Абисал крафт гайд
AbyssalCraft is a mod centered around exploration, but with growing magical elements that takes heavy inspiration from H.P. Lovecraft 's Cthulhu Mythos. This mod will have you encountering twisted fiends of the dark depths, casting eldritch rituals using forbidden artifacts, and summoning powerful bosses not of this world. The deeper you delve into the mod, the more twisted the worlds become and danger looms around every corner. Survive and you just might make it out with your sanity intact!
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Forum - old download page (deleted due to GDPR-related stuff)
CurseForge - main download page
Facebook - get the latest updates on future content
Github - Issue Tracker and the mod's sourcecode
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Мод под названием AbyssalCraft добавляет в игру ну очень много отличных вещей. Первое - биом. Биом в данной мире довольно тёмный, а так же небо в нём зачастую меняет свой цвет. Так же в нём присутствует новый вид деревьев, который имеет необычайно красивый вид листвы. И это ещё не всё. По всему миру регенерируются постройки из довольно красивых блоков. Так же мод добавляет новое измерение, мобов и еду. В новом измерении абсолютно всё сделано из тёмных блоков. В некоторых местах присутствуют неисчерпаемые источники воды, которые имеют свой, уникальный окрас. Так же для игроков в этом измерении приготовлен подарочек, а именно, обсидиановые столбы, на вышине которых красуются алмазные блоки. Теперь мобы. Естественно мод добавляет несколько примечательных мобов. К примеру: новый вид зомби, большой зомби, два противоборствующих голема, мини-босс, с которого выпадает одна полезная вещица, а так же два вида драконов! Еда. Про неё тут особо и нечего рассказывать, добавлен лишь маленький апгрейд стандартной тарелки.
Здравствуй, игрок. В этом гайде я обучу тебя моду AbyssalCraft.
Не удивляйся, если тебя начнут бить коровы, свиньи или курицы. Это Демоны, после убийства оболочки появится демоническое животное. С него падает гнилая плоть и мясо этого животного.
Для начала тебе нужно найти Шогготов.
Спойлер: Место спавна шогготовПосле их смерти выпадают статуи богов и плоть шоггота.
Статуи нужны для зарядки некрономикона.
Следующим шагом будет поиск гор тёмных земель. Они выглядят так:
Спойлер: Темные горыТебе нужны мобы ,,Темное существо'' ,,Темный монстр'' и ,,Темный зверь''. Они выглядят так:
Спойлер: Мобы гориз них выпадают фрагменты/осколки или камни тени, которые нам нужны. Их тебе нужно около 20.
Спойлер: Коралловое болотоОпускайся под землю ниже 30 высоты и находи коралловую руду, на первое время хватит стака.
Спойлер: Коралловая рудаСоздай пропитанный кораллом камень:
Спойлер: Крафт камняи выплавляй его в печке
Спойлер: Крафт некрономиконапосле создай вот такую конструкцию из статуй, которых ты выбили с шогготов:
Спойлер: конструкцияНужно встать в середину с некрономиконом и ждать. Так же можно поставить некрономикон на энергический пьедестал:
Спойлер: Крафт пьедесталаПосле того, как некрономикон наполнился создай такую конструкцию:
Спойлер: Основа алтаряПолучается вот так: Спойлер: Алтарь
На получившемся алтаре создай 5 камней трансмутации:
Спойлер: Крафт камня трансмутацииСоздай катализатор забвения:
Спойлер: Крафт катализатораПосле захода в мир ты видишь вот такую картину:
Спойлер: БезднаЗдесь есть много коралловой руды, добудь ее.
Так же здесь есть данжи, выглядят они так:
Спойлер: Данж БездныПеред сундуком есть коралловый камень, добудь их 36 штук, переплавь и создай 9 кирпича.
Теперь тебе нужно улучшить некрономикон. Создай посох раздирания:
Спойлер: Крафт посохаКак делается осколок забвения я уже показывал.
Отправляйся в Бездну и найди там шогготов. Теперь тыкай по ним пкм. После 100 нажатия тебе дадут сущность, их нужно 8. После отправляйся убивать глубинных зомби и выбей стак плоти, пораженной кораллами
Теперь сделай кожу бездной пустоши:
Спойлер: Кожа пустошиА теперь Асора. Из сделанных тобой коралловых кирпичей делай конструкцию:
Спойлер: Основа алтаря 2Сам ритуал Асоры таков:
Спойлер: Ритуал АсорыПризывай и убивай его из меча или лука. Тебе выпадет глаз Бездны (Асоры).
А еще создай трансмутатор:
Спойлер: ТрансмутаторОн работает на коралловых камнях
Следующим шагом будет камень силы. Создай трекер:
Спойлер: ТрекерНу а теперь мы создаем ключ в глубокоземье:
Спойлер: Ключ в глубокоземьеВ бездне клацай пкм и открывай портал:
Спойлер: Портал в глубокоземьеУбивая здешних мобов можно выбить фрагмент Глубокоземья и Глубокоземный осколок абиссальнита. Фрагментов нужно пару стаков а осколков 45 и около стака плоти шогготов.
Ищи шогготов/других мобов и выбивай сущность (так же как и с бездной) и улучшай некрономикон.
Теперь в трансмутатор положи 41 осколок абиссальнита и жди. Получившиеся красные осколки переделай в красные глубокоземные камни. Теперь перекладывай их в трансмутатор. У тебя получатся слитки дредиума. Делай 2 блока. Из красного камня глубокоземья сделай кирпичи. А теперь сделай кристаллизатор:
Спойлер: КристаллизаторКлади в кристаллизатор плоть шогготов и жди. Опять переделывай осколки в камни и клади в трансмутатор. Создай ткань:
Спойлер: Крафт тканиТак же ты можешь сделать глубокоземную пластину:
Спойлер: Крафт пластиныА теперь алтарь Чагарота, состоящий из двух частей:
Спойлер: Верхняя частьПосле создания алтаря отправляйся в горы глубокоземья и прокопавшись до 40 высоты ставь алтарь. Нажми пкм и призови Чагарота. Начало данжа выглядит так:
Спойлер: Данж ЧагаротаПолностью изучи данж, ведь там есть 2 блока дредиума и кристаллизатор.
Сам Чагарот выглядит так:
Спойлер: ЧагаротПосле его убийства падает зараженных ключ, который нужно засунуть в трансмутатор. После очистки ты получаешь ключ в Омотул.
На координатах X: 5, Y:53, Z: 7 ты найдешь Замок Джахара. На втором этаже сидит сам Джахар:
Спойлер: ДжахарПосле его убийства упадет сущность привратника, ей можно улучшить некрономикон до абиссальнамикона.
Если ты не успел его убить, то ниже комнаты Джахара есть алтарь, на котором можно запустить ритуал возрождения Джахара.
Welcome to AbyssalCraft! An eldritch horror mod that takes heavy inspiration from H.P. Lovecraft 's Cthulhu Mythos. This Minecraft mod will have you encountering twisted fiends of the dark depths, exploring strange worlds outside our understanding, and battling powerful bosses not of this world.
This page will serve as an introductory course to help you into the extensive mod.
Important Notes [ ]
The mod is currently a work in progress and there's a lot of planned content still to be added as time goes on. The information on this page reflects the Abyssalcraft's 1.10.2 build.
Generating a new world [ ]
The first thing you should do after installing AbyssalCraft (as of version 1.8.4 and later) is to craft a Necronomicon. This picture shows how a Necronomicon is crafted:
This book contains the majority of the information written on this wiki page, with some extra info on materials found in the various dimensions added by the mod (and new materials found in the Overworld).
As you might suspect, AbyssalCraft adds a new overworld biome when you generate a new world with it, the biome (called "The Darklands") is made out of Darklands grass, which is a purple/indigo grass that emits nether portal particles, and other things you can easily notice inside it is the trees (leaves have a similar color to the grass) and the various generated structure scattered around the place (as of lately, the structures are quite rare). A good start when you find a Darklands biome is to locate the 2 story high buildings that looks like a wizard tower, for the simple reason that it contains a fully powered enchantment table, allowing you to quickly enchant tools/armor as you obtain them.
Exploring the Overworld [ ]
Your next step should be crafting a Gateway Key, which will allow you to enter the Abyssal Wasteland. It's recommended that you stock up with armor and tools as well. Abyssalnite Armor and Tools can be made from coralium, which is slightly stronger than their iron counterparts.
You will then need to seek out a Darklands Mountains biome and slay enough Shadow Creatures, Shadow Monsters, and Shadow Beasts to obtain Shadow Gems which will be turned into Shards of Oblivion. To craft the Gateway Key you will need 16 gems.
Once you have the key, find a good open area to create the portal and right click the ground to open it. (It's advised that you gather a supply of food and light sources before going through the portal. Where you're going, those two are going to be hard to come by).
The Abyssal Wasteland [ ]
Upon entering the Abyssal Wasteland, you will find yourself in a world shrouded in darkness with no visible day/night cycle. You will enter the world right next to a portal leading back to the overworld in case you need to turn back. Your goal here is to find Abyssal Strongholds, which contain portals leading to the next of the mod's dimensions: The Dreadlands.
This new dark biome comes with its own spawn list of new hostile mobs that can easily overpower unsuspecting players. Here you will encounter dangerous mobs such as Depths Ghouls, Abyssal Zombies, Spectral Dragons, and Skeleton Goliaths as well as the vanilla spawning Zombies and Skeletons. It's strongly advised you established a small base around the portal back home before you venture out and explore.
Here are some notes on the new AbyssalCraft Mobs:
mark vanilla Zombies with a higher attack priority, serving as a distraction, if the player needs to escape.
are taller than normal mobs and can be kept at away with spaces smaller than 3 blocks high.
, in their current build, function similarly to the Ender Dragon from the vanilla version of the game. They can fly through blocks and have brief moments of invulnerability similar to their vanilla counterpart.
- The Skeleton Goliaths, despite their large 4 block high size can easily match the speed of a player if detected. Their high damage output coupled with their large amounts of health makes them a difficult foe to fight against.
Here's some notes as you explore the dark world.
- Combining 8 9-clusters of Coralium Gems with one block of Abyssal Stone creates a chunk of Coralium. Smelting this chunk will produce a Refined Coralium Ingot which is used to craft or upgrade your armor and tools into Refined Coralium.
- There's a total of 3 different types of Coralium Ore found in the wasteland. All of which craft down into Refined Coralium.
- The extremely tall obsidian pillars that can be found spawning around the land has a block of diamond on their tops.
Abyssal Strongholds [ ]
Located throughout the Abyssal Wastelands are underground fortresses known as Abyssal Strongholds. Similar to the Overworld's Strongholds, these structures house portals to the Dreadlands and are found using Powerstone Trackers.
Functioning similarly to Eyes of Ender, Powerstone Trackers are crafted by surrounding an Eye of Ender with eight Coralium Gems. The Trackers can then be thrown into the air as they begin to float in the direction of a Stronghold. More specifically, Trackers hone in on the Dreadlands Infused Powerstone hidden away in the Abyssal Stronghold itself. The Dreadlands Infused Powerstone can only be harvested with a Refined Coralium Pickaxe or better.
Summoning Asorah, The Fallen [ ]
Once the player obtains the components to craft an Altar, the first boss of AbyssalCraft, Asorah, The Fallen, may be summoned. In order to summon the boss, the Altar must be built in the wastelands using abyssal cobblestone. Assembling the altar requires a shift-right click to the center block with the second tier (abyssal wastelands) Necronomicon. Once built, Asorah can be summoned by the player performing the Ritual of the Sleeper (details in the Necronomicon).
Fighting Asorah can be tricky. During the fight,Spectral Dragons will spawn around him, allowing him to drain their life to heal his own, killing them in the process. It's worth noting that when a Spectral Dragon dies, they explode, dealing direct damage to Asorah. When Asorah reaches half health, he will start to slowly lose health when a spectral dragon is nearby. When he reaches 25% health, however, he will once again continue to drain the life out of the dragons.
Once defeated, Asorah will drop a large amount of experience as well as the "Eye of The Abyss".
Reaching The Dreadlands [ ]
In order to reach the Dreadlands, the player must have killed Asorah, located an Abyssal Stronghold, and have a gateway key, and be in the possession of a transmutation gem. Asorah's Dreaded Gateway Key is crafted by placing the gateway key in the center of the crafting grid, with the other 3 components around it (1 located on top of it, the other 2 on the sides in the grid). The key is used like it's former counterpart. Right-click on the ground and a portal will be created.
One thing you should do before heading to the Dreadlands is to create a Transmutation Gem and 5 Coralium Bricks . In order to obtain the Coralium Bricks, you need to pour Liquid Antimatter on Liquid Coralium, creating Coralium Stone. Liquid Antimatter can be found in the Coralium Infested Swamp biome, but can also be crafted if you can't find the biome (using 1 lava bucket, 1 water bucket, 1 milk bucket and 1 liquid coralium bucket, with 5 iron ingots placed as a boat with the buckets on top of it in the crafting grid).
The Dreadlands [ ]
Once inside the Dreadlands, you'll notice the Abyssalnite/Dreaded Abyssalnite Golems, who continuously fight each other (with the exception of the dreaded one also attacking the player). These mobs can be used as an easy way to farm huge quantities of Abyssalnite, as they drop chunks of it on death. The environment in the Dreadlands is quite desolate, but there are still mobs that spawn here (apart from the aforementioned golems). In the Dreadlands Forest biomes you can find Demon Pigs and Dread Spawns (and the golems plus the Dreadling, which has a fairly average chance of spawning in all of the various Dreadlands biomes). If you happen to stumble upon a Dreadlands Mountains biome, you should be able to find larger amounts of Dreadlings, but also Fists of Cha'garoth, Spawns of Cha'garoth and the infamous Dreadguard. The only ore you can find here are the Dreaded/Dreadlands Abyssalnite ores, which can be smelted down for more Abyssalnite Ingots. There is also a Purified Dreadlands biome (which is the opposite of the normal Dreadlands biome, since this one is covered in Abyssalnite Stone instead of Dreadstone).
Gaining Entry to Cha'garoth's Lair [ ]
In order to reach Cha'garoth, and fight him, you need to access his lair. This is done by crafting the two pieces of his altar, then placing them at ground level 40 inside a Dreadlands Mountains biome. However, in order to do this, you will need Dreadium Ingots, which can be obtained through a couple of methods. You can obtain them by transmuting Dreaded Shards of Abyssalnite (dropped by Dreadguards, who has a chance of spawning in any Dreadlands biome, but more often in Dreadlands Mountain biomes), or by crystallizing Dreaded Chunks of Abyssalnite (the Crystallizer is crafted by surrounding a furnace with Dreadstone Bricks, but with 1 Block of Dreadium on each side of the furnace). The altar consists of 2 pieces, a bottom part and a top part, the bottom part is crafted with 2 Bones, 1 Dread Cloth , 2 Dreadium Ingots, 2 Dreadstone, Asorah's Dreaded Gateway Key and 1 Dreaded Shard of Abyssalnite (the Gateway Key in the middle, with 1 Dreadium Ingot on each side, then 1 Dreadstone below the Dreadium Ingot, and the Dreaded Shard there, then the cloth on top of the Gateway Key with a Bone on each side of it). The top part requires 1 Bucket, 2 Sticks, 3 Dread Cloths and 3 Dreadium Ingots (the Bucket on top with 1 Stick on each side, then all of the Dread Cloth in the middle row and all of the Dreadium Ingots in the bottom row). Once you have the altar pieces, you will need to get to ground level 40 in the Dreadlands Mountains biome. When you place the bottom piece of the altar, you will get a message if the altar is placed at the wrong height, then you will get a message telling you to right-click the top part if both of the altar pieces have been placed correctly. Once you have clicked, the altar will disappear, and you will be inside Cha'garoth's Lair.
The Dread Cloth is crafted by putting a piece of leather in the middle, surrounded by Strings and Dread Fragments (four each, in a checkers pattern).
Defeating Cha'garoth [ ]
Reaching Omothol [ ]
Once you have defeated Cha'garoth and transmuted the Dread-plagued Gateway Key, you're good to go. Just use the new Cha'garoth's R'lyehian Gateway Key to open up a portal to Omothol.
Omothol [ ]
As of AbyssalCraft 1.8.2, Omothol is still quite the work-in-progress, so the dimension is currently just floating islands with Remnants, Shadow Creatures, Shadow Monsters, Shadow Beasts and Sacthoth populating its terrain. The Harbinger of Doom also has a small chance of spawning. Future plans for the dimension hint to an infinitely large, randomly generated city. When they are done editing, the will be a small village were you can fight J'zahar, The gate keeper of the abyss, who is the final boss.
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