Бог из машины enderal прохождение
Начинается этот квест после разговора с великим магистром Теалором Арантеалем во время прохождения Фрагменты прошлого. Это и еще одно задание, Слово мертвеца, необходимо выполнить для продвижения основного сюжета.
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Войдите в комнату Ахрива в Хроникуме. Там вы встретите Архимагистра Лексиля Меррайила, Теалора Арантеаля и Джеспара Даль'Варека, а также тело мертвого пирийца в ледяном саркофаге.
Архимагистр объяснит вам, что, для того чтобы войти в разум мертвого пирийца, вам нужно достать артефакт Слово мертвеца. Этот артефакт, по слухам, находится в руках коллекционера, называемого Старцем. Теалор предупредит вас, что против него нельзя предпринимать никаких насильственных действий, так как даже Рожденные светом приказали Ордену не вмешиваться в его дела. План таков: найти артефакт в усадьбе Старца, телепортировать к себе тело пирийца, а затем использовать артефакт на нем. В воспоминаниях пирийца вы должны найти последние слова ритуала.
Когда слуга уйдет, вы сможете немного поболтать с Джеспаром, но как только музыка начнется, вы должны начать искать артефакт.
Комната с книгами
- В воспоминаниях пирийца
Вы окажетесь на ферме, окруженной непроходимым туманом. Постучите в дверь дома. Вы узнаете, что пирийцы проигрывают войну Высшим, но у них все еще может быть шанс. Возьмите ключ от сундука в комнате, где молится Курмар. Идите в спальню, где спит Лилиана, чтобы открыть запертый сундук в этой комнате. В этом сундуке вы найдете свиток с глифами.
Однако после этого ваш дом подвергнется нападению. Вам нужно будет отбить три волны врагов, состоящих из воинов, лучников и магов. После этого вы услышите, что кто-то проник в дом. Когда вы броситесь обратно в дом, вас застрелит боевой маг. Он будет игнорировать просьбы о милости и убьет вас.
- Поговорите с Архмагистром
Когда вы касаетесь одного из осколков, получаете новый постоянный баф в книгу заклинаний: Осколок сигильского камня.
Сюжетный квест "Бог из машины" в русской версии Enderal: The Shards of Order.
Пользователь пока ничего не написал о себе.
Думаю, все так делали
Игрок прокачался в Skyrim до 241 уровня в стартовой локации - это привело к неожиданным трудностям
You can begin this quest by talking with Grandmaster Tealor Arantheal during Fragments of the Past. It is one of two quests that must be completed to continue the Main Quest, the other being The Word of the Dead.
Calia Sakaresh is waiting for you at first floor of the Emporium. Talk to her and she'll travel and wait for you at the Northern Hearland's Myrad tower, which you can reach easily by using Ark's South Quarter's Myrad tower. From there, she'll show you where the ruins are and will begin following you. When you arrive at the ruins, move in and follow the tunnel that goes deeper into the earth. At the end of the tunnel, you'll find an elevator and a lever on the wall that controls it. The elevator takes you deeper into the dig site.
The Bells
Following the tunnel will take you to Lishari Peghast and her team. It seems that they are having a problem with bandits, since they had a fight before you arrived. You'll learn that the bandits managed to lock themselves in, blocking the path to the machine, so you'll have to take a hidden path that Lishari has discovered.
Follow Lishari and you'll arrive on a platform with four bells around it. When you step in it, you'll see a vision about the bells' ringing order. Go to the northwest bell and take the Bell Hammer from the stand. Now, you must hit the bells in the order you saw through your vision: SW, NW, NE, SE and NW again. When the last bell is hit the platform floor disappears, leading to you and Calia falling into a pit.
Rock Dome
You'll soon notice that Calia is missing. Follow the cave through the corridors and you'll find a door that will take you to the Rock Dome, a cave complex that connects the internal tunnels and dig sites together with drawbridges that can be activated with a nearby lever. Make your way to the lower levels, fighting the bandits on your way through.
Finally, you'll reach a slide door with a lever mechanism nearby. Use the lever and step inside. As you do so, a trap will spring up and knock you unconscious. As you start to recover, Karek starts boasting about his achievement with his trap until Calia enters the scene. They fight, and during the fight Calia seems to be covered in a dark, thick mist. Asking her about it later only leads to her disapproval, as she says she'll tell you more after they get out of there. She will direct you to a small bandit camp inside a cave.
While searching the camp, Hallys Summerstone, a farmer, runs in and explains his situation to you: Apparently, he hired these bandits to get him enough money to pay out a loan he made with his landlord, Borek, after a year of bad harvests made him unable to pay the exorbitant taxes the Borek imposed. He says that they got all the money from a merchant traveling on the Penny Road, but the merchant was not harmed. After that, the Veiled Woman appeared and killed two of Korek's men, which made him panic, leading them to that ruin.
If you have enough Rhetoric you can confront Hallys and make him confess that the money was not taken from a merchant, but rather stolen from the Undercity's Food Bank. You now have to choose: Give him the gold so he can protect his farm and his family from the landlord (Calia disapproves), or send him to the Tribunal for his crimes and confiscate the money for The Holy Order (Calia approves). You can ask Calia for her opinion, which raises her approval, but still leaves the final decision up to you. If you choose to give Hallys the gold, he will find you a day or two after the quest is completed to thank you for your help. He gives you a Learning Book: +2 Learning Points to show his gratitude.
Either way, Lishari arrives and suggests that you and Calia search for the machine. Follow the quest marker to the Workshop.
The Machine
Now, you need to collect parts of the machine to send back to The Holy Order for study. The pieces are, in order:
- A Black Crystal Ball, found near the machine, next to the wheel, as shown in the screenshot.
- An Old Parchment inside the cave room that is behind the machine.
- A Strange Dynamo at the wooden platform.
When all parts are collected, you'll see a vision that reveals that the machine will not work properly without an item called Numinos.
Reporting Back
Exit the workshop and return to Lishari. When you show the Old Parchment to her, she'll transcribe part of it and learn that this machine is not the real one, but rather a prototype made by the Pyreans, which they called 'Beacon'. After the conversation, Calia suggests that you should return back to the temple. There, Grandmaster Arantheal will confirm that whatever the cost they will start building the machine. This quest will then end. If you have completed Two Souls, Part I before, Two Souls, Part II will begin.
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