Civilization 6 кровный союз как получить
Союзы — концепция в игре Civilization VI, получившая дальнейшее развитие в дополнении Rise & Fall.
Союзы – это совместная договорённость двух цивилизаций сотрудничать и стремиться к какой-либо общей цели. Прежде чем заключить союз с цивилизацией, вы должны объявить миру о вашей дружбе (у вас обоих должен быть уже изучен социальный институт «Госслужба»).
Существует несколько видов союзов, каждый из которых приносит определённые преимущества. Эффекты различных уровней сотрудничества складываются между собой – то есть союз 3-го уровня также даёт преимущества 1-го и 2-го уровней. Заключив союз с другим игроком, вы каждый ход будете получать очки союза. Накопив достаточное их количество, вы сможете повысить уровень сотрудничества между вашими странами и тем самым сделать союз ещё более выгодным для обеих сторон. Количество получаемых очков союза можно увеличить, заключая с союзником торговые сделки.
Каждый союз, вне зависимости от его типа, предоставляет союзникам право прохода и оборонительный союз. Союзники не могут объявить друг другу войну.
Вы можете заключить только один тип союза с одной цивилизацией, но это не помешает заключить другой тип – с другой державой. Например, заключив научный союз с Кореей, вы не сможете заключить такой же союз с кри. Зато вы можете заключить с кри военный, культурный, религиозный или экономический союз. В одной игре можно заключать до пяти союзов.
Уникальный боевой юнит Кровного союза. Имеет базовый бонус к боевой мощи, равный такому же бонусу у самого мощного юнита, произведенного когда-либо вашими городами. Получает постоянную боевую мощь, когда на соседних клетках погибают юниты. Сила от смертей варваров ограничена +10. Если его уничтожить, возвращается с 1 ОЗ в столицу или ближайший вампирский замок. Восстанавливает еще 50 ОЗ при разграблении вражеских клеток, но скорость пассивного лечения при этом снижается.Исторический контекст
Миф о вампирах вызывает особый отклик в сердцах людей в мире, где наследная аристократия по большей части осталась в прошлом. Жестокие хозяева, в погоне за вечной молодостью охотящиеся на простой народ, который они презирают и считают ниже себя; представители развращенной и приходящей в упадок культуры воспринимаются со все большим интересом по мере того, как в нашем с вами мире одна за другой умирают старые монархии. Публике, отвыкшей сталкиваться с высокородными особами, они представляются то трагичными фигурами, то ужасными злодеями или антигероями. Квинтэссенцией вампира в реальном мире моно считать графиню Эржебет Батори из Эчеда, венгерскую знатную даму, которая, согласно легенде, считала, что кровь жертв (которых было более 600) поможет ей сохранить молодость и красоту.
Introduction [ ]
Hermetic Order icon
A wandering mystic appears at your palace. His body is covered in writing of a kind that you have never seen before; the symbols even seem to shine of their own accord. He begins to lecture your courtiers about the hidden alchemical properties of matter: about how mercury can be induced to flow towards the sound of birdsong, how elemental sulfur can be rendered out of sacred texts, and about the hidden resonance of certain stones in moonlight. He asks you, "do you, too, seek to know the true nature of things?"
After Joining [ ]
Much that was hidden to you is now revealed. Matter is vibrant: metal and stone thrum with secret influences, starlight can be focused to illuminate essential fluids, and the earth itself pulses with energy and light. An entire wing of the palace is a bustle of alchemical activity, and you have learned to live with the occasional explosion.
Overview [ ]
Similar to the other Secret Societies, Hermetic Order membership lasts the entire game. Once joined, players will unlock a new Governor with four unique titles. This Governor operates on an international scale, thus granting bonuses to the entire empire without being assigned to a city.
The Hermetic Order's base chance of sending an invitation after you discover a Natural Wonder is 100%. However, as with other societies, this chance will get slightly smaller with every other civilization that joins this society (meaning "popular" societies will be less likely to send you an invitation).
Titles [ ]
Promotion Title | Unlocked by | Effect |
Neophyte | Discover a Natural Wonder (100% chance). | Reveals the Ley Line resource on the map. |
Ley Lines give a major adjacency bonus to all specialty districts.
Strategy [ ]
The Hermetic Order is, by far, the most unreliable society of the four. After the buffs to Ley Lines and changes to their spawn locations, the society becomes a lot better, but the issue with reliability remains. Their bonuses kick in and peak much later into the game compared to the other three societies, and they revolve heavily around Ley Line, a new resource that only their members can see. The glaring issue with Ley Line is that you have no idea where they are or how many of them are available near your location until after you accept the invitation to join. In a single-player game, you can reload a save game if the Ley Line spawn is not favorable, but in a multiplayer game, there is no going back. Furthermore, for four eras straight, Ley Line are little more than dead tiles that take up space in your empire, have no yields, and cannot be improved. They do provide a major adjacency bonus to every district built nearby, but that is hardly a justification for picking the Hermetic Order when you consider what the Initiation bonuses for the other three societies are. When the Industrial Era comes, Ley Line are now more beneficial, since they can grant a lot of yields based on how many Great People you have earned. However, if you really earn so many Great People that each Ley Line is overflowing with yields, you are most likely winning the game by such a large margin that the number of Ley Line in your territory is irrelevant. It is more of a classic case of a "win-more" factor: if you're winning, it helps you win faster, but it is definitely not an impactful enough factor to turn a losing game around. And that doesn't even take into account how many Ley Line you own, which is entirely dependent on map generation!
The Alchemical Society, compared to the Old God Obelisk and the Gilded Vault, is also the least impactful of the three. It has two main selling points over a standard University: it grants Gold based on its Campus adjacency bonus, and it grants 1 Great Engineer point and 1 Great Merchant point. Compared to the Gilded Vault's Culture bonus, the Gold bonus is quite a bit worse. Ignoring the fact that generally 1 Culture is worth more than 1 Gold , even if you play as Korea, a civilization whose replacement for the Campus has a consistent +4 adjacency bonus, that extra 4 Gold is only enough to pay off the maintenance cost of the district, the Library, and the Alchemical Society itself, so there will not be any left over to invest in anything else, and the majority of civilizations will have a much harder time getting a +4 on all of their Campuses. The extra Great Engineer point and Great Merchant point can be helpful, but these still pale in comparison to all the bonuses other societies reward their members with the Ritual title.
Recommended civilizations [ ]
Without Great People, Ley Lines are dead tiles that you want to avoid more than use as a leverage for your empire. Any civilizations/leaders which have abilities to generate a lot of Great People, or a unique, cheap district which they want to put down in every city to earn Great People points, can work decently well with the Hermetic Order. They are, most notably, Kristina and Sweden, Pedro II, Scotland, Russia, and Greece. Colonialist and naval civilizations such as England and Phoenicia (and to a lesser extent, Australia, Indonesia, and Spain) can also work well with the Hermetic Order, since they have a lot of cities (which translates into a lot of Great People) and they can seek out Ley Lines far from their core territories to put down cities without fear of Loyalty pressure. As mentioned above, however, the Hermetic Order's unreliable bonuses and clear inferiority to other societies mean that almost all of these leaders/civilizations can work at least as well with another society: for example, England under Eleanor of Aquitaine should definitely pick the Voidsingers, Victoria and Philip II (Spain) can go for the Sanguine Pact for a domination game, diplomatic Kristina can choose Owls of Minerva, and Indonesia can choose the Voidsingers to bolster their religious strength.
Civilopedia entry [ ]
Especially in times of great social change, when new knowledge and new ways of being show great potential to change the way that we live, societies often arise based around the cultivation and protection of this secret, world-transforming knowledge. While they might at first look like scientific societies, these orders were different in that they focused on the collection of secret knowledge, not its application. We can see examples of such societies in medieval Europe, Southeast Asia (especially as concerns tantric Buddhism), and East Asia; from ancient times to the present day. Here, the Hermetic Order seeks to model a late medieval alchemical society, as well as mystical/religious organizations that grew up in the later 19th century.
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an English group concerned with cultivating esoteric knowledge around the early 20th century. For inspiration, the Order drew upon a variety of sources: medieval European (“hermetic”) magic, Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), Egyptian and Greek myth, and individual revelation. Devotees – most famously the English occultist Aleister Crowley - focused on expanding their mystical knowledge via astral travel, clairvoyance, and other magical practices, and the movement attracted a body of individuals seeking a greater truth that they felt was lacking in an increasingly rational and disenchanted society. The Order drew in a wide body of influential people, including Arthur Conan Doyle (creator of Sherlock Holmes), the English horror author Algernon Blackwood, the Irish author Bram Stoker (creator of Dracula), and others. Chapters of the Order exist today, and the Order’s practices have been influential on the development of many New Age religions, as people still seek a greater truth.
Secret Societies is the second game mode in Civilization VI, introduced in the Ethiopia Pack. It includes four different Secret Societies that players can join, but once a society is chosen, its membership will last the entire game and cannot be changed. Each society has its own perks for the members, including new resources, buildings, tile improvements, units and city projects. It requires either the Rise and Fall or the Gathering Storm expansion to play.
Mechanics [ ]
The Secret Societies Game Mode introduces four new "societies" - secret organizations with unique abilities which players may use to their benefit.
To join a Society, the player has to 'discover' it first. This is achieved via a specific gameplay action, which is different for each society:
- By sending an Envoy to a City-State (or earning one by meeting it first or fulfilling a quest), you discover the Owls of Minerva;
- By discovering a Natural wonder, you discover the Hermetic Order;
- By visiting a Tribal Village you discover the Voidsingers;
- By dispersing a Barbarian Camp, you discover the Sanguine Pact.
The chance for discovery is not always 100%, however - you may need to perform the necessary action several times in order to discover a society.
Once discovered, a Society will send you an invitation to join them. Note also that the first time you discover a Society (any Society), you will earn 1 Governor title. A new Governor will appear in your Governor screen - a representative for the respective Society, which will be your liaison with them. You 'join' the Society simply by choosing to promote this new Governor, using one of your Governor titles (hence the free title you gain when discovering the first Society!) Once you go through this 'initiation' process, competing Governors from other Societies will disappear - you may not join more than one Society. You can still discover new ones by performing the corresponding action listed above, but all you can do now is simply observe their secret signs and learn to recognize them in other Players (that is, learn which Society they are members of).
The new Governor has four unique titles, does not need to be assigned to a specific city, and has bonuses that apply to the entire empire. You can unlock these titles by earning Governor titles like normal, but tier 2, tier 3 and tier 4 titles can only be unlocked once the game has reached a certain era:
- The first title is unlocked since the beginning of the game. unlocks the second title; unlocks the third; unlocks the fourth.
Note that these are World Eras, not Individual Eras, so you can't rush it!
Below is the list of four Secret Societies that you can potentially choose from:
The Owls of Minerva are puppeteers who mastermind plots behind the scenes and use espionage to achieve their goals. Joining their ranks grants access to an additional Economic Policy slot, as well as bonus Envoys from Trade Routes to City-States. Later on, members receive access to the Gilded Vault, a new building with all the benefits of a Bank, but also grants Gold adjacency bonus as a Culture adjacency bonus as well. It also grants an additional trade route for cities with a Harbor. The Hermetic Order values alchemy and occult science above all else. Their success comes from theories and inventions that other societies dismiss as mere fairy tales, such as Ley Lines. Ley Lines are a new map resource only Hermetic Order members can see, which gives major adjacency bonuses to all specialty districts. They also grant bonus yields whenever a Great Person is earned. Members of the society can eventually build the Alchemical Society, a University replacement building that has all of the base University effects, plus extra Great Merchant points, Great Engineer points, increased Production, and Gold. The Voidsingers follow a dark religion of ancient gods and sow chaos to control adversaries. Joining them unlocks the Old God Obelisk, which replaces the Monument. It has all of the Monument's base effects, and provides additional Faith and Great Works slots. The Voidsingers also have a unique unit, the Cultist. Purchased with Faith, Cultists can spend a charge to recruit followers in enemy cities, reducing the target city's Loyalty by calling its citizens to madness. The Sanguine Pact is a militaristic regime known for sapping enemies of their will to fight, shunning the sunlight. Joining the pact unlocks the unique Vampire unit, which gains Combat Strength when adjacent units perish. Instead of dying, Vampires retreat to safety with one HP and can be healed back to full by pillaging. Vampire Castles can be placed in any empty tile in your territory or in neutral territory and grant defensive bonuses and extra yields. In later eras, Vampire Castles allow you to teleport units between them.
Strategy [ ]
The Secret Societies mode offers almost exclusively benefits (unlike some of the other modes, like Apocalypse): a set of bonuses for each different Society which are tailored to a particular gameplay style. The bonuses are well-suited for the particular moment of the game when they unlock, and subsequent bonuses often synergize with previous ones, or even enhance them. For example, the Ley Line resource is the first bonus of the Hermetic Society, and initially all it does is offer a Major Adjacency bonus to all Districts. Later, however, every Ley Line becomes a workable tile, and its yields increase with each Great Person you earn (or have earned in the past)! Thus, initially the player uses Ley lines only as good locations for Districts, but later may include them into its territory and reap great benefits by simply working them. The Vampire unit, on the other hand (the specialty of the Sanguine Pact) becomes stronger with each subsequent development, and even gains a Teleport ability!
Thus, joining a Society at the earliest opportunity is highly recommended. Of course, you shouldn't join the first society you discover - you need to decide which one will help you most in your chosen playstyle. Fortunately, discovering each Society shouldn't be much of a problem - the necessary actions are taken naturally in the first phase of the game. Still, if you plan to join the Hermetic Order or the Voidsingers you should concentrate on early scouting (so that you may find Tribal Villages and Natural wonders); this may also help when joining the Owls of Minerva, since it increases the chance of you being the first to meet a City-State (which nets you a free Envoy, and fulfills the requirement). If you want to join the Sanguine Pact, though, you should churn out units and attack aggressively the nearest Barbarians, before City-State warriors manage to disperse them.
Basically, we could equate the Secret Societies bonuses to Religious bonuses, and you should treat them as such. Of course, there is none of the added complexity of religious play, such as spreading religion, theological battles, victory - you only need to take a strategic decision in the beginning of the game. It is a very important decision, though, which Society you will join, because depending on your chosen playstyle you may reap great rewards, or simply waste away the opportunity. Non-aggressive players will find little benefit in possessing Vampires, while players which haven't developed their faith generation and religion won't be able to make good use of the Voidsingers' benefits.
Of course, not all is roses in this mode - you will receive a hefty diplomatic penalty with players which are members of a society different than your own. And of course, they will also reap the benefits of their respective societies, which will affect the overall balance in the game. Still, this negative is quite mild compared to having comets destroy your cities at the end of the game.
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