Escape to the castle прохождение
Castle Breakout was originally released months back, but it got a huge overhaul. I helped test it and consulted on the project. 3D animals have been added as part of the puzzles and many bugs have been fixed. The first seven rooms are 100% free to play. You can then pay for the last three rooms and a dragon ride around the castle grounds.
This will be a complete step-by- step walkthrough guide with help, hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the the game. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Room 1, Alchemy:
1. Pick up the knob from the table.
2. Place the knob on the drawer of the right table. Open the drawer and take the chest clasp.
3. Use the clasp on the chest in the corner and take the map of different colored potions from inside.
4. Tap on the owl and take the blue vial from his beak.
5. Find the red vial and yellow vial on the table.
6. Go to the chemistry set. Look at the map with colored potions on it. Select two vials at a time and then place them on the table to make a different color. So red + yellow = orange, red + blue = purple, and yellow + blue = green. Pick up the three potions.
7. Go to the door and place the three potions in the slots in the order shown on the map: purple, orange, green. Open the door and go through to complete the level.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to Room 2, The Blacksmith or click here.
Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.
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Данная игра хоть и относится к жанру Аркады, она может вызвать затруднения у многих игроков, даже на начальных уровнях. Именно поэтому мы размещаем прохождение To The Castle.
В этой аркаде нужно не только добраться до входа в замок, но и выбрать правильный путь и правильную траекторию движения, а это бывает не так просто.
Данный материал поможет вам раскрыть секреты и тайны прохождения игры. Однако, даже ознакомившись с ним, далеко не факт то, что вы сможете пройти любой уровень с первого раза. Все дело в том, что увиденное еще нужно повторить.
Прохождение и секреты To The Castle:
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