Big brother another story прохождение
Всем карантинно-самоизоляционный привет, пухлощекие малыши. После почти месячного перерыва с вами вновь наша рубрика. Причем юбилейный сорок пятый. а как известно сорок пять - рубрика ягодка опять. А ягодка у нас только одна - клубничка.
В мире клубничных игр как-то тухло. Появляются новые проекты, забрасываются старые. Но особо запоминающегося ничего и не было. Создатели Good Girl Gone Bad вот новую игру выпустили, но там только первый билд, так что описывать нечего. Несколько проектов, которые я хотел обозреть, ожидая более поздних версий, было заброшено. Вот така фигня. Но не будем отчаиваться, благо я вспомнил что есть ажно три игры, о которых можно вполне рассказать. При чем довольно известные. Сегодня мы поговорим об одной из них. И как вы догадались из названия будет это - Big Brother.
Главным героем игры является обычный школьник по имени Макс. Проживает он вместе с мамой, и сестрами - младшей и старшей. Игра начинается с того, что семья получает в подарок от отца особняк с бассейном. и вот этот самый дом вы и будите обживать, попутно пытаясь совратить все что только движется.
Игра представляет собой типичный гаремник. Есть главные герой, вокруг которого куча женщин, с каждой из которых можно переспать. Причем взаимоисключающих веток почти нет. Ваши сестры и мать, их подруги, матери подруг. ваша тетя - все они окажутся в постели спермотоксикозного подростка. правда не сразу. герою придется прокачивать навыки и повышать параметры отношений с героями, чтобы заслужить секс сцены. причем многие действия (например массаж) придется проделывать много раз, каждый раз получая все более и более откровенные сцены.
Одной из главной особенностью игры является появление у Макса противника, который так же желает трахнуть все что движется. В один из дней в игре появляется Эрик - новый бойфренд мамы героя. Он будет все больше времени проводить в доме и уделять внимание не только матери. И у вас будет два пути либо принять такое положение вещей (это откроет всевозможные сцены подглядывания и участие в некоторых сценах МЖМ) либо показать кто тут альфа самец и выгнать назойливо мужика. При чем для достижения этой цели будет несколько путей. только учтите, что выбрав войну, вы можете и получить плохой конец.
Естественно в случае победы над противником, у вас откроется куда больше контента, ведь все женщины будут вашими. И вас будет ждать много всего интересного, например съемки в настоящих понофильмах. да и много чего еще - всевозможных секс-активностей и ивентов в игре завались. правда придется попотеть, чтобы их все получить. В конце концов вся ваша семья и близлежайшие дамы будут участвовать в сексе с вами и меж собой во всех немыслимых комбинациях. Что еще нужно для счастья, не так ли?
Игра начала выходить в далеком уже 2017 году и имела для того времени отличную графику. да и сейчас она неплохо смотрится. За техническую сторону можно смело поставить пять баллов. Кроме того, как уже было сказано в игре довольно много персонажей и куча сцен с ними. разве что инцест тема меня не особо привлекает. Собственно из-за инцест темы автор игры и был забанен на патреоне в свое время.
При всем этом игра оставила ощутимый след в истории. Подписчиков у автора на патреоне было несколько тысяч, так что денежек он с нее получал немало. Не буду говорить, что он первый использовал такой сюжет, но после успеха большого Брата подобное стало появляться во многих играх. Да и игр-однодневок на волне вышло небывалое количество. Кроме того многие модельки из игры и сейчас появляются в разных проектах.
Игра была заброшена автором после бана на патреонев начале 2018 года. Последняя официальная доступная версия и весит она больше 2 Гб. Присутсвует официальный русский язык.
В настоящее время игра, как не странно все еще жива. правда допиливается она фанатами. и существует бесконечное количество сборок, и модов. Так что тем ко хочет поиграть - гугл в помощь, благо по названию все ищется очень легко. Ну а я вами прощаюсь. До новых встреч и удачи
А в версии 0.11 до ан*ла и ор*ла уже можно дойти? В смысле до самого действия, а не до реплики?
Уже давным давно можно. Она уже в секс-станок превратилась: Безотказная Лиза.
Цитата Chief ( )
Ты выбрал ветку с Оливкой и никакого прогресса у тебя на данный момент не будет, потому, что эта ветка пока тупиковая и в ней нет основной массы приятных штучек)))))
А учитывая то, что Дарк обещал открыть доступ к Оливке и по ветке Лизы, то эта тупиковая ветка становится абсолютно бессмысленной.
Цитата nik_lankaster ( )
Парни, подскажите. Уже второй раз упираюсь в одно и то же место.У меня всё развитие сюжета стопорится вот на таком вот месте:
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Мод ставится поверх установленной игры, не мешает оригиналу, а только дополняет его.
Отдельная сюжетная ветка уровня не хуже, чем начало оригинальной игры (линейная), грамотно использованные старые кадры с новым текстом, меняющим их смысл до неузнаваемости (чего до сих пор не научился делать Дарк), и шикарные новые кадры, лишь незначительно уступающие качеством оригиналу. Сюжет добавляет то, чего мы все так долго ждали и выполнен на таком уровне, которого я от Дарка уже перестал ждать.
Мод, к сожалению, только на английском. После установки можно играть в русскую версию, английскими будут только фразы, относящиеся к моду, либо подвергавшиеся правке авторами мода. Для прокликивания и просмотра картинок знания языка не требуется, но в таком случае вы теряете великолепный кусок сюжета. Пользуйтесь ScreenTranslator-ом, либо словариком и получайте не только эротическое, но и эстетическое удовольствие.
Сюжет мода начинается по достижении "определённого" момента развития отношений в оригинальной игре, так что в архиве приложен файл сохранения. С вашими "полными прохождениями" тоже будет работать, но через жопу (не с начала), так что рекомендую начинать либо заново (для экстремалов), либо с приложенного сохранения.
p.s. Не забудьте сделать копии своих сохранений!
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Цитата sleon ( )
Мод, к сожалению, только на английском.
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Статус: Offline
Цитата sleon ( )
Уже давным давно можно. Она уже в секс-станок превратилась: Безотказная Лиза.
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Группа: Пользователи
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Группа: Пользователи
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Цитата kutuevaaa ( )
Подскажите, как мне сделать так что бы Лиза дала мне в гостинной и нас за этим поймала Алиса (которая запретила нам заниматься этим без неё), а то после того когда Алиса начала над нами доминировать у меня исчез диалог об уроке Киры за мытьём посуды вечером. Если что то Мама уже спалила меня с Алисой и Алиса меня с мамой. HELP!
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Статус: Offline
Цитата sleon ( )
Просто упало настроение Лизы. Посещай её в ванной утром и вечером, наказывай особым способом, играйся по ночам, мой посуду и делай уроки. Всё как обычно. Несколько дней и Безотказная
Big Brother Walkthrough & All the Opportunities
Big Brother Walkthrough Hidden Cam
Available from the beggining
- At 11:00 Unpack Boxes in My Room
- Go to Lounge, communicate with Alice, wash the dishes and search for the camera.
- Go to My Room and “examine approximately the cameras” at the web
- Online save and order the ee-e book “Web standards”
- It can be introduced at 15:00 on tomorrow with the aid of using a currier, examine it five/five
- Buy and area 2 cameras: Pool + Alice’s room + Your room
Big Brother Walkthrough Mentor
Available from the morning at the 2d day
Big Brother Walkthrough Special Books
Talk to Alice at the Terrace to begin this possibility
- Go to Alice’s Room and locate the ee-e book withinside the wardrobe
- Learn approximately the Alice’s ee-e book” at the web.
- Order “Loving Ruby” – $20. >Next day. Give it to Alice
- Buy and provide to Alice four extra books, every ee-e book is to be had after three days: “Prime Minister”, “Be A Doll”, “The Big Book Of…” and additionally – “Story Of O” –
Big Brother Walkthrough Cigarette Smoke
Go to the pool at 13:00 2d day to begin this possibility and select something dialoge option
Big Brother Walkthrough Schoolmate
Lisa Girlfriend Path
Jewelry Path
- I assume you must combat for him
- Requires Max’s authority “Low”. Talk to her – “Any information approximately Alex?”.
- Talk to her after five days – “Did you research some thing new approximately Olivia?”
- Buy all of the jewelry – ($2455) and wait three days. Talk to Lisa – “Do you want jewelery?”. Give them to her (unexpectedly or one with the aid of using one). Talk to her – “So, any impact from the jewelry?”.
- Talk to her after 2 days on the pool – “Anything approximately Olivia?”.
- Go to “Mentor” step 19
Olivia Girlfriend Path
Big Brother Walkthrough Schoolgirl
Wait till 2d day at breakfast to begin
- Talk to Lisa on the pool after faculty (16:00) – “About your grades…” > provide her assist with out conditions
- After the primary punishment, communicate to Lisa – “So, have you ever modified yourmind?
- From now
- Make errors and convince to growth authority
- Don’t make errors to growth courting
- or “I’ll do the whole lot flawlessly in case you do some thing for me” to get a few scenes
Big Brother Walkthrough Swimsuit
Talk to Lisa on the ballot at the same time as sunbathing at 18:00 to begin it
- Wait till Saturday. Girls will cross for purchasing and Mom didn’t purchase a suit toLisa.
- Buy the purple suit ($200) earlier than Eric > Give it to Lisa at the tenth day whilst she is on the pool (16:00). Choose “Well…” from the conversation after which “I’ll provide you with in case you’ll permit me see how you’re attempting it”
Big Brother Walkthrough Arachnophobia
Get this possibility day 2 at dinner
- “examine approximately spiders” at the web.
- Go to the pool and look for a spider at 10:00 or 11:00 (new spiders after five days)
- Use the spider:
- Hide the spider withinside the Alice’s Room at 00:00 and nod off > your choice
- Throw the spider whilst she is mendacity on the pool
- Throw the spider on Alice at the same time as she is taking a tubtub alone
- Hide the spider withinside the Alice’s Room at 00:00 and nod off > Okay, however I need some thing first
- Hide the spider withinside the Alice’s Room at 00:00 and nod off > Okay, however I need some thing first
- Spider withinside the Alice’s Room at 00:00 and nod off > Okay, however I need some thing first
- From now
- The Spider Bait is to be had, it lets in you to locate spiders each day 07:00 to 18:00
- “Okay, however I’m going to live for your room” > new scenes
Big Brother Walkthrough Party Girl
Get this possibility day four at dinner
- Buy the little black dress ($200) earlier than Eric (ninth day) and provide it to her at pool 15:00
- (calls for courting heat with lisa) Lisa > “You appearance weird…”. (Persuade)
- Buy Candies ($20).
- On Friday at 20:00 input Alice’s Room. Choose “I even have a gift for you” – provide Alice the chocolate
- At 03:00 am visit the rest room and knock (Persuade)
- Next day you could communicate together along with her: “About that point withinside the lavatory at night time…”
- From now:
- Max can provide sweet to Alice and watch for her to go back at 03:00 on the pool
- Wvery night time at 22:00 or 23:00 (besides Friday) Max can do leg rubdown to Alice. After shopping for candies, Max can use them – “Do you need a few sweet earlier than the rubdown”. Choose “I’m simply extremely good nice, that’s all”, “That’s for a desert”, “hold rubdown”.
Big Brother Walkthrough Blog
1st day at 11:00 visit Lounge and communicate with Alice approximately the weblog to begin this possibility
Big Brother Walkthrough Alpha
Get this possibility day four at dinner
- Wait till the breakfast on Tuesday (day 7)
- Next day at 20:00 visit Alice’s Room and notice her posing to Eric > communicate to Alice – “You’re taking items from Eric? > Wait till dinner on Saturday (day 11) whilst Max will communicate with Eric and might determine to head on conflict or peace with him:
- Peace : “I assume it makes no feel to combat” > Scenes Eric & Alice
- War – select “I hate you” > Scenes Eric & Mom and Eric & Lisa
- Effect on Kira: See the Sacrifice Opportunity
Big Brother Walkthrough Control
Peep three instances on Mom and Eric to begin this possibility (calls for peace with Eric)
- Talk to Lisa first – “About mother…” after which to Alice, or first to Alice after which to Lisa
Big Brother Walkthrough Favorite Aunt
begin this possibility whilst aunt Kira arrives and Max talks to her on the pool at 10:00 – “Care for a few company”
- Another 2 conversations together along with her on the following 2 days – “Care for a few company”
- Talk to her once more on tomorrow – “Care for a few company”
- Talk to her once more on tomorrow – “Care for a few company”
- Buy a camera ($500). Talk to Kira on Saturday at 11:00 – “About picturegraph session…”-
- Talk to her – (“I’ve modified my thoughts approximately the cash”
- Next Saturday at 11:00 and communicate to aunt Kira approximately the second one photoshoot – “Care for a few company”
- Talk to her after the photoshoot – “I desired to speak approximately…”.
- Talk to her on tomorrow – “What do you suspect of mother’s behaviour?”.
- Mom – “Mom, aunt Kira ship me”
- Aunt Kira – “I desired to invite approximately that incident…” (Persuade)
- From now: Some scenes with aunt Kira are unlocked and you could repeat them
Big Brother Walkthrough Weed
After twelfth time Max visit Alice and Kate communicate to Kate on the pool and get this possibility
Big Brother Walkthrough Cunning Plan
After the fifth go to of Kate peep on them whenever and communicate after that with Kate on the pool get this possibility
Big Brother Walkthrough Sacrifice
Catch Erik and Kira at three:00pm thursday
- Eric – “What the hell, Eric!”
- Kira – “What the hell passed off that night time?”.
- Eric – “I’ve talked to Kira…”
- Eric – “About my choice”
Wallet Opportunity
Requires: Aunt Kira already at home, be in conflict with Eric, and coins at least $500
(requires mood not bad, wash dishes if you need) Talk to Lisa at the pool after school on the first day (16:00) to start this opportunity > “How was your first day?”, “Well, who is he?”, “More details please?”, “So, do you like him?”. From now there are 3 possible paths
Lisa Girlfriend Path
- I think you should forget about him
- Requires Max’s authority “Low”. Talk to Lisa – “Have you given up on Alex?”.
- Requires Max’s authority “Listen to you”. Talk to Lisa – “How are things in school?”. Wait 2 days and talk to her again: “So what do you think about my proposal?”
- Give her $1000 – “I have the money!”.
- Go to “Mentor” step 19
Jewelry Path
- I think you should fight for him
- Requires Max’s authority “Low”. Talk to her – “Any news about Alex?”.
- Talk to her after 5 days – “Did you learn something new about Olivia?”
- Buy all the jewelry – ($2455) and wait 3 days. Talk to Lisa – “Do you like jewelery?”. Give them to her (all at once or one by one). Talk to her – “So, any effect from the jewelry?”.
- Talk to her after 2 days at the pool – “Anything about Olivia?”.
- Go to “Mentor” step 19
Olivia Girlfriend Path
- I have an idea, but it will be hard to pull off…
- Requires Max’s authority ”Low”. Talk to her at the pool – “Report progress to ourcunning plan”
- Talk to her after 5 working days – “So, have you learned anything new about Olivia?”
- Talk to her after 3 days – “So, have you learned something about Olivia’s panties?
- Wait until next Saturday 16:00 – Olivia at the pool
- Talk to Olivia at the pool on Sunday at 16:00 – “Yeah, don’t overexpert yourself. Can I talk to Olivia?”.
- Talk to Lisa on next Sunday morning – “How is your relationship with Olivia?”
- Again to Lisa after 3 days (Wednesday) – “Have you talked to Olivia?”
- Depends if Eric is still in the house:
- He is not: Talk to Lisa on the next day (Thursday) – “What about Olivia?” > o Mom – “Mom, I wanted to talk about having some people over > o Lisa again – “I’ve talked to mom…” > use sleeping pills. Buy them – $50. Talk to Lisa on the next day after get the pills – “I’ve got sleeping pills”.
- He is : wait until Friday night, when only Max and Lisa are in the house
Big Brother Walkthrough – Schoolgirl
Wait until 2nd day at breakfast to start
- Talk to Lisa at the pool after school (16:00) – “About your grades…” > offer her help without conditions
- After the first punishment, talk to Lisa – “So, have you changed yourmind?
- From now
- Make mistakes and persuade to increase authority
- Don’t make mistakes to increase relationship
- or “I’ll do everything perfectly if you do something for me” to get some scenes
Big Brother Walkthrough – Swimsuit
Talk to Lisa at the poll while sunbathing at 18:00 to start it
- Wait until Saturday. Girls will go for shopping and Mom didn’t buy a swimsuit to
Lisa. - Buy the red swimsuit ($200) before Eric > Give it to Lisa on the 10th day when she is at the pool (16:00). Choose “Well…” from the dialog and then “I’ll give you if you’ll let me see how you’re trying it”
Big Brother Walkthrough – Arachnophobia
Get this opportunity day 2 at dinner
- “read about spiders” on the web.
- Go to the pool and search for a spider at 10:00 or 11:00 (new spiders after 5 days)
- Use the spider:
- Hide the spider in the Alice’s Room at 00:00 and go to sleep > your choice
- Throw the spider when she is lying at the pool
- Throw the spider on Alice while she is taking a bath alone
- The Spider Bait is available, it allows you to find spiders every day 07:00 to 18:00
- “Okay, but I’m going to stay in your room” > new scenes
Big Brother Walkthrough – Party Girl
Get this opportunity day 4 at dinner
- Buy the little black dress ($200) before Eric (9th day) and give it to her at pool 15:00
- (requires relationship warm with lisa) Lisa > “You look weird…”. (Persuade)
- Buy Candies ($20).
- On Friday at 20:00 enter Alice’s Room. Choose “I have a present for you” – give Alice the chocolate
- At 03:00 am go to the bathroom and knock (Persuade)
- Next day you can speak with her: “About that time in the bathroom at night…”
- From now:
- Max can give candy to Alice and wait for her to return at 03:00 at the pool
- Wvery night at 22:00 or 23:00 (except Friday) Max can do leg massage to Alice. After buying candies, Max can use them – “Do you want some candy before the massage”. Choose “I’m just super nice, that’s all”, “That’s for a desert”, “continue massage”.
Big Brother Walkthrough – Blog
1st day at 11:00 go to Lounge and speak with Alice about the blog to start this opportunity
- “read about blogs” on the web
- Requires mood “Not bad” > Go to Alice’s room and talk to her – “About the blog…
- After aunt Kira arrives (day 18) buy Set of black lingerie – $399. Talk to Alice – “I have something we’ve talked about”
- Buy Black Body – $350.
- Wait 1 week until you can ask her “How is your blog”.
- Wait 2 days and ask her – “Have you decided something about your blog?” (Persuade) – try every other day until success
- After 2 days until you can ask her “How is your blog”.
- Install the keylogger in Alice’s Room when she is not at home (Friday night, Saturday morning or
Saturday-Sunday afternoon) - Peep on Alice’s Room at 20:00-21:00. Go to My Room and on the laptop “spy
on Alice” - On the laptop look into “Alice’s site”. Do not give her $30, it’s pointless.
- Next evening look into “Alice’s site”. Do not give her $150 as she wanted. Next time give her $70. Next time pay $200; Next time pay $350; Next time choose “ Take everything off”, “Deal, undress” and pay $150, “Sure, here!” and pay $50, “Too bad”, “Deal, here!” and pay $150.
- Go to the Alice’s channel and pay $150 + $50 + $150. Last time go to the Alice’s channel and pay $150, $50 more and then do not pay $150 but choose “I’m afraid I’m busy right now … Another time” and go to her room.
- Talk to her on the next day – “About your blog”.
- Talk to her on the next day – “Have you changed your mind about the show?” (Persuade)
- Go to her room on the next day
- Go again to her room > do this 3 times to unlock all the scenes
- From now yo can enter her room every day
Big Brother Walkthrough – Alpha
Get this opportunity day 4 at dinner
- Wait until the breakfast on Tuesday (day 7)
- Next day at 20:00 go to Alice’s Room and see her posing to Eric > talk to Alice – “You’re taking gifts from Eric? > Wait until dinner on Saturday (day 11) when Max will speak with Eric and can decide to go on war or peace with him:
- Peace : “I think it makes no sense to fight” > Scenes Eric & Alice
- War – choose “I hate you” > Scenes Eric & Mom and Eric & Lisa
- Effect on Kira: See the Sacrifice Opportunity
Big Brother Walkthrough – Control
Peep 3 times on Mom and Eric to start this opportunity (requires peace with Eric)
- Talk to Lisa first – “About mom…” and then to Alice, or first to Alice and then to Lisa
Big Brother Walkthrough – Favorite Aunt
start this opportunity when aunt Kira arrives and Max talks to her at the pool at 10:00 – “Care for some company”
- Another 2 conversations with her on the next 2 days – “Care for some company”
- Talk to her again on the next day – “Care for some company”
- Talk to her again on the next day – “Care for some company”
- Buy a camera ($500). Talk to Kira on Saturday at 11:00 – “About photo session…”-
- Talk to her – (“I’ve changed my mind about the money”
- Next Saturday at 11:00 and talk to aunt Kira about the second photoshoot – “Care for some company”
- Talk to her after the photoshoot – “I wanted to talk about…”.
- Talk to her on the next day – “What do you think of mom’s behaviour?”.
- Mom – “Mom, aunt Kira send me”
- Aunt Kira – “I wanted to ask about that incident…” (Persuade)
- From now: Some scenes with aunt Kira are unlocked and you can repeat them
Big Brother Walkthrough – Weed
After 12th time Max go to Alice and Kate talk to Kate at the pool and get this opportunity
- “read about weed” on the web.
- Talk to Lisa on the next day – “Lisa, I need your help with some delicate problem
- Talk to Lisa after 5 days – “So, have you asked around in school?”.
- Aunt Kira on the same day – “I have some problem”.
- Aunt Kira after 3 days – “Do you have any news on … you know
- Buy some weed on the web, give it to Kate at 02:00 at the pool on Wednesday or Sunday
Big Brother Walkthrough – Cunning Plan
After the 5th visit of Kate peep on them every time and speak after that with Kate at the pool get this opportunity
- Mom on the next morning – “Mom, I wanted to ask your opinion about something
- Aunt Kira – “I want to discuss something…”.
- Kira after two days – “Have you talked to mom about…”
- Kira after two days – “So, have you came up with something about mom?”
- Aunt Kira after two days – “So, have you come up with a new plan”.
- Learn sensual massage (requires 100 points on Massage skill) and talk to Kira after that – “I’ve completed the course”.
- Massage to Alice after removing her stripes at the pool > “Why so gloomy, Alice?” and give her money
- After the first successful sensual massage, go to Mom’s room and ask “Are you tired, mom?”. Make leg massage
- Do 3 more successful leg massages to try the back massage
- Next time mom is with a white towel – after a successful leg massage (Persuade) she still don’t want back massage.
- 1st back massage. Talk to her – “I wanted to say sorry about the massage…”
- 2nd successful back massage. Talk again to her – “I wanted to say sorry about the massage…”. (Persuade).
- After the 5th massage go talk to her and this time she offers to be without
- Next massage Max will “peek under the towel”.
- Kira – “Why are you so happy?” and again – “I wanted to talk to you about my progress with mom
- Aunt Kira after 5 days – “Any news
- Do massage to mom
- 3 days after New job Opportunity, step 10 talk to aunt Kira – “Do you remember the origins of your plan?
- Buy the movie ($20) and the next day watch it with mom – “I have a movie with me
- Next day at 22-23:00 in Lounge > “I want to talk about Kate”
- Talk to Kate – “I have news about my mom”
- Alice’s Room on Monday, Wednesday or Saturday at 23:00
- Alice’s Room next week at the same time/day
- Again Alice’s Room next week at the same time/day
Big Brother Walkthrough – Sacrifice
Catch Erik and Kira at 3:00pm thursday
- Eric – “What the hell, Eric!”
- Kira – “What the hell happened that night?”.
- Eric – “I’ve talked to Kira…”
- Eric – “About my choice”
Wallet Opportunity
Requires: Aunt Kira already at home, be in war with Eric, and cash at least $500
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