Video rendering and playback adobe premiere не активна
Движок Adobe Mercury Playback, лежащий в основе Premiere CS5, поддерживает ускорение CUDA лишь для нескольких видеокарт Quadro и GeForce GTX 285. Однако, определение поддержки видеокарты осуществляется простым сравнением названия со списком, и список может быть изменён для добавления поддержки других видеокарт на базе NVIDIA.
- Используется полная версия Adobe Premiere CS5. Пробная (trial) версия не поддерживается.
- Графический процессор видеокарты имеет уровень CUDA compatibility 1.1 и выше. Видеокарты на базе G80 имеют уровень лишь 1.0 и не подходят для Mercury Engine.
- Видеокарта имеет не менее 896 Мб видеопамяти. Хотя для включения ускорения требуется лишь 765 Мб, эта память должна быть полностью доступна приложению, а часть видеопамяти всегда занята под обслуживание графического интерфейса Windows и обмен с драйвером, так что с картой с 768 Мб видеопамяти приложению будет доступно меньше 765 Мб и ускорение работать не будет.
- Установлен драйвер NVIDIA версии не ниже 197.45.
Выполните следующую последовательность действий:
- Mercury Playback не ускоряет кодирование/декодирование видео — это работа кодека. Одновременная работа с проектом и экспорт проекта с кодеком, также использующим ускорение CUDA , может привести к непредсказуемым результатам.
- Не все эффекты ускоряются.
- Ускорение корректно работает лишь для первых трех слоев, последующие слои могут обрабатываться аппаратно лишь частично и возможны артефакты изображения.
- Предельные разрешение обрабатываемого видео и число слоев зависят от объема видеопамяти. Рекомендуется включать функцию ускорения CUDA лишь для видеокарт с большим, чем 1 Гб, объемом памяти.
Мучаюсь с GTX 860m. Нет поддержки ни в Афтере ни в Премьере. Пляшу уже неделю с бубном. ничего не помогает
сделал экспорт тест без куда - 2:39 с куда - 1:37 прирост однозначно есть и заметный спасибо за инструкцию ;)
Здравствуйте. У меня ноут Lenovo ideapad z500a. Карта в нем GeForce GT 740M (2 гб памяти) и еще есть intel HD graphics 4000, но я ее отключил, потому что толку с нее мало. Проц Intel Core i5-3230M 2.6 ГГц, оперативки 6144. Сделал все, что указано у вас, в настройках Nvidia поставил также вторую видеокарту по умолчанию (740М), но превью также тормозит. Даже не получается его отрендерить и посмотреть нормально. Над видео нет зеленой полоски, после того, как отрендерило. Что подскажете? До этого у меня был макбук эйр 11`. Там стояла только intel HD graphics 4000 и превью не тормозило вообще! Его у меня украли одни нехорошие люди, поэтому был вынужден взять эту бандуру. Еще такой момент, я начитался разных форумов и увидел, что рекомендованные для премьера кодеки видео - AVCHD или H.264. У меня формат .MOV снятый на зеркалку, там, скорее всего, кодеки совсем дургие. Т.е. это и может быть главной причиной. Но на маке у меня хавало такой формат как нече делать, а тут выделывается. Я уже и пробовал запускать премьер на Hd graphics 4000 и все равно не то пальто.
Всем привет! У меня карточка GeForce GT 520 MX. Подключил к Premiere, как указано в статье. В итоге при рендеринге или работе с эффектами GPU-Z показывает, что карточка задействуется максимум на 5% и разогревается до 70 градусов. При этом процессор так же работает на полную, рендеринг не ускоряется, при проигрывании на линейке с эффектами (ставил самые простые, из стандартных, типа autocolor) такие же тормоза. Ну может чуть лучше стало. Отсюда риторический вопрос - а стоит-ли оно того - гробить видеокарту, когда можно огрничиться насилованием ЦП?
Евгений Лотарев 29 августа 2013 года, 20:35
Low-end видеокарты для этого не подходят. Как по кол-ву конвейеров, так и по объёму и шине памяти. Ну и ". с картой с 768 Мб видеопамяти приложению будет доступно меньше 765 Мб и ускорение работать не будет."
Точно такая же ситуация только с GTX 650 Boost 2 гб памяти
Александр, добавили свою карточку в файл поддерживаемых видеокарт? Проверили, что она определяется? Врядли она поддерживается по-умолчанию.
спасибо большое автору за статью. все прописал, получилось в точности как написано в статье, у меня gt 630m, i5 2450m, тормозов пока не наблюдаю при монтаже, хотя особо много еще и не закидывал, видео с 600d canon hd 1920 1080, вроде пока нормал, пробовал даже три слоя с наложением софт лайта двух верхних слоев с разной прозрачностью, получилось сборная солянка, ничего, вроде тащит, хорошая вещь куда.
Наконец то нашел хоть какую то статью про Cuda и этот редактор. Я только, все равно немного не понимаю: вот наложение эффектов на видео и просмотр в прямом эфире видеокарта обрабатывает. А вот, сам рендер видео при сохранении видеоролика тоже обрабатывается видеокартой? Надеюсь что так. Скоро попробую заставить Адоб работать со своей картой. Кстати, ни у кого не было проблем с GTX 260?
Galdralag Galdralag 25 июня 2012 года, 14:00
Автору спасибо за статью!
Сегодня поставил Zotac GeForce GTX 560. Что-то не сильно изменилось в премьере. При прокрутке по прежнему тормоза. В cuda всё прописал, в свойствах проекта mercuri включено. Где-то видимо что-то не так.
Геор Сланов 17 сентября 2013 года, 12:52
Оперативки установи хотя бы 8
спасибо за статью, заставил работать мою Zotac GeForce 9800 GT2 в PPro 5. Пусть старенький PC на базе Core2Duo поработает еще немного) п.с. настоятельно рекомендую обновлять драйвер в обязательном порядке.
GTS250 долго думает и не выводит на экран. может изза того что основная видяха 6850.
а влияет ли фирма-производитель на то, запуститься ли куда на карточках, не предназначенных для этого? И если да, то что предпочтительнее (MSI, Zotac, Asus, Gigabite)?
Игорь Шевченко 24 февраля 2012 года, 11:42
спасибо за статью, все понятно, как надо сделать.
- на GTX480 и CS5.5 нормально будут работать mov файлы с марка? - а для After Effects CUDA включается?
Игорь Шевченко 2 февраля 2012 года, 18:54
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здравствуйте. У меня вопрос: Сделал все, как указано в мануале, в настройках проекта стала активной «Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration». Проблема в следующем: при выборе данного режима все вычисления все равно производятся через ЦП в обход видеокарты (GPU-Z показывает, что ни при работе в самом премьере, ни при рендере видео ядро и память видеокарты не задействуются). В чем может быть проблема? Карточка Gigabyte GF GTX 560.
Adobe Premiere Pro – один из лучших графических пакетов для работы с 360-градусным контентом, включающий постоянные обновления. Но с другой стороны, частые обновления периодически приводят к ошибкам, одной из которых является проблема с обнаружением видеокарты ПК. Для базового монтажа это не критично, но при использовании сложных функций, например выравнивание горизонта с помощью VR Projection, без поддержки GPU не обойтись.
Так что же делать, если после очередного обновления Adobe Premiere Pro 2018 перестал обнаруживать видеокарту? Во-первых, вы узнаете о наличие проблемы при попытке задействовать сложный эффект монтажа, когда вместо его применения появится всплывающее окошко с предупреждением о необходимости использования графического процессора. Также вычислить проблему можно и вручную, открыв меню File, затем перейдя в раздел Project Settings и под общей вкладкой посмотрев на настройку Renderer. Если там можно выбрать только вариант Mercury Playback Engine, значит Adobe Premiere не смог определить видеокарту.
Для устранения проблемы необходимо открыть корневую папку программы и запустить из нее файл GPUSniffer.exe. Появится всплывающее окно с командной строкой, которое затем автоматически закроется после завершения работы утилиты GPUSniffer. Далее потребуется лишь перезапустить Adobe Premiere и проблема должна быть решена.
Если видеокарта по-прежнему не обнаружена, тогда следует выполнить следующие шаги:
- Обновить драйвер видеокарты до последней версии.
- Отключить встроенный графический процессор через «Диспетчер устройств».
- Снова запустить GPUSniffer.
Кстати, как показывает практика, Adobe Premiere гораздо эффективнее и менее конфликтно работает с видеокартами семейства NVidia GTX. При этом необязательно покупать самую дорогую карту. К примеру, вполне бюджетный по сегодняшним меркам чип GTX 1050 Ti 4GB отлично справляется даже со шлемами виртуальной реальности Oculus Rift. Что касается вышеописанного метода решения проблем с обнаружением видеокарты, то он применим и к другим продуктам Adobe – After Effects, Media Encoder и т.д.
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Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Video rendering and playback premiere pro cc grayed out after Pr Pro update /t5/premiere-pro-discussions/video-rendering-and-playback-premiere-pro-cc-grayed-out-after-pr-pro-update/td-p/10155715 Nov 23, 2018 Nov 23, 2018Copy link to clipboard
I have a problem after the update to Premiere Pro CC 2019. My video rendering and playback option is all grayed out when starting a new project. In Premiere Pro CC 2018 i could choose between: "Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (CUDA)"(the one i always choose) and "Mercury Playback Engine Software Only". But in CC 2019 version the option is grayed out on the "software only" option.
This is resulting(i assume is the reason) that when i open all my old projects all my rendering is on done(shows red) and most of my LUTS have gone all arse ways. When i start new project every clip i import shows red in the sequence panel(not yellow like in CC 2018). This is slowing down my workflow by about 40% due to rendering and extensive exporting times.
Any suggestions what could be the issue?
Best regards James
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Hi,Sorry for your issue. I understand that you are unable to make changes to the Video Renderer since it is grayed out with Mercury Playback Engine Software only. There have been few changes to the support for GPU acceleration with the latest Adobe Premiere Pro update. Please check this article for details: Important information on GPU-acceleration with CUDA and Apple Metal | Adobe Blog Please try updating the latest drivers by choosing the Nvidia GPU installed on your machine via this link: Download Drivers | NVIDIA.Copy link to clipboard
Sorry for your issue. I understand that you are unable to make changes to the Video Renderer since it is grayed out with Mercury Playback Engine Software only . There have been few changes to the support for GPU acceleration with the latest Adobe Premiere Pro update. Please check this article for details: Important information on GPU-acceleration with CUDA and Apple Metal | Adobe Blog
- Please try updating the latest drivers by choosing the Nvidia GPU installed on your machine via this link: Download Drivers | NVIDIA.
The CUDA version should be 9.2 or higher.
Let us know if it helps.
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This happened to me as well.
Working on projects no problem and then after the 2019 update I am suddenly obsolete.
"Renderer" greyed out and apparently suddenly needing twice as much GB on my GeForce GTX 770 as the Premiere version, and countless CUDA enhanced projects, just prior.
Cuda Driver for my Windows 10 threw "not compatible with this version of Windows" and "This graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware" errors.
Totally hosed here.
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With that GPU you would need to stay in 2018. They're moving forward and trying to limit the back-code left in as part of trying to gain stability.
Updating gear is something to simply plan for in video post work. Painful as it can be at times.
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Well "that GPU" is still sitting pretty on their recommended video adapters and on a secondary machine rolling back trumps updating gear.
The crux is seeing the casual "you knew this was coming" or much better "they didn't change much in the way of GPU acceleration" responses. Laughable. Luckily I am gaining solace reading through the dozens of threads (here and abroad) sizzling on this very topic.
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You can always have a great discussion on how much older gear they should support. Especially when the manufacturer of that gear has changed their system, relegating the older bits . old.
It is fascinating to watch as users insist that the PrPro team should 1) totally rewrite their code to make everything faster 2) get more stability 3) immediately support any new gear/camera/device/codec and . 4) work seamlessly and fast on things running near a decade old.
The code for the older GPUs is completely different from that for the newer ones. That's not Adobe's fault, it's because of the major changes to improve their product made by the GPU folks. So . should Nvidia and AMD freeze their software/architecture to the current model so that all current GPUs work in anything forever?
I'm not thinking that would sell to anyone, really.
PrPro's code has to change, and in time, needs to drop code only there for older gear that's not been made in several years. Fact of life. And yea, I've both upgraded and had to buy new rigs a couple different times in the last four years. Called a cost of doing business. Not that I enjoy it. And . as my media needs are going up a tad, I'm gonna need not just a new but a rather robust new build this winter. THAT bill . gonna be an ouch.
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I do face similar issue with a GTX1080 TI, do you mean this card is obsolet as well ?
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Of course not. I hope you did actually read the thread? The GPU listed above is an older architecture card than yours. That older card is not supported, yours is.
So the problem isn't actually the same . if you're having troubles with a 1080, that is solvable, we'd just need to know what your total rig is and what exactly is happening. With some of the 970's and I think all 960's & earlier, they can't use the newer and needed driver series.
So . OS/CPU/RAM, how much vRAM on that 1080Ti, and what is your driver version? Is this a desktop or laptop? And of course, we are talking about the Project settings option here for Mercury Acceleration . not the Export dialog box.
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Also, how much VRAM does your GTX 770 have?
You see, MPE GPU acceleration in Premiere Pro CC 2019 now requires 4 GB or more VRAM just to even enable it. Most GTX 770's, unfortunately, have only 2 GB of VRAM.
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Hey legend. Unfortunately my VRAM is 4GB. And I am still not getting Cuda Acceleration!
My system is in the cut off of basic minimum system requirement, I don't do much of the editing as well. It should have worked fine.
Why my GPU acceleration is grey out and how do I fixed it. Don't tell me you need to update or anything.
I have Adobe 14.4 and latest Driver updates. What do I do now, map me there.
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There is no fix at all, in this case. Beginning with CUDA 11.0 (which debuted with driver version 451.48), the newer drivers now no longer suipport any of the first-gen Kepler GPUs (those that use any of the GK10x chips, including your GTX 770) for CUDA processing. The current 456.38 Game Ready driver will install on your system with the GTX 770, but CUDA will be disabled. CUDA support for all Kepler and first-gen Maxwell GPUs had been depreciated beginning with the 441.xx series drivers (CUDA support for the first-gen Kepler GPUs had at the time been locked to CUDA 10.0 level while that in the second-gen Kepler and first-gen Maxwell GPUs have been locked to CUDA 10.1 level).
All that is so that Nvidia can add support for the new Ampere architecture GPUs (beginning with the RTX 3080, which began shipping to resellers this past Thursday) in newer drivers, beginning with the aforementioned 456.38 driver.
As a result of the changes, beginning with Premiere Pro 14.3.1, Adobe now requires full hardware support for CUDA 10.1 or higher in order to even use GPU acceleration at all. Unfortunately, your GTX 770 (and all other GPUs based on the first-gen Kepler architecture) do not have hardware support for the additional features in CUDA 10.1.
So, your GTX 770 is now obsolete, as far as CUDA is concerned. And unfortunately, the only fix is a new graphics card (GPU).
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but mine is GTX 1650 and it worked even before installing CUDA tool kit 11.
the error came in the last 2 days only. I debug with CUDA, not working still. same with other editors. (DaVinciResolves) They dont let me into the software cuz says no graphic card found.
I completely uninstall the driver using DDU and reinstalled everything latest.
Yet, same. can't enter Da vinci nor my work flow on the premier pro.
should i just Reboot my system?
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I'm also having this problem. Although yesterday it worked just fine, today I cannot create a new project, nor open yesterday's project, and get CUDA rendering, the choice is gray and set to software only. Could it be because I'm also currently running a 360 stitcher that is using the graphics card? In any case, this is a bug, because either it should tell me why it's doing this, or it should find a way to let me use it. Definitely not a hardware or driver problem, as I said, it worked just yesterday.
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If you have another app running that is taking the GPU, then Premiere will probably not be able to access it "correctly". I would guess a 360 stitcher would use a GPU a fair amount.
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I had this problem after updating my NVIDIA driver for my Geforce card. After a bit of head scratching, I just downloaded and installed Nvidia's CUDA Toolkit and Premiere gave me the CUDA option again.
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Well just open registry editor>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>KHRONOS>OPENCL>VENDORS. Now select your driver mine is intel and amd. so i double click intel and set Value data: 1
Now just click on OK. open adobe pr pro. now you can able to choose your gpu acceleration(openCL).
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If you're having trouble figuring which driver to change value data for look to where it says "Data" which should be to the left of "Type". The one you want to change will say something like "None Entered" or "No Value Entered" or something of that matter. Hope this helps.
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There is a file called "cuda_supported_cards.txt" in the installation directory of Premiere Pro. Check that file to see if your card is supported if your graphics card isn't there, it isn't supported. Please do not add your card to the list to make it work regardless, as that might be against the EULA.
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That old supported cards list is ONLY for CS6 PrPro, since then the app simply looks at the resources (shaders/CUDA count, vRAM) and drives of the GPU. This does nothing for any CC PrPro version.
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Guess what? That file does absolutely nothing at all in any recent version of Premiere Pro. In fact, there is absolutely no such file at all in any of the currently available versions of Premiere Pro.
With that said, since the introduction of CUDA 11, the old first-gen Kepler GPUs such as the GTX 770 that's referenced in an earlier post are no longer supported for CUDA processing. And earlier this month, Nvidia itself announced the EOL of driver development and support for all remaining Kepler GPUs, with the last new driver release with new feature support expected to be released this coming August 31 while critical security fixes will continue for another three years after that date.
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It's a shame you pay for a product that works and when the update comes in, it doesn't work anymore. When you pay for a product, you are paying for that specific service/product, if they change it, that is called in this case, theft of service. If they take something away or it doesn't work as descxribed, there should be a price drop for a someone lemon or "BAIT AND SWITCH.' It's truly unethical practice. If they modify a product that you are already paying for, by law, they should let you know so you can make an educated decision. Anything less is unethical. Shame on Adobe
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Hey, rant away. I've poste a couple epic ones here, feel free!
Just . understand while many of us may agree with parts of any one rant, there's some things you said that don't make sense to other's also. Everyone's mileage always varies of course.
For instance . according to your reasoning, they could never ever put out a new version.
Because . any new version, that adopts updated code and internal practices . will stop working well, if at all, with certain older gear. That's been a fact of life the entire time of computers. And then you have licensing and "partnering" situations, where any company is legally required to make changes in the product.
Past that, you have situations like Apple making it very, very clear to any company wishing to remain a "partner" of their development, that for instance certain GPU processes must be discontinued. To wit, OpenCL. Getting on Apple's "bad people" list is very, very easy to do, and is not pleasant for other companies.
And that is past the simple truth that no one has to update the software immediately. It's a user choice. And you can keep working in the older version, and you are at that point still fully using their service.
I've had new major versions where I needed to remain on the old one for 3-6 months before they had an update that would work on my system. And I worked just fine for that time. Kept testing the new update patches they released, and when it finally worked on my kit I migrated my projects forward.
That's life in the computer world.
BlackMagic's Resolve went a major upgrade from 17.3 to 17.4, which totally bonked on some user's systems. Just like with the Adobe apps, most worked fine. Some had annoying issues but could still work. And some couldn't work at all.
They've put out a patch, which has some bonked users able to migrate. But still not all. Because . that's life in the computer age.
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I have a problem after the update to Premiere Pro CC 2019. My video rendering and playback option is all grayed out when starting a new project. In Premiere Pro CC 2018 i could choose between: "Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (CUDA)"(the one i always choose) and "Mercury Playback Engine Software Only". But in CC 2019 version the option is grayed out on the "software only" option.
This is resulting(i assume is the reason) that when i open all my old projects all my rendering is on done(shows red) and most of my LUTS have gone all arse ways. When i start new project every clip i import shows red in the sequence panel(not yellow like in CC 2018). This is slowing down my workflow by about 40% due to rendering and extensive exporting times.
Any suggestions what could be the issue?
Best regards James
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Hi,Sorry for your issue. I understand that you are unable to make changes to the Video Renderer since it is grayed out with Mercury Playback Engine Software only. There have been few changes to the support for GPU acceleration with the latest Adobe Premiere Pro update. Please check this article for details: Important information on GPU-acceleration with CUDA and Apple Metal | Adobe Blog Please try updating the latest drivers by choosing the Nvidia GPU installed on your machine via this link: Download Drivers | NVIDIA.Copy link to clipboard
Sorry for your issue. I understand that you are unable to make changes to the Video Renderer since it is grayed out with Mercury Playback Engine Software only . There have been few changes to the support for GPU acceleration with the latest Adobe Premiere Pro update. Please check this article for details: Important information on GPU-acceleration with CUDA and Apple Metal | Adobe Blog
- Please try updating the latest drivers by choosing the Nvidia GPU installed on your machine via this link: Download Drivers | NVIDIA.
The CUDA version should be 9.2 or higher.
Let us know if it helps.
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This happened to me as well.
Working on projects no problem and then after the 2019 update I am suddenly obsolete.
"Renderer" greyed out and apparently suddenly needing twice as much GB on my GeForce GTX 770 as the Premiere version, and countless CUDA enhanced projects, just prior.
Cuda Driver for my Windows 10 threw "not compatible with this version of Windows" and "This graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware" errors.
Totally hosed here.
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With that GPU you would need to stay in 2018. They're moving forward and trying to limit the back-code left in as part of trying to gain stability.
Updating gear is something to simply plan for in video post work. Painful as it can be at times.
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Well "that GPU" is still sitting pretty on their recommended video adapters and on a secondary machine rolling back trumps updating gear.
The crux is seeing the casual "you knew this was coming" or much better "they didn't change much in the way of GPU acceleration" responses. Laughable. Luckily I am gaining solace reading through the dozens of threads (here and abroad) sizzling on this very topic.
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You can always have a great discussion on how much older gear they should support. Especially when the manufacturer of that gear has changed their system, relegating the older bits . old.
It is fascinating to watch as users insist that the PrPro team should 1) totally rewrite their code to make everything faster 2) get more stability 3) immediately support any new gear/camera/device/codec and . 4) work seamlessly and fast on things running near a decade old.
The code for the older GPUs is completely different from that for the newer ones. That's not Adobe's fault, it's because of the major changes to improve their product made by the GPU folks. So . should Nvidia and AMD freeze their software/architecture to the current model so that all current GPUs work in anything forever?
I'm not thinking that would sell to anyone, really.
PrPro's code has to change, and in time, needs to drop code only there for older gear that's not been made in several years. Fact of life. And yea, I've both upgraded and had to buy new rigs a couple different times in the last four years. Called a cost of doing business. Not that I enjoy it. And . as my media needs are going up a tad, I'm gonna need not just a new but a rather robust new build this winter. THAT bill . gonna be an ouch.
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I do face similar issue with a GTX1080 TI, do you mean this card is obsolet as well ?
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Of course not. I hope you did actually read the thread? The GPU listed above is an older architecture card than yours. That older card is not supported, yours is.
So the problem isn't actually the same . if you're having troubles with a 1080, that is solvable, we'd just need to know what your total rig is and what exactly is happening. With some of the 970's and I think all 960's & earlier, they can't use the newer and needed driver series.
So . OS/CPU/RAM, how much vRAM on that 1080Ti, and what is your driver version? Is this a desktop or laptop? And of course, we are talking about the Project settings option here for Mercury Acceleration . not the Export dialog box.
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Also, how much VRAM does your GTX 770 have?
You see, MPE GPU acceleration in Premiere Pro CC 2019 now requires 4 GB or more VRAM just to even enable it. Most GTX 770's, unfortunately, have only 2 GB of VRAM.
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Hey legend. Unfortunately my VRAM is 4GB. And I am still not getting Cuda Acceleration!
My system is in the cut off of basic minimum system requirement, I don't do much of the editing as well. It should have worked fine.
Why my GPU acceleration is grey out and how do I fixed it. Don't tell me you need to update or anything.
I have Adobe 14.4 and latest Driver updates. What do I do now, map me there.
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There is no fix at all, in this case. Beginning with CUDA 11.0 (which debuted with driver version 451.48), the newer drivers now no longer suipport any of the first-gen Kepler GPUs (those that use any of the GK10x chips, including your GTX 770) for CUDA processing. The current 456.38 Game Ready driver will install on your system with the GTX 770, but CUDA will be disabled. CUDA support for all Kepler and first-gen Maxwell GPUs had been depreciated beginning with the 441.xx series drivers (CUDA support for the first-gen Kepler GPUs had at the time been locked to CUDA 10.0 level while that in the second-gen Kepler and first-gen Maxwell GPUs have been locked to CUDA 10.1 level).
All that is so that Nvidia can add support for the new Ampere architecture GPUs (beginning with the RTX 3080, which began shipping to resellers this past Thursday) in newer drivers, beginning with the aforementioned 456.38 driver.
As a result of the changes, beginning with Premiere Pro 14.3.1, Adobe now requires full hardware support for CUDA 10.1 or higher in order to even use GPU acceleration at all. Unfortunately, your GTX 770 (and all other GPUs based on the first-gen Kepler architecture) do not have hardware support for the additional features in CUDA 10.1.
So, your GTX 770 is now obsolete, as far as CUDA is concerned. And unfortunately, the only fix is a new graphics card (GPU).
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but mine is GTX 1650 and it worked even before installing CUDA tool kit 11.
the error came in the last 2 days only. I debug with CUDA, not working still. same with other editors. (DaVinciResolves) They dont let me into the software cuz says no graphic card found.
I completely uninstall the driver using DDU and reinstalled everything latest.
Yet, same. can't enter Da vinci nor my work flow on the premier pro.
should i just Reboot my system?
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I'm also having this problem. Although yesterday it worked just fine, today I cannot create a new project, nor open yesterday's project, and get CUDA rendering, the choice is gray and set to software only. Could it be because I'm also currently running a 360 stitcher that is using the graphics card? In any case, this is a bug, because either it should tell me why it's doing this, or it should find a way to let me use it. Definitely not a hardware or driver problem, as I said, it worked just yesterday.
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If you have another app running that is taking the GPU, then Premiere will probably not be able to access it "correctly". I would guess a 360 stitcher would use a GPU a fair amount.
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I had this problem after updating my NVIDIA driver for my Geforce card. After a bit of head scratching, I just downloaded and installed Nvidia's CUDA Toolkit and Premiere gave me the CUDA option again.
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Well just open registry editor>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>KHRONOS>OPENCL>VENDORS. Now select your driver mine is intel and amd. so i double click intel and set Value data: 1
Now just click on OK. open adobe pr pro. now you can able to choose your gpu acceleration(openCL).
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If you're having trouble figuring which driver to change value data for look to where it says "Data" which should be to the left of "Type". The one you want to change will say something like "None Entered" or "No Value Entered" or something of that matter. Hope this helps.
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There is a file called "cuda_supported_cards.txt" in the installation directory of Premiere Pro. Check that file to see if your card is supported if your graphics card isn't there, it isn't supported. Please do not add your card to the list to make it work regardless, as that might be against the EULA.
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That old supported cards list is ONLY for CS6 PrPro, since then the app simply looks at the resources (shaders/CUDA count, vRAM) and drives of the GPU. This does nothing for any CC PrPro version.
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Guess what? That file does absolutely nothing at all in any recent version of Premiere Pro. In fact, there is absolutely no such file at all in any of the currently available versions of Premiere Pro.
With that said, since the introduction of CUDA 11, the old first-gen Kepler GPUs such as the GTX 770 that's referenced in an earlier post are no longer supported for CUDA processing. And earlier this month, Nvidia itself announced the EOL of driver development and support for all remaining Kepler GPUs, with the last new driver release with new feature support expected to be released this coming August 31 while critical security fixes will continue for another three years after that date.
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It's a shame you pay for a product that works and when the update comes in, it doesn't work anymore. When you pay for a product, you are paying for that specific service/product, if they change it, that is called in this case, theft of service. If they take something away or it doesn't work as descxribed, there should be a price drop for a someone lemon or "BAIT AND SWITCH.' It's truly unethical practice. If they modify a product that you are already paying for, by law, they should let you know so you can make an educated decision. Anything less is unethical. Shame on Adobe
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Hey, rant away. I've poste a couple epic ones here, feel free!
Just . understand while many of us may agree with parts of any one rant, there's some things you said that don't make sense to other's also. Everyone's mileage always varies of course.
For instance . according to your reasoning, they could never ever put out a new version.
Because . any new version, that adopts updated code and internal practices . will stop working well, if at all, with certain older gear. That's been a fact of life the entire time of computers. And then you have licensing and "partnering" situations, where any company is legally required to make changes in the product.
Past that, you have situations like Apple making it very, very clear to any company wishing to remain a "partner" of their development, that for instance certain GPU processes must be discontinued. To wit, OpenCL. Getting on Apple's "bad people" list is very, very easy to do, and is not pleasant for other companies.
And that is past the simple truth that no one has to update the software immediately. It's a user choice. And you can keep working in the older version, and you are at that point still fully using their service.
I've had new major versions where I needed to remain on the old one for 3-6 months before they had an update that would work on my system. And I worked just fine for that time. Kept testing the new update patches they released, and when it finally worked on my kit I migrated my projects forward.
That's life in the computer world.
BlackMagic's Resolve went a major upgrade from 17.3 to 17.4, which totally bonked on some user's systems. Just like with the Adobe apps, most worked fine. Some had annoying issues but could still work. And some couldn't work at all.
They've put out a patch, which has some bonked users able to migrate. But still not all. Because . that's life in the computer age.
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