Redemption?
Лучший ответ
Не знаю точно куда деваются сохранения от Пейнкиллера, но, если их нет в корне самой игры, или в "Моих документах", то тогда (это относится ко многим играм) сохранения ищи по этому пути
C:\Documents and Settings\ИМЯ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ\Application Data\
тут уже ищи: или папку с названимем игры "Painkiller", или папку с названием разработчика\издателя игры
(JoWooD, Homegrown). Ну и внутри будут сохранения игры.
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