Ark dinooverhaul x dox гайд
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Издатель Jan 4, 2020❀Благотворительная поддержка канала✿:
Группа в ВК:
Со мной вместе в дискорде был Тёма (psixirylat).
Выживание происходит в одиночной игре с различными модами.
Список модов, которые я для себя установила:
1) DinoOverhaul X - главный мод с изменёнными динозаврами, которые именно в этом моде очень быстрые и смертоносные.
2) ArkParty Desert Island - добавляет частичку карты "Выжженые земли" только на карту "Island".
3) Structures Plus (Open Source) - добавляет различные постройки, которые можно собирать. Увеличенное место в контейнерах и т.д.
4) Classic Flyers - позволяет прокачивать скорость летающим животным.
5) Awesome SpyGlass! - добавляет удобную подзорную трубу, которая показывает все параметры животного, а также оглушение, эффективность приручения и какой корм они предпочитают для приручения.
6) Unlock Haircuts and Emotes - открывает причёски, эмоции. Позволяет быстро отращивать волосы.
7) OzoCraft - добавляет красивые постройки из дерева.
8) Dino Aid - добавляет лечилку для животных.
9) [Discontinued] Pimp My Home - добавляет различный декор.
10) HG Kibble Bench - добавляет мини-холодильник-верстак, где можно крафтить киблы и не только. Можно использовать как холодильник. Также, что немаловажно, киблы готовятся по стандартному рецепту, где при этом используются ЛЮБЫЕ яйца динозавров.
11) Creature Finder Deluxe - позволяет находить тех или иных динозавров (подходит для одиночной игры).
12) eco's Aberration Decor - Добавляет декор по типу карты "Aberration".
13) eco's RP Decor - добавляет декор.
14) HG Stacking Mod 2500-90 V296 - добавляет стаки, где в одном находится 2500 штук, например, жемчуга и т.д. Также уменьшает вес стака на 90%.
15) Dino Storage v2 - добавляет шарики в которых можно хранить динозавров и также носить их с собой.
16) Spoilers - позволяет быстро испортить мясо, чтобы появилось тухлое мясо. Также позволяет быстро переработать дерево в уголь.
17) Better Preserving Bin - позволяет быстро готовить вяленое мясо.
18) Simple Spawners - позволяет заспавнить ЛЮБЫХ существ.
19) Fister's All Fog Remover - мод, который убирает туман на карте.
20) Death Recovery Mod () - позволяет забрать все свои вещи после смерти.
21) Usp Lights Mod v2 - добавляет различные фонари, люстры и т.д.
NOTE: DOX has a built-in life-cycle system for each dino tier, enabling server automatic wipes every 24hrs will cause spawns to never fully mature, resulting in underwhelming spawn variety, disable server wild dino wipes. SP setup launch options with -preventhibernation to allow life-cycle. SP servers and dedicated still need to be wiped weekly.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT SET DifficultyOffset= above "1" or OverrideOfficialDifficulty= above "5" DOX will not correctly work, stats will reset and dino behaviors will not react as inteded! Recomended Server or Single Player settings sliders configured for DOXHardest/Hard: designed for team/group play /// Medium/Easy: designed for 2 person or solo play
Welcome to DinoOverhaul X, the very first complete Dino Overhaul Mod (est. June 21st 2015) designed to flip the script on survival within ARK! Players are the hunted, and must survive their harsh surroundings where they will be met with an eXtreme environment filled with absolute killers!
DinoOverhaul X will quickly send you packing after a few rage quits and the feeling of being abused. This feeling of defeat will most likely occur once the struggle of never leaving early game happens. Vanilla and modded Ark dinos have long rotted that part of your brain and all critical thinking, planning, and mitigation skills have long been abandoned.
Maybe you are a veteran of conquering most hardcore dino type mods, how much worse can DOX be?
Inspired by: Diablo 2/3
BALANCE SYSTEM:As you start progressing and killing higher tiered dinos, the difficulty will remain! Each battle will ensure you are kept on your toes and being properly geared is a must.
STAT SYSTEM:Stats have been completely redone; you can no longer gain +20% yields per stat point in any one ability. Obtaining the highest possible level dino and breeding up is vital for early progression. Each class type of dinos have stat specific strengths that scale better than others, for example a Rex will gain more in melee per point than a Bronto, but don’t be fooled Brontos are very large and hit very hard unlike vanilla Ark.
PROGRESSION:Several tamable/summonable tiers exist ranging from “normal*, Apex, Pygmy, Prime, Ancient Prime, and Primal” which play various rolls and purposes depending on the situation. For example, a Fire Wyvern will fare poorly against an Ice Wyvern. While DOX offers a few ways of progressing, there are only a few viable options to do so. This prevents cheesing your way to the top or gaming the system in ways that just completely ruin mid-game play. One example of this is Wyvern’s, while you may be able to locate their eggs in the wild, stealing it cannot take place until you are level 152 and riding it will require Prime Kibble which can only be gained from Prime WILD kills.
Boss progression opens up to a heavily expanded RNG loot system so no 1 dino will drop the exact same items twice! Killing Apex dinos drops various needed progression items such as droppable only saddles which yield much higher armor rating to include rare DOX Titanium and Tungsten metals needed to create DOX items. Prime WILDs such as the Compy being one of only 2 tamable Prime WILDs drops a variety of loot which will further help push your campaign forward!
RESISTANCES: ENHANCED ARMORS:These types of armors only drop from Prime WILD creature and giving various perks per piece to include a set bonus when a complete set is worn. Armors such as these are an absolute necessity to progress as they give active abilities to your dinos.
CORRUPTED ENHANCED ARMORS/SYSTEM:All DOX enhanced Armors can be corrupted, with a corruption stone only found on Mega Dinos. Corrupted Armors are gained through placing 1 of the 5 DOX Enhanced Chest Armors within the inventory of a Prime Compy along with one corruption stone. What comes out is a random corrupted piece with enhanced abilities for the wearer and dino. Corruption stones also play into other factors greatly increasing end game progression, checkout DOX book of smarts in game.
PYGMY DINOS:These dinos are another must have when building up towards boss fights as they act as passive perks for the player and dinos yielding additional damage reduction from foes or damage increase for tames. They can also be evolved into Primes! Pygmies are found in the wild and must be passively tamed, but be warned they are protected!
TRANSMUTE SHRINE:This item is used to gain specific summoning artifacts such as Ancient Prime Dinos while also summoning Megas and TITANs as needed!
Prime WILDs are your first real tier of bosses beyond Apex Alpha dinos. Prime WILDs are not tamable and cannot be torpid out or trapped. Next up is your Mega dinos which unlock tek items and drop Prime summoner artifacts to include the much sought-after corruption stone! Mega dinos have more predictable loot thus farming them could be more beneficial for specific items consistently. Be warned Mega Dinos and up roam Ark freely unhindered by render distance and act as living NPCs. TITAN dinos are your end game creatures which alone will be a true challenge for any player and only make an appearance for 45min intervals at a time.
DOX Discord: Have Questions?
Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.
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