Cute blue parrot escape прохождение
Jack is a pirate and that day their captain just announced to set course to the docks where they frequent, but not to pillage or plunder though, but to go home for this docks where they are going is their home. Jack is excited to have fun and drink ale again from the tavern, for theirs on the ship is really not good. As they arrived in the town, they did everything that they haven’t done when they were at sea and it was good! Jack just drunk ale, talked to the locals, and find something good to his pretty blue parrot there which was kind of not happy for it wants something Jack couldn’t understand.
After a while, Jack still haven’t given the thing to his parrot whatever it is and at some point, it just flew and tried to look for that something itself! Jack tried to catch it again but it was a bird and no human can really catch-up to such creatures. It flew and flew until it got in some trouble! And really that gave Jack a tough day there then. Escape players, Jack’s blue parrot just got trapped in some cage and now it can’t get out of there! Jack needs to rescue his pet but doing that he is a little bit wary of, for people here in the docks can be a little territorial of their things, so he’ll just rescue his bird here with caution. Will you help him with that though so that this can be fixed quickly?
Cute Blue Parrot Escape is a new outdoors animal rescue escape game developed by Palani Games.
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Cute Blue Parrot Escape, palanigames
5.8.2021, 0:25
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Posted by Palani Games
S=yes? quite the obscure clue - other than that..NG
good game, apart from the really bad S clue
YES: I agree the S clue was lame.
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Posted by pointandclick
sneaky coin behind blue tree
woodpecker will give you wood
another one behind green plant
look at the 3 colored plant for the square
sneaky green symbol on the left second scene
third coin in second scene far right
use wood on bucket for another coin
press the colored buttons according to the numbers on each flag
use knife on pumpkin for fifth coin
apples go behind coin rock
sneaky crab behind rock third scene left,crabs go to blue house
ahh! sneaky coin on tree last scene
coins give feather that goes to stone beside green symbols
cute game, enjoy!!
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