Assassins creed revelations сюжет
История новой Assassin’s Creed начинается точно на том месте, где закончилась предыдущая. Натворивший дел Дезмонд лежит без сознания, а его разум бродит по «безопасной зоне» Анимуса, время от времени заглядывая в шестнадцатый век к Эцио Аудиторе. Тому уже за пятьдесят, и прохожие называют его дедушкой. Но узнав, что в Константинополе спрятаны ключи от неведомого сокровища Масиафа, Эцио немедленно отправляется в дорогу — в гости к стамбульским янычарам и тамплиерам. Старый еще задаст всем жару!
В какие только города не заносила судьба героев серии Assassin’s Creed! Мы бывали в Акре, в Риме, в Венеции и Флоренции и еще во множестве исторических мест. Теперь тайны ассасинов привели нас в Турцию.
Константинополь, позднее переименованный турками в Стамбул, — город, где смешались традиции старой Византии и нового оттоманского порядка. По улочкам вполне европейской архитектуры идут женщины в никабах; в переулках, превращенных в базар, слышна сбивчивая турецкая речь. «Айбэт, айбэт», — говорят покупатели, рассматривая ковры и шелка. Но в сравнении с Римом, Венецией и Флоренцией игровой Константинополь выглядит безлико — не помогают даже старательно воспроизведенные достопримечательности вроде дворца Топкапы, собора Святой Софии или башни Галаты. Слишком уж тут тесно. Нет простора и красивых панорам. Дома и улочки, улочки и дома повторяются и повторяются — каждый раз приходится искать паромщиков, чтобы в десятый раз подряд пересекать залив Золотой Рог.
Но здесь, под величественными соборами и минаретами, мало что изменилось. Константинополь сделан по старым лекалам «Братства», и любой опытный ассасин сразу же почувствует себя как дома. Под обновленным лицом скрывается старый геймплей, и «Откровения» мало чем отличаются от «Братства». Возможно, разработчики, понимая это, решили поменять внешность героев. Альтаир, Дезмонд, Эцио — все они получили новые лица, к которым придется привыкать. Дезмонд присутствует в игре лишь виртуально. Он гуляет по глубинам «Анимуса», и его внешность — лишь иллюзия. А Альтаир и Эцио просто сильно постарели.
Недаром говорят, что старого пса новым трюкам не выучишь. Эцио Аудиторе в Константинополе занимается тем же, чем и в Риме: карабкается по стенам, скачет по крышам, дерется со стражниками, бегает с поручениями и вербует ассасинов. Все наемные отряды на месте, только сопровождавших нас ранее куртизанок сменили цыганки. С магазинами тоже все по-прежнему: книжные лавки, кузницы, швейные мастерские, банки — все они ждут, пока мы их выкупим. Даже технические новинки, замеченные в предыдущих играх, на месте: и пистолет, и сверхкомпактный арбалет, и парашюты да Винчи. Гильдия ассасинов по-прежнему нуждается в жизненном пространстве. Новые районы мы отбиваем у тамплиеров, работает это так же, как раньше: ликвидируем командира, зажигаем огонь на башне.
Но на этом заботы Эцио не заканчиваются – тамплиеры вполне могут попытаться отбить район. Оборона «гнезда» ассасинов сделана в виде стратегической мини-игры. Эцио стоит на крыше и отдает команды: ассасинов туда, баррикады сюда, и наводит артиллерийские залпы. И вот уже уцелевшие тамплиеры в ужасе разбегаются под ураганным огнем.
Те же, кому новая мини-игра не по душе, суют взятки глашатаям и режут чиновников — стоит чуть-чуть потрудиться, как тамплиеры тут же о нас забудут.
Увы, часть геймплейных моментов из предыдущих серий в «Откровениях» не реализовали. На лодках больше не покататься, на лошадях — тоже (да и негде), горных дорог и загородных привольных полей просто нет. Как нет и шизофренических головоломок с фотографиями. Их, правда, отчасти заменяет путешествие Дезмонда по воспоминаниям — несложная головоломка в духе Portal. В ней бестелесный разум героя странствует по геометрическим внутренностям «Анимуса», пока закадровый голос раскрывает тайны прошлого Дезмонда.
Давать Эцио новые способности разработчики не стали, что компенсировали новыми техническими приспособлениями. Под правым рукавом вместо клинка спрятан крюк, который очень неплох и в бою, и при покорении высот. Правда, протянутых над крышами Константинополя веревок оказалось маловато: очень редко Эцио попадается попутная, которую можно зацепить и тенью проскользнуть над головами противников. А вот при покорении стен крюк очень полезен: и стены с ним легче брать, и при дальних прыжках он часто выручает.
Что до обещанных бомб и всяческой пиротехники, есть и с ними проблема — очень уж мало их можно унести с собой, всего по три штуки каждого из трех видов. Тут особо не разгуляешься, и самые необычные модификации пропадают зря. Чем брать на опасное задание «вонючку» или «кровавую бомбу» (заливает врагов овечьей кровью и демотивирует их), удобнее и проще обходиться универсальными бомбами: газовыми, дымовыми шашками (в дыму враги беззащитны) и отвлекающими хлопушками. Разработчикам однозначно стоило дать игроку возможность таскать с собой не три, а десять разновидностей бомб — тогда любой экзотике нашлось бы применение.
В результате игра выглядит несколько лоскутной — новые идеи не очень хорошо сочетаются со старым геймплеем. Да и с обучающими миссиями разработчики пожадничали и вынесли их в отдельные мини-туториалы (надо сказать, удобные и ненавязчивые).
Погони, головоломки, скалолазание — все сделано так, чтобы любой игрок смог легко приспособиться. Правда, в боях со стражей здоровье улетает со свистом, но стоит лишь поймать ритм «цепочки убийств», как целый вражеский отряд за секунды укладывается на землю.
Новичка может обескуражить обилие незнакомых элементов игрового процесса. Уличные кулачные драки, управление гильдией, бизнес, закупка оружия и брони, вербовка ассасинов — обо всем этом лучше узнать из прошлых частей серии.
Да, новая игра получились слабее предыдущих. Сюжет тут короткий, герои незапоминающиеся и «Откровения» похожи скорее не на полноценное продолжение, а на большое DLC.
Проходят перед нами пестрой чередою беспокойное семейство юного Сулеймана, янычары, тамплиеры, обитатели тесных улочек Константинополя и подземных городов, новая подруга героя, из образа которой запоминается разве что нескромное декольте, и Альтаир, стремительно стареющий от флэшбека к флэшбеку. Сюжет быстро двигается к финалу.
Разработчики сдержали обещание раскрыть тайны, оставшиеся после «Братства», так что информации на нас вываливается изрядно. Конечно, не все сюжетные хвосты в финале подвязываются. Остаются вопросы. Что-то подвисает в воздухе, а что-то остается на следующую серию. Но история Эцио Аудиторе заканчивается. Он был с нами три игры подряд, он заслужил покой. А что «Откровения» в общем-то так и не стали откровением и не сумели затмить «Братство» — ладно, пусть так.
Безнадежно старый
Для меня история Эцио Аудиторе да Фиренце закончилась сразу после Assassin's Creed II. Каждая новая игра в серии повторяла геймплей второй части и в целом не вносила в концепцию ничего нового. Так какой смысл играть в почти одну и ту же игру каждый год? От раза к разу слегка менялся антураж, старая концепция обрастала «мясом», но, в сущности, сериал продолжал удерживать игроков только за счет запутанного сюжета.
Если бы каждая часть позиционировалась как аддон, Ubisoft можно было бы понять. Но вместо этого из года в год мы под видом новой игры получаем все тот же Assassin's Creed II, который неизбежно приедается, каким бы цепляющим за душу ни был сюжет. Историю Эцио Аудиторе слишком затянули, и к выходу «Откровений» пленку зажевало от многократных повторений.
Эцио постарел, и вместе с ним словно постарела серия Assassin's Creed. Если сравнивать третью часть похождений убийцы с предыдущими играми, результат будет не в ее пользу.
Новый город тесноват, бомбы и крюки оправдали надежды лишь отчасти, сюжет местами не держит планку. А сам игровой процесс не поменялся — разработчики не стали портить то, что и раньше не ломалось. Проверенные формулы по-прежнему работают, и любителям серии стоит заглянуть в Константинополь хотя бы ради того, чтобы узнать, чем все-таки закончилась история Эцио Аудиторе да Фиренце.
Older, wiser, and more deadly than ever, Master Assassin Ezio Auditore embarks on an epic journey to find the lost library of Altaїr–a library that may hold the key to defeating the Templars for ever. However, a shocking discovery awaits him.
The library holds not only hidden knowledge but also the most unsettling secret the world has ever known; a secret the Templars hope to use to control humankind's destiny. Five keys are needed to access the library—to find them, Ezio must travel to the troubled city of Constantinople, where a growing army of Templars threaten to destabilise the Ottoman Empire.
Part One
1- A mysterious traveler approaches a mass of land and a mountain range where, atop a mountain, a castle was fenced in the rocky formations. The traveler had apparently traveled on a long and treacherous journey to this castle, which was his goal. As the lone man stared at the sight, he checked his equipment, and scanned the area for movement. After he completed his survey, with both eyes and ears, he concluded that the area was clear and safe. However, a sound was heard nearby, and the seemingly alone traveler was struck by an arrow. Recovering the traveler saw another man, an ugly, bald soldier with the rank of a captain, as well as hundreds of other soldiers. The traveler, realizing he had fallen for a trap and was being ambushed, prepared to defend himself from the soldiers. The traveler fought boldly and successfully, until suddenly, a vision of a man clad in white Assassin robes appeared on the battlefield, distracting the traveler. The traveler was overpowered by an opponent, and the soldiers overwhelmed him. The bald captain came to the captured traveler, and taunted him triumphantly. The traveler was then revealed to be the Italian Assassin's Mentor, Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Ezio was told of his failure in his venture to the castle, the former Levantine Assassin fortress of Masyaf, which was now overrun by Templars, and was also told of his fate that was sure to come the following morning.
2- Ezio observed an eagle through the window in his prison cell, and was frustrated with his failure and the realization of the Templar presence in Masyaf. Though, he was satisfied that he had frightened the Templars and confident for his escape. He reflected on his previous triumphs and friends, and thought back to the start of his latest journey, after defeating Cesare Borgia in Viana and his return to Rome in 1510, where he had found a letter. The letter had been written by Giovanni Auditore, Ezio’s father, before his birth, and was sent to Mario Auditore regarding an ancient library built under the Masyaf castle, which could possibly hold invaluable wisdom that may lead to the end of the secret war between the Assassin and the Templars. The first page of the Assassin Codex was also in Ezio's memory that had made him more interested in Altaïr's secrets. Later on, Ezio decided to conduct a quest to Masyaf.
3- After spending much of the year making preparations for his pilgrimage, Ezio conferred with Niccolò Machiavelli in Florence on his journey to the Holy Land. Ezio then left for Ostia, where he visited Bartolomeo d'Alviano, who provided an escort to Ezio for his tip as well as food and drink. Machiavelli informed Ezio of news and occurrences in Florence, and of the death of Caterina Sforza; the news of his former love interest and mention of Florence saddened Ezio, who later returned to Rome to spend the remainder of 1510. At the beginning of 1511, Ezio was ready for his departure to Bari with Bartolomeo, where he would take a ship to Eastern Europe.
4- Before Ezio left for Bari, he bid farewell to Claudia Auditore da Firenze. Claudia, concerned for her brother's mission questioned Ezio on travelling alone, who simply responded that he would travel and return home more quickly. Ezio passed on to her the responsibility of his business on his leave and told her to read Giovanni's letter if he did not return from Masyaf. Ezio and Bartolomeo then spent fifteen days travelling to Bari, where they parted ways, and Ezio boarded the Turkish freighter, the Anaan to Corfu. After a brief meeting with the governor of Corfu and the captain of the Anaan, Ezio bought a scimitar that he would carry for the rest of his adventure. On the next day, the Anaan set sail again, and the ship was attacked by pirates near the island of Zante. Ezio helped defend the ship, dispatching many of the Berbers and also capturing the pirate captain. As thanks, the captain of the Anaan refunded Ezio's fare. Ezio, in turn, gave advice that they should be more careful.
5- After the much eventful sail to Athens, which was controlled by the Turks, Ezio roamed the city streets and visited the monuments and temples of the Greek Golden Age that were inspiring his friends Michelangelo and Bramante. Ezio understood then that the inhabitants were proud of their way of life. Ezio temporarily stayed at the home of Ma'Mun, the captain’s brother-in-law, waiting for the storms to cease and continue on his quest. He studied maps and notes, hopeful to learn of any Templar movements in the area. At one party thrown in his honor he met an attractive Dalmatian princess, though it was nothing but a dalliance. Ezio had, since the start of his mission, began to understand what the life of an Assassin would be lonesome. Eventually, Ezio was able to leave Athens, and Ma'Mun had arranged a heavily armed ship, the Qutaybah, that would take him to Cyprus, and was given a map. During the journey, however, more storms ensued and ravaged the sea, and it would take a week before the ship could continue a steady course. Ezio lost much precious time, and some of the crewmen lost their lives. They eventually managed to return to Athens, where Ezio was given excellent lodgings. Though Ezio was growing more and more impatient due to the constant delaying of his intentions. During his wait, Ezio studied the Cyprus map, and found something upon it that interested him. He decided to travel by horse to Limmasol alone, where he found the Templar Archive, and hoped to find clues, but it was empty.
6- Ezio could not leave, because Venetian authorities blocked his passage. Ezio met the Venetian governor, Domenico Garofoli, but he would not do anything due to Ezio's recent actions, despite acknowledging Ezio’s previous efforts to enhance Ottoman-Venetian relationship. Garofoli claimed that the Ottoman presence in Syria was mighty and upsetting them could cause a massive international incident. As a result, Ezio decided to take matters into his own hands. After several days of reconnoitering of the docks for possible ships that may aid him in his journey eastwards, Ezio found no ship that could help him. On the fifth night, planning to “acquire” a ship of his own, Ezio went to the docks again. As he was inspecting a boat, he was suddenly attacked by a huge man. Following a quick scuffle that ended in a stalemate and both men panting and ready for another round, they were found by a group of Night Watchmen. Teaming with the man, whom now Ezio recognized, they fought the Watchmen together but Ezio was stabbed in his side and lost his consciousness.
7- When Ezio came awake, he found that he was on a ship with the man from the dock. Ezio’s suspicions became true when the man introduced himself as Al-Scarab, the scourge of the White Sea, and the pirates that had tried to loot "Anaan". They conversed for a few moments; the man telling him that since Ezio had saved him during the fight with the Watchmen, he had returned the favor. When Ezio pointed out that there had been no need to bring him unto the ship, Al-Scarab said that maybe he had just wanted Ezio’s company and that he could be useful in this ship. When Ezio asked where they were headed, Al-Scarab answered that they were headed towards the nearest port, Acre.
9- Masyaf was two hundred miles from Acre. Ezio traveled through the desert between the two cities but tried to stay along the coast for most of the journey. As there were unemployed mercenary gangs throughout the path, Ezio tried to take advantage of this solitary journey by blending in the crowd whenever he could. But there were unavoidable fights sometimes and he once saved a village from marauders and a woman from rape and death. Being in the constant state of vigilance, Ezio remembered his training with Paola and Mario. Overcoming many obstacles and detours, he finally made it to Masyaf. As he pulled himself over the wall of the Masyaf castle, an arrow hit from in his right shoulder.
10- As Ezio lay half conscious in his prison chamber, guards came and half-lifted and half-dragged from through the castle towards their captain. As Ezio was dragged through the castle he saw the Assassin Insignia on the floor. Ezio shook free of the guards as he was brought to the captain who told him that even though partaking of this journey showed Ezio’s courage, it would end in his death. The captain led Ezio to a wooden platform projected outside of the window. Reaching the end of the plank, Ezio saw an eagle flying below him and this sight gave him hope. Then suddenly Ezio saw a vision of a young man in white, the same one he had glimpsed in the battle before. As the vision turned towards Ezio, it disappeared along with the eagle. Then the captain pulled hood over Ezio’s head and tied the noose around his neck. At the last moment when the captain was about to throw Ezio down the platform, Ezio turned and took the loose end of the rope on the plank and tied it around the Captain’s neck and jumped off the platform. The guards tried to cut the rope in order to prevent their Captain from suffocating. Thinking it was at least a brave way to die than going about it meekly, Ezio swung towards the wall of the castle and let go, hopping and landing on the scaffolding. As the guards started throwing rocks at him, Ezio jumped off the scaffolding onto the escarpment, which collapsed under his weight and he fell down towards the bridge. As the ancient bridge began to crack and fall, Ezio desperately ran and made to the other side of the bridge, safe.
11- Bandaging his wounds as best as he could using his scarf and checking himself over for any damages and finding nothing serious, Ezio began climbing the wall of the mountain where he was pressed. Thinking the thin stream of water falling down from above meant there was a creek, Ezio made his way up. After half an hour of climbing Ezio finally came up to the top of the cliff he was climbing, a mountain pass of some sorts that may have been destroyed partially due some ancient natural disaster. After half an hour further of waiting there in case there were other people about, Ezio began to move. After drinking water and catching a fish in the stream, Ezio managed to start a fire from a flint rock and cooked the fish and dried his clothes there. He began to climb the mountain again. As he looked down, he saw the Templar guards on a hauling bridge below him, that would lead him to the castle. Ezio began carefully climbing down and made it to the outcrop near the bridge, taking up the sharp flint rock as a weapon. Carefully he made his way across the bridge but the guards saw him and after fighting and killing them off, Ezio started up the path leading to the castle, thinking of the plan of the fortress he had seen in Rome. After a difficult climb up the path, Ezio made it to the Outer Walls of the castle. Carefully concealing himself from the guards in the watchtower, he made his way to the store-room beneath the keep tower where his kits and weapons were bound to be.
12- Ezio managed to make his way to the store-room without any further confrontations, where two old guards were sleeping with their arms and heads on the table. Ezio managed to pickpocket the keys from one of the guards. Quickly checking each key with the doors within, he managed to open one door that held his weapons and all his essential equipment that, thankfully, the Templars had not checked carefully for there were some invaluable things there. Equipping himself with all the weapons and the still-to-be-tested parachute invented by Leonardo, he came outside and climbed to the turret of the keep to overlook Masyaf’s rear garden, under which was the location of AltaÏr’s library, no doubt for which the Templars were there for. On outer wall of the turret overlooking the garden was a stone-statue of an eagle, with its wings folded. But when Ezio applied a little pressure, it creaked. Taking his position besides the statue, he decided to rest there. As he lay there, a sudden assault of doubt made him look down the mosaic flooring beneath beneath him. Using his Eagle Vision he say the image of goddess Minerva there. Satisfied, he slept. The next morning, replenished by the sleep, Ezio decided to execute his plan. He pushed the statue of the eagle which fell onto the mosaic floor below. Ezio then performed a Leap of Faith and made follow. The statue hit the floor where the floor gave away. Ezio maneuvered his body through this hole and fell into a pool inside. He swam to the embankment of the pool and fought and killed off the Templar guards there and then turned to the stonemason working there.
13- The stonemason identified himself as Adad. When Ezio asked him what kind of work he did for the Templars, Adad replied that he mostly dug but as the gates were made of stone harder than steel he hadn't been able to make much progress. Ezio replied that it was inevitable as the doors guarded “objects more valuable than all the gold in the world”. Ezio found out from Adad that the Templars had found one of the five keys apparently needed to open the door under Otttoman Sultan’s palace and that the locations of other keys were probably listed in a journal carried by the “ugly captain”. Ezio then gave Adad some money and when Adad said that as much as he would love to find some other employment, the Templars would murder him if tried to do so, Ezio asked him to pack his tools and go, for there would be nothing more to fear now.
14. Ezio carefully made his way to the high battlements overlooking Masyaf village, where the Templar guards were interrogating the villagers. Ezio planned to track the down the Templar captain. He harnessed himself to one of the parachutes and jumped from the tower, guiding his parachute using the convection currents and thermals to land near the village. Ezio made it to the front gate of the village where the captain was making swift preparations to leave on his wagon, ordering his men to find the Assassin. As Ezio stepped up and showed himself, the captain tried to escape on the wagon but Ezio managed to get hold of a trailing rope. Ezio managed to climb up the rope into the wagon, dodging several attacks by the guards behind him. The captain jumped to another wagon following them nearby. Ezio scrambled to the reins of the wagon and chased after the captain, dodging bombs hurled at him by guards at the back of the captain’s wagon. The captain changed tactics and instead slowed down his wagon and repeatedly smashed his wagon into Ezio’s. One of the bombs thrown by the guards exploded near the rear wheel of Ezio’s wagon and he was thrown overboard and the captain managed to escape to an outlying Templar stronghold village.
15. While coming to his senses on the bottom of the small cliff he had fallen down, Ezio had visions of his family, and an unwanted vision of Caterina Sforza. When the visions faded, Ezio could hear the voices of a Templar search party sent out to find him. After a while, the search party gave up, and Ezio climbed back up to the road. He spotted the Templar captain entering the stronghold village, and, concealed in the bushes, started walking towards it. He scaled the walls and entered the village's stockyard. Following the sound of raised voices, Ezio entered the village square, and caught site of the captain berating two sergeants for their failure to find Ezio. During the captain's tirade, Ezio had blended with the crowd of villagers who stood by, observing. When the captain was finished, the crowd started getting back to work, and, unfortunately for Ezio, the man in front of him tripped and caught the attention of the Templar captain, who spotted Ezio. The captain fired his crossbow at Ezio, who deftly dodged and escaped onto the rooftops. Ezio noticed that the captain was isolated from his soldiers and out of crossbow bolts, and readied his hidden gun. The captain, upon spotting Ezio's gun, started fleeing, but was shot in the left knee and fell, dashing his head against a sharp stone. Ezio made his way over to the dying captain and asked for the journal he was carrying. The captain was surprised Ezio knew about it, and, with a laugh, produced it from his jerkin, telling Ezio that the Templars had already learned what they could from the book. The captain died, and Ezio looked over the book. On the title page it said: "LA CROCIATA SEGRETA, Niccolò Polo, MASYAF, giugno, MCCLVII, COSTANTINOPOLI, gennaio, MCCLVIII (The Secret Crusade, Niccolò Polo, Masyaf, June 1257, Constantinople, January 1258)." Ezio knew where hea had to go; Constantinople.
Особенности игры
Овладейте смертоносными навыками мудрого, еще более эффективного и опасного ассасина Эцио. Быстро устраняйте противников, используя обновленный арсенал оружия и способностей. Испытайте новый уровень кастомизации геймплея — возможность создания бомб и «Орлиное чутьё», помогающее избежать лишних стычек с врагом.
Одобренный критиками многопользовательский режим стал еще лучше и реиграбельнее, добавив абсолютно новые командные режимы.
Исследуйте самые дальние уголки Анимуса, раскрывая тайны прошлого Дезмонда и получая информацию, которая пригодится в будущем.
Assassin's Creed: Revelations доверено завершить трилогию похождений итальянского щеголя Эцио и дать четкий ответ на все вопросы, курсировавшие в головах Альтаира и Дезмонда, – за них мы тоже можем поиграть. В новой игре Эцио распрощался с итальянскими пейзажами и, идя по стопам Альтаира, отправился в сердце Османской империи – столичный град Константинополь, где тайком начали собирать свои могущественные армейские силы тамплиеры.
Разумеется, в игре появились новые гаджеты, оружие и акробатические трюки. Вернулся и мультиплеер – его расширили, доработали и украсили тучей новых персонажей, карт и режимов игры.
Минимальные требования
Операционная система : Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / 7 SP1
Процессор : Intel Core2 Duo E4400 @ 2.0 ГГц / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ @ 2.1 ГГц
Видеокарта : с 256 МБ видеопамяти и поддержкой шейдеров версии 4.0
Оперативная память : 1.5 ГБ Windows XP / 2 ГБ Windows Vista, 7
Звуковая карта : совместимая с DirectX 9.0
Место на диске : 12 ГБ
Интернет-подключение : широкополосное соединение
DirectX : 10.0
Другое : Управление: клавиатура, мышь, геймпад
Рекомендуемые требования
Операционная система : Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / 7 SP1
Процессор : Intel Core2 Duo E6700 @ 2.6 ГГц / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3.0 ГГц
Видеокарта : AMD Radeon HD2600XT/3000/4000/5000/6000 / NVIDIA GeForce 8600GTS/9/GT200/GT400/GT500
Оперативная память : 2 ГБ
Звуковая карта : Surround Sound 5.1
Место на диске : 12 ГБ
Интернет-подключение : широкополосное соединение
DirectX : 10.0
Другое : Управление: клавиатура, мышь, геймпад
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