Battletech roguetech гайд
RogueTech General [ ]
Why does RT lock down the mod? [ ]
There are a number of factors, but it basically boils down to the fact that RT is huge. The smallest tweak can have failures cascading down, which in turn, make providing support a nightmare. While the Devs and testers (VIPs on Discord) can't catch all the mistakes, we do our best to minimize poor experiences.
That said, you are free to play in Offline Mode, and selecting the option to Disable Safe Launch if you want to add your own tweaks into the game. We encourage others to use RT as an example to get your BT Modding career started, but understand that running the game with these options will void your support, as we can't hope to support everyone's changes.
If you are looking to make your own mod, our discord also has a channel for modding questions, where you can ask for help on how to achieve your modding goals. Be warned, this channel is not for asking for support on why something you changed caused the game to break - you break it, you fix it.
Launcher, Installation, and Getting Started [ ]
I've got some issue or bug with the game [ ]
Please Check our Known Issues page, or join us on discord for more help.
How do I report a issue/bug [ ]
Our good friend Enova has made a video for you to follow
Are the DLC required? [ ]
- No, however if you have the DLC installed, ensure you have the corresponding RT module as well!
I am seeing an Error-404 Asset Bundle Missing [ ]
- You MUST install the do a Clean install via the Rogue Launcher
What is a "Clean Install" [ ]
- A clean install means the removal of the mods folder, prior to updating to a newer version. This can be done by manually deleting your Battletech Mods folder or by selecting ALL of the cleanup options on the Roguetech installer. It DOESN'T affect your saved games in anyway and only takes an extra 30 seconds to complete compared to the normal installation progress. A clean install is recommended by the RT team for every new update.
- You Can also delete the MODS folder in your Battletech main directory to Ensure absolute compatibility for a clean install
I have installed RogueTech but it is stuck during loading [ ]
- You are running an incompatible version please check the Installation Guide and ensure you have installed the correct version of both Battletech and Roguetech.
- Potential Workaround: If you experience an Infinite load, try loading a Skirmish game first to load Mech selections. Once that has completed, retry Career mode.
- If the issue still persists, please open a support ticket on our Discord Page
I used the installer, followed the guide, but I still got old settings back, and game still won't load. [ ]
- Turn off cloud saves in Steam/GOG Galaxy.
- Delete the mod folder, validate your installation and reinstall RT with the proper settings (your game options, delete mods folder and first time patch for BTML).
- Set your System and Unicode languages to English (if you are using a different language for those, installation most probably won't work). Also see Known Issues
Game is running slow [ ]
How do I adjust the difficulty [ ]
There's two places, each with it's own options.
- In RT Configuration options
- At career start
Gameplay [ ]
New RogueTech Gameplay Concepts [ ]
While RogueTech aims to bring much of the TableTop canon to HBSBT, many of these concepts are unique to RogueTech for the purposes of balance. The goal is to encourage players to not feel constrained to using one successful build, and instead allow for a large variation. Some others may exist due to game engine limitations. A few (quite a few) exist solely because the devs are trolls who want you to suffer are making up for the player's natural superiority in gameplay over the AI.
Read more about these changes over at Gameplay Changes
This is different from vanilla! How does this feature work? [ ]
Seriously, go read Gameplay Changes. There's a lot and you should read up on it as it'll likely have your answer there. A brief list of what it covers:
: Career Difficulty Options : New Skill Tree and Skills, as well as additional quirks. : Engines and Heatsinks : New targeting and fixed dice mechanics : New ammo types, fire modes, and UI changes to swap ammo : Imports CBT (Tabletop) heat effecst, including shutdown chances, ammo explosion, pilot injury, systems failure, attack penalties, and movement penalties
- Reworked Lance Matrix: rebalanced lances, for a harder challenge
- Through Armor Critical (TAC): Hard shots break systems
- Skill Based Initiative: 30 possible phases per turn : New Mech UI hover icons
- Lance Spawner: 5 Skulls? This ride goes to 12.5 Skulls.
Where is the Hiring Hall? I can't find it [ ]
- The Hiring Hall is located in the Argo menu
There is that little "invalid" icon in the mechbay. Why is my build invalid? [ ]
- Press the VALIDATE button, it will tell you the necessary equipment or faults of the configuration.
Items stating "All Lancemates" [ ]
- the game treats everything YOU the player drop, as one "lance" - therefore all "all lancemates" effects your entire drop
Muh Saves! [ ]
- They are kept in their own folder, untouched by this mod or others.
- The folder containing saves is found under:
RogueTech is too hard! Some starts are impossible! [ ]
Thank you for ignoring the warning on ModsinExile, the Installation Guide, and the Beginner's Guide. As we can also safely assume that you never reviewed the additional Guides provided that explain the additional depth and nuance of the various Gameplay Changes from mods, we will carefully quote your complaint back to you, replacing all instances of RogueTech with Dark Souls.
Does <x> stack? and how does it stack [ ]
- Unless an item effect says it does not stack, it does.
- nearly all items in RT will stack multiplicatively, not additively - this means, no- you can't have damage reduction that hits 100%, or no you can't have heat generation reduced to 0%
Other Support [ ]
What's the release schedule? [ ]
We don't have any ETA and we never had. Next patch just happens. Usually it gets released when LA clicks on the wrong button.
Windows Defender blocks the installation [ ]
Your Windows Defender definition package is old (what determines what is bad from good), as this has been resolved, and Microsoft has been notified and they properly did a scan for the injection methods used for the RT Installer to patch the Assembly-CS.dll which is used for BTML/ModTek.
To actually resolve this, without messing with Windows Defender directly, do the following.
What this does, is basically to remove the cached definitions for them to be re-downloaded again. Since Windows Defender doesn't actually solve stuff like this normally.
Or alternatively, change to a real Anti-Virus.
I want to update RogueTech, will it break my save? [ ]
If an update will break a save, the CHANGELOG will say it so. Please note CLEAN INSTALL doesn't mean that saves are incompatible, please see above what we mean by this term
Where do i find the logs they ask for? [ ]
There is 'Gather Logs' button on the launcher that will save a zip file of the logs required. Attach the whole zip file to your ticket.
I've spotted a mech called "REPORT ME". [ ]
If you spot it in a mission: Something went wrong with the lance spawner. Go to discord, open a support ticket, report your encounter and post your logs. Once you've got acknowledgement then either restart the mission/load a save prior to the mission, or console/cheat kill the mech.
If you spot it in the skirmish Mechlab: Yeah, its going to be there, just ignore it. Admire it's OP-ness if you feel like it.
What Language Should I Use [ ]
We advise you to use English as the default game language. This is to avoid spawn errors resulting from the partial translation of some tags . If you are playing on a language other than English and encounter a REPORT ME mech; reset your game language to English, this should clear the issue. If it persists, please open a support ticket on discord.
Where do i find the version number of BattleTech and RogueTech? [ ]
In the Main Menu of the game in the lower left corner.
I want to do this very specific thing with my game [ ]
By all means, knock yourself out. We will never discourage people from making the game their own, and try to make it as easy as possible with our launcher, BUT that does not mean we will support it. Users have contributed to the knowledge base by adding some of the following guides to the wiki. If you add your own, please be courteous to the devs and remember to note that it's not officially supported!
This is a tips and tricks guide for RogueTech, a modded version of the BattleTech game covering inspired by the Mech Warrior universe. RogueTech adds a layer of difficulty to the original BattleTech game. Since so little information can be found, this guide is written with a range of tips and tricks to give new players a more leisurely start. Also included in this guide, are some mech builds with pictures and some build advice, in general, to illustrate design choices when building a mech. At the time of writing this guide, I have well over 600 in-game hours this covers the original BattleTech game and the RogueTech modded version of the game and thought I share my experience with the RogueTech community.
Where to start?
Initially, you will have to farm missions of 1 skull and lower to gain more equipment and C-Bills(in-game currency)as well as gaining reputation with all factions to gain access to higher tier missions. The mission part will be tricky in a sense you do not want to drop reputation with one faction to gain reputation with another faction. However, the easy workaround is that you gain more reputation than lose reputation when you do a mission to ensure that if you do a mission against a faction, your reputation does not dip too far before taking on a mission. Furthermore, you can do missions against the "Planetary Government" that will affect no reputation loss at all so ensure you do those missions first. In short gain reputation before losing reputation to unlock higher tiered missions.
I started in the Clan area as it gave me a small reputation boost and access to the Clan stores to get more Clan gear while doing missions at the same time and gaining some more clan equipment and mech parts through salvage. This allowed me to get ahead started early in the game and made my overall playthrough easier over beginning in the Inner Sphere.
Clan Gear.
Clan gear is in most cases best in the slot for all weapons and equipment, and it will use fewer slots and weigh less while having increased performance. This will allow you to fit more weapons and equipment, giving your Mech thus lance more damage output. At times Clan gear might give off more heat so make sure to balance those out with overall damage vs heat generation.
RISC Gear.
Is Innersphere experimental tech that offers even more benefits then Clan Gear, it is however scarce, and only appears as salvage always. RISC gear should be priority salvage even over mech parts since RISC gear is that rare. Due to the weight savings, this will make it easier to outfit medium and heavy mechs and will retain better damage output.
Prototype Heatsink Kit & Prototype Double Heatsinks.
These are by far best in cooling performance and allow you to build insane Omni Mechs(assault Class) with over 600 sustained damage. The Heat Sink kit converts all the Engine Heatsinks and Additional Engine Heatsinks into Prototype Heatsinks and allows you to install more Prototype Double Heatsinks. While they only sink -4 heat per turn, they also lower heat output from weapons by 4% per heatsink, increase your overheat threshold by 4 per Prototype Heatsink and your maximum heat by 4 per Prototype Heatsink. Therefore Prototype Heatsinks and Kits are a MUST salvage above everything else unless you already have more than 10 of each. Even just installing the Prototype Kit will benefit you by having the benefits mentioned earlier on the Engine Heatsinks saving you tonnage and slot space to fit more gear. I personally never use any other type of Heat Sinking than Prototype that is how good it is.
The Basics.
There are several ways to increase tour performance that do not involve direct damage output. E.C.M. and Sensors are very important and will help with your overall accuracy and prevent you from being jammed. Acid munition will help you increase damage output in the next round. And at the same time overheating a hostile mech with special incendiary munition can shutdown a mech and allow you to take it out via headshot. T.S.E.M.P., Chaff L.R.M., and Chaff countermeasures will debuff targets even further while T.A.G., NARC launchers and L.R.M. Narc will aid in detection and counter E.C.M. As well as limb mods that that either decrease recoil, increase accuracy and improve melee and stability damage dealt and last, are Stealth systems combined with E.C.M. will make it harder to be hit and detected.
ECM & Sensors.
There are various Sensors and E.C.M. suites that will Buff your Mechs and Debuff the enemy Mechs. Buffs come in forms like increased sensor detection range, Increased visual range, Lower sensor signature for making it harder to be electronically detected, Increased sensor checks to counter stealth and E.C.M., as well depending on the suite you can get a UAV, C3 Master/Slave functionality, etc. The Debuff comes in the form jamming enemy sensors checks decreasing detection or prevent detection altogether. Listed below are my four go-to E.C.M. and Sensor suites.
- Guardian E.C. M(C): -2 Accuracy debuff, 2 Sensor buff for friendlies, 2 Sensor debuff.
- NOVA CEWS(C): 10% Increased sensor range, 10% Visual range, +1 Resolve gain per turn, -1 Accuracy debuff, 1 Sensor buff for friendlies, 2 Sensor debuff, C3 Networking.
- WatchDog Suite(C): 20% Increased sensor range, 15% Increased visual range, +1 Defense, -50% Electronic signature, 2 Sensor buff for friendlies, 3 Sensor debuff, 3 Additional sensor checks, UAV with a 4 turn cooldown.
- Warfare Suite: 15% Increased sensor range, 20% Increased visual range, -1 Accuracy debuff, -10% Electronic signature, 3 Sensor buff for friendlies, 2 Sensor debuff, 2 Additional sensor checks, UAV with a two-turn cooldown.
The whole purpose of this equipment is to make you harder to hit while making it easier for you to hit your opponent and finding units that might be in stealth mode and sharing all that data among friendlies. Do not underestimate jamming mostly when some medium mechs can close in and can only be spotted when in visual range but then it is too late they can field alpha strikes over 300 damage that will kill most Heavy Mechs and severely damage Assault mechs.
Special Munitions.
There is a wide range of special munitions in RogueTech, but I only prefer to use some since the pros and cons of most munitions do not make up the redux in damage output. A by far must is the acid munitions you can use on S.R.M.'s or Mortars, and I only use S.R.M.'s or Mortars for the most part to round of some D.P.S. and add acid attacks. The difference between the S.R.M.'s and Mortar is that the Acid attack stacks on the S.R.M.'s but does not appear on the Mortar furthermore the Mortar adds an acid debuff for 20% but does not stack while the S.R.M. acid munition only adds 1% debuff per missile but does stack. The 2nd munition to recommend is the Incendiary munition. Still, I only use this in specialized builds that are fully geared towards overheating targets I will cover that more in-depth later on in this article. And the 3rd option is either an increase in accuracy for long-range of stability damage in short-range builds. For long-range L-K LRM missiles that have increased accuracy, Deathfire L.R.M.'s do increased damage and stability damage, and Thunder/Thunder Augmented L.R.M.'s lay mines handy when taking on light mechs. And for short-range, the Tandem S.R.M.'s are great vs light, and medium mechs and Deathfire S.R.M.'s as the L.R.M. counterpart does increase damage and stability damage. But selecting those munitions will depend entirely on your build and lance setup.
L.R.M. Munitions.
- L-K LRM: +1 Accuracy, +35% Intercept chance by A.M.S.
- LRM [INC]: +1 Heat - 2 LRM Damage.
- LRM DF: +50% LRM Damage +1 Stability Damage -40% Range, -1 Accuracy.
- L.R.M. Thunder: -3 L.R.M. Damage, 1 Mine per missile.
- L.R.M. Thunder Augmented: -3 L.R.M. Damage, 2 Mines per missile.
S.R.M. Munitions.
- SRM AX: +1% Damage for 2 turns and does stack.
- SRM Tandem: +4 Damage to internals, -4 SRM damage.
- SRM DF: +50% SRM damage, +2 Stability damage, -1 Accuracy.
Haywire(TSMEP) & Chaff.
Haywire and chaff will debuff enemy mechs and will include one or more of the following, impaired movement, accuracy, heat management, sensor strength, and visual range. This can be very helpful to decrease damage output, taking on higher difficulty missions. It can also aid with farming for mech parts and equipment if you use the heat management debuff paired with incendiary munitions to force a shutdown and then take out the Mech with a headshot allowing the entire Mech to be salvaged. Another great application is for melee mechs that do not need weapons as they are centred around melee damage thus closing in and applying debuffs and then going in for the melee kill the next turn is very useful.
Chaff: 2 different munitions that apply a debuff of varying strength to an enemy mech.
- Chaff CounterMeasures: -1 Accuracy for two turns, -30% Sight reduction for two turns, -60% Sensor strength for two turns, Area of effect weapon, Uses internal munition storage, Uses support weapon hardpoint thus fires in melee attacks.
- LRM Chaff: -1 Accuracy for 2 turns, -20% Sight reduction for 2 turns, -30% Sensor strength for 2 turns, LRM munition can be fired indirectly.
T.A.G. & NARC.
T.A.G. & NARC beacons allow for more significant target acquisition for the entire lance and work regardless of the usage of C3 networking, best-used with spotting/recon, and melee mechs and is especially useful to support L.R.M. builds.
Limb Modifications.
There is a wide range of limb modifications that aid with accuracy, recoil management, melee damage and perks like C.A.S.E. and damage reduction. I wouldn't say I like using all of them since some of them would involve taking internal damage. However, recoil management can be instrumental on Ultra A.C., and Rotary A.C. builds as well as they suffer the most from Recoil over P.P.C. and Gauss weapons. Accuracy helps with any build but is best served in long-range builds, Omni Mech prevents the usage of A.C. type, and P.P.C. type weapons thus are ill-suited for long-range builds. Melee mods are suitable for your melee builds and should only be used to unique purpose build melee mechs. Listed below is a range of mods I frequently like to use.
Weapon Mods:
Adds one or more of the following specs in various degrees, Recoil Reduction, Increased Accuracy, Increased Firing Arc. However, they take up slots space and will also come at a tonnage price.
- Omni Pod Lower Arm: +1 Accuracy, +10% Melee damage, but cannot be used with Ballistic or P.P.C. weapons.
- Weapon Mount: +* Accuracy depending on the mod quality, -* Recoil depending on the mod quality, +*% Firing arc depending on mod quality, -* Melee accuracy depending on the quality of the mod, Uses the lower limb slot +1 extra slot.
- UpperRecoil: +* Accuracy depending on the mod quality, -* Recoil depending on the mod quality, Uses the upper limb slot.
Melee Mods:
Adds one or more of the following specs in various degrees, Melee Accuracy, Melee Damage, Stability Damage, reduced Melee Damage taken.
- Upper Spiked: -*% Melee damage taken depending on mod quality, +*% Melee damage depending on mod quality, CASE protection.
- Lower Melee: +* Melee accuracy depending on mod quality, +*% Melee damage depending on mod quality, +*% Stability damage depending on mod quality.
- Leg Spiked Boots: +* Melee accuracy depending on mod quality, +*% Melee damage depending on mod quality, +* Base melee damage depending on mod quality.
- Hands Melee: +* Melee accuracy depending on mod quality, +*% Melee damage depending on mod quality, +*% Stability damage depending on mod quality.
Blades, Claws, and Shields:
Adds a big bonus to melee some of these come pre-attached with the Mech and offer an even better bonus in a melee centric mech. They can be fitted on the specific limb it is designed for and only take up slot space below a list of some of my favourite mods that can be equipped additional to pre-attached melee mods.
- Claws: +2 Melee accuracy, +40% Melee damage, +10 Base melee damage, +25% Stability damage, +50% Critical chance, replaces the mech hand actuator.
- Retractable Blade: +2 Melee accuracy, +15% Melee damage, +5 Base melee damage, +10% Stability damage, +25% Critical chance, replaces the mech hand actuator.
Melee Mods slot specific:
These melee mods will use a support weapon slot and add more melee damage as well as in some cases being able to fire outside and inside melee attacks. They take up a support weapons slot and slot space on the Mech.
Is is a lot harder because:
1. Lots of more variants and parts to be salvaged = more grind to get proper mechs and earn money
2. You will encounter tough enemies from the beginning. A Dagger (20t) with stealth armor, Haywire EMP + Tag can ruin your day. If you meet 2 of them at the beginning you will have a tough time. The enemies are deadlier and have some really nasty builds.
I lost 3 mechs to a raging warhammer with flamers once.
3. . Because ammo explosions. Also theres panic and stress mechanics going on that will make pilots eject.
4. RNG is the same for AI and you. No more bonus hitchance for the player.
5. No more Bulwark. There is a kind of bulwark skill called berserk that only activates with melee attacks
6. No more precision shots. In fact shooting precise does not increase your accuracy but lowers it. It is called offensive push now and makes sense.
7. Evasion does no decrease when being shot. So if you have a properly equipped light mech with 9 Evasion pips this beastie is viable even against assaults. Makes the game and lance setup more interesting.
8. Melee is king for now. You can build crazy melee setups. This should be tweaked soon but with all those spikes, chainswords, plasma lances and stuff you can make real hard hitters even early on.
9. Weapons redesigned. HMGs, Flamers and such are normal weapons now. So you can utilize those locust hardpoints finally. Support weapon slots are reserved for melee weapons and ECM weapons likt TAG, NARC and EMP weapons.
Its a whole new experience. You have to forget everything from vanilla and just try new approaches in mech builds and face the consequences.
Just try it. You will make some facepalm experience when your first mech blows up due to overheating or some power armor hits you in the back for 60 damage making you pilot panick and eject. but its worth it.
19 авг. 2018 в 10:09I haven't played the latest version, but a month or two ago I played quite a bit of RogueTech. IMO the default difficulty options are punishing compared to vanilla when it comes to making money, time it takes to refit and repair mechs, and leveling your mechwarriors. On the battlefield it can be much harder because of all the new equipment. You can use the cool added stuff but the AI gets it as well. You don't really face more enemies on a mission, just harder enemies.
I ended up finding great success by loading my mechs up with targeting computers, superchargers, narc beacons and haywire EMPs. There is so much added to the game that many more strategies open up. Tinkering with mechs was a big part of the fun for me when playing BattleTech, and Roguetech is much more expansive when configuring mechs.
19 авг. 2018 в 10:32Is is a lot harder because:
1. Lots of more variants and parts to be salvaged = more grind to get proper mechs and earn money
2. You will encounter tough enemies from the beginning. A Dagger (20t) with stealth armor, Haywire EMP + Tag can ruin your day. If you meet 2 of them at the beginning you will have a tough time. The enemies are deadlier and have some really nasty builds.
I lost 3 mechs to a raging warhammer with flamers once.
3. . Because ammo explosions. Also theres panic and stress mechanics going on that will make pilots eject.
4. RNG is the same for AI and you. No more bonus hitchance for the player.
5. No more Bulwark. There is a kind of bulwark skill called berserk that only activates with melee attacks
6. No more precision shots. In fact shooting precise does not increase your accuracy but lowers it. It is called offensive push now and makes sense.
7. Evasion does no decrease when being shot. So if you have a properly equipped light mech with 9 Evasion pips this beastie is viable even against assaults. Makes the game and lance setup more interesting.
8. Melee is king for now. You can build crazy melee setups. This should be tweaked soon but with all those spikes, chainswords, plasma lances and stuff you can make real hard hitters even early on.
9. Weapons redesigned. HMGs, Flamers and such are normal weapons now. So you can utilize those locust hardpoints finally. Support weapon slots are reserved for melee weapons and ECM weapons likt TAG, NARC and EMP weapons.
Its a whole new experience. You have to forget everything from vanilla and just try new approaches in mech builds and face the consequences.
Just try it. You will make some facepalm experience when your first mech blows up due to overheating or some power armor hits you in the back for 60 damage making you pilot panick and eject. but its worth it.
19 авг. 2018 в 10:35 Oh there is a one file installer in the latest release. The first startup can take a while but we even got some loading bars in the latest release :) 19 авг. 2018 в 12:41Bulwark is a piece of equipment you now have to salvage. You probably won't get it until you meet assaults. There are now cockpit mods or combat shields to midigate damage, in trade for weapons ofcourse.
With the latest change to engines the difficulty at the start leveled out a bit since lights are not that fast unhitiable enemy anymore unless it's specifically sacrifes weapons for speed (like the spider in vanilla). In addition the required skillpoints for greater maximum evasion pips is also raised, so you can't have like 8 pips from the start. Targetpainters that mark targets for your lancemates or just taking Pulse Lasers are helping as well at the start of the game.
Also there are different kind of armor and structure upgrades which help you working out a role for your mech. Eg. mounting twice the armor or sacrificing structure point for more payload are only some of your possible choices.
The newest addition to the mod are chassisquirks. Yes they were a thing in vanilla as well as the Shadow Hawk got some more meleedamage but this mod goes way beyond that. Some mechs are better at missilie strikes while others have integrated combat shields, bulwark or stealth-/recontech that other mechs either have to mount as equiment or are never able to get.
Also new are arm actuator support points that give more realism to your mech. For example a catapult that has no "arms" by design now can't support big melee arm modifications since they just won't fit. Some of theese supports are upgradabe, some not. You have to play around with what's possible and what's not.
And let's not forget the different mechs, weapons and upgrades that have been in the mod for ages. You won't find a better collection any time soon.
- Ответы 86
- Создано 16.11.2020, 14:14:04
- Последний ответ 20.08.2021, 13:53:43
- Просмотры 7238
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Загрузки посреди миссии глючные даже в ваниле. И нет, если играть с онлайн глобалкой, то нельзя. Будешь автоматически в бан попадать (играть сможешь, но твои действия никак не будут отражаться на
Это "Смерть с небес".
Судя по картинке, Арго, это не RogueTech (мало апгрейдов), вероятно один из установленных модов сборки увеличивает время ремонта, возможно в зависимости от тоннажа. В RogueTech-е это компенсируется бо
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