Expeditions viking хальфдансоны и мардолсоны прохождение
12 мая. 2017 в 5:48
Ну это уже просто ужас какой то ! даже после патча 1.0.3 одни баги с загрузками ! Сначала немог войти в дом в прибрежной деревне (после входа в него игра висла), теперь немогу выйти из лагеря, так как игра грузится потом появляется шум леса глобальной карты и все .
Well it is already just some horror! even after a patch 1.0.3 one bugs with loadings! At first I couldn't enter the house in the coastal village (after an entrance to him a game hung), now I can't leave the camp as a game is loaded then there is murmur of the forest of the global map and all.
17 мая. 2017 в 5:10 у меня AMD и все нормально) 14 июн. 2017 в 12:08 Сталкивался кто с проблемой: входишь в лагерь - показывает лагерь, но весь интерфейс пропадает и ничего нельзя сделать? 15 июн. 2017 в 1:29 Сталкивался кто с проблемой: входишь в лагерь - показывает лагерь, но весь интерфейс пропадает и ничего нельзя сделать?Hello. We're planning to release version 1.0.5 today, which has some fixes for the camping system. It's possible your issue may be solved.
If not, would you mind sending your last save file before the problem occurs (.sav plus the folder with the same name, located in the same place) and your output_log.txt (found in the game's folder in your Steam directory)?
15 июн. 2017 в 10:27 Сталкивался кто с проблемой: входишь в лагерь - показывает лагерь, но весь интерфейс пропадает и ничего нельзя сделать?Hello. We're planning to release version 1.0.5 today, which has some fixes for the camping system. It's possible your issue may be solved.
Нельзя. Там и так видно "присмотреться к свинье" что порез/метка свежая. Единственное, Хальфдонсон говорит что знаком был с отцом героя - вот только отец плохо правил, только хорошо воевал. Так что, знакомство было наверняка плохое. Но я лишь из-за свежести метки вернул свинью настоящему владельцу!(как мне показалось что настоящему)
19 мая. 2017 в 0:29 Halfdansons and Mardolsons (possible spoilers) Is there any way to find a proof about what really happened?I only saw that the pig had additional mark recently made, which suggest Halfdansons really did it. None of the NPC's told me anything remotely useful except that the families really don't like each other.
I've got perception and sense both at 8, diplomacy at 3. Отредактировано Edgewalker; 19 мая. 2017 в 0:29 19 мая. 2017 в 1:05 the choice is between 40 wood and 10 influence or just 10 influence. more of a roleplay quest. do the right thing or take the wood. 19 мая. 2017 в 1:11 Is it the right thing though? Check the back of the Mardolson's place, and their pigsty is being used as a kind of playpen instead of a place for a pig. 19 мая. 2017 в 1:12 you mean a playpen for a pig? :D seems awesome for the pig :D 19 мая. 2017 в 1:24 the decision would be a lot easier if it was 40 hides. 19 мая. 2017 в 1:25 that would take the roleplay out. 400G might be ignored :P 19 мая. 2017 в 5:12
Halfdansson = 40 Wood + 10 Rep with Ribe
Mardolsson = 10 Rep with Ribe
The neighbor seem to indicate the Mardolsson were just looking to start ♥♥♥♥ and the pig isn't theirs.
19 мая. 2017 в 14:20 The families suck, they deserve what ever you decide, which means. take the wood. 19 мая. 2017 в 23:54 Where do you meet them ? 20 мая. 2017 в 0:41The family claiming the pig was stolen has children's toys in the "pig pen". which means it isn't likely they had a pig there. Also, that one member was trying to talk smart to sound like he was on the moral high ground and when you call him on it. he acts like he was doing it to hide something. and the other guy is acting excedingly stupid in a manner that makes it hard to get any baring on his guilt or lack there of.
I am pretty sure that is enough evidence to dismiss the claim. plus the other family's main alibi is pretty solid. they are a wealthy family. Why would they steal a pig?
20 мая. 2017 в 0:57The family claiming the pig was stolen has children's toys in the "pig pen". which means it isn't likely they had a pig there. Also, that one member was trying to talk smart to sound like he was on the moral high ground and when you call him on it. he acts like he was doing it to hide something. and the other guy is acting excedingly stupid in a manner that makes it hard to get any baring on his guilt or lack there of.
I am pretty sure that is enough evidence to dismiss the claim. plus the other family's main alibi is pretty solid. they are a wealthy family. Why would they steal a pig?
because they had a lasting family feud and wanted to star a fight.
anyways, it doesnt matter who stole the pig in the end. its one of those opened ended quests in the game.
20 мая. 2017 в 1:22 anyways, it doesnt matter who stole the pig in the end.It's like "it doesn't mater who really was the killer" at the end of a criminal movie/adventure game :P
Отредактировано Edgewalker; 20 мая. 2017 в 1:22 20 мая. 2017 в 2:11 anyways, it doesnt matter who stole the pig in the end.It's like "it doesn't mater who really was the killer" at the end of a criminal movie/adventure game :P
Actually, that would be the point.
have you heard of the term Rashomon or Rashomon effect?
some times the fact of not knowing the ultimate truth is the message that the author tries to convey.
20 мая. 2017 в 2:23 Dont mind me :P 22 мар. 2018 в 19:33If anyone is still interested.
1. Mardolls head of the family said 'when you raise an animal and watch your sons tend to it every day, you can tell' when you asked 'how can he be sure he can easily recognize his pig?'
2. On the Mardolls backyard you can find 'child's hideaway'.
3. Mardolls head of the family had 3 sons. One of them have been killed during referred accident. Other two stand next to him and they are adults. -> Mardolls have no kids.
4. One of sons called Sam is stupid. If you analyze dialog with him you can consider him as an autist or something like that.
5. Halfdans have no reason to steal a pig cause they don't need just a pig. They are to rich to risk their reputation just for extra pig. They needed really strong motive to steal the pig if they did.
6. Halfdans daughter sympathizes with Mardolls and faltered when we asked have her father stolen the pig.
7. The pig has a fresh notch, rudely and hastily cut.
My theory.
The pig is Mardolls beloved pet and 'child's hideaway' is a piggy house. I suppose that autistic Sam is the reason this pig is a part of the family. Halfdans know this and have stolen it as an act of btching each other, than families are engaged in.
The motivation to hate each other is the dead son for Mardolls and bad reputation for charging in murder for Halfdans. As someone said they both are just looking for a fight.
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Вторая группа находится в локации Перт - столице Пирштайна на северо-востоке. Я точно не уверен, но у меня изначально эта область была недоступна. Не знаю, когда именно она открылась. Я нашёл её уже после захвата города. Тогда же у меня появился маркер, указывающий на их местоположение - до этого его попросту не было.
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