В sas add in для microsoft office произошла ошибка
I thought I'd send you a checklist of some things that I've tried before that have helped get the add-in loaded. Some you may have already tried, some may be things that you can try. Hopefully one of them gets it working for you.
A. Checking for disabled items in Excel
1. Open Excel, go to File->Options
2. On the Add-in page, there are 3 sections: Active, Inactie, and Disabled. Check which list the SAS Add-in appears in.
3. If it appears in the Disabled list, go to the "Manage" combo box at the bottom and choose Disabled Items, then click Go. Click on the SAS Add-In in the list of items to re-enable, and then Close.
4. Next, click on COM add-ins in that same combo box, and click Go. Check the checkbox next to the SAS Add-in and click OK. This should cause the add-in to load.
5. If it does NOT load, go back to File->Options->add-ins->COM addins->Go. In this dialog if you select the SAS Add-in, there will be a load behavior at the bottom. If there was an error during loading, it will put it here. This will let us know if Excel is at least trying.
B. Checking the registry directly
1. Run regedit (as the user who invokes office)
2. Navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\SAS.ExcelAddin
3. See what the LoadBehavior is set to. You want it set to 3.
C. Reset your add-in registry settings with SwitcherUtility
1. From a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you have the Add-In installed.
2. Run: SwitcherUtility.exe ?
3. This shows a list of all the command line arguments. This has some extra options that are not available in the UI.
4. Run: SwitcherUtility reset // This will reset information in the current user portion of the registry. You want to do this as the user who is running Office, so that user's registry settings are reset, not the administrators.
5. See if this resolves the issue
6. Run: SwitcherUtility resetall // This will reset information in the local machine portion of the registry as well. You must be running as an administrator to do this.
7. See if this resolves the issue
8. Run: SwitcherUtility register // This will re-register the add-in assemblies
D. Are you in a virtualized environment? I've seen cases where each time a user logs in, their add-in gets disabled. This was because their registry was getting "reset" each time they logged in, and the values that were being reset had the add-in disabled. It doesn't sound like this is your case, but if it is, it's something to talk about with your system administrator.
E. Run the VSTO file
1. Go to the folder where you installed the SAS Add-in.
2. Find SAS.ExcelAddin.vsto
3. Double-click this file
4. This is essentially using the vsto file to register the add-in instead of our own process. I don't usually suggest this, but when nothing else seems to be working to get the add-in enabled, this will often give a more helpful reason for the failure.
Hopefully one of these strategies will do the trick. Feel free to contact me if you continue to have issues getting the add-in to load and I can take a closer look.
Иногда при работе с вашими надстройками Office пользователи могут столкнуться с определенными проблемами. Например, надстройка может не загружаться или быть недоступной. Эта статья поможет вам устранить распространенные проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются пользователи при работе с вашими надстройками Office.
Для выявления и устранения проблем с надстройками также можно использовать Fiddler.
Распространенные ошибки и инструкции по устранению неполадок
- Закройте Office.
- Убедитесь, что манифест действителен.
- Перезапустите надстройку.
- Переустановите надстройку.
Надстройка Outlook работает неправильно
Если надстройка Outlook в Windows и в Internet Explorer работает неправильно, попробуйте включить отладку сценариев в Internet Explorer.
- Перейдите к средствам > > Расширенные параметры Интернета.
- В разделе Обзор, снимите флажки Отключить отладку сценариев (Internet Explorer) и Отключить отладку сценариев (другие).
Надстройка не активируется в Office 2013
Если надстройка не активируется при выполнении пользователем следующих действий.
выполнении входа с помощью учетной записи Майкрософт в Office 2013;
включении двухшаговой проверки учетной записи Майкрософт;
проверки своего удостоверения по запросу при попытке добавления надстройки, —
убедитесь, что установлены последние обновления Office, или скачайте обновление для Office 2013.
Не отображается диалоговое окно надстройки
"Параметры безопасности браузера не позволили создать диалоговое окно. Используйте другой браузер или настройте браузер так, чтобы [URL-адрес] и домен, отображаемый в адресной строке браузера, находились в одной зоне безопасности."
Браузеры | Платформы |
Microsoft Edge | Office в Интернете |
Чтобы устранить проблему, конечные пользователи или администраторы могут добавить домен надстройки в список надежных сайтов в Microsoft Edge браузере.
Не добавляйте URL-адрес надстройки в список надежных сайтов, если вы не доверяете надстройке.
Чтобы добавить URL-адрес в список надежных сайтов:
Эта проблема возникает при использовании Dialog API в режиме всплывающих окон. Чтобы эта проблема не возникала, используйте флажок displayInFrame. Для этого страница должна поддерживать отображение в окнах iframe. В приведенном ниже примере показано, как использовать флажок.
At times your users might encounter issues with Office Add-ins that you develop. For example, an add-in fails to load or is inaccessible. Use the information in this article to help resolve common issues that your users encounter with your Office Add-in.
You can also use Fiddler to identify and debug issues with your add-ins.
Common errors and troubleshooting steps
The following table lists common error messages that users might encounter and steps that your users can take to resolve the errors.
Error message | Resolution |
App error: Catalog could not be reached | Verify firewall settings."Catalog" refers to AppSource. This message indicates that the user cannot access AppSource. |
APP ERROR: This app could not be started. Close this dialog to ignore the problem or click "Restart" to try again. | Verify that the latest Office updates are installed, or download the update for Office 2013. |
Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'defineProperty' | Confirm that Internet Explorer is not running in Compatibility Mode. Go to Tools > Compatibility View Settings. |
Sorry, we couldn't load the app because your browser version is not supported. Click here for a list of supported browser versions. | Make sure that the browser supports HTML5 local storage, or reset your Internet Explorer settings. For information about supported browsers, see Requirements for running Office Add-ins. |
When installing an add-in, you see "Error loading add-in" in the status bar
- Close Office.
- Verify that the manifest is valid
- Restart the add-in
- Install the add-in again.
You can also give us feedback: if using Excel on Windows or Mac, you can report feedback to the Office extensibility team directly from Excel. To do this, select File | Feedback | Send a Frown. Sending a frown provides the necessary logs to understand the issue.
Outlook add-in doesn't work correctly
If an Outlook add-in running on Windows and using Internet Explorer is not working correctly, try turning on script debugging in Internet Explorer.
- Go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced.
- Under Browsing, uncheck Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer) and Disable script debugging (Other).
We recommend that you uncheck these settings only to troubleshoot the issue. If you leave them unchecked, you will get prompts when you browse. After the issue is resolved, check Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer) and Disable script debugging (Other) again.
Add-in doesn't activate in Office 2013
If the add-in doesn't activate when the user performs the following steps.
Signs in with their Microsoft account in Office 2013.
Enables two-step verification for their Microsoft account.
Verifies their identity when prompted when they try to insert an add-in.
Verify that the latest Office updates are installed, or download the update for Office 2013.
Add-in dialog box cannot be displayed
When using an Office Add-in, the user is asked to allow a dialog box to be displayed. The user chooses Allow, and the following error message occurs.
"The security settings in your browser prevent us from creating a dialog box. Try a different browser, or configure your browser so that [URL] and the domain shown in your address bar are in the same security zone."
Affected browsers | Affected platforms |
Microsoft Edge | Office on the web |
To resolve the issue, end users or administrators can add the domain of the add-in to the list of trusted sites in the Microsoft Edge browser.
Do not add the URL for an add-in to your list of trusted sites if you don't trust the add-in.
To add a URL to your list of trusted sites:
- In Control Panel, go to Internet options > Security.
- Select the Trusted sites zone, and choose Sites.
- Enter the URL that appears in the error message, and choose Add.
- Try to use the add-in again. If the problem persists, verify the settings for the other security zones and ensure that the add-in domain is in the same zone as the URL that is displayed in the address bar of the Office application.
This issue occurs when the Dialog API is used in pop-up mode. To prevent this issue from occurring, use the displayInFrame flag. This requires that your page support display within an iframe. The following example shows how to use the flag.
After you have installed the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office, the SAS ® menu might not be available or an error might occur when you open Microsoft Office. These problems typically do not occur when the SAS Add-In for Microsoft is installed and used by the same account that performed the installation. However, at least one exception does occur with the installer account. This exception is described in SAS note 43294 "The SAS OlapViewer Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office is not selected in the Microsoft Excel Com Add-Ins dialog box." SAS Note 43294 tells you how to correct the errors with both the installer account and subsequent user accounts by copying the Office12Interop files to the appropriate assembly directory.
The problem with multiple user accounts might occur if a previous release of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office has been installed and was used by multiple user accounts on the same machine. When a user that has used the previous add-in release opens Microsoft Office after installing a later release of the add-in, one of several symptoms might occur.
Note: Although the content of this SAS note primarily covers the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office from SAS 9.2 software versus the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office from SAS 9.3 software, similar symptoms can occur when the SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office has been installed and then followed by an installation of a later release of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office.Symptoms
When you open Microsoft Excel, an Installing Office customization error might appear for the SAS OLAP Viewer occurs when you open Microsoft Excel:
Note that this might be a two-part symptom. Once you have performed the steps for the workaround that is described later, the second part of this symptom occurs with a similar error but contains a slightly different path in the error. Follow the instructions in SAS Note 43294 to copy the Office12Interop files to the appropriate assembly directory to correct this issue.
Note: In the next three displays, the example paths could vary depending on the release of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office.
The location path in this example for the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Loader is usually the correct path.
The top-level location path in this example for the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office differs from the path of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Loader. It should be the same top-level path.
The top-level location path in this example for the SAS OlapViewer Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office differs from the path of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Loader. It should be the same top-level path.
The Workaround
- Close any open Microsoft Office applications.
- Download and run the CleanAmoHkcu.bat file.
- Select Run when you are prompted to run or save the file.
- Open Microsoft Office. For example, open Microsoft Excel. The SAS menu should appear.
- If you are using the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office in Outlook, you must close Outlook, run SwitcherUtility.exe, make the selection for Outlook, and then open Outlook. SwitcherUtility.exe is located in the install path of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office.
Note: Your user account might not allow registry permissions and you might need to seek an administrator at you site to perform the registry deletions. You need to perform the preceding steps for each user account that is affected in order to correct the problem.
Accessing the COM Add-Ins
- Click Office and then select Excel Options.
- In the Excel Options dialog box, select Add-Ins.
- Ensure that COM Add-Ins is selected in the Manage list and click Go.
- Select SAS OlapViewer Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office and then click OK.
The issues that are described in this SAS note are planned to be fixed in a future release of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office.
Caution: Always back up your registry before you make any changes to it. Changes to the Microsoft Windows registry can render your system unusable and require that you re-install your operating system. SAS is not responsible when you edit the Windows registry. For more information about backing up your registry, see the Windows Help or the Microsoft Web site.
Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.
Operating System and Release Information
A fix for this issue for SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 4.305 is available at:
A fix for this issue for SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 4.3 is available at:
A fix for this issue for SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 4.305 on SAS 9.3 is available at:
After a successful installation of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office, you might find that the SAS menu or toolbars are missing in a Microsoft Office product, such as MS-Excel or MS-Word. This could be a problem in which the installation did not completely register the required files during installation time and SAS has not yet been added as a COM Add-In to the Microsoft Office products.
Before proceeding with the regasm and regsvr32 commands listed below in Step 4, it is very important that you first examine the following in
Step 1.
Inspect the LoadBehavior for both of the following registry entries. If the LoadBehavior is set to anything other than 3, this could be the problem. No further action may be needed other than changing these values to 3.
Using REGEDIT, navigate to:
Examine the LoadBehavior of the preceding key. The value should be set to 3.
Examine the LoadBehavior of the preceding key. The value should be set to 3.
Note: The preceding registry entries are related to Excel. If you are doing this for Word or PowerPoint, just substitute the Microsoft Office product name instead of Excel.
If it was necessary to change either of the proceeding keys' LoadBehavior, no further action might be required. Open the Office product again to see if there is a SAS menu at this point. If there is no SAS menu, continue to Step 2.
If either of the preceding keys did not exist, jump to step 4.
Note: Stay in the C:\Program Files\SAS\Add-In for Microsoft Office directory when you run the following regasm and regsvr32 commands in the next step.
Run this command first:
Run this command second:
Run this command last:
Warning: Always back up your registry before you make any registry changes. For assistance, see Windows Help, Microsoft documentation, or the Microsoft Windows Web site. SAS is not responsible when you edit the Windows registry: changes in the Windows registry can render your system unusable and will require that you reinstall the operating system.
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