Где находится красная луна в supraland
10 апр. 2019 в 10:55 Green moon
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to the location of the second green moon (the one in the totally enclosed stone hut)?
I think I either have to approach from underground or I have to find a wooden button, but for the life of me I can''t seem to find anything in the vicinity.
Do I still stay in the same arena as where the first green moon was found?
10 апр. 2019 в 11:48 Underground in the area under the red crystal is where you wanna search at is all I will say. Pay attention and search thoroughly and I'm sure you will get there :) 10 апр. 2019 в 12:04 Yes, I thought as much, but how do you get underground? I can seem to find the entrance. 10 апр. 2019 в 12:07 search all the stone buildings including the unfinished ones on the ground again, theres an entrance there 19 апр. 2019 в 1:29 I found the entrance, but do I need more upgrades to the teleport gun, cos it's very hard to shoot through that narrow opening while hovering around it. I have the first upgrade that lets you progress through the volcano area, but I was wondering if there are any more in a chest somewhere or can I buy one? 19 апр. 2019 в 1:34 I found the entrance, but do I need more upgrades to the teleport gun, cos it's very hard to shoot through that narrow opening while hovering around it. I have the first upgrade that lets you progress through the volcano area, but I was wondering if there are any more in a chest somewhere or can I buy one?Nope, you have what you need, just need to find the right opening to insert the projectile.
Hint: Thing is, that projectile is affected by magnets, so you can't go around clinging on some piece of metal while shooting the green gun. There is a ledge in that area where you can safely land on. There would be an opening for you to use your translocator
10 апр. 2019 в 16:02Just want to say, David, this game is fantastic. I was not expecting a game of this caliber when I purchased it. I've loved almost every moment of it, even the frustrating bits. The amount of depth and thought on this game is impressive. Very surprised at how often and quickly you respond to the community, while at the same time bug-squashing and quality of life improving. You have a bright future as a game developer. This game scratches all the metroidvania/puzzle itches that others try to scratch.
With all of that in mind, here is a quick rundown of how to track down each and every red moon in Supraland.
For the first red moon, you will first need to obtain the key illustrated to the right. The speedrun video above begins illustrating this process at the 13:17 mark. Drop the key in front of the leftward closed doorway ahead of you. Next, face the mountainside to your right and use your force cube to stagger your climb up the cliffside.
After ascending the mountainside, you will come across a wooden platform to your left. Leap out to the other side of the cliff by squeezing through the perpendicular crack on the left side of the wooden wall. Move forward across the path and then turn left to discover the locked gate that you need to open.
Click the button in front of the gate and obtain the supraball projected from the forward wall. Then, double back towards the cliffside from which you came. Place the supraball inside the yellow ring in front of you to open the previously closed doorway. You can now grab the key you placed on the other side of the doorway, return to the locked gate and unlock the gate with the key.
From there, grab the nearby force cube and ascend the ramp until you come across a set of rings to drop the force cube within. This will activate a doorway in front of you, revealing the location of the first red moon chest. A photo of the referenced door may be viewed below.
Activate the purple button, then venture to the stone slab across from the button. There is a large cactus near the stone slab, which should let you know that you are in the right place.
Launch yourself with a supraball to leap upwards onto the raised stone slab to your right just above the wooden pallet. Continue forward and then leap the small gap in front of you to traverse across the stone. A doorway will be visible in front of you, as seen within the screenshot to the right.
Inside the doorway is the second red moon chest.
The next red moon will be a bit tricky to reach. First you will want to venture to the massive red door being guarded by the red figure as illustrated within the photo to the right. The speed run video above illustrated this at the 18:52 mark.
Elevate up the metal frame next to the red door. Turn to your right and leap to the nearby cliffside. Continue forward until you see another smaller cliff side to your left, as illustrated to the right. Use force cubes to ascend the cliff side. It will probably take a few tries to make it up the cliff, as it requires some tricky positioning.
Continue forward across the cliff until you approach a massive crevice. You will know you have reached the crevice when you see a pair of palm trees sprouting upwards out of the deep descent.
Make your way downwards into the crevice until you come across a cave entrance to your right. Within the cave is the third red moon chest. Check it out within the photo below.
The next red moon location is near the upgrade for the Force Beam/Cube Compatibility in the lava pits. The speed run video above begins illustrating this at the 26:33 mark, as seen within the screenshot to the right.
First, turn around and head towards the bridge to your left. Use your force beam to connect the bridge to a force cube within the circle at the end of the bridge. Leap up, using the force cube as a mid-air platform and jump to the nearby cliffside opening on your right.
Continue forward and leap to the mountainside directly in front of you, as illustrated to the right. Next, take a right and levitate up the massive rod of metal so that you can reach the higher level of the mountainside. You may have to stagger force cubes to make it all the way up.
Next, turn around. Leap to the adjacent cliffside. There will be a blue toy figure just on the other side. Travel across the left, outer side of the nearby building, passing the blue toy figure. Levitate up the nearby metal rod in order to get to the top of the building. The next red moon chest will be there waiting for you.
In order to pick up the next red moon, you will first have to scrounge for the key illustrated to the right. The speed run video above begins showing this at the 37:50 mark.
Grab the key from the cliff side and then leap back to unlock the nearby gate. Complete the puzzle to open the massive door within the hallway and then press on to your next destination. Moving forward down the mountainous corridor, you will eventually drop down a few feet. After dropping down, turn around to discover another large door. The door can be seen within the illustration to the right.
Make your way through the door, which may take some time. Move forward until you have passed two patches of yellow crystals. Then, the next red moon chest will be to your right.
Now there is only one red moon chest left.
For the final red moon, you will need to begin your venture near one of the green moon locations. The speed run video above begins illustrating this at the 41:24 mark, as seen within the screenshot to the right.
Take a right at the cacti and enter the nearby building. Then, use your stomp to break the wooden floor below you.
The surrounding tunnel that follows can be seen within the illustration to the right. Levitate over the pool by staying close to the surrounding metal. Then, teleport through the crack in the ceiling at the end of the metal railing. Turn around and you will see a green moon chest.
Once you are on top of the right side of the mountain pass, you will see a structure. The structure is illustrated to the right. Make your way to the structure, as the final red moon chest is hidden within.
How to Obtain the Supra Sword
The Supra Sword deals some serious damage and swings faster than other swords. Consequently, it can be a great addition to your arsenal. In order to earn the weapon, you will first have to garner all of the red moons as noted above.
After that, travel back to the blue castle as illustrated to the right. To the right of the gate seen here, as noted by the glowing purple sign, is a large stone inscribed with six red circles. Place a red moon in each of the circles and your brand new Supra Sword will become available.
СодержаниеГде 172 сундук? 6 золотая бочка, 6 красная бочка?
Последний 172 сундук
Последний 172 сундук не находится локатором, потому что он далеко от любой доступной точки его поиска. Но радар начинает пиликать только когда уже проходишь путь к нему.
Находится он за замком в Blueville где огромная бочка и гигантские дрова. Под дровами есть озеро. При попадании в это озеро игрока респаунит обратно на берег с которого был совершен прыжок.
Пройти это расстояние можно только методом прыжка на силовом фиолетовом луче, подтягиваясь и переключая точку крепления. Упрощает это дело ачивка Счастье (пройденная мини-игра Tower Defens за Redville).
6 золотая бочка
6 золотая бочка находится в здании мини-локации за Redville. Это мини-игра TowerDefens, в которой от ворот до кнопки старта бегут волны мостров (всего 7 или 8 волн), но с каждым разом их все больше и появляются все более сильные монстры.
Попасть в эту локацию можно вставив белый кристалл в здание в Redville, а внутри выстрелив в кнопку.
Мини-игра проходима вполне нормально, но требуется приспособиться к волнам и иметь хороший урон, полное ХР и регенерацию. Либо чрезвычайно скилловый уровень стрельбы.
Очень помогает святой красный лунный меч (после 6 красных лун) в сочетании с альтернативной стрельбой.
Я проходил эту игру на 200 ХР, 100 регена, топовый меч, урон пушки 79\256\275
Есть подозрение, что уровни монстров и их количество зависит от прокачки персонажа.
У меня было очень много монстров на 8 волне.
6 красная бочка
6 красная бочка находится в центре локации с торговцем с красными бочками наверху дерева. Только она не крашенная, просто белая.
Либо добраться до нее прыжками и забрать, либо выстрелом издалека сбить на землю. Далее как с любым предметом, который надо покрасить (в соседней локации).
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