Элдария 15 эпизод гайд диалоги
Все плохое забывается и стирается из памяти, словно морской водой смываются написанные на песке слова.
Но поднимается ветер, непокорные волны бьются о скалы: внутри тебя зарождается ураган.
Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC-BY-SA, если не указано иное.
There official guide for this episode has not been posted to the forums yet.
We apologize for any inconveniences.
It’s on that note that this journal entry ends.
See you next time in Episode 16!
Love'o'Meter Guide [ ]
- A. Green answers have a positive effect on the character. +
- B. Red answers have a negative effect on the character. -
- C. Blue answers have no effect on the character. =
- D. Black answers have not been discovered on the wiki.
Guardian [ ]
- A. (Oh, that's Floppy!) = (+ with Valkyon later)
- B. (Eeeeek, it's Floppy! I hate mice. ) =
- C. (Awww! It's little Floppy ♥) = (+ with Valkyon later)
- A. (I hope not. Although, considering that Karenn is crying, Floppy's master is missing, and Purroy is looking after the potions instead of Ezarel. ) =
- B. (It kind of would be karma coming back to them, given what they've done to me.) =
- A. (I looked away, a little embarrassed.) =
- B. (I watched her work, as if hypnotized by her technique.) =
- C. (I'm watching Ewelein, Maythz and Violine in turn. Please, tell me everything's going to be okay! =
- A. (Try to find another way of dealing with the situation) =
- B. (Force everyone away, using the advice Cameria gave me)
- A. (Take out my weapon)
- B. (Don't take out my weapon) =
- A. (It can't be easy to manage all this.)
- B. (Part of me is quite happy to see them so worried about Ashkore.) =
- A. (Now I understand why they get so tense when we bring up the subject.)
- B. (He must have his reasons. I shouldn't judge him before hearing his version of the story.) =
- A. (Looking at all of this, I think I understand what happened to Enthraa.) =
- B. (This job is repulsive. it's work though!)
- C. (It's pretty disturbing. I have to hold back a wretch.)
- A. (I honestly don't think he's guilty in all this. at least, not this time.)
- B. (I'm pretty relieved. I don't really want to bring evidence that implies him any further to the eyes of the Guard.) =
「To do so, succeed your Q.T.E.」
- (Let's do this!)
- (Control your fear, control your fear . easier said than done!) =
Nevra [ ]
「Nevra is right in the middle of my path.」
「That explains it. In any case, that's cool. That you're getting better and better at defending yourself.」
- A. Yes, we never know when people are to try and hurt me. =
- B. Given my predisposition for ending up the bait, I thought it might lend me a non insubstantial advantage. +
- C. You guys are good at attacking people huh?
「We've known her for some time. so we immediately realized it must have had something to do with her past. It's someone from her family, isn't it?」
- A. Since when did you care about Alajea?
- B. .
- C. That's not for me to say, I'm sorry. =
「And guess what?」
- A. Were there H.Q. plans in amongst them? =
- B. What?
- C. I don't know.
Ezarel [ ]
「So congratulations. Good job.」
- A. (Ezarel giving praise, I'm not sure how to take this.)
- B. Thank you. +
「So congratulations. Good job.」
- A. Thank you.
- B. (I left without thanking him, I didn't really want to talk to him despite all the good resolutions I'd made where he's concerned.)
- C. What's the catch? You're never as nice as this. =
「So I'm taking some things to keep me going.」
- A. Good decisions this time, I hope.
- B. What sort of decisions? =
- A. I hope you haven't stolen it. Karuto is not going to be happy.
- B. Oh, Lordy, you and your love for honey. +
- C. You could have taken something a little more substantial.
「He stares at my cut lip.」
- A. No, I'm fine. =
- B. Don't touch me! (I push him away brusquely.) =
- A. (I hope he has something else to tell me. )
- B. (Since that happened, he hasn't been able to stand the sight of me.) =
Valkyon [ ]
- A. (I made a gesture as if to say "don't worry about it".) =
- B. (I'd rather turn my head away and not reply.) =
「I understand, but this is not the time to play hero. Stay close to me and take action when we tell you to!」
- A. (I then went to Valkyon's side, listening to his warning. ) =
- B. (I didn't want to stay to close to him, and maintained a certain distance from him, though staying covered.)
「I'm proud to have a member like you in my guard.」
- A. I'm happy to be part of the Obsidian Guard, too. +
- B. I don't want to offend you, but I'd have rather been in a different guard.
「What you said on the beach. So?」
- A. Looks like I don't really have a choice. ok then, but stay there.
- B. Tell me what you have to tell me, but stay there on the doorstep
「I'm sorry about the way I did this to you.. I should never have forced you to kiss me. It was repugnant on my part and I'll never forgive myself for it.」
- A. You're right, you should never have done that.
- B. (I was mute, in front of him at the fact he realized the seriousness of what he'd done, even though I was still very angry at him.)
- C. "Forced"? Valkyon. I felt violated by what you did!
「I.. I've been an idiot.」
- A. (I held myself back from going further with what I wanted to say.)
- B. A massive moron, more like!
- A. I'd have liked to be in your Guard, too. =
- B. I'm doing just fine in my own Guard, thanks. (I was pretty harsh there).
- C. I'm very happy in the Shadow Guard! =
Leiftan [ ]
Coming soon.
Keroshane [ ]
「Having to redo things we've already done is tiresome.」
- A. Keep your spirits up though, Kero, it's just a bad stage.
- B. It's just paperwork, it's not a big deal.
- C. I get it, but just tell yourself to keep pushing yourself through it! +
Alajea [ ]
「Ok. see you later then?」
- A. (Sorry Alajea, but I don't really want to talk about what happened to me with you. )
- B. I'll see.
- C. That's a promise! +
「No. wait. why did you follow me?」
- A. I was worried about you. +
- B. I'm a very curious person.
- C. I don't know. I just did, that's all.
「Maybe we're not that close yet, but. I know what it is to feel sad.」
- A. Thank you, Alajea.
- B. Thanks, Al =
- C. Thanks. Allie. (Very positive) +
- A. (I'm truly happy to be able to count her amongst my friends. Her hug is doing me a crazy amount of good.) =
- B. (The warmth she's communicationg to me means so much.)
「I wasn't doing too good a few days ago, he came and brought me soup to make me feel better. He stayed with me for part of the day, even though I didn't ask anything from him!」
- A. This guy must really like you! Go for it! =
- B. If he stayed, that must be because he likes you.
- A. (Shake Alajea)
- B. (Keep calling Alajea's name)
- A. (Make the rock sign) (Correct choice) =
- B. (Make the scissor sign) =
- C. (Make the paper sign) =
「Can you help me carry her to the water?」
- A. (Come on , face your fears. It's just water. )
- B. (I'm still to scared to approach the water. ) I.
Ykhar [ ]
「I haven't been the greatest of friends to her or to you. 」
- A. But you can't prdict everything either.
- B. I don't think I'm your friend.
- C. You were there for me, I was the one who didn't take the helping hand you held out to me. =
- A. It means a lot that you apologized!
- B. I'm not sure if I want to forgive you.
- C. I forgive you. I understand you were angry. +
Ewelein [ ]
「. If you want to stay, you are welcome. If not, you should leave.」
- A. Will there be a lot of blood? =
- B. I'll stay, I'm not scared of blood! +
- C. What can I do to help? +
「I hope it didn't make you feel uneasy.」
- A. A little bit. but that's because I'm not used to seeing so much blood. +
- B. No worries, it was actually pretty interesting. I hope I can help you again some time! +
- C. I don't really know, that was my first time. +
「How long are you going to leave us hanging? I have a patient who needs my help, and I don't think or any other one of us has time for you to mumble or hesitate.」
- A. (Whoa, Ewelein. You have just won points in my heart.) +
- B. (Ouch, Miiko couldn't have liked that.) =
Cameria [ ]
「Hmm, and why do you want to be able to fight?」
- A. Because I want to become stronger and more independent. +
- B. To be able to defend myself, no matter what the circumstance is.
- C. Because I want to be able to handle the things that could hurt me, myself.
「Imagine I'm a malevolent being and I'm pointing a weapon at you, while you're defenseless. How would you react?」
- A. I'd attack before you do.
- B. I'd be terrified, and I think I'd try to reason with you. =
- C. I'd try to run away. =
Miiko [ ]
「It's about the attack on Enthraa.」
- A. Oh, that's not difficult to guess. +
- B. You don't say? Who would have thunk it. (My voice was dripping with sarcasm) -
- C. Ok, and? =
「Also, , we owe you an apology.」
- A. What about, exactly? Because you have several things to choose from! -
- B. What do you mean? =
「You can come and see me.」
- A. And what if you are Ashkore's ally? =
- B. Do you really think this will change anything? =
- A. (Come on now , violence never solves anything. even though she deserves my fist right in her face!) =
- B. (Was she looking for me? Well, here I am. )
「Chrome couldn't stop singing your praises about that.」
- A. (I can't really understand this compliment. it's actually annoying me more than anything else.) =
- B. (I'm delighted to know I've been useful to them, despite everything that certain people have done to me. )
- C. (I don't think I was as good as all that, but oh well. I'll take all the compliments I can get!)
- A. Are there leviathans in Eldarya?
- B. Even though I have major doubts about this: Charybde and Scylla! =
- C. Maybe a kraken?
- D. I'd have bet a mermaid! =
Chrome [ ]
「No, you just have to follow the smell of tuna! HAHA!!」
- A. You really are just a kid.
- B. (God Lord, he went there. what a moron.) +
- C. . seriously?
「You haven't had much luck since you got here. I wouldn't want it to get to you.」
- A. I hadn't thought of that. it's stressing me out, now. 5 +
- B. The wind must be changing direction.
- C. Oh no, don't say that. I'm the queen of bait, I don't want to be elected to victim of the year. =
Karenn [ ]
- A. We could use the poison from Balenvia. That sure did it for Ezarel and me.
- B. (I could use the poison from Balenvia, but that's a bit extreme. ) =
- A. At the same time, when we know it's the favorite hangout of that tyrant, Ezarel.
- B. I don't come here that often, either.
- C. That has always surprised me.
Enthraa [ ]
Coming soon.
Jamon [ ]
Coming soon.
Cryllis [ ]
Coming soon.
Feng Zifu [ ]
- A. Fang Zifu, is that you? =
- B. Huang Hua?!
- C. Zif, is that you?
Coming soon.
Mery [ ]
Coming soon.
Purrekos [ ]
「Were you happy it was him that worked with you in that challenge?」
Половину эпизода занимает черный экран. Что-то мне подсказывает, что гг чувствует не ревность, а. Как там это называется? Зависть, кажется. Ну да ладно. Есть вещи триггернее. ГГ так быстро отказалась от своих чувств к Эзарелю, что хочется подойти и влепить ей леща. Ибо какого . Ты чуть ли не вчера выпала из Кристалла, для тебя прошел от силы месяц, а твоя пламенная любовь даже не лопнула от внутренних переживаний, просто сдулась, как воздушный шарик. Я в трауре. Снова. Хоть наряд красивый.
Удачи всем в прохождении!
спасибо большое за эпизод! Очень понравился наряд, надеюсь он стоит не уйму маны!))))
не могу ничего сказать насчёт эпизода, но наряд шикарен
На эпизод ушло через-чур много маны для того объема ! полезной ! информации, которую мы получили в итоге. Кроме наряда, который вышел добротным, ничего более не порадовало. Эрика как обычно ничего не понимает и думает совершенно ни о том, о чем следовало бы. Надеюсь, до следующего эпизода смогу накопить маны, а то ресурсы истощаются.
Эпизод вышел очень дорогим и не информативным((
Наряд замечательный! Но почему стали такие цены? Дорого, 1/3 стоимости эпизода.
Постеры - печаль.С Леем вообще запороли, что очень обидно(
Ну и события в плане отношений на мой взгляд немного форсированы.
Иногда, солнышко, нужно просто жить. И чувствовать ветер в своих волосах.Мне нравится наряд, интересно что там по сюжету
Надеюсь, новый наряд не будет стоить сто пятьсот единиц маны, я еще в 7 эпизоде на платье не накопила. Это система уже немного утомила - зачем мне в обязаловку задорого впаривают костюм, который я не хочу носить?
Спасибо большое за эпизод. Проходить его в ближайшее время не буду, потому что с каждым разом затраты все больше и больше, а толку и полезной информации все меньше, а впереди ещё ивент. Свои скромные сбережения оставлю на Хэллоуин.
Спасибо! Описание звучит интересно, и наряд, вроде, ничего так смотрится. Будем проходить.
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