Endless space 2 горацио гайд
Статья является справочным материалом по квесту Единой империи в игре Endless Space 2.
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Горацио — одна из игровых фракций в Endless Space и Endless Space 2. Горацио, создавший Горацио, украсит вселенную, наполнив её существами похожими на. Горацио.
Описание [ ]
Безумно богатый и чересчур эксцентричный триллионер, которого все утомило, Горацио покинул империю Мезари. Преодолев галактику, был разбужен кораблем, когда он прибыл на пригодную для жилья планету - на которой немедленно объявил себя Императором. Горацио использовал информацию, собранную из бесконечных руин на планете и двух ее спутниках, чтобы получить неестественное продолжение своей жизни. Исследование в системе привело к новым открытиям, и в конечном итоге благодаря передовым технологиям и биологической адаптации он клонировал себя.
Скука началась через нескольких лет, однако Горацио в голову пришла замечательная идея, почему бы не заселить всю систему, и почему не галактику? Самым ярким и красивым, разумным существом. После нескольких десятилетий экспериментов его программа клонирования была завершена, и успех великолепных клонов был готов, они были готовы последовать за своим славным лидером и преобразовать галактику.
Первый [ ]
Проблема Горацио заключается в том, что другие Горацио создаются такими же блестящими и красивыми, как и оригинал и неохотно следуют приказам. Хотя ходят слухи, что были сделаны совершенные копии, также говорят, что эти совершенные копии были такими же опасными с манией величия, как и оригинал. Следствием этого является то, что Горацио остается ведущим лицом, принимающим решения и планирующим свою обширную империю. Хотя некоторые решения должны приниматься без его благословения из-за давления времени и денег, эти решения - Горацио, которые их делают, - рискуют быть отмененными по своей прихоти.
Горацио Прайм [ ]
Горацио Прайм - это мир, который в отличии от других цивилизаций будет служить планетой отдыха. Сухой, теплый, свежий и красивый, из обширных бесконечных руин видно. Его текущие проекты в области инфраструктуры, как правило, варьируются в зависимости от вкусов Горацио; Некоторые здания гармонично сочетаются с ландшафтом, в то время как другие являются резкими и холодными заявлениями архитектурной экстравагантности.
«Мы», как он иногда называет себя, общество, которое имеет высокоразвитое клонирование и биологические науки, но относительно отстает в других отношениях. Их цель состоит в том, чтобы воссоздать все пространство по своему образу, и для этого их первейшей задачей является создание ферм и инкубаторов, которые выращивают Горацио. Поскольку они гуманоиды, они нуждаются в продовольствии. Как говорит Первый: «У нас не может быть слишком много Горацио». Однако, несмотря на высокие концентрации населения, общество остается относительно спокойным и содержательным; Так как Горацио были тщательно воспитаны, чтобы быть верными и послушными, им не хватает стремления искать перемен, особенно насильственных изменений. Необходимость выживания, конечно же, заставит их создавать оружие и более совершенные корабли, но их предпочтение - искать, колонизировать и выращивать планеты в надежде покрыть галактику в своем роде.
The Horatio are Horatio, and intend to expand until all the galaxy is as gorgeous as they are.
GameplayThe Horatio are a relatively vanilla faction, which more or less plays entirely normally, except for one well-developed mechanic: Gene Splicing.
The "Gene Hunter" faction affinity allows you to splice the genes of any non-Horatio population into your primary population. It immediately adds a bonus based on the population you've chosen to splice to all instances of your major (i.e., Horatio, or some custom faction with this affinity) population. This bonus is a 'lesser' copy of whatever that population usually provides in its vanilla form; often reduced by 1/3 or 1/2; however, it is provided in addition to the natural population trait of Horatios.
You're allowed to combine multiple bonuses from multiple factions - in fact, this is the main strength of this faction affinity; combining as many of these as possible to make your primary citizens much more productive than those of other factions.
Splicing requires the sacrifice of a certain number of population instances of the faction being spliced; this starts at 2, with the next faction requiring 4, then 6, etc. These populations are immediately deleted, and can drive the number of that faction in your empire to 0, effectively making it extinct. If you want to maintain these minor factions in your empire, be careful not to over-eagerly use splicing the moment you have enough to do it; instead, get at least one surplus population before splicing.
Splicing does not copy in the collection bonuses, so you still have a valid reason for potentially wanting some minor pops to augment your major pop, since you only need 1 of a minor pop on any system to multiply output by, say, 15% or whatever the bonus is.
If you are playing as a custom faction, any "Horatio" populations you encounter will not be considered your primary population, and thus, they will also be available for splicing.
Splicing is allowed even for completely robotic/non-corporeal factions which arguably don't even have genes to splice (e.g., Epistis, Riftborn, Remnant, and Pulsos). This is most likely done purely for the sake of fun and consistent mechanics, but you could probably hand-wave an explanation with some idea like cybernetic implants.
The best factions to splice are also the hardest to get - Riftborn, Vodyani, and Cravers. You won't be able to grow additional Riftborn from captured populations, you can only get Vodyani population by converting or successfully invading their system without destroying their Ark Ships, and Cravers will probably kill you first.
The Horatio are Horatio, and intend to expand until all the galaxy is as gorgeous as they are.
StrategyEarly Game Weaknesses
- 1) Horatio Prime is Mediterranean, and therefore will not greatly benefit from Xeno Industrial Infrastructure. which for most other factions is a major source of .
- 2) Horatio's early corvettes are awful as they only have four slots, and cost an extra 20% to build.
- 3) You're probably going to want to splice your Z'vali population and any other populations you find early on, which can take a toll on your development for the first 30 or so turns.
Here are some ways to handle these early game woes:
- In terms of , colonizing other planets in your home system will offset some of the loss from Prime being only hot. Hardship Ready, the force law, allows for colonization of any planet type other than gas. Although this will still be slower than if you had started on Raia or Koyasil, colonizing two more planets, assuming they are not temperate or fertile, on your home system will make up the difference.
- Just defend. If you spawn next to an aggressive neighbor (at higher difficulties, nearly everyone is aggressive), then pick up defensive military buildings in the tech tree and build them. Horatio excels at producing , and can funnel it into system defense early. Try to avoid provoking other players until you can produce hunter class ships, which are very reasonable in strength.
- FOOD! See later section for the importance of for Horatio, but just remember not to skip over those buildings. Splicing early might seem like too much of a set back, but if you want to maintain that happiness in a dictatorship and get the ball rolling on your own population fast, best try to stay as monocultural as possible.
Food is what Horatio are all about, and as the game goes on, it turns into one of the most efficient uses of in the game for any faction. Food is important early game anyway to get your population growing, and in late game when you can covert it to . Horatio get the added benefit that 5% of their output is added to their . This isn't affected by using the biofuel industry conversion. So for a late game Horatio who can easily have systems that produce 2000 (far more than anyone else) they will also produce 2000 , and 100 , just in virtue of producing that . It is the colossal production twinned with biofuel and their pop bonus that partly contributes to how strong they are late game, as that can in turn be converted to either or . You outscience the Sophons, outdust the Lumeris, and outproduce the United Empire at this point. Just remember to make as many buildings on your systems as possible, first for growth, then for , then for .
The other thing Horatio is all about - gene splicing. In a nutshell, you kill non-Horatios in your empire to produce better Horatios. In effect this means that you will slow your growth down (but remember, you produce a hell of a lot of ) somewhat, but means you will eventually end up with the most intensive population in the game, eclipsing The Vodyani and Riftborn. The best bit is that not only do your pops produce more, but you will probably have more of them than anyone else. The general rule I apply for splicing is: do it whenever you can. Leaving other faction populations in your empire for some population bonuses later will only have you wishing that those populations were just Horatios who have a much bigger output. The only exceptions to splicing ASAP is when you want to wait for a better population type to splice (any population type with or is a priority). So you could splice the 4 Kalgeros now, or you could wait until your 3 Epistis turns to 4. In these cases, wait and splice the Epistis first, as they give you (and ).
Make sure you use population boosters, and move population around when the numbers required for splicing get higher. Assuming you've reached the 300 threshold, a population grows twice as fast when spread across two systems than it does just sitting on one, so don't be afraid to move them about to get the splices quicker, especially if the space has just been freed up from a previous splice.
Due to your growth rate, and laws (next section) there is pretty much never any reason not splice everything you can. The non- splices are often more useful than they appear. The can be used to vastly go over your expansion cap, and the and ground damage splices will turn all your systems into heavy fortresses.
Laws and Government
Keep in your senate at least for the entire game. Horatio gets two special versions of the laws. The first gives you 2% per splice (second-to-last law), the second 2% (final law). This doesn't sound like much until you also take into account you can switch to republic and double that to 4% each. With ten splices you are increasing your empire's and (the two most important resources) by 40%. With the first law that gives 10% bonus per anomaly, per planet, plus all the other bonuses mentioned earlier, this combination of laws, government, along with everything else means some of your systems produce absurd amounts of whatever you desire.
Note that everything that makes Horatio strong requires build up. Splicing takes time both in acquiring the population types and growing them. You wont see those final laws until around turn 80. And those big techs that benefit you more than anyone else are all in the late game. So play safe and defensively, don't paint a target on your head, or try to expand too fast, and don't expect to be crushing opponents even in the mid game, like you would as the United Empire or Cravers. Eventually everything you have will be bigger and better.
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