Celeste прохождение глава 9
Gameplay [ ]
Chapter 9: Farewell features 9 sub-chapters, making it the longest overall Chapter in the game.
Change in Dashing [ ]
In the first sub-chapter: Start, Madeline can dash twice mid-air, but just before the second sub-chapter: Singular, and onwards, Madeline loses her ability to dash twice mid-air naturally (due to Badeline refusing to help Madeline and Madeline telling her to leave). Double Diamonds can temporarily grant Madeline a second dash in-air.
Objects [ ]
Note: Though the Bird is a character, it is treated as an object in Chapter 9: Farewell. It launches the player to the right, similar to Purple Orbs.
The first sub-chapter: Start, contains 2 objects: Purple Orbs, and White Clouds
Event Horizon also contains a Crystal Heart Gate, which requires 15 Crystal Hearts to unlock the rest of Chapter 9: Farewell.
Crystal Heart [ ]
Plot [ ]
I tried to warn you.
This section contains spoilers for Chapter 9: Farewell. Do not read the following section if you wish to avoid spoilers for Chapter 9: Farewell.
In the future, Madeline visits the Gravestone of the Old Woman (now referred to as Granny). Madeline had developed a strong relationship with Granny as pen-pals. Her death was enough to break Madeline's heart, and she started becoming in denial about her death. Madeline starts to see the Bird as part of Granny and sets off on a journey to chase it in space, in hopes of any explanation. Badeline begins protesting against the idea of chasing the bird, and she eventually abandons Madeline.Madeline starts to become more stubborn about her motive, and she goes as far as to reject a Crystal Heart, breaking the space environment, in favor of pursuing the Bird.
She catches the bird a couple times, but to no avail. Badeline returns and tries to convince Madeline to stop chasing the bird. Badeline explains that this is all a dream, and that Madeline should wake up. She doesn't want to. After her futile effort to find any explanation, Madeline begins to accept that Granny will be truly gone forever. Together, they decide to help free the Bird that Madeline had cornered, as a sort of tribute to Granny.
After Madeline frees the Bird, she starts to dream of a bright and cloudy horizon, and she meets Granny for the last time. Madeline apologizes to her for not attending her funeral and thanks her for helping Madeline on her journey up Celeste Mountain. Granny disintegrates, and shortly after, Madeline wakes up.
Madeline starts chatting with Theo, who had tried contacting her for a long time. Theo then shows her an old photograph of Granny and Theo's Grandpa. Madeline is happy that her experience climbing the mountain with Theo was just like that of Theo's Grandpa and Granny.
Show/Hide ContentQuotes [ ]
- Madeline: That bird was always looking out for me on the Mountain, just like Granny did.
- Old Lady: Funerals are for all you suckers stuck living without me.
- Theo: Long time no see, Strawberry.
- Badeline: Say goodbye to her for me.
Secrets [ ]
Moon Berry [ ]
There is a unique variation of the strawberry - dubbed the Moon Berry, that can be found in Chapter 9: Farewell. When collected, the game rewards you with the 'Wow' achievement.
I tried to warn you.
This section contains spoilers for the Moon Berry. Do not read the following section if you wish to avoid spoilers for the Moon Berry.
The Moon Berry is located in the last sub-chapter: Farewell. Solid platforms can be seen inside the electricity fields near the very end. After destroying the Utility Vault these platforms can be landed on. Instead of dashing right toward the Bird, dashing left at an upward angle can land you onto the first platform. Checkpoints are provided if you reach high enough, and you'll have to clear an additional few rooms, before you are rewarded with the Moon Berry. A Purple Orb exists at the end, and will take you to the same ending cutscene. Note that one room in the moon berry section involves intentionally killing yourself, to respawn in the next area. Show/Hide ContentDebug Mode [ ]
g-06 (Nightmare Fuel Kevin Room) [ ]
In sub-chapter 5: Event Horizon, in the very last level, a small room can be found if you detour north-west partway along the path of Feathers, as you are chasing the Bird. 3 Kevin Blocks are displayed above the room, and upon entering, an ambient noise - dubbed Nightmare Fuel, can be heard.
In addition, the game has 10 unique sounds for collecting Empty Space Crystal Heart, and it cycles through them in turn each time you re-collect this heart. The spectrograms of each of these sounds (except the first) also contain images. These include a real-life bird (that looks similar to the bird in the corner of a speedrun), a Kevin block with "FWAHAHA" written over the top as a reference to speedrunner CovertMuffin, Granny laughing while standing on top of the intro car, the Celeste Mountain icon, TASBot, and four pieces of a picture of the Celeste team. You can find these spectrogram images linked here.
Golden Strawberry Room [ ]
If the player completes Chapter 9 with the golden strawberry, they will be transported to a special room instead of the ending cutscene with Granny. This room serves as an extra challenge for those attempting the golden strawberry, and dying here will reset the player back to the beginning. Completing this room will transport the player to the ending cutscene and the player will collect the golden strawberry.
Hidden Intro Car [ ]
At the end of the part in Remembered in which the player has to climb on tall falling blocks with springs, going to the right corner at the end of the room reveals a tiny room with a hidden intro car.
Speedrunning Record Progression [ ]
Major Strategies [ ]
Key Room Skip [ ]
The hidden top entrance which normally leads to a key, can be used as a speed strat to avoid the entire key search during the Power Source checkpoint and skip straight up to Remembered. When the player takes the pink crystal, breaks the Vault and grabs a jellyfish, they can skip the entirety of this section with skillful jelly boosts. When the player gets to the vertical room leading to the transition into Remembered, they can take a shortcut by performing a precise diagonal dash between spinners in order to find a hidden room. It requires the player to do a little bit of jumping and wallbouncing in order to skip straight to the next checkpoint.
Demodash Room [ ]
In the vertical falling section with the moving starfish during the Determination checkpoint, if the player manages to do a demodash through a wall of spinners, they will access a small room with pink diamonds and two small rooms enclosed in spikes. This section serves as a practice room for people who want to learn demodashes. It's also an alternate room for TAS (Tool Assisted Speedruns) or very dedicated speedrunners.
This room will be modified in an upcoming update to where it will not require any demodashes.
Heart Gate Skip [ ]
The falling Heart Gate at the very beginning of Event Horizon can be skipped if the player is fast enough. In order to do it, the player has to do a quick Super Dash followed by a Hyper or Wavedash in order to slide under the gate. The player has to be very quick though, as being too slow may result with getting crushed by it.
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Средоточие (ориг. Core) - восьмая глава Celeste. В этой главе представлены различные новые функции, в частности: невозможность перезарядки рывков (без использования алмазов или перехода через экран) и Хрустальные врата сердец. Врата Хрустальных Сердец блокируют доступ игрока к большей части главы 8, пока не будут выполнены условия (смотри ниже).
Чтобы получить доступ к её прохождению, потребуется собрать хрустальные сердца (минимум 4).
Продолжение Celeste не планируется — по крайней мере, в ближайшее время. Об этом сообщил IGN один из авторов платформера Мэтт Торсон (Matt Thorson).
«Мы совсем не хотим делать продолжение Celeste, — сказал Торсон. — Может быть, мы ещё передумаем, но сейчас мы не знаем, каким бы мог быть сиквел. Кроме того, нам гораздо интереснее создать что-то новое для нашего следующего релиза».
Напомним, что недавно создатели Celeste основали инди-студию Extremely OK Games, которая уже трудится над своей первой игрой под кодовым названием EXOK1. Рассказывать о готовящемся проекте пока нечего — он находится на ранних этапах разработки.
Кроме того, разработчик ещё раз напомнил о заключительном бесплатном дополнении для платформера. Он заявил, что за DLC подобного размаха для будущих игр студии, скорее всего, придётся платить.
«Мы хотим, чтобы наша аудитория понимала, что мы можем выпустить это дополнение бесплатно только потому, что сейчас мы находимся в очень удачном положении. Очень неразумно ожидать такие DLC бесплатно от любого разработчика, включая нас, в будущем», — заявил Торсон.
Вдобавок IGN представил 8 минут геймплея финальной главы для Celeste, выход которой состоится уже завтра, 9 сентября, на PC, PlayStation 4 и Nintendo Switch (релиз на Xbox One может задержаться).
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