Dungeon defenders awakened прохождение
Дело в том, что в мире появились странные порталы, из которых начали целыми отрядами появляться опасные монстры. Гоблины, орки и прочие нечеловеческие твари и создания, которые как нестранно начали активно атаковать королевство и разрушать все на своем пути. Ну а мы как всегда должны стать на сторону света и помочь божьем тварям спастись от этой напасти. Dungeon Defenders Awakened это новейшая игра из популярной серии Dungeon Defenders, игровой процесс в который включены элементы экшена, РПГ и стратегической защиты башни.
По мере прохождения уровней соединяйтесь с четырьмя игроками, найдите легендарного грабителя и разбейте армию врагов. Самое замечательное в этой игре то, что она в основном сочетает в себе несколько жанров одновременно. С одной стороны, это типичная «тюрьма для ползучих», с другой стороны, это сторонняя RPG с магией, приключениями, ударами и многим другим, а с другой стороны, это типичный жанр Tower Defense защитные башни, оборона и другое. Как по мне это отличное сочетание жанров. А именно тебе нравиться такое сочетания жанров напиши свое мнение в низу под видео в комментариях.
Перед началом битвы мы должны позаботиться о правильном размещении различных укреплений и ловушек для противников. Так же разработчики дают нам четыре персонажа, представляющих разные специальности: адепт магии, оруженосец, охотник и монах. Каждый из них обладает уникальными способностями, а также сражается по-своему. А вот когда начинается бой, в котором мы принимаем непосредственное участие, важную роль играет умелое использование как способностей отдельных героев, так и оружия. Со временем в ваши руки попадет все больше и больше мощного оружия. Наблюдая за действием с точки зрения от третьего лица, во время игры мы попадаем в разные уголки мира Этерия. В их границах мы сражаемся против нападающих на нас полчищ противников во главе с угрюмыми боссами. И на каждом этапе вы должны организовать качественную линию оборону против подступающих вражеских войск. Выстраивайте башни различных видов по всей линии движения противника, чтобы нанести максимальный урон. Каждое из этих оборонительных сооружений обладает собственной мощью и уникальными характеристиками, которые необходимо использовать только против одного определенного вида монстров. Внимательно изучите все возможности ваших башен прежде, чем поставить их в том или ином месте. За уничтоженных чудовищ вы будете получать определенное количество денежных средств, которые в дальнейшем можно использовать для улучшения построек и усиления их пробивной силы.
А вот погрузиться в непередаваемую веселую атмосферу активных баталий можно будет на более чем 15 картах. Заскучать вам не дадут 13 уникальных видов врагов, включая мощных и коварных боссов. На этом все оставайтесь снами и следите за новинками игрового мира. Понравился обзор жмякни подписку и поставь лайк. С вами был канал ЯГеймер.
Best DPS heroes :
Any dps character works at the moment because endgame content is survival.
When they introduce real bosses decent team would be 1 monk, 2-3 huntress, 0-1 squire to tank.
Squire is really strong in massacre with weapon from throne room
Huntress is really good with the weapon from alchemical lab for single target sniping (other weapon can give more dps but more spread too)
Monk is great as a team player to buff + easily survive (get the weapon in summit)
- Flameburst for fire aoe, good on bigger maps where you can hide them from spiders.
- Deadly strike is the best option to kill copters, djinns and ogres (usually stack buffs from
+ hero on it for maximum effect)
- Arcane barrier. Niche use but really good when you want 1 last line of defense versus kobolds or
to manipulate lane aggro with a cheap wall.
- Inferno trap , good source of fire damage. To use when flameburst placement is awkward.
- Gas trap, op to stall lanes and especially used for sharkens and copters.
- Darkness trap, (OP to counter spiders with blind) use it when you need ele stripping but without
the weakness effect (no wall in
lane). Can also be used as anti-air or to blind normal mobs.
- Str drain, use it when there is a wall + a need for ele stripping (great for ogres)
- Ensnare aura , great slow. Also works on dark elves if they are not dashing.
- Lightning aura. Good electric aoe damage, upside it's always active, downside it's always active
so it triggers the kobold fuse early.
- Enrage aura. Fire based cc. The better the stronger the enemies are (turns them against each
other). Only use it in massacre.
- Healing aura ! Now good in massacre ! Gotta be alive to dps !
- EV Wall = Best wall in the game
- Reflect beam = allow you to cheese sirens and protect objectives (walls, players, cores).
- Shock Beam Electric CC.
So far meta in massacre seems to be a lot of auras and traps for the simple reason that it doesn't get destroyed by bosses .
Best pets :
Pet rock for builders (alch lab survival boss) or giraffe survival 25 (lower, but easy to get)
Cat for DPS (alchemical lab 25) / Gemstone for DPS (summit campaign)
Genie is really great on monk, huntress and squire. Genie with squire is op in massacre.(cause it can actually survive bosses).
For dps steam robot is pretty popular atm. (alch lab)
*UPDATE lots of pets are good now for dps, will update later*
Special mention for dreadbone challenge pet that makes enemies more vulnerable and strip siren ele imunity (great for a team, bad for solo)
Endgame maps to farm : ( make sure to make it hardcore , mix mode possibly needed too)
You want to farm boss maps because it gives the best weapons and pets. (weapon is based on character that you have on when you open the endgame chest , pets are RnG from the pets of the same act)
- Alchemical lab survival
- Throne room survival
- Summit survival
- Also glitterhelm for armor
Make sure you add points to every stat as soon as you can because of the insane scaling when starting the game. Later on check the stats and defense analysis section for more info (range per stat value, etc). Into NM gear , just from base gear all your stats should be around 1k, then you upgrade the ones you want. Massacre will bring you even higher.
In massacre most of the time you can put all your points into power because of the raw amount of stats you are getting. (or range for utility defenses)
*Always get pieces with 4 builder stats because the 40% set bonus*
Apprentice you'll want to have lots of power and rate. Ratio depends on your stats + tower you want to use (flameburst is like 3 power for 2 rate versus 2 power for 1 rate for Dst). Range and fortitude will come only from your gear. Might be a good idea to have a second apprentice full fortitude if you want to use low du app walls.
Huntress you'll want all points into fortitude and range for support (gas + darkness) . For explosive trap and inferno you'll want lots of defense power, a bit of rate and a bit of fortitude so the traps can stay alive.
* For massacre raw stats should be enough to use cc , so possible to just go power. Full range might be interesting too*
Squire all your points into fortitude for waller. For bouncer blockade you'll want a builder power squire.
Since EV is out . squire is bad to say the least
Monk you'll want most of your points into defense power. Investing into range / fortitude might be good depending on your building style (range depends on map). For lightning aura rate is good but scaling is way worst than power itself. . (no need to invest in fortitude for massacre , just power and maybe a bit of range) .
EV = For the walls and Reflect you just want HP
Shock beam you want lots of hp (range increases duration too and rate is good, but waller ev can be used for that)
For the buff beam all stats are good but invest all upgrades into power.
Get 164 % armor . (nightmare and massacre values). You can't get more than actual 90% damage resistance from it. They changed max armor from 90% to 75 %. 25 % per piece will do the trick now
*PS remember to always upgrade the weapon damage itself since it s the core of the build*
*When your attack is low you are better off going elemental damage instead. Elemental is also amazing for utility characters that are more tanky yet still have decent dps.*
Apprentice you'll want all points into hero damage. Try to get gear that also has vitality stat because you will need to fight close range to have the maximum efficiency (hit with all 5 projectiles a boss/ogre). Staff with high charge rate is good for right click aoe dps (15+ is enough).
Alternatively when starting you can invest all points into elemental damage. Apprentice seems to fall off as of yet with recent patch, I'll keep an eye on it to see if anyone plays it.
For huntress you want all points in hero damage, with boost stat on the side to help your self-buff (base stat on gear is enough since doesn't scale well). Skill might be useful later on for piercing eventually but for now not worth it (great damage however, might be useful in massacre). For her you'll want a demon horn that drops from demon lord (given when you open the endgame chest with huntress active, good weapon for single target). Phoenix skill is now useful especially for throne room because of the high number of ogres that will be in a line from copters.
For monk you'll want some points into hero boost (1400 ish in current update) . For tower boost 900 ish is enough. On your weapon you'll want to upgrade your damage to be elemental (fast attack rate). You can spend the extra points you have on vitality / cast rate.
In multiplayer boost will make you the ultimate MVP. Run around buffing defenses and people. Get a genie for 100% buff uptime. In massacre 3k ish hero boost should be pretty good (yes diminishing returns, but also lots of stat points).
Block squire with a dps pet is still good.
New meta is squire with throne room boos weapon (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of dmg) and a genie to keep blood boil active all the time (will make you op + tanky af)
There are no current game breaking bugs at the moment. But better be safe than sorry. From time to time you'll want to copy your save data. You can find it here. (hidden folder so activate that)
If you encounter an issue you can pm @PHILLIPS, @ICE on discord.
Can join friends via steam past wave 3 if game is public. Not if private. (using escape and clicking the + in top right).
Game not optimised and will have trouble in late survival. It's not just you. Everyone has issues. They are working on it. It is still playable just "laggy".
There are minor bugs with inspect function. Won't show other players real stats. Won't show your own real stats (missing set bonus) if you are not the host. Don't worry it's a visual issue and has no direct impact on gameplay.
Purposes of this guideI've seen so many noobs come into DDA not knowing what to do, where to start.
The official DD discord has been a huge help for lots of new players (especially the help section)
If you haven't joined it , do so now ! : discord.gg/dd2
The goal of this guide is divided in 2 parts :
-> Turn new players into veteran
-> Be a quick reference guide for current meta (I'll try to keep this updated)
Do note that the following sections can be consulted in any chosen order and will usually go straight to the point of information that is vital.
This guide should be enough to get you through all the DDA content currently available easily !
Do note that the game will be going from Early Access (EA) to full release in the upcoming 2020 year and this will bring many changes at a fast rate. Check out the DDA roadmap bellow for more information.
24 янв. 2020 в 4:30 anti cheat ?i was having sooo much fun in DD1 , until cheater come with tower that one shoot everything , or totally bullsh*t weapon .
do DDA will have a protection against those "player" ?
lawl literally no anti cheat. only thing that will happen to u is if u get reported and get a vac ban. stats still not server sided. its litterally DD1 but better grapics
and a huge ass memory leak
Отредактировано inforsir89s; 23 фев. 2020 в 17:28 23 фев. 2020 в 17:39 Better graphics? DD2 graphics. The characters look scary/ugly not fun; Monk looks like a monkey, squire like a Frankenstein monster. 23 фев. 2020 в 19:07i was having sooo much fun in DD1 , until cheater come with tower that one shoot everything , or totally bullsh*t weapon .
do DDA will have a protection against those "player" ?
There is no such thing as a cheat proof game 23 фев. 2020 в 20:34
i was having sooo much fun in DD1 , until cheater come with tower that one shoot everything , or totally bullsh*t weapon .
do DDA will have a protection against those "player" ?
There is no such thing as a cheat proof game Completely false.
Yes. Will have major anti cheat tech in new game. Do you have an ETA? It is already becoming a real problem. If people know what they are doing now they can potentially setup damage from current cheating to keep impacting the game negatively even after major anti-cheat is added unless the anti cheat is truly thorough and retro checks existing data. 23 фев. 2020 в 20:46There is no such thing as a cheat proof game Completely false.
Ever heard of pen testing? You are completely ignorant. 23 фев. 2020 в 23:38 Completely false.
Ever heard of pen testing? You are completely ignorant. Try at least Googling terms before you use them in situations they don't apply. You are ignorant. You can obscure and lock data on server side with strict rule enforcement to avoid cheating. The only way cheating would get past that is if your rules are too lax, or you have a vulnerability you overlook. 24 фев. 2020 в 2:45 No anticheat please. 24 фев. 2020 в 5:53 Yes. Will have major anti cheat tech in new game.
This sounds good.
A rework of some aspects of the multiplayer aspects would have been nice too.
It is tad bit annoying playing online when almost every game it's just someone who wants to solo build all the towers because the enjoyment of having your own tower blasting the enemies is more fun for some reason.
Maybe make it that everyone get their own instanced resource for tower building not tradeable because how it is currently makes up for to much passive play and alot of passive aggressive tendencies in the playerbase wanting all the mana for themselves.
Just do something new here to make it more cooperative fun, instead of focusing on players playing online only wanting to solo having the other team members as their repair slaves essentially, it just make up for toxicity, when people threatens to kick if someone builds something, also many times it is just decided there is only one builder but still, something feels off here, some kind of balance that keeps it more casual player friendly playing with randoms online.. I say about 90% of the games online playing with new people not on friend list becomes like this in a toxic way creating uneasy feelings, it just makes the matchmaking less fun IMHO.
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