Freelancer линкор норфолк где находится
Описание: Тяжелый истребитель класса «Крестоносец» стоит на вооружении военных Бретонии довольно давно. Этот корабль на протяжении длительного времени верой и правдой служил интересам Бретонского правительства и решал многие задачи. Небольшие модификации этого корабля позволяют ему нести службу и по сей день.
Описание: Когда во время боя, другие корабли погибают, «Барракуда» продолжает сражаться. Благодаря своей силе и живучести в прямом бою, а так же неплохой маневренности и управляемости, этот корабль показал себя лучшим другом для наемников. Несмотря на невысокий класс истребителя, «Барракуда» остается одним из неплохих тяжелых истребителей сектора Сириус.
Описание: Этот огромный корабль является успешным продолжением своего легкого собрата «Ястреба». «Сокол» обладает отличными характеристиками и несет на себе тяжелое вооружение. Лишь немногие пилоты способны управлять этим кораблем. Отличное вооружение, мощная защита, позволяют использовать «Сокол» для весьма опасных авантюр.
Описание: Часто называемый «Рука Мефистофеля», М6 «Центурион» неоднократно отличался в боях с правящими домами и конкурирующими группировками. Несмотря на эти победы, Корсары продолжали совершенствовать этот проект, пока результатом не стал класс М7, который честно несет тоже самое название. Новый «Центурион» сочетает в себе отличные огневые характеристики и потрясающую живучесть, даже несмотря на низкую маневренность является самым мощным кораблем данного класса.
Описание: Боевой корабль сил Либерти «Защитник» получил свое название в боях за независимость с сопредельными домами, посягавшими на системы Либерти. Несмотря на слабое вооружение и щиты, этим кораблем управляют бесстрашные пилоты, которые готовы на все ради победы.
Описание: Не стоит думать, что пираты в основном летают на старинных слабых кораблях, и подтверждением этого является тяжелый пиратский истребитель «Волкодав». Этот истребитель обладает теми характеристиками, которые необходимы для успешной борьбы как с вооруженными силами домов, так и с наемниками.
Описание: По сути самый мощный истребитель домов, «Валькирия» является совокупностью современных военных технологий. Обладая разрушительным вооружением и революционной защитой, этот тип тяжелых истребителей способен уничтожить любого противника, посягнувшего на собственность Рейнланда. Нетрудно догадаться, что именно «Валькирия» является основным оружием вооруженных сил Рейнланда.
Описание: Людям, живущим на границе, нужен корабль, предоставляющий скорость, стойкость и огневую мощь. Стилетто отвечает этому требованию благодаря сочетанию исключительного оружия, армированного грузового отсека и максимальной брони для этого класса. Как результат этот корабль лучший для работы и выживания в приграничье.
Вам дано задание сопроводить транспорт с едой и медикаментами от Форта Буш (Fort Bush) до планеты Питсбург (Pittsburgh). Вам будет помогать Кинг (Michael King), который будет вас ждать у планеты Манхэттен (Manhattan), когда вы взлетите. Сложность низкая. В награду за миссию вам дадут 2000 кредитов.
Описание 1 миссии.
Взлетайте с планеты. Сразу, как только вы взлетите, вам покажут ролик, как истребители Ордена (Order) уничтожают корабль Рейнланда (Rheinland), на котором находился адмирал Отто Шулцки (Otto Schultzky). Уничтожить эти истребители довольно-таки легко. После того, как с истребителями будет покончено, вы отправитесь в Форт Буш, где встретитесь с транспортом, который вам надо будет сопровождать до Питсбурга. Но по дороге на Питсбург на вас нападут Бродяги (Rogues). Расправившись с первой группой Бродяг, летите дальше, не обращая внимания на вновь появившихся. Сопроводив транспорт до Питсбурга, садитесь на планету. После того, как посмотрите беседу Трента и Кинга, можете взлетать с планеты. Не забывайте сохраняться. Взлетев с планеты, войдите в формацию с группой Эпсилон (Epsilon) (кнопка F4), которую отправили искать базу Бродяг. Немного пролетев, вы получите сигнал бедствия с тюремного корабля, который атакуют Бродяги. Расправившись с врагом, отправляйтесь к контрольной точке, где вы получите сигнал о том, что Бродяги атакуют пилота Бета 4 (Beta 4). Расправившись с Бродягами, пилот Бета 4 даст координаты, где на их группу напали. Прилетев туда, на вас нападут, следуйте к контрольной точке, там и будет база Бродяг. Вам придется уничтожить оружейные платформы, чтобы истребители могли уничтожить саму базу торпедами. После того, как с базой будет покончено, отправляйтесь на планету Питсбург. По дороге туда с вами свяжется Джуни и скажет, что вы теперь вольный стрелок, и можете делать, что хотите в системе Нью-Йорк (New York). Миссия закончена.
Можете выполнять миссии, пока не наберете кредитов для следующего ранга. Когда наберете достаточно, с вами свяжется Джуни и попросит встретиться с ней в баре на планете Манхэттен.
Если у вас будет достаточно денег, то советую купить корабль Защитник (Defender, цена всего лишь 12,260 кредитов), он находится на линкоре Миссури (Missouri) около верфи Норфолка (Norfolk Shipyard). Или, если вы в нейтральных или дружеских отношениях с группировкой Мусорщики (Junkers), то можете купить более толстый, в смысле брони, но слабее вооруженный Бладхаунд (Bloodhound), на станции Рочестер (Rochester). Особо упорные и терпеливые могут прикупить, возможно, самый лучший корабль из доступных в начале игры — истребитель Изгоев (Outcasts) Даггер (Dagger), он продается на базе Буффало (Buffalo Base) Бродяг, проблема лишь в том, что бродяги ваши враги, однако на станции Рочестер можно купить индульгенцию в пределах 100 тысяч кредитов…
The Norfolk Shipyard, in continuous operation since its construction in 230 AS, has the honor of being the oldest functional shipyard in the Sirius Sector. The facilities at Norfolk are chiefly used by the Liberty Navy.
Infocard [ ]
- CLASS: Alabama
- GRAVITY: Partial
Ships For Sale [ ]
Commodities For Sale [ ]
Guns For Sale [ ]
- Justice Mk II
- Lavablade Mk I
Turrets For Sale [ ]
Missiles For Sale [ ]
- Class 1 - Class 1 - Class 1
Shields For Sale [ ]
Fr. Shield H.F. Shield L.F. Shield Fr. Shield H.F. Shield L.F. Shield
Torpedo/Cruise Disruptors For Sale [ ]
Mine Dispensers For Sale [ ]
- Drone Mine
- Seeker Mine
Rumors [ ]
"When you think Optronics, the Kusari manufacturers come to mind. But when it comes to Optical Chips, Ageira builds some of the finest in all of Sirius. They are shipped here from Los Angeles to be used in the construction of ships of all sizes."
"Ageira ships Super Alloys and Superconductors from Pueblo, Colorado. These components will be used in the construction of Liberty's naval fleets, the ships that symbolize Liberty's dominance in Sirius space."
"From Jump Gates to Side Arms and Optical Chips, Ageira is the high-tech leader for all of Liberty and Sirius. What other company has given so much toward the progress of all the people here?"
"ALG ships Scrap Metal produced here to the Sugarland Smelter in Texas. Every shipyard produces Scrap Metal, which ALG gladly collects for recycling into Basic Alloys."
"ALG ships High-Temperature Alloys and MOX to this facility from Dortmund, New Berlin. On the last run we lost two in our convoy to Xenos and Rogues as we passed through Texas."
"Toxic Waste and Scrap Metal produced here is shipped to Dortmund in New Berlin. It is the responsibility of ALG to ensure that waste is not strewn throughout Sirius space. Remember, what one throws away another can use."
"Bowex ships Gold here from the GS&M depot in Dublin. Among other things, the Gold is used on ship windows as a reflective coating."
"Bowex is one of the oldest and most reliable shipping firms in all of Sirius. We have more ships and greater hauling ability than the upstarts at Gateway Shipping. Their company will not last the test of time, as Bowex has."
"The Mollys in Dublin hit the last shipment headed here before this last one. All hands were lost, but that is the cost of shipping valuable Commodities like Gold. That is what Bowex is known for — um, the shipping valuable Commodities part, not the dead-employee part."
"Think you're a good pilot? Well, tell me what you think of yourself after you tangle with a Corsair. That's if you survive, which honestly, I doubt you would."
"The scum you see here in Liberty is all that you find in an area with the greatest police and military presence in Sirius. Once you leave Liberty, you start meeting the real bad ones: Mollys in Bretonia, Red Hessians in Rheinland, and Blood Dragons in Kusari."
"The pirates and raiders here in Liberty are punks compared to what you'll find on the fringes of Sirius. Sure, there are Outcasts here, but they are an Edge World syndicate that travels into the heart of Liberty to sell their Cardamine."
"Most Bounty Hunters you run across have either been hunting for a few years and know the ropes, or they're green — in which case they'll probably be dead within a month or two."
"Some people say that Outcasts and Corsairs used to be the same people. I guess it's possible, though if you've ever seen an Outcast you might think differently. They are just different from the rest of the people of Sirius and the Corsairs. I can't imagine them being friendly with anyone but other Corsairs."
"Ever been out away from colony space? It's dangerous out there in the Edge Worlds, and you can get popped in the blink of an eye. But that's where you have to go to get the meanest and the toughest criminals."
"A Bounty Hunter named Harry Riggs went out after some Outcasts in the Badlands but never came back. He had some decent weapons on his ship."
"Deep Space ships Boron from Pittsburgh to this shipyard. The Pittsburgh Debris Field makes a nice hideout for the scum that attack my ship on my way from Pittsburgh."
"We ship Construction Machinery to this shipyard from Houston. The Outcasts staged a major assault on our convoy in Texas on this last trip. I saw two transports and three escorts go up in flames. I don't know how many died all told."
"Deep Space Engineering maintains the only civilian shipyards in Liberty space: Baltimore Shipyards. We manufacture components that are shipped here and used at this military shipyard, so you can see that Deep Space builds or helps build the finest ships in Sirius."
"Even though this run is a dangerous one, we need to fulfill this contract with the Liberty Navy. When this company first began no one believed it would survive, but we grow stronger every day."
"Gateway ships Gold to this base from the Hood in Dublin. The Rogues' ability to sniff out the Gold convoys seems uncanny. I'm told that they get their info from the Lane Hackers, so they are the real enemy — the ring leaders versus the attack dogs."
"The Gold shipments we bring in from Dublin are a fight all the way to this station. First we have to fight the Mollys out of Dublin. Once we hit the Independent World Trade Lanes, we have to contend with the Lane Hackers or whomever they've sold our cargo manifests to. Once we get into Liberty space, we have to fight the Rogues off."
"This is more navy space than it is an LPI patrol area. We send a flight down the Trade Lane between here and Ft. Bush, but that's to protect against Rogue attacks launched from the Pittsburgh debris."
"If we didn't need labor for our consumer goods facilities, I'd kill all the Rogues I came across. I just get tired of putting away the same scum and watching 'em get released a couple years later to start doing the same illegal activity."
"I sure as hell don't like hanging out with all these navy guys around. They are so straight-laced it makes me itch just to watch 'em march around from place to place in here. They need a couple of Liberty ales to loosen those stuffy collars."
"This base is the home of Liberty naval ship construction. In this place the greatest ships are built in all of Sirius. And the best naval officers command them. I served on the Missouri, she's one of Norfolk's finest."
"The majority of Liberty naval ships protect our shipping concerns in the Independent Worlds. That is where the more dangerous pirates and criminal activities take place. The exception is the Missouri, which is stations in New York to keep the jewel of Sirius safe."
"The sorties launched from this base are patrols tasked with keeping the inbound Commodities to this base safe so that ship production is never slowed by thieves and pirates."
"The Bounty Hunters you see here are pretty good; we're near the Badlands and I've seen these guys around before. Usually you only see green Bounty Hunters once."
"ALG ships MOX to this facility from Rheinland. If you ever want to ship MOX, you are going to have to be pretty good friends with the people in Dortmund. A lot of criminal factions would like to get their hands on MOX — it's possible to separate small amounts of plutonium from it."
"Liberty Navy Patrol 27 flew into Badlands two weeks ago on their regular route, and then disappeared without a trace. An extensive search by authorities has not turned up anything so far. The patrol comprised three elite fighters."
"The Trade Lanes between Rheinland and Liberty are dangerous ones. In Hudson the Xenos attack our transports, and in Bering we are attacked by Unionist scum."
"Republican Shipping is the premier Rheinland shipping firm. If it weren't for the massive debts that Rheinland accumulated during the 80-Years War, Republican would still be the only shippers in Rheinland space."
"Engine Components are shipped here from the Ring in New Berlin via Republican Shipping. The Ring is Rheinland's symbol of industrial might; many of Rheinland's Commodities are produced there."
"Universal ships the basic supplies from Manhattan for this base: Food, Water, and Oxygen. It is Universal that supplies the majority of basic supplies to myriad bases throughout Liberty."
"Universal ships Gold to this base from New London. I've been the pilot for this Gold run for many years. I remember when I first started long ago. I've seen so much since then that it feels like more than a lifetime ago that I was strapping into my own freighter for the first time."
"H-Fuel from Ft. Bush and Basic Alloys from Sugarland are brought to this base by Universal Shipping. The Basic Alloys are dropped off here. I head up to Ft. Bush to pick up the H-Fuel, come back here to unload it, and then head back to Texas to start all over."
The Battleship Suffolk is Her Majesty's chief display of military might, stationed in the area between New London and the Cumbria Field to protect both civilian and commercial traffic from piracy and terrorist attacks.
Infocard [ ]
Ships For Sale [ ]
Commodities For Sale [ ]
- $354 - $6 - $100 - $18
Guns For Sale [ ]
Turrets For Sale [ ]
- Missiles For Sale [ ]
- Class 1 - Class 1 - Class 1 - Class 3 - Class 3 - Class 3
Shields For Sale [ ]
Torpedo/Cruise Disruptors For Sale [ ]
Mine Dispensers For Sale [ ]
- Seeker Mine
- Wardog Mine
- Base Rumors [ ]
"The Suffolk's primary mission is to suppress and, if possible, eliminate Molly activity within the southwestern quadrant of the New London system. The Mollys are a very fanatical group that must be stopped." - Major John Grimwade, Bretonia Armed Forces
"I heard that the real reason we've been put up here is because London got wind of some Molly bomb plot to drop a bunch of dirty MOX bombs in the upper atmosphere and poison the bulk of the planet. They're scared to death down there, those squirmy aristocrats." - Suffolk Bartender Andrew Canon
"We do regular patrols into the Cumbria Field looking for Mollys. Just the other day we spotted a Corsair assault group. That gave us all the chills because they aren't supposed to be over this far. They must have sniffed out that Dublin Gold and decided they want some for themselves." - Captain Mary Russell, Bretonia Armed Forces
"You know the real war going on? It's the Mollys and the Corsairs. Those Corsairs are moving in on Molly turf like they weren't even there. We may not have a Molly problem much longer with that going on. Of course, having a sky full of Corsairs ain't too grand either." - Major John Grimwade, Bretonia Armed Forces
"We do a regular circuit around New London just to make sure the Mollys know we're watching them. We just caught a few of them the other day making a run on the Thames Outpost. They really hate BMM." - Captain Mary Russell, Bretonia Armed Forces
"I don't really think the Mollys are as bad as we've all been told by the government. From what I hear, BMM is a pretty nasty place to work, especially that GS&M under Graves." - Suffolk Bartender Andrew Canon
"Bowex has the exclusive contract to supply all military and police bases in Bretonia -- at highly inflated rates I might add. What's good for Bowex is good for Bretonia, I say." - Andrew Maloney, Bowex
"I'm just making my usual battleship delivery run for the week: Side Arms, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Oxygen, H-Fuel, and Water. I'll head on to the Essex in Dublin next. That may be more interesting." - Andrew Maloney, Bowex
"They're installing the new MOX fuel rods for the fusion reactor right now. We'll fill up on some nasty Toxic Waste and head back to LD-14 for reprocessing. And watch out for Mollys. They're probably watching us right now from the Cumbria Field, waiting for me to leave the safety of the ship." - Andrew Maloney, Bowex
OTHERS ON BASE: Bounty Hunters Guild Hunter Jack Coltan, Tracker Kate Ridge
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