Bad memory escape wooden room прохождение
Leslie woke-up and found herself in a room in some wooden house not familiar to her at all! She started thinking carefully for she might have forgotten again where she had been. It seldom happens to her especially when she wakes-up, now it might be happening again and worst is she is it happened not in her home and there is nobody with her at the moment! Leslie is experiencing an amount of stress now and she is trying her best to keep calm, she needs help now for being lost in a place alone and she has no idea why she is even there is very scary. Would you like to help Leslie escape from where she was escape players?
Leslie seems to be trapped inside the house which was weird, for if she had stayed there and it’s not against her will, it wouldn’t be. That pushes her more to get out of there so right-now escape players, your skills and logic are very important here to escape. You all ready now? Come and check this challenge here then and make haste with this, before something happens here in this mysterious place and that might hinder you all to escape.
Bad Memory Escape – Wooden Room is a new room escape game created by Ainars for Escape Fan. Examine each location of the house, search for items and memorize puzzle hints. Unlock the gate in the end for the final escape!
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Bad Memory Escape - Wooden Room is html5 room escape game developed by Ainars for EscapeFan. Carefully examine each location of the wooden room. Search for objects like 12 pieces of code, golden coins, diamonds and puzzle hints. Unlock gate in order to escape! Gongtats! Good luck and have fun!
If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Плохие воспоминания из деревянной комнаты (Bad Memory Escape - Wooden Room) возвращают нас в неприятные переживания главного героя. Его прошлое остается загадкой. Локации не вызывают у игрока никаких ассоциаций, поскольку история мужчины тщательно скрывается. В финале мы увидим лошадей, которые могут символизировать освобождение от стресса.
Игры комнаты 6 Играли 9354 раз Добавлено: AlastorЗдесь находится онлайн игра Плохие воспоминания из деревянной комнаты, вы можете поиграть в нее бесплатно прямо сейчас. В эту игру уже сыграли 9354 раз(а), оценили на 5 из 5, проголосовали 7 человек(а).
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Bad Memories | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
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Оглавление руководства
Start a New Game.
- Choose 'Play as Woman (lesbian)' and click on 'Back' after unlocking the achievement.
Female MC Play as a woman
Male MC Play as a man
- Yes / No
- Type any first and last names.
Welcome Home You've made it back home!
- Bathroom
- Any option.
- Knock at the door
- Your Room
- get closer x2
- get really close
- Any option.
- Take a nap
- Entrance Hall → Rachel's Bedroom
- Knock at the door
- Watch TV in the living room
- Entrance Hall → Rachel's Bedroom
- Knock at the door
- Leave Home → School
- Any option.
Horndog Gotta catch em all, huh?
Manners Always remember to knock. or not?
- She will come over tonight anyway. gimme porn!
- Entrance Hall → Downtown
- Introduce yourself.
- Touch between her legs.
- Tell her about the alcohol
- Take her home
- Bathroom
- Leave Home → Downtown
- Check the cafe.
- Wait.
- Give her the bottle.
- No
- Check if she says the truth.
- . so hot, I can't believe she's doing this!
- Call her!
- Leave Home
- Downtown
- Atomic Aeronautics
- Ask if she needs help.
- School
- Home
- Kiss her
- Grab her arm.
Love Route? No turning back now!
- Alright, I guess it's okay for one night.
- I actually like that!
- Grab her ass.
- Hide Ellie under the blanket.
- Leave Home
- I need coffee.
- Her bed.
- Any option.
- Just go in.
- Be honest and show your feelings.
- (Make a noise)
- Call her Mom.
- Any option.
- Stop skipping → Rachel's Bedroom → click on drawer.
Birth Certificate You found it!
- Hall → Ellie's Room → turn around → click on desk → click on bulletin board → click anywhere.
Board Game Maybe it's her kink?
- Entrance Hall → Leave Home
- Downtown
Missing Link Found Katie on day9
PG21 Be nice to actresses ;)
Good Eyes You've noticed Stephs effort
No more achievements from this point on. Feel free to pick any dialogue options for the remaining choices or quit the game if you're just going after achievements.
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