Eve online oracle гайд
Несмотря на то, что EVE Online многие не зря считают PvP-ориентированной игрой, в ней также есть и широкая PvE-составляющая. PvE (ПвЕ, Player-Versus-Environment — «игрок против окружающего мира») — это процесс борьбы с управляемыми компьютером врагами.
Одним из главных направлений PVE в EVE Online является выполнение различных миссий, в первую очередь — боевых. В награду за такие задания пилоты получают репутацию с NPC-корпорациями, а также LP — специальные очки награды, за которые можно приобрести самые различные предметы, начиная от простых имплантов и заканчивая лучшими фракционными модулями.
Внимание Регистрируйтесь в EVE Online сегодня и подхватывайте новую волну развития этой ММОРПГ. Новая система релизов превращает эту вселенную в алмаз современных онлайн игр.
Особенности PVE в EVE online
В первую очередь, следует помнить, что вы всегда находитесь в опасности — это главной правило Нового Эдема. Даже занимаясь выполнением PVE миссий в EVE Online вы всегда можете потерять свой корабль. Вас могут уничтожить как многочисленные враги, так и другие игроки, особенно если вы выполняете миссии в системах с низким уровнем безопасности.
Есть и хорошая сторона — миссии в лоу-секах вознаграждаются, обычно, куда щедрее, чем аналогичные в хай-секах. Так или иначе, но к PVE в EVE Online прибегают все игроки, даже самые матёрые любители PvP. На миссиях можно неплохо заработать, поднять репутацию с корпорацией и фракцией, а также просто приятно провести время не задумываясь о серьёзных задачах.
Существуют также миссии пятого уровня — весьма интересная и увлекательная командная составляющая ПВЕ в EVE Online, которая приносит щедрую награду участникам и требует хорошей слаженности действий и работы в группе.
На чем летать для участия в PVE?
Лучшими кораблями для выполнения ПвЕ заданий считаются ракетные корабли Государства Калдари. Впрочем, ничто не мешает вам выполнять их и на кораблях других фракций, однако, это может быть немного сложнее.
Что учить для PVE?
Если вы намерены выполнять миссии постоянно, то вам не помешают навыки направления «Social». С их помощью вы сможете увеличить количество получаемой репутации, а также объем вознаграждения.
Линейный крейсер Oracle в EVE Online представляет из себя грозного противника. Достаточно быстрый и маневренный, по сравнению с другими линейными крейсерами, Oracle способен нести на борту мощнейшие турели, предназначенные для кораблей класса линкор. Конечно, при создании этого корабля пришлось пожертвовать крепостью брони и корпуса.
Заказ на разработку линейного крейсера Oracle поступил от Императора после многочисленных потерь, понесенных в боях с молниеносными кораблями Республики Минматар. В результате Имперский Флот получил линейный крейсер третьего поколения, способный совершать быстрые налеты на флота противника и наносить при этом колоссальный ущерб.
Внимание Регистрируйтесь в EVE Online и готовьтесь к новому прорыву в игровых возможностях 21-го века. Ни на что не похожий сеттинг не оставит вас равнодушными.
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Display stats for
Oracle, Oracle Hawkeye Fit
Omega onlyViper Comnnand • one year ago • 0
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EVE Version | Invasion |
Est. price (Jita) | 151.877.178,03 ISK |
Tags | Hawkeye |
Resistance (Effective HP: )
Recharge rates (Experimental)
Passive shield recharge: 0.00 EHP/s
Shield boost rate: 0.00 EHP/s
Armor repair rate: 0.00 EHP/s
Hull repair rate: 0.00 EHP/s
Remote reps (Experimental)
Remote capacitor transfer rate: 0.00 GJ/s
Remote shield boost: 0.00 HP/s
Remote armor repair rate: 0.00 HP/s
Remote hull repair rate: 0.00 HP/s
Capacitor in: + GJ/s
Percentage: %
Capacitor out: - GJ/s
Targeting & Misc
Scan resolution: mm
Sensor strength:
Drone range:
Align time: s
Warp Speed: AU/s
Ore Hold: m 3
Fleethangar: m 3
Ship Maintenance Bay: m 3
Fuel Bay: m 3
Specified market details for fitting (Est. price 151.877.178,03 ISK)
These prices below are based on Jita prices which we captured at 10/12/2021 20:06:05
EVE Onlineby Space Junkie on Feb 10, 2012
- Follow Ten Ton Hammer
The Oracle is one of the four new battlecruisers introduced in the Crucible expansion for EVE Online. It is made by the Amarr race, and specializes in using lasers to do unusually large amounts of damage for an EVE ship of its size. Read more about flying the Oracle in this guide.
This EVE ship guide is just one of many EVE ship guides available at Ten Ton Hammer. For other EVE ship guides, check here.
Why Fly The Oracle
As one of the four Crucible battlecruisers, the Oracle has a lot going for it: it is as easy to train for as any battlecruiser, can fit battleship-sized weaponry, and can be customized for many different configurations. Overall, it is a very neat package that can beat EVE missions, participate in EVE PvP, or even suicide gank.
This EVE guide, however, focuses on using the Oracle as a newbie-friendly way to do a lot of damage, over time, without running out of capacitor. This is a very useful way to utilize the Oracle, because many corporations need players that can damage big structures over the course of several hours. Doing so is needed for destroying starbases, player-controlled customs offices, and sovereignty infrastructure. It is also relatively cost effective, since tech I laser ammunition is not expended with use.
The Economics Of Flying The Oracle
The fitting below is probably going to get me a lot of hate mail. It is designed for players with very, very low skills to deal damage with battleship weaponry, without putting very much EVE ISK on the line. The idea here is to do as much damage with an Amarr ship as possible, while spending the least amount of ISK. Fleets of such newbies can make a big difference without making a huge dent in a corporate wallet.
Newbies equipped with this fitting will do 241 damage per second, before skills are even factored in.With one exception, none of the modules below require training a skill to level 5 (the large-sized lasers require Gunnery 5). The result is that a well-organized corporation can field a fleet of disposable battlecruisers that can take out a low-sec customs office in a matter of hours, without needing to spend months training for tech II guns, and also without the bankroll of a much larger organization.
EVE Ship High Slots - Lasers Lasers Lasers!
- x8 Mega Pulse Laser I (Multifrequency L ammo)
The point of Oracle is to cram as many oversized lasers as possible onto one ship. It accomplishes this, handily. Mega pulse lasers are the largest variety of pulse lasers, meaning that they are of limited range but inflict more damage with less fitting problems. In this case, they are tech I to meet the goal of having a newbie-friendly weapons platform, and use Multifrequency L crystals as ammunition in order to do the most damage possible.
Though this EVE ship fitting is not intended for pitched battles, it may behoove their owner to bring along some Microwave L ammo, just in case you end up needing to shoot at something farther than 20km away.
EVE Ship Middle Slots - Power And Speed
- x1 10mn Afterburner I (see below)
- x2 Cap Recharger II
The cap rechargers are a convenient way to help keep your capacitor stable. Note that the skill requirements for tech II cap rechargers are very low, and that the modules themselves are very cheap. Above all, this fitting should be disposable.
EVE Ship Low Slots - Power And Damage
- x2 Capacitor Power Relay II
- x2 Heat Sink II
- x1 Damage Control II
- x1 Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
While one could theoretically use smaller guns and field a respectable tank, that is not the way of the disposable Oracle. None of the tech II modules above take long to train into or cost very much. They should be within easy training grasp for any newbie.
This baby has two additional capacitor-related modules in the CPRs, which are really only necessary with very poor skills. As you train up your Engineering skills you will obviate the need for one or both of them. Alternatively, you could eschew the cap rechargers in your middle slots and make better use of those, or use a microwarpdrive, after all.
The heat sinks are essential to getting the most damage out of your EVE ship, increasing both your laser rate of fire and damage. The reason a third one is not fitted is that the rig equivalents are cheaper than the tech II module versions. More than three would not be worth doing, and so here we are.
The damage control and EANM are both to apply the barest semblance of a tank. They are sort of like putting on your seat belt as your airplane crashes, since you do not have any armor plates or other hardeners, but are better than nothing. If you are like me, however, and prefer to completely glass cannon your ship, you might see if you have the CPU to fit tracking enhancers in their place. They will not matter so much against structures, but in a fight you might prefer being better at hitting targets to an extra couple thousand effective hit points.
Rigs: Lasers All Day
- x1 Medium Energy Collision Accelerator I
- x1 Medium Energy Burst Aerator I
The former rig increases your damage, while the latter increases the speed that your lasers fire. Since they are both so cheap and require very little in the way of skills, there is really no reason not to have them.
EVE Ship Strategies For The Oracle
Your job is to fly to wherever the big thing is and shoot it. That big thing may be a customs office, a starbase, or a station. It could be an infrastructure hub or a tackled Avatar titan. The point is that you get there, and you shoot whatever it is way better than a two-week-old newbie has any right to expect. Hell. Yeah.
Alternative Fittings
There are several other ways to fit out and fly this ship, which we may explore in the future. This is simply the cheapest way for a newbie to fly a ship without much in the way of skills. As your skills fill out and your bank account swells, you can stop making concessions to your newbieness, and start fitting the ship to its full potential.
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