Chaos rings 3 прохождение
Gene Fusion, Rarity, and Star Rating
Star Rating:
First of, you cannot increase the star rating of each of the genes in the game, so they are pretty much fixed across most of the genes. It should be noted some lower level genes can have different star ratings like 2
Rarity Level and Level Cap:
Your genes in Chaos Rings 3 have level caps dependent on the rarity of the genes. They are as followed:
Normal (N) = Level 30
Rare (R) Level 60
Super Rare (SR) = Level 100
You can increase the rarity rating in terms of Normal (N), Rare (R), or Super Rare (SR) by combining the same genes together. To do so, fuse it with another maxed level card with the same or above rarity. Below is a chart of these rarity increases.
N + N = R
R + R = SR
N + SR = R
R + SR = SR
Gene Recombination Basic
When you combine two different Chaos Rings 3 genes, it will usually result a different gene that are relatively close to each other on the gene index with a few exceptions detailed later in the guide.
There is also a special rule where you fuse a 2* Elemental + 2* Non-Elemental = 3* Elemental.
Gene Element Combination Results Chart
You can check for the gene fusion element combination pattern with the following table.
Fire | Ice | Earth | Bolt | Light | Dark | Neutral | |
Fire | Fire | Earth | Light | Ice | Dark | Ice | Fire |
Ice | Earth | Ice | Bolt | Dark | Bolt | Earth | Ice |
Earth | Light | Bolt | Eart | Fire | Fire | Ice | Earth |
Bolt | Ice | Dark | Fire | Bolt | Fire | Light | Bolt |
Light | Dark | Bolt | Fire | Fire | Light | None | Light |
Dark | Ice | Earth | Ice | Light | None | Dark | Dark |
Neutral | Fire | Ice | Earth | Bolt | Light | Dark | Neutral |
We can also translate to the following gene fusion formula list based on what kind of resulting element genes that you want.
When you combine a non-elemental with an elemental gene, you will always get that element.
When you combine an elemental with another gene of the same element, you will still get that element.
Dark + Earth
Dark + Fire
Bolt + Fire
Dark + Ice
Fire + Ice
Light + Ice
Earth + Ice
Dark + Bolt
Earth + Fire
Light + Fire
Bolt + Ice
Special 5 Star Gene Combo Recipe
can only be fused from these specific gene combination of the 2 four star genes of the same element.
Nuwa – Goemon + Kenshin
The Lionheart – Nostradamus + Heishichi
Kamehameha – Michaelangelo + Basho
Newton – Spartacus + Yoshitsune
Alexander – Susanoo + Ishtar
Cleopatra – Qin Shi Huang + Daji
Shizuka Gozen – Amaterasu + Ikkyu
Iseult – Lugh + Marie
John Doe – Tsukuyomi + Jack the Ripper
Juliet – Tutankhamun + Shakespeare
Kojiro – Solomon + Da Vinci
Gene Combination and Heritage Skill Pass
When you combine fuse genes in Chaos Rings 3, two random skills from the parents will pass on to the child gene as heritage skill. The selection is completely random from the total skill pool of the parents, it means that either 1 or 2 of the same skills may come from the parents.
Gameplay [ ]
The game's control and battle system is mostly the same as that of the previous games. However, there are many significant changes to the game as compared to the previous games in the series. Unlike the previous Chaos Rings, you can now have up to three members in the team to fight as you embark on your adventure at any point in the game. The game allows you to customize various options such as naming your team and your main character (aka the Protagonist). This causes the pair system to be removed, and instead the team can now perform combos, by utilizing elemental weaknesses or critical hits to perform a Final Strike. When the break gauge is at Max, your Final Strike will turn into an advanced variation known as Art Ascendant (AA).
There are two modes in the game: the Story Mode, and the Battle Mode. Whenever you start up the game and load the data, you will be given the choice to select either options. Alternately, you may access My Page to choose which mode do you wish. Both modes uses the same characters and genes that you have unlocked. Story mode allows you to explore the main quests of Chaos Rings 3, while Battle Mode is simply an additional feature which allows you to fight for rewards including rare equipment.
Exploration in Chaos Rings 3 is similar to the previous games. However, unlike the previous games, the central setting of the game is now on a planet called Marble Blue, which is similar to the real life Earth and is home to all kinds of monsters and abandoned architectures of an ancient unknown civilisation; and Theia, the man-made orbiting satellite which houses all mankind. Most of the continents on Marble Blue are similar to real Earth, except the North is a huge piece of fiery land called the Magma Ocean. You can either choose to do quests in a specific field, or simply use Explore to venture into the field without a specific objective. Upon reaching certain levels, you will unlock the next tier of levels for the monsters you encounter: such as 51-60, 61-70, etc. Meanwhile, exploring Theia uses a map similar to an elevator of which you can choose which place to go to, such as the Spaceport, or the Colosseum.
There are various methods of obtaining a gene. The first that is introduced to you in the game is to use "gifts" to fuse into genes, where "gifts" are essentially empowered objects with certain extraordinary abilities. The second method is to use the Sp. Shop to purchase a Gene box with Ohnz Coins, taught in a tutorial mission. A last method of obtaining a gene is to fuse two different genes to obtain a new gene. This method allows the new gene to inherit some skills from both parent genes. Obtaining new genes allows you to level up your team which increases your MP capacity, but this has to be performed manually.
During the course of the game, characters will gain extra abilities from certain quests to cross obstacles and destroy barriers, and retain those abilities to use in anywhere else thereafter. It is also now possible to change the members of the party while during on a mission, by swiping the member's portrait in My Page to whichever position you wish. The first to third positions are always the combatants while the fourth and fifth will not participate in battle. Meanwhile, the first position will always be the leader, and that character's sprite will be controlled when venturing on the map.
The whole game is split into several episodes. Finishing to certain points will complete the episode and you will be asked to download the next episode in order to proceed.
Synopsis [ ]
The story begins with you as the Protagonist, whose goal is to follow your father's footsteps in becoming an Explorer and discovering Paradise. You were at first guided by a strange entity called Mariv who appeared to you in your dreams. Although your younger sister is initially doubtful and unsupportive of this, she eventually decides to come with you to help you settle down in the town called New Paleo. As you make your way to become a full-fledged Explorer, you will ally with Daisuke (a similarly aged boy who uses a gauntlet type weapon), Leary (a similarly aged girl who uses a mechanical gun ring to fight), Al (a senior Explorer who is a member of the Thousand Voyagers) and Elroux (a strange unknown girl who is supposedly the human daughter of Mariv). With your team's support, you will eventually make your way into the unknown and discover new places.
Completing your collection for the various genes in Chaos Rings is very important throughout the game and especially in end game. Having and collecting more genes raises your Team level and boost all the stats of your party members. It should be noted that team level is only the only way to raise your MP pool.
In this complete Chaos Rings 3 gene collection guide, we will go through the entire location and methods on how to collect all the genes in Chaos Rings 3.
b>Chaos Rings 3 Gene Collection Summary
Below is a quick overview of the locations where you can get the genes in the game. There are a total of 138 genes in the collection.
Total 51+14+19+12+13+12+12+2+2+1=138 genes
51 Common Genes
51 are common 1*-3* cards easily found throughout Chaos Rings 3 in dungeons, gene boxes, gold chests, and can also be fused to one another.
14 Genes as Dungeon Map Completion Rewards
14 genes are obtained as rewards by collecting all 17 treasures in dungeons. You can also get these through fusion.
19 General Genes through Gene or Gift Fusion
Sun Wukong
Jack the Ripper
Yang Guifei
Monthly Gene Box with 12 Five-Star Genes
Depending on the month, the game offers gene boxes that you can get the 5 star genes.
Below is a list of 5 star genes from the monthly gene box by the month.
July, January: Calypso / Agamemnon
August, February: Seimei / Black Prince
September, March: Dante / Kishibojin
October, April: Gagarin / Xuanzang
May, November: Wagner / Artemis
June, December Joan / Athena
There are two strategies involving the monthly gene boxes. The first is that you can save before you open the boxes. Soft reset until you get the rare monthly genes that you are looking for. You should try to go for 5x cards box since you can spend a LONG time if you choose other options.
The Last 13 Hidden Fusion Only Genes with Exact Combination
These Chaos Rings 3 genes can only be fused from these specific gene combination of the 2 four star genes of the same element.
12 Genes from Monthly Event Treasure Box
Box will open in Sp shop as soon as you find at least one gift (in Battle Mode) that belongs to the box. You can then complete the collection with coins after. They can also be acquired using Gift Fusion.
12 Genes from Colosseum monthly prize
They can also be acquired using Gift Fusion.
1: Kong Ming
2: Plato
3: Parvati
4: Right
5: Snow White
6: Cao Cao
7: Musashi
8: Archimedes
9: Caesar
10: Robin Hood
11: Alice
12: Hanzo
2 Gift Fusion Only Genes
These 2 Chaos Rings 3 genes can only be acquired by gift fusion.
Gilgamesh: All 6 Yellow Gifts
Arrianrhod: All Purple Gifts
Alternatively, you can buy the required yellow gifts with these boxes.
Theia box: Yellow V (Rakshasa Lotus), Yellow VI (Iris Shield)
Edge Box: Yellow I (Fancy Final Feast), Yellow II (Darts)
Primodia: Yellow III (Memory Drop IV), Yellow IV (Moonlight Shadow)
Getting Arrianrhod
Sunflower (Heishichi R): Purple I (Aries)
MagmaOcean (Nostradamus R): Purple II (Gemini)
Military (Qin Shi Huang SR): Purple III (Sagittarius)
Edge Box (Tutankhamun SR): Purple IV (Aquarius)
2 Gene as Main Story Unlock
Mother, Johannes
Snow Drop: Found near the gate at Winterland town.
Firegrass: Found it in Floor 10 of the Magma Ocean, can be found on other floors.
Lily Pad: Found in the initial starting location Sierra Island.
World Tree Blosson: Found at the top of the World Tree on the right.
Bleeding Heart: Can only be found during quest in Winterland mausoleum.
Как-то не очень они ракурс для сценки выбрали…
Уже достаточно долгое время Chaos Rings III сидит на верхних позициях в нескольких категориях Google Play и, скажу честно, новая часть серии меня даже заинтересовала. Не то чтобы Chaos Rings II была полноценной игрой, но это была попытка поднять стандарты жанра RPG на платформе ну хотя бы до удовлетворительного уровня.
Неожиданно для всех, у них что-то таки получилось! Так что, давайте пройдёмся крупным помолом по Chaos Rings III
Разработчики решили пойти по путю Final Fantasy и не привязывать сюжет игры к предыдущим частям (по крайней мере, в первые пару часов геймплея), так что можно забыть про всяких Дарвинов и остановку времени.
Мы играем за безымянного протагониста, который живёт в одном из городков на космическом корабле Theia. Землю заселили жуткие монстры и теперь человечеству приходится ютится на земной орбите в коконе летающем корабле.
Тем не менее, про Землю никто не забыл, теперь это место для путешественников и охотников за сокровищами, которые тащат из руин цивилизации всё сохранившееся. Такими исследователями были родители нашего протагониста, которые искали Рай (можно даже сказать Promised Land…?) пока, однажды, они просто не исчезли.
Наш герой решил пойти по стопам своих родителей и тоже стать путешественником. Вдруг заодно найти пропавших родителей получится? Получив лицензию на исследование Земли и подружившись с двумя другими новичками, тот отправляется искать приключений на одичавшей планете.
Очень даже неплох, учитывая предыдущие игры. К стандартной боевой системе из Chaos Rings добавились комбо, совмесный каст заклинаний для увеличения урона и тысяча маленьких мелочей.
Во время боя можно быстренько заменить персону гены на другие, если в этом есть такая необходимость.
Неожиданно красиво для какой-то там игры на Андроид. Локации полностью трёхмерные и очень яркие, так что любоваться местностью можно на каждом шагу. Детализация где-то на уровне Playstation 2, может даже чуток выше.
Модельки персонажей выглядят неплохо, вид персонажа и оружия меняется в зависимости от экипированных предметов (ну наконец-то!), а магия достаточно зрелищная, но не слишком затянута, так что посмотреть есть на что. Костюмы персонажей, кстати, напоминают чем-то Kingdom Hearts.
А ещё разработчики очень постарались чтобы мы вспомнили старые добрые времена с другими Final Fantasy.
Привет, Фабула из Final Fantasy Unlimited, давно не виделись. А ты подзагорела и более детализированной стала.
Например, в одной из стартовых локаций можно найти что-то подозрительно похожее на Emerald Weapon из седьмой финалки.
Даже экран перехода на бой очень сильно напоминает Final Fantasy X, а персонаж подбрасывает свой меч после битвы точно так же, как это делал Тидус.
Внутриигровые покупки
Хотелось бы заметить один очень важный и любопытный момент: игра не требует постоянного подключения к интернету и нет внутриигровых покупок. То есть, вообще нет.
Но специальная валюта всё ещё есть, она даётся за выполнение квестов и с её помощью можно покупать экипировку, редкие предметы и всё, что обычно можно найти в «денежном» магазине (из-за чего первый час полтора я думал что у меня почему-то не отображается магазин внутриигровых покупок, пока один из НПСов не ткнул меня носом в информацию на скриншоте выше). У меня складывается странное впечатление, что Square Enix сначала хотели вставить свою идиотскую систему покупок и сюда, но разработчики буквально вырвали возможность убрать эти глупости в последний момент. За что им огромная благодарность.
В целом, игра получилась очень даже достойной, так что рекомендую попробовать. Выглядит так, будто Kingdom Hearts встретилась с Chaos Rings и Monster Hunter, но результат получился неожиданно хорошим.
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