A case of distrust прохождение
Distrust – не самая популярная игра. За полтора года в Steam у нее набралось только 800 отзывов. На мобильных проект никто особо и не ждал, но он все равно вышел стараниями издателя CMGE.
Distrust – это приключение с элементами хоррора и выживания, вдохновленное культовым фильмом «Нечто». Вам предстоит провести двух героев через процедурно генерируемую полярную станцию, на которой обитает некий кошмар. Всего разработчики приготовили 6 локаций, которые вы исследуете вдоль и поперек, когда будете скрываться от монстров и искать способы открыть очередную дверь.
В этом руководстве мы расскажем, как продержаться в арктической пустоши как можно дольше, и посоветуем, как бороться с голодом, холодом, истощением и местными аномалиями.
11 фев. 2018 в 8:36 [Spoilers] I'm stuck I found out that Red Stable has olther detective friends, I know that Tiny Paul has people watching Green and that he loaned him money, and I'm waiting for Sam Shipman to call the bar. Mrs. Green has two tickets to St Louis, but otherwise is in an opium binge so I can't talk to her. What should I do next? I've exhausted pretty much every lead I have [Разработчик] 11 фев. 2018 в 9:42As the title of the post says, SPOILERS ahead for people still not where Plato is:
So, it sounds like you found out the note was a fake. And you discovered a bit about Green's past. You just need to look into that last Goal: get a bit more information on Green's bootlegging scheme.
Sometimes, even good detectives get stuck. For Malone, talking aloud to Frankie usually sets her gears in motion. Maybe asking Frankie about that Goal might point you in the right direction?
(I'm trying to be vague so as to not spoil it for ya, but let me know if that doesn't help, and I can push the hint a bit further. Good luck!)
Examine the ice box in the back room to see that it is empty. Talk to the cat and contradict it:
- Evidence: Home - Ice box No Food Here
Answer the door to meet Connor Green, who will give you a letter. Look at everything else in your apartment, then use the door on the right to leave.
Southern Coffee
Pick up the bottle of wine on the counter and talk to Frankie, until you are interrupted by Mrs Green. When prompted, try to convince her you are a PI:
After finishing your conversations with Mrs Green and Frankie, look at everything else here. Talk to Frankie:
- Evidence: Southern Coffee - Cocktail shaker Pour Me Another
Head up the stairs on the right to leave, and you will get some suggestions from Frankie On the Job .
Stable's Barber Shop
Look around the shop at everything, then talk to Redstone Stable:
- Evidence: Stable's Barber Shop - Picture frame My Zaide
- Evidence: Home - Green's letter
- Statements: Connor Green - Suspects Redstone Stable
Leave through the door to the left.
Tin Spoon Lounge
When you are asked for a password to enter, use this:
- Evidence: Southern Coffee - Bottle with poem
Upstairs, look at everything in the room, then talk to Tiny Paul:
- Evidence: The Tin Spoon - Password Becoming Learned
- Evidence: The Tin Spoon - Wine bottle
- Evidence: Home - Green's letter
- Statements: Connor Green - Suspects Redstone Stable
Leaving through the door to the left.
Green's House
Try to rouse Mrs Green, but she won't respond to you. Make sure you search the house before leaving.
Police Station
Shipman here will tell you the letter is a fake, and will promise to call you with any information.
Southern Coffee
Talk to Frankie, and if you have already spoken to Tiny Paul about the wine at the Tin Spoon Lounge, you will end up receiving a call from Shipman. Show him the following:
- Evidence: Green House - Tickets to St. Louis
Talk to him about the tickets to St Louis from Green's House. Head up the stairs on the right to leave, and you will get some more useful help from Frankie.
Sudden Events
Police Station
Your journey here will be interrupted Vision .
You will automatically end up here.
Police Station
You will briefly see Mrs Green and then talk to Grant and Shipman.
The Real Case
Green's House
Before asking questions, look at the hat on the stand to the left. Now talk to Mrs Green:
- Statements: Connor Green - Got a threatening letter
- Statements: Mrs Green - Mrs Green's gray coat
- Statements: Mrs Green - Arrival at Southern Coffee
- Statements: Mrs Green - Singer at the Tin Spoon (then ask where she was raised) A Broken Levi
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Black Hand letter is fake
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green died at midnight
- Evidence: Green House - Empty bottles
- Evidence: Green House - Wilting plant
- Evidence: Green House - Hat
Tin Spoon Lounge
After meeting Fred Grant on the way in, look at the billiards table to see the cards on the table, then talk to Ella Smith:
- Evidence: Home - Newspaper The Capital
- Evidence: The Tin Spoon - Cards on the table
- Evidence: The Tin Spoon - Paul wasn't here
- Statements: Ella Smith - She was holding back tears
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green died at midnight
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green was killed with a .45
- Statements: Ella Smith - Smith is Chinese
Stable's Barber Shop
Here you will meet Ray Carter. Talk to him:
- Evidence: Home - Newspaper Das Kapital
- Evidence: The Tin Spoon - Cards on the table
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green died at midnight
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green was killed with a .45
- Statements: Ella Smith - Fanny wasn't in the pool hall at midnight
Tanforan Racetrack
Search the area and you will find a gun in the trash can, then Redstone Stable will arrive. Ask him about the following:
- Evidence: Stable's Barber Shop - Stable wasn't here
- Evidence: Stable's Racetrack - Gun
- Statements: Redstone Stable - Had known my name
- Statements: Redstone Stable - Claims he doesn't bootleg
- Statements: Ray Carter - Sitting in Stable's barber chair
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green's Oakland past is a lie
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green died at midnight
Leave by going through the turnstile on the right.
Tin Spoon Lounge
Talk to Ella Smith again:
- Statements: Ray Carter - Ella flings herself at Paul
Tiny Paul's Apartment
Look around the room, then talk to Tiny Paul:
- Statements: Connor Green - Has a new bootlegging scheme
- Statements: Mrs Green - Singer at The Tin Spoon
- Evidence: Green House - Wilting plant
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green died at midnight
- Statements: Sam Shipman - Green was killed with a .45
- Statements: Ella Smith - Most Tin Spoon patrons had guns
Tanforan Racetrack
- Statements: Tiny Paul - Stable hadn't slept all night
Stable's Barber Shop
Talk to Ray Carter again:
- Statements: Redstone Stable - The Tin Spoon has a back exit
Tin Spoon Lounge
Return to talk to Ella Smith:
- Statements: Redstone Stable - The Tin Spoon has a back exit
Tiny Paul's Apartment
Ask Tiny Paul some more questions:
- Statements: Ella Smith - The Tin Spoon has a back exit
- Statements: Ella Smith - Smith is in love with Paul
- Evidence: Paul's Apartment - Holster
- Evidence: Stable's Racetrack - Gun
- Statements: Tiny Paul - Someone close could snag his gun
Green's House
Continue your interrogation of Mrs Green:
- Statements: Ella Smith - Fanny wasn't in the pool hall at midnight
- Statements: Tiny Paul - Paul is an admirer of Mrs Green
- Statements: Ella Smith - The Tin Spoon has a back exit
- Statements: Mrs Green - Mrs Green had no alibi
Now you can accuse her of the murder.
- Means - Statements: Tiny Paul - Someone close could snag his gun
- Motive - Statements: Mrs Green - She was having an affair with Paul
- Opportunity - Statements: Mrs Green - Mrs Green had no alibi
Southern Coffee
Talk to Frankie one last time Master Sleuth .
These walkthroughs may not be published or reproduced in any format without the author's prior written consent. All game titles, art and character references remain the copyright of their respective holders.
Полтора года назад в Steam вышел необычный детектив под названием A Case of Distrust. Игра привлекает всем: от детективной истории в сеттинге 20-х годов США до оригинального визуального стиля, вдохновленного работами дизайнера Сола Басса. Проект получил несколько наград от критиков и довольно положительные оценки как от игроков, так и от критиков. А теперь он добрался и до мобильных.
В A Case of Distrust вам предстоит сыграть за детектива, который отправляется распутывать дело, погружаясь в нелегальные спикизи (заведения, куда заходили выпить во времена сухого закона в США), бильярдные бары, барбершопы и другие атмосферные места прошлого века.
Ваша задача — допрашивать подозреваемых и пытаться угадать, кто из них лжет, опираясь на их заявления, ваши улики и природную смекалку.
К сожалению, игра не переведена на русский. Просят за нее стандартные 379 рублей.
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