Dead rising 2 case west прохождение
Из-за временного ограничения в игре вам придется часто нестись по локациям, скрипя зубами из-за того, что не рассчитали время перехода из одной точки в другую. Ускорить ваше передвижение можно следующими способами:
Смешать «скоростной» коктейль, который почти вдвое увеличивает скорость бега.
Найти в каким-нибудь спортивном магазине скейтборд и начать изображать Тони Хоука.
Найти себе хорошее транспортное средство: от детского велосипеда до машины или мотоцикла. Последний в условиях жесткого «кризиса свободного места» будет оптимальным решением, но, чтобы получить к нему ключи, вам придется выполнить задание «Знакомство с конкурсантами».
Если выбирать самое надежное и простое в обращении средство передвижения, то таковым следует считать скейт. Штука это довольно быстрая, да и валяется чуть ли не на каждом шагу. К тому же на скейте можно легко пробиться сквозь зомбифицированную толпу. «Крупный» же транспорт дается либо за выполнение заданий, либо за баснословные деньги – от одного до пяти миллионов долларов. Проще, право, купить в мародерском ломбарде рыцарские сапоги – они будут куда полезнее.
От транспортных проблем перейдем к опыту. Максимальный уровень персонажа, пятидесятый, достигнуть сложно, так как беготни по уровням и махания обыкновенным оружием для полного развития будет мало. Гораздо интереснее выполнять различные сайд-квесты (при должной сноровке уже к третьей главе вы научитесь быстро разбираться с сюжетными заданиями, чтобы сохранить время для дополнительных). Ниже – один из лучших рецептов достижения максимального опыта.
Сбегайте в комнату безопасности арены Фортуны и заберите там журнал, который увеличивает получаемый опыт на 25%. То есть за спасение одного жителя вы будете получать не 10000 очков, а 12500 – разница довольно ощутимая. Не забывайте и про подарки для Кэти. Они тоже дают много опыта, а принеся девочке все презенты, вы получите соответствующий ачивмент. Подарки для дочери можно найти в следующих местах.
- Мраморная сумочка (валяется почти во всех магазинах игрушек)
- Пляжный мяч (в магазинах игрушек, где есть пляжный отдел)
- Юмористические картинки (по заданию «Признанное искусство», на третий день в Фортуне)
- Кукла быка (магазин «Замок детства» на площади Роял-Флеш)
- Кукла ослика (магазин «Мелочи Дадса» на площади Роял-Флеш)
- Кукла слоника (магазин «Малыши Стайлина» на площади Роял-Флеш)
- Кукла кролика (в одном из ломбардов)
- Робот-мишка (магазин «Удивительные иллюзии» на площади Роял-Флеш)
- Снежинка (по заданию «Тедд и Снежинка»)
- Качающийся пони (магазин игрушек на площади Роял-Флеш)
- Водяной пистолет (фактически в любой зоне с фонтаном или водой)
Если искать подарки не хочется, то есть и другой способ нарастить опыт. Можно убивать зомби нестандартными способами, то есть с использованием комбинированного оружия. Всего в Dead Rising 2 можно собрать 49 комбо-карточек для оружия, причем лишь некоторые из них выдаются за повышение уровня персонажа. Другие можно получить за спасение выживших или убийства психопатов. Еще 10 карточек разбросано по карте мира. Оружие необязательно собирать по готовым эскизам. Его можно создавать «вслепую», однако такие самоделки будут менее прочными и много урона врагам не нанесут. Созданные самопальные комбинации будут занесены в базу игры как скетч-карты (наброски), которые помогут вам улучшить свой арсенал и подтолкнут к поиску новых игрушек. Полный список всех карточек вы можете просмотреть ниже.
Итак, карточки:
1. Фанатская дудка. Требуется: пилон + баллончик с синей краской
Оглушает зомби на некоторое время
2. Сверло. Требуется: вилы + двигатель
Оружие ближнего боя
3. Пивная каска. Требуется: строительная каска + бутылка пива
Предмет личного применения, лечит до шести пунктов здоровья
4. Арбалет. Требуется: лук + динамит
Стрелы оснащены взрывчаткой и наносят урон огнем
5. Бум-вилы. Требуется: вилы + дробовик
Оружие ближнего боя
6. Осквернитель. Требуется: кувалда + пожарный топор
Оружие ближнего боя
7. Бурильщик. Требуется: дрель + копье
Оружие ближнего боя
8. Ведродрель. Требуется: дрель + ведро
Предмет, позволяющий угомонить самых крепких противников путем надевания им на голову сего устройства
9. Диномясо. Требуется: кусок мяса + динамит
Привлекает зомби запахом мяса, а затем разрывает их мощным взрывом. Рекомендуется для отвлечения внимания.
10. Электрический стул. Требуется: инвалидное кресло + батарея
Позволяет проезжать сквозь толпу зомби, «шибая» их разрядами
11. Электрограбли. Требуется: батарея + грабли
Мощный удар, который вводит в шок или испепеляет врагов
12. Огнеплев. Требуется: игрушечное ружье + сигнальный факел
Ввиду особенностей конструкции живет недолго, но позволяет почувствовать себя магом, кидающим файерболы
13. Огнемет. Требуется: водный пистолет + канистра с бензином
Мощнейшая установка для обращения зомби в пепел. К сожалению, хватает ненадолго, но повеселиться хватит.
14. Пылающие перчатки. Требуется: боксерские перчатки + машинное масло
С их помощью драться врукопашную куда эффективнее
15. Фонтанирующий ящер. Требуется: маска ящера + фейерверк
Как и ведродрель, надевается на голову противнику и привлекает к себе внимание громким шумом
16. Выдуватель украшений. Требуется: драгоценности + листодув
Оружие дальнего боя
17. Аве Мария. Требуется: мяч для регби + граната
Мощная граната с увеличенными дальностью полета и убойной силой
18. Хакер. Требуется: фонарик + системный блок
Только для настоящих хакеров и программистов. Урон, правда, слабый.
19. Ветряной меч. Требуется: игрушечный вертолёт + мачете
Крутящийся вертолет с привязанным к нему мачете быстро сделает из зомби кучу фарша
18. Самодельное взрывное устройство. Требуется: гвозди + баллон с пропаном
Массивный баллон, который, взрываясь, разносит на части огромное количество живых мертвецов. Применять на расстоянии!
19. Веслопила. Требуется: весло + бензопила
Мощное оружие для боя с несколькими врагами на средней дистанции
20. Пика. Требуется: швабра + мачете
Как и веслопила, это оружие предназначено для боя на средней дистанции, только пика не такая мощная
21. Потрошитель. Требуется: строительная пила + дисковая пила
В два раза больше визга, фарша, а заодно и опыта. Одно из лучших комбо-оружий в игре.
22. Базука. Требуется: кусок трубы + фейерверки
Оружие направленного действия с разрушительной мощью. Может разнести целую толпу. Если вы, конечно, умудритесь в нее попасть.
23. Криопушка. Требуется: огнетушитель + водный пистолет
Останавливает зомби, делая из них куски льда
24.Бита с шипами. Требуется: гвозди + бейсбольная бита
Универсальное средство на все времена – дешево и сердито
25. Бомба-липучка. Требуется: дротики + динамит
Все просто: кидаете, отбегаете, смотрите на взрыв
26. Перчатки с гвоздями. Требуется: перчатки для боевых искусств + гвозди
Младший брат оружия Фредди Крюгера. Мощное средство для уничтожения врага в ближнем бою.
27. Когти. Требуется: боксерские перчатки + охотничий нож
А вот это уже практически само оружие Крюгера. Рекомендую!
29. Криобомба. Требуется: огнетушитель + динамит
Кидаете и смотрите, как толпа превращается в ледяные статуи, которые можно сразу обратить в крошку
30. Коктейль Молотова. Требуется: газета + выпивка (любая)
Отличное оружие, с помощью которого можно сжечь не одного зомби. Особенно понравится любителем аналогичного оружия из Left 4 Dead.
31. Шар Теслы. Требуется: шар для хомяка + аккумулятор
Ощутимо бьет током и, в принципе, является довольно неплохим оружием
32. Медведь свободы. Требуется: игрушечный медведь + «Миними»
Простая турель в виде медведя… с пулеметом
33. Лазерный меч. Требуется: драгоценность + фонарик
Оружие имени Дарта Вейдера – мощно и со вкусом. Жаль, заканчивается очень быстро, да и джедайская сила в комплект не входит.
34. Горящее копье. Требуется: теннисная ракетка + сигнальный факел
Очередная вариация на тему оружия с огненной начинкой – не самое полезное, хотя и любопытное
35. Блицкриг. Требуется: электрический стул + штурмовая винтовка или «Миними»
Сочетание мощного оружия для «продавливания» зомби и такого же мощного огнестрела – отличный способ весело провести время и зачистить небольшой район города
36. Горящий череп. Требуется: бычий череп + моторное масло
Еще одна вариация на тему одеваемой на зомби шляпы – на этот раз с воспламеняющим эффектом
37. Эксгунатор. Требуется: пылесос + диск от пилы
Малоинтересная штука, хотя выглядит забавно. Уничтожает зомби с помощью трех лезвий на конце трубы.
38. Кресло-убивалка. Требуется: инвалидное кресло + газонокосилка
Еще одно кресло с сюрпризом. На этот раз оборудованное пилами. Комментарии излишни – просто берите кресло и влетайте на нем в толпу зомби.
39. Священное оружие. Требуется: тренировочный меч + гвозди
Деревянный меч с гвоздями – и бьет, и режет. Для маньяков-садистов – самое оно.
40. Адское оружие. Требуется: тренировочный меч + моторное масло
Тот же деревянный меч, только на этот раз прикидывающийся «Шиш-кебабом» из Fallout 3. Получается сносно, но не более того.
41. Зонтодув. Требуется: зонт + листодув
Странно выглядящее приспособление, которое пригодится разве что для пополнения коллекции. Сколько-либо ощутимого урона нанести им мне так и не удалось.
42. Ручная косилка. Требуется: газонокосилка + доска (2x4)
Газонокосилка, которая крепится на досках, образующих что-то вроде щита. Отлично помогает против небольших групп мертвечины.
43. Силовая гитара. Требуется: электрогитара + усилитель
Крайне мощное молотообразное устройство с адским уроном
44. Дискомет. Требуется: диски для пилы + болгарка
Из названия легко понять, как действует это устройство
45. Маска грозы. Требуется: маска гоблина + батарея
Очередная одеваемая на зомби шляпа – на этот раз с шоковым эффектом
46. Сверхмаска. Требуется: маска + газонокосилка
Одеваете ее на зомби и смотрите за водопадом крови и мозгов
47. Супербластер. Требуется: бластер + усилитель
Мощнейшее оружие для дальнего боя импульсного типа
48. Копьемет. Требуется: листодув + копье
Мощная штука, похожая на базуку. Только стреляет не ракетами, а копьями.
49. Ведомый. Требуется: «Королева» + нектар
Напиток, увеличивающий скорость передвижения
Теперь мы поведаем вам о том, где можно достать «Зомбрекс», не тратя при этом 25 тысяч вечнозеленых долларов. Добывать лекарство может понадобиться не только по сюжету. Пару раз препарат придется отдать, чтобы выполнить сайд-квесты. Вот список мест, где можно заполучить «Зомбрекс».
1. Казино «Американа» – на втором этаже, в притоне. Для получения лекарства потребуется сравнительно небольшая сумма денег.
2. Казино «Слот Рэнч» – в северной части казино, за ящиками, лежит заветная упаковочка.
3. Казино «Юкатан» – в самом центре казино, около слот-машины.
4. Подземелья под Палисейдс Моллом – около южной комнаты обслуживания, близ входа в лаборатории.
Задания, за которые дают «Зомбрекс»:
1. «Код “синий”» – спасти врача Свена, когда тот попытается реанимировать Тедда. Поговорив с врачом пару раз, отведите его в убежище и получите порцию лекарства.
2. «Спрос и предложение» – без выполненного задания «Код “синий”» не высвечивается. Задание легкое: нужно просто принести Свену бутылку виски (или водки) и забрать вторую дозу препарата.
3. «Боль и голод» – принести Ричарду еды и сопроводить его в убежище, где он торжественно вручит вам «Зомбрекс».
4. «Зомбрекс по почте» – самое тяжелое задание. Придется неслабо повоевать с психопатами. После боя вы получите заветную коробочку.
This is just a basic run down of the game and may be prone to edits.
Having been playing the game hard since I got it and hopefully what I typically am doing to accomplish my objectives as well as accomplish a few achievements along the way will be of use to everyone else.
Loading Bays [ ]
After your initially intro scenes you are dropped smack into the middle of a horde of zombies and a few applicable weapons to make work of them. There is a Bowie Knife in the thick of it if you can get to it but otherwise kill every single zombie you can. At the moment you are not hindered by any sort of time restraint and killing every zombie can potential net between 40-50 kills. I recommend highly killing all the zombies before opening the container, you will encounter a guard to your left. Kill him then pillage the room.
I would also recommend exploring and busting open containers. If you find a Hand Gun see to killing the 4 cameras that are in this area:
- One in your start location.
- One near the Shipping Room door you will be entering soon.
- One on the other door from the Shipping Room door. (This can be accessed by climbing up onto the box with the Pylon to get onto the roof where you can find a Shotgun and Dynamite on the far corner.
- One on the far end of the catwalk.
While exploring grab picture of the PP Sticker (1/10) on the green container. If you have tutorials on this will pop up while exploring.
Achievement: Amateur Photography
You can snag an AR Rifle on the roof of the Red container. You can potential build 2 combo weapons before even proceeding even further:
= Grenade + Football = Dynamite (far end of the roof past shotgun) + Hunk of Meat (Found in Green container where PP Sticker is)
If your really lucky you can have some other box drops that can be made but moving on.
After defeating the guards in the Shipping Room you are put onto a time restraint and I recommend greatly that you try not to dawdle too much in doing the main scoop missing one pretty much ends your game so here are some general tips with regards towards avoidance:
That is all, you can dodge a good deal of grabs and get past large groups. If you can kill your target that is well and good but avoidance is good on saving ammo and should be done. Another tip involves security cameras, I am still missing a few locations to provide a definite run down but make sure you check over head after going through some door ways since some will be over your head and you can miss them in a hurry. Do not go out of your way to hunt them down as of yet there is ample time in various places to hunt down cameras if you choose too.
Case 1-1 [ ]
Your first scoop has you running to two terminals to input codes, this task is impeded by more guards especially if you take the suggested route which takes you across the catwalk. I recommend going to the ground floor of the loading bay and up the ramp into the Storage Bay, where to your immediate right is another PP Sticker (2/10) on the yellow sign of 'Keep it Moving'. Going past the storage racks you will bring you into the Holding Pens area that has a very dense population of Zombies in the center of this large space. By approaching this direction you should be out of the line of fire for the 3-4 guards in the Security Tower. The Security Tower has the following goodies:
- AR Rifles
- Shotgun
- Grenade
- Flash Grenade
- Rations
There will be a set of stairs that head up to the first terminal and the guards in the tower may not take notice yet of you. There is also cameras on the three doors to this building. You can find Riot Gear in this security office along with another PP Sticker (3/10) on the Facility Map on the wall. After your done here feel free to raze the security tower for some weapons and to take care of 4 cameras over each door. There is a smattering of cameras in this area alone and there is time enough to hunt them later. For now locate a queen and snag it as there will be a mass of zombies in front of the door your heading for.
Research Laboratory [ ]
Other than the zombies few things I will point out in this room one being the camera directly over your head XD. Anyways, this is a bio disposal area which has a nice PP bonus for turn up the heat to the zombies in the pit. ( One shot sadly XD ) It is good for clearing zombies when you need to get to the tunnel door once you get the key. Once you get the tunnel key you may find yourself running back here often just to build weapons.
The large thruster object over head is another PP Sticker to take but unless your good climber and jumper we will get to the picture eventually. Camera over the pit and door in this room. Once you clear this room you will be in the Labs area for now lets go explore the labs shall we.
On the ground floor watch out for those super zombies as you head to the Zombrex Research Lab A. The PP Sticker (4/10) is on the chemical dispenser labeled "G274". Next Head into the Refrigerated Containment Lab which is near the Secure Labs door ( it has red lights on the door for the secure lab ) and snap a picture of the central unit for PP Sticker (5/10) the sticker is on the glass on one side facing a door. Now head to the top of the Refrigerated Containment lab via the stairs near the Secure Lab and locate a vertical cylinder labeled 'Queens Storage' for PP Sticker (6/10), it is the Cylinder in the corner. While you are up here head towards the Maintenance Room and jump up on top of the building where you can see the Gas Container. You will find a Horror magazine which will help greatly in leveling by providing a nice 25% PP bonus.
Head back to ground floor and head in the direction of the arrow, once you reach the catwalk that goes over head take the stairs up to it and proceed through the door. Round the corner and grab a picture of the Thruster in the center for PP sticker (7/10), remember this place as you will find a survivor here later. Get back on track with heading to the next terminal if you happen to come across a Blast Frequency Gun ( dubbed BFG ) grab one and an Electric Prod.
The cafeteria contains a blender and the potential makings for a few mixes, if you're having Zombie issues feel free to grab a pie and orange juice to make an Untouchable. You can make two since there is a pie on a table and one in the kitchen area. You will come back here later to make a mix for a survivor later in the game.
The Living quarters is the next area and home to pretty much a large majority of the games books. I highly recommend getting the Health 1 as well if you can spare the slot and need the help keeping alive, I would prioritize Health 1 if your not that great Hand to Hand. One of the first rooms to your left is very 'Adult' in nature and has some gems and a flashlight of which you should immediately grab both and run straight to nearest Maintenance room on the far end of the area near the server room. Combine Gems and Flashlight to make a combo weapon then combine the BFG and Prod for another combo weapon. Proceed further to combine these newly made weapons to make the greatest zombie slaying weapon in the game. The Laser Gun. I recommend making this as often as you can as you are playing. This can insta-kill Guards and Handlers as well as destroy fairly sizable groups of zombies from great distances. True at the Moment you have a Scratch Card but this will still be a great boon on your play through. Try and save the shots on this weapon, I know you may be itching to try it out but the density of Zombies in this area is fairly low and shots would go to waste. Feel free however to combine the Katana and Sickle >:D. Head next door to the Server Room and find the Terminal. There is also 3 cameras in this room.
Once you have done the code head back into the Living quarters area and explore. There are 3 PP Stickers in this area so lets start ground floor up:
- Rec Room Zombrex Poster (8/10)
- Room A8 on the Texas wall decoration (9/10)
- On the Tiki above room X1 (10/10)
Achievement: Professional Photography
On the second level above the Rec room you can find that Library with Health 1 and Science Book which increases the durability of the prod and BFG. Having completed your assigned task begin your trek back the Shipping Room. The sooner you get back the better since it will provide ample time for exploring and rescuing your first survivors. Be sure to grab another queen to help save the first survivor after you get out of the Shipping Room from completing the case.
Case 1-2 Completion [ ]
Loading Bays [ ]
Once you done with 1-2 feel free to head back out and go hunting until 2-1 is about ready to start. Upon leaving you will encounter your first survivor, Hernando Arisa. If you happen to have that queen I suggested just get next to him on the crate and bust the jar. Once he is saved he will send you on a quest to find Lisa Hersey which has three parts so off you will go to the Cafeteria. Now some fun with your Laser Gun. Be sure that you use this manually and aim at the densest and farthest group of Zombies you can. Those 20 shots can potential make you 25,000+ in PP and can go greatly towards getting that 1000 Zombies kills well before the game is even half over. It can make short work of Handlers and Guards as well which is great since:
Achievement: Phenotrans Bubble Burster Killed 10 Handlers
Achievement: Phenotrans Nuisance Killed 20 Guards
Wow, Already 1/3rd of the Achievements under your belt by now potentially. ^_^
Follow your arrow to the first note which then redirects you back towards the security tower, if you need a new Laser Gun feel free to make another from parts in Living Quarters and the Research Labs In all you can potentially make 2 Laser Guns from available materials, which is great since the Zombies will have increased in density which means more kills towards Zombie Hunter. Back in the Security Tower you will find another note directing you back towards the Living Quarters, be sure to grab a Queen to make short work of rescuing Lisa Hersey. She gives you your first key which basically cuts your trip into the Living Quarters a good bit via a Double Door near the Rec Room.
Now if you still have some time before 3PM Feel free to hunt and slaughter at your leisure. You can pretty much make a small circuit of running into the Research Labs via the Harvesting Room Door to collect some parts and the completing the Laser Gun in the Living Quarters to go directly back into the Holding Pens area without back tracking. Once it reaches 3PM make your way back towards the Shipping Room, try and collect an AR Rifle, a Prod, and a Queen. Save these as they will go towards rescues.
Case 2-1 [ ]
If you were waiting in the office at 4PM the sequences starts and your destination is towards the Research Labs. Leave out via the ground floor and head towards the Harvesting Room door. You may encounter a Survivor along the way, be sure you find him standing on a container near the Maintenance Room. He needs that AR Rifle to escape so turn it over and head along your way into the Harvesting Room Door. Now you might. might see a survivor in a passageway above you, Allie Jack. She is being swarmed by Zombies. if shes there that is. If she happens to be there climb the stairs then climb up onto the machines then onto the Machinery with the ServeBot Helm. Grab the wrench and toss it through the window then jump across and bust out the queen. That will save her feel free to flow here back into the labs if she happens to be here when you enter.
It is seeming more common that Alicia Hobbes spawns first so if Allie Jack is not here then proceed towards your objective, as you get closer you will definitively encounter Alicia Hobbes in Zombrex Research Lab A. If you happen to have the Prod she needs its a done deal, if you need one there is a few handlers running around. Try and assemble a Laser Gun Before heading off to complete your Scoop, you got a big fight coming up against a tough foe and the Laser Gun can take them out in 4-5 shoots.
And while your at it feel free to make some of the Exclusive Combo Weapons for the achievement. It should not be too hard since most Maintenance Rooms have the parts near at hand or within short walking distance for the newer Combo Weapons.
Achievement: Handy Man
Also take a moment to leave the Research Labs area and reenter to try and spawn Allie Jack. If she appears proceed to rescue her then after you are ready head on towards your objectives and pick up little health as well. You get to encounter Hazard Units now, heavily armored and an Impact hammer to boot. They are quiet tough and facing two. If you have a Laser Gun the fight can be over long before it starts, if not then its going to be a little bit of a fight on your hand. Ranged is your best bet especially if your new to the game and your health is not as grand as it could be. Focus on defeating one unit, if Franks already whacking away at one focus on that one even if he switches target. Once its down grab that Impact hammer and use it to take down the other unit. Their weapon makes the best weapon against them out side of ranged weapons and combo weapons, it staggers them long enough to hit them again. The Combo version of it is even better and good for clearing your personal space of zombies.
After completing 2-2 head towards the Harvest room if you have not saved Allie Jack, after saving her head towards the Storage Bay where you may potential encounter Regina Dee in a corner. She sends you on a retrieval quest for a heart and liver, do not work to much about her shes in no major danger. If you need to go kill things and make a circuit of rooms to see if they spawn. I am doing what I can to pin times down but it just seems more Case based appearances. The retrieval is simple and quick to do, and you have time to do a minor side bit while in the research lab area other than building a Laser Gun.
Grab a Snack an actually Snack not Jellybeans and head to the cafeteria. Combine a Snack and Pie to make a Zombait, then combine those two cooking oils for a Randomizer. Combine Randomizer and Zombait to make Energizer. This is for another Survivor later in the game but if your in a pinch and need to use it use it just remember to grab a snack since there is none in the cafeteria that I have encountered.
After turning in the Heart and Liver you get the Tunnel Key. ^_^ This is great since the Tunnel has parts for the Laser Gun just right there. There is also another survivor that has gone crazy and all you need to do to save him is smack him around a little. Just make sure your very health since he tends to keep smacking you even if he has been defeated. From the Storage room head down the red path to where the maintenance room is. The Tunnel door is on your right down the stairs, and is a good route to take to make a Laser Gun with little search effort.
You now only have 2 more people to rescue and the next one you encounter will really kick the Laser Gun to the Max!
Blowing up a generator. meh, Simple enough to run through that. From the Shipping Room leave via ground floor and head up into Storage, the Detonator is in the central rack. Head on now to assault the Security tower and claim the C4. Now instead of heading right over into the Living Quarters lets head on over towards that Tunnel shall we and make the Laser Sword and Lightning Gun. Do not combine these as the next survivor needs them in the base form to be rescued. Once you have these two parts head over into the Living Quarters and look for Jerry Sampson. Jerry will prattle on about a weapon and then tell you what you need to bring him which. just so happens you have on hand to give him. Hand them over and receive a completed Laser Gun and the Combo Card, this saves Jerry and he runs off. This leaves Dean Templeton that will spawn in the Server Room in the Living Quarters area. however you may need to leave area and reenter to get him to appear or you need to go kill that generator and then reenter area to get him to appear. Hand over the Enegizer and that is your last rescue.
Achievement: Savior
And if you encountered enough of the Hazard Units.
Achievement: Phenotrans Sabotage
You are now left with only getting into the Secured Labs and if you have been direct and spot on with doing assignments you should have a mess of time to hunt before your big final fight.
I recommend making at least 3 maybe 4 Laser Guns and Manually aiming them during the last fight. Health 1, health items (preferable OJ or a Mix like Untouchable), and potential Health 2 if you want to really stretch the use of health items. Which if you set Health 2 down by accident its back up in the Research Observation where you encountered your first two hazard units off from the Holding Pens/Storage Area. If you are pushing to it then since this will be your last opportunity to earn them without another play through.
Achievement: Zombie Hunter Killed 1000 Zombies
Achievement: Petty Vandal All cameras destroyed in a single play through.
Once you are done make sure you go into the fight with time to spare so your not pressed for time.
The fight is a 3 part-er in a way. As you whittle is health down and with a Laser Gun it will fly off he call allies to his side, typically a Handler and Guard. He will jump onto an Acetone Cylinder container and cause them to fly like missiles. As his health really gets into the pits he will summon Hazard units.
The boss is a very danger close enemy, he punches and hits hard with Impact Hammers. He also does a charge that you can use to your advantage by standing in front of the horizontal glass tubes of gas so he breaks them and begins to cough.
The area has a good number of objects for healing and for weapon use make use of what you need mostly for the Guard when he appears since his rifle is of much great use than a chemical vial or melee range weapon. It should not be too difficult once you learn his attack patterns and he should go down easy enough especially with Laser Gun.
Congrats you have completed Dead Rising 2: Case West
Achievement: Fantastic
And if you really worked hard at maximizing your PP intake then you may have also gotten;
Gameplay [ ]
Story [ ]
The game picks up from where Ending A left off, with Chuck fighting the zombified Tyrone King in the bunker elevator. TK overpowers Chuck and puts him down to the ground. When it seems Chuck is about to be killed, the elevator door opens and a man hits TK off of Chuck with a baseball bat, killing him and saving Chuck. The man turns out to be Frank West. Chuck thanks Frank and begins to recognize who he is. But Frank recognizes who Chuck is and what he is been accused of and is very hesitant to hear Chuck out. Chuck reiterates how Phenotrans caused the Las Vegas and Fortune City outbreaks and framed him for the latter. He also states that they also killed Rebecca Chang. Frank is shocked by the news, mostly about Rebecca's death. After hearing enough, Frank tells Chuck that he came to pick up Rebecca to investigate the Phenotrans Facility west of Fortune City based on a tip he was given by a source. Frank tells Chuck that he can tag along but if he finds out that Chuck had something to do with the outbreak, there could be serious consequences. Chuck reluctantly accepts and reiterates that he didn't do it, then Chuck see's Frank's camera and accuses Frank of just looking for a big scoop, but Frank says that there is a lot more to it than just a scoop. Before they leave, Frank's watch beeps and he gives himself a dose of Zombrex, owing to the infection he contracted in Willamette, five years ago.
Eventually, they cut the power to the facility in order to free Frank's source, who turns out to be Isabela Keyes. Frank and Isabela had parted ways following Willamette, and he is surprised to see her. Frank is angry to learn she works for Phenotrans. Isabela explained that she was captured and forced to work for Phenotrans after the incident at the Willamette Mall; in addition, all her research on creating a cure was stolen by Phenotrans. After explaining herself, however, the director of Phenotrans, Marian Mallon, reveals herself in a room above them and sends in guards to capture the trio. Isabela manages to get away, leading Chuck and Frank to believe that she was only using them to help her escape. She returns shortly after with a gun in an attempt to free the two. However, Harjit Singh, the head of Phenotrans security, is sent to deal with the situation and promptly knocks out Isabela when she attempts to escape. She throws a flash drive towards Frank containing information regarding Phenotrans's practices just before fainting and being taken to Marian. Harjit, however, steps on the flash drive and tries to kill Frank and Chuck. This leads to ending A.
Endings [ ]
After Frank and Chuck defeat Harjit, he tries to regain his balance on a large glass tube containing Queens and accidentally smashes through it, resulting in being stung to death by the Queens.
Frank and Chuck learn from Marian that she manage to cure herself of the zombie infection and that a cure actually exists. Phenotrans, however, refuses to release it to the general people, believing them to be not worthy. She activates the facility's self-destruct mechanism and proceeds to leave with Isabela in her arms. Chuck tries to stay behind and frantically search for the cure, but Frank convinces him to get out just in time.
Back on the cliff where they started, Chuck and Frank look at the destroyed facility. Chuck ponders on the difference a cure could make to the world, but Frank says it could have been a lie, and they at least have the proof to clear Chuck's name. Chuck states that nobody would take their word about Phenotrans' plans. Frank's watch beeps, indicating his next Zombrex dose is due, but he remembers throwing it away in the facility. He looks as if he is ready to accept his fate when Chuck, having picked the Zombrex dose back up hands it over to him, reasoning that the world needs Frank West.
Locations [ ]
Area | Location | Description |
Phenotrans Facility | Phenotrans Facility | Secret Phenotrans facility. Zombies are shipped to this facility and experimented on. This is the production center for the controversial drug Zombrex. |
Research Laboratory | Research Laboratory | It all starts here. The Zombrex research and production takes place in this laboratory. |
Research Laboratory | Zombrex Production Lab B | This information is classified. Please see the lead researcher for more information and access to classified materials. |
Research Laboratory | Refrigerated Containment | Phase 2 Livestock by-product is transferred to this refrigerated room and stored here for use by scientists. It is imperative that this room remains within the pre-set |
Research Laboratory | Livestock Dissection Lab | This information is classified. Please see the lead researcher for more information and access to classified materials. |
Research Laboratory | Harvesting Room | Phase 1 Livestock is carried via a conveyor belt through the initial phase of Zombrex production. The area is constantly patrolled by security and features convenient biowaste disposal. |
Research Laboratory | Power Room | The generator that powers the security mechanism which controls the entrance to the secure lab is located here. Non-maintenance personnel is restricted from accessing this room. |
Research Laboratory | Gas Control | This room controls the flow of gas throughout the facility. |
Living Quarters | Cafeteria | The cafeteria is not only a social place to gather, but also take a load off from all the research and chow down. Our resident chef makes a killer sandwich that is absolutely worth dying for. |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters | The living quarters provide employees with the comforts of home while not at home. Take a load off and shoot some pool in the Rec Room or enjoy a drink with our executives in the Tiki Tower Lounge! |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters A6 | A low-level employee living quarter created for function rather than comfort. These are the smallest rooms available; not meant for relaxation or recreation. Current Resident: Mizuki Tanahara |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters RR | The recreation room is a place to sit back and relax. This large dual-entrance room features a pool table and a large lounging area. Come and enjoy movie night every week on Friday starting at 8 pm. |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters A9 | A low-level employee living quarter created for function rather than comfort. These are the smallest rooms available; not meant for relaxation or recreation. Current Resident: Alicia Hobbes |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters X2 | An executive living quarter fashioned for space and comfort. It reflects the position that it was crafted to accommodate. These quarters have spared no expense. Current Resident: Classified |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters A4 | A mid-level employee living quarter meant for long term stay. These rooms offer sufficient space for comfort. Current Resident: Lisa Hersey |
Living Quarters | Robert Staymore, Allie Jack | |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters A9 | A low-level employee living quarter created for function rather than comfort. These are the smallest rooms available; not meant for relaxation or recreation. Current Resident: Alicia Hobbes |
Living Quarters | Server Room | This is the main data center that houses computer servers. All non-classified information is stored here. The entire farm is controlled via a single workstation which is located on-site in this area. |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters X1 | An executive living quarter fashioned for space and comfort. It reflects the position that it was crafted to accommodate. These quarters have spared no expense. Current Resident: Jerry Sampson |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters A8 | A low-level employee living quarter created for function rather than comfort. These are the smallest rooms available; not meant for relaxation or recreation. Current Resident: Unknown |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters A7 | The on-site Library. Predominantly features scientific research materials and magazines from around the world. |
Living Quarters | Living Quarters A5 | A low-level employee living quarter created for function rather than comfort. These are the smallest rooms available; not meant for relaxation or recreation. Current Resident: Dean Templeton |
Holding Pens | Security Tower | All heavy artillery is stored in this fortified tower. In case of a livestock-related emergency, the commanding officer may ask security personnel to report to this tower to regain control. |
Secure Laboratory | Secure Lab Observatory | This information is classified. Please see the Director for access to classified materials. |
Secure Laboratory | Director's Office | The Director's Office. No unauthorized access allowed. |
Shipping Office | Shipping Office | All inbound shipments are registered and tracked by the personnel in this department. A number of Interior and Exterior security measures also operate from this office. |
Holding Pens | Loading Bay | Shipments of livestock are delivered through the loading bay and transferred to holding pens. All traffic is required to show proper identification when entering and leaving the facility. |
Holding Pens | Storage Bay | Livestock is sorted and herded through receiving pens then placed in holding pens where they are held until further processing is required. Necessary products and equipment are also stored here. |
Secure Laboratory | Secure Laboratory | This information is classified. Please see the Director for access to classified materials. |
Holding Pens | Holding Pens | This is the most dangerous area in the facility. Livestock is organized and maintained here. All non-security personnel is required to have a security escort during scheduled livestock assemblies. |
Phenotrans Facility | Underground Tunnel | An underground tunnel that connects the Holding Pens to the Harvesting Room. |
Announcement [ ]
Reception [ ]
Case West received generally positive reviews, with a score of 74 on Metacritic. IGN gave the title an 8.5 out of 10 rating. They praised the story, combo weapons, and fun co-op mode. Eurogamer gave the title an 8 out of 10 rating, stating that the product was more a worth while purchase for people planning to play co-op with a friend. Gametrailers awarded the title with a 7.9 out of 10 rating, saying that the $10 asking price was worth it. GameSpot gave the title a 7 out of 10 rating, praising the new weapons, fun while rescuing survivors, wacky humor, and plenty of replay value, but criticizing the similarity it has to Case Zero, no integration with previous games, and that the photography in the game has less impact.
Trivia [ ]
- In the Underground Tunnel, there is a reference to Left 4 Dead as "Don't startle the wi-" can be found written on the wall in blood, with a woman's cries coming from the vent below. This is a reference to the Witch, an enemy popular in the Left 4 Dead series.
Game Text [ ]
Introduction to the game.
Years ago, a zombie parasite was introduced to the population of Willamette, Colorado as an act of vengeance for the unchecked experiments that devastated the South American town of Santa Cabeza.
Outbreaks have since sprung up in cities across the United States, including Las Vegas and Fortune City, Nevada.
Chuck Greene, the man framed for the Fortune City incident, is fighting for his life.
Frank: I never did like that damn show.
Chuck: You look familiar. You must be.
Frank: Hey you're the one who's all over the TV. They're saying you caused all this.
Chuck: That's bullshit. Phenotrans set me up.
Frank: You know, there're vigilantes out for your head. You're commanding a nice bounty.
Chuck: Is that why you came? Huh?
Frank: Well, maybe I don't exactly believe everything I see on TV.
Chuck: Phenotrans are the ones who killed thousands in Fortune City, thousands in Vegas! They're the ones who killed my wife. And they're the ones who killed Rebecca.
Frank: Rebecca. Rebecca Chang? She's. She's dead?
Chuck: I'm sorry. A Phenotrans agent shot her. Look, I need proof dammnit. I've got to clear my name!
Frank: You don't have time for that. They're going to blow this place to hell any second.
Chuck: Then I'm screwed.
Frank: Look. I got an idea. I have a source that's told me about some sort of Phenotrans facility west of here.
Chuck: What kind of facility?
Frank: I don't know. I was going to find out…with Rebecca. You might be able to find your evidence there. Might be a connection to what happened here. You can come. But if I find out that you had something to do with this.
Chuck: Look, buddy, I didn't do it, alright? What are you looking for, a big story? Some way to get yourself back in the limelight?
Frank: Oh yeah? Is that what you think? There's a hell of a lot more to it than that. And the name's Frank. Frank West.
Includes the full game (DLC): all cutscenes, cases, side-missions, survivors and the psychopath, recorded with Elgato HD60 on .
Dead Rising 2: Case West - Видео-обзор
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Dead Rising 2: Case West (Xbox 360) - Full Game 1080p60 HD Walkthrough - No Commentary
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Includes all cutscenes, cases, side-missions, survivors and the psychopath. For independent videos of this game AND a checklist .
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