Как вставить power bi в powerpoint
Power BI
The main benefits of using Power BI for your presentation dashboards is:
- Power BI is connected to live data. Build your reports and dashboard once, refresh and be able to show updated data.
- Power BI provides new visualizations not available in Office 365 and is powered by a growing developers community that posts new visualizations regularly.
- Power BI is a self service BI tool, harnessing the power of Power Query and DAX and making available already summarized visualizations.
By default Power BI is not integrated with Office 365 (yet), but as the cloud service provides the ability to publish visualization online and embed this visualizations in any resource with access to the web, Office 365 can take advantage of this feature and use the Add-In technology to embed the Power BI tiles into our presentation.
In this tutorial we will explain how to integrate Power BI Visualization using a new Add-In called Power BI Tiles . This PowerPoint Add-In is free to download in the Office Store.
This tutorial assumes:
Step 1 – Installing the Power BI Add-In
The first step of the tutorial consists on the installation of the Office Add-In. For this example we will be using PowerPoint 2013 under Windows 10, but the same process applies for PowerPoint 2016.
Step 1.1 : Under the INSERT ribbon, click the option “My Apps”. This will display the Apps for Office modal dialog.
Step 1.2: Select the option STORE option. Several Apps will be shown. Go to the search bar in the dialog and type Power BI . The Power BI Tiles App will show up with the traditional yellow Power BI Icon. Click twice in the app.
Step 1.3: The application will request permission to be integrated. Click the Trust It button. The application will be installed in your PowerPoint instance.
Step 1.4: To check that the installation was complete. Just go again to the INSERT ribbon and click in the down arrow of the My Apps menu. You will see the Power BI Tiles Icon:
Step 2 – Creating Your Dashboard Presentation With Power BI and PowerPoint
The main dashboard looks like the following image. We do not plan to replicate all the elements of the dashboard in our presentation, but we will take the charts and KPI’s circled in red.
Step 2.1: Open Your Dashboard Template and define which widgets will you replace with the Power BI tiles. In this case, we selected the KPI Dashboard Template for PowerPoint
Step 2.2: Open the templates in PowerPoint; and under the INSERT ribbon, select the My Apps > Power BI Tiles App. This will trigger a new modal widget over the template, as shown in the image.
Step 2.3: Login To Power BI with your account. Power BI accounts are Microsoft accounts, when you click the From Power BI green button, a new browser window (your default web browser) will open in order for you to log in through email and password.
Once you are logged in, a new dialog will be displayed with the different sources of your tiles. The Power BI Tiles Add-In provides two sources of visualizations:
- Visualizations from a Dashboard. You can pick any of the visualizations in your available dashboards. This visualizations will auto reload every time you interact with the modal dialog.
- Reports. You can include entire reports into your PowerPoint dashboard. Entire reports will include the page tabs, so you can select which tab to display. If you are willing to present the dashboard through PowerPoint Presenter feature, you can work interactively with the report, use filters, and navigate through tabs. This is very useful when presenting.
The following image shows the selection dialog for your tile.
Step 2.4: In this example, we will select the Opportunity Analysis Dashboard as the source of our tiles visualizations. So we click in the dashboard option. The dialog will start showing the first visualization of the dashboard. The plugin provides left and right arrows at the side of the dialog to navigate through the visualizations of the dashboard as a carousel. So we pick our first visualization, and adapt the dialog to the placeholder of our Dashboard template.
Step 2.5: We repeat step 2.2 and step 2.4 for every visualization we want to include. The Add-In will not require you to login again as credential are already in cache. The following image shows how we included every visualization into our PowerPoint Template.
As shown in the image, each tile is considered a PowerPoint object, that can be resized and moved across the slide canvas. The appear in the selection pane and can be layered as any object.
Step 2.6: Refreshing the data. As mentioned before, the most important feature of this import job is to be able to be connected to live data. Once you save the powerpoint file, every time you click in each tile, it will trigger a refresh. When you open the file again, each tile will display a message of warning requiring the user to “trust” the add-in. Once the user clicks the “trust” button, all tiles will refresh again. The following image sequence shows the steps:
We would like to describe some caveats we discovered in the creation of several PowerPoint Dashboards based on Power BI tiles.
- The Power BI Tiles provides 2 modes:
- The interactive mode, where data is constantly refreshed
- The image mode, where an image is created based in the last visualization frame.
The interactive mode is always as a front layer, this means you cannot overlap any object with the layer. If you use the image mode, you can overlay any PowerPoint shape and customize overlays and shadows.
- The Power BI Tiles background, from the dashboard is not customizable (is always white). If you want to customize the visualization background, import a report with just the visualization you want to use.
- The colors of the visualizations can be customized but from Power BI, not directly form PowerPoint.
In this tutorial we explained a step by step process to import your professional Power BI visualizations into PowerPoint through the use of Power BI Tile Add-In. Please leave your comments and questions and we will try to answers as possible.
ОБЛАСТЬ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Служба Power BI для бизнес-пользователей Служба Power BI для конструкторов и разработчиков Power BI Desktop
- Каждая страница отчета Power BI становится в PowerPoint отдельным слайдом.
- Каждая страница в отчете Power BI экспортируется как одно изображение с высоким разрешением в PowerPoint.
- Параметры фильтров и срезов, добавленных в отчет, можно сохранять.
- В PowerPoint создается ссылка на отчет Power BI.
Экспортировать отчет Power BI в программу PowerPoint недолго. Для этого нужно выполнить действия, описанные в следующем разделе.
Вы можете также скопировать один визуальный элемент за раз из службы Power BI и вставить его в PowerPoint (или любую другую программу, которая поддерживает эту вставку). Щелкните значок Копировать как изображение, чтобы скопировать визуальный элемент в буфер обмена. Затем откройте PowerPoint и вставьте визуальный элемент. Дополнительные сведения см. в статье Копирование и вставка визуализации отчета.
Экспорт отчета из службы Power BI в программу PowerPoint
В службе Power BI выберите отчет, чтобы он отобразился на холсте. Можно также выбрать отчет на главной странице, в разделе Приложения или в любом другом контейнере в области навигации.
Когда отчет, который необходимо экспортировать в PowerPoint, отобразится на холсте, на панели меню щелкните Экспорт > PowerPoint.
Откроется всплывающее окно, где можно выбрать Текущие значения или Значения по умолчанию. Вариант Текущие значения позволяет экспортировать отчет в текущем состоянии с активными изменениями значений среза и фильтра. Такой вариант выбирает большинство пользователей. При прокрутке текущее значение не включает в себя состояние прокрутки визуальных элементов, а экспортирует верхнюю часть данных. С другой стороны, вариант Значения по умолчанию позволяет экспортировать отчет в исходном состоянии (как его опубликовал разработчик), не отражая внесенных вами изменений.
Кроме того, существует флажок для экспорта скрытых вкладок отчета. Установите его, чтобы экспортировать только те вкладки отчета, которые вы видите в браузере. Чтобы включить в экспорт все скрытые вкладки, снимите этот флажок. Если флажок недоступен, значит, в отчете нет скрытых вкладок. Примером скрытой вкладки может служить вкладка подсказки. Пользовательские подсказки создаются разработчиками отчетов и не отображаются как вкладки отчета в службе Power BI для бизнес-пользователей.
Вы также можете экспортировать только текущую просматриваемую страницу отчета, установив флажок Экспортировать только текущую страницу. По умолчанию этот флажок снят, и будут экспортированы все страницы отчета.
Сделав свой выбор, нажмите кнопку Экспорт, чтобы продолжить. В окне браузера в правом верхнем углу службы Power BI появится баннер с уведомлением о том, что отчет экспортируется в PowerPoint.
Это может занять несколько минут. На продолжительность экспорта могут влиять такие факторы, как структура отчета и текущая нагрузка на службу Power BI. Пока выполняется экспорт, вы можете продолжать работать в Power BI.
Вот, собственно, и все. Скачав файл и открыв его в PowerPoint, вы можете изменять его так же, как любую другую презентацию PowerPoint.
Откройте файл PowerPoint
На первой странице набора слайдов указано название отчета и приведена ссылка Просмотреть в Power BI, с помощью которой можно просмотреть соответствующий отчет в службе Power BI.
Вы также получаете полезные сведения об отчете. Последнее обновление данных показывает дату и время, на которых основан экспортируемый отчет. Скачано показывает дату и время экспорта отчета Power BI в файл PowerPoint. Время, указанное в пункте Скачано, — это время экспорта в формате UTC.
Каждая страница отчета представлена отдельным слайдом, как показано в области навигации слева.
PowerPoint включает имя каждого визуального элемента на странице и добавляет замещающий текст к каждому из них. Создатель отчета может включить замещающий текст при проектировании отчета. В противном случае будет использоваться значение по умолчанию: No alt text provided (Замещающий текст не указан).
Опубликованный отчет отображается на языке, заданном в параметрах Power BI или в браузере. Чтобы просмотреть или настроить параметры языка в браузере, щелкните > Параметры > Общие > Язык. Дополнительные сведения о языковых стандартах см. в статье Поддерживаемые языки и страны (регионы) для Power BI.
Если просмотреть отдельный слайд, вы увидите, что каждая страница отчета является отдельным изображением. Прокрутка в PowerPoint недоступна, так как каждый слайд представляет собой статистическое изображение.
Получившийся набор слайдов PowerPoint и все изображения из него можно использовать в различных целях. Выбор за вами.
Рекомендации и ограничения
При работе с функцией Экспорт в PowerPoint следует учитывать несколько рекомендаций и ограничений.
Если команда Экспорт отсутствует, убедитесь в том, что вы просматриваете отчет, а не панель мониторинга.
При выборе варианта Текущие значения для экспорта фильтры URL-адресов в настоящее время не учитываются.
Если при экспорте в PowerPoint в отчете используется пользовательский шрифт, этот шрифт будет заменен шрифтом по умолчанию.
Следующие типы визуальных элементов не поддерживаются и не будут экспортированы в PowerPoint:
), не поддерживаются. не поддерживается.
- Визуальные элементы R и Python не поддерживаются.
- Фоновые изображения будут обрезаны по ограничивающей области диаграммы. Рекомендуем удалить фоновые рисунки перед экспортом в PowerPoint.
- Each page in the Power BI report becomes an individual slide in PowerPoint.
- Each page in the Power BI report is exported as a single high-resolution image in PowerPoint.
- You can preserve the filters and slicers settings that you've added to the report.
- A link is created in PowerPoint that links back to the Power BI report.
- The ESRI ArcGIS visual is not supported
- R and Python visuals are not supported.
- Background images are cropped with the chart's bounding area. We recommend that you remove background images before you export to PowerPoint.
- Isolating part of the information (confidential or irrelevant data)
- Analyzing, comparing or restoring data from a new angle
- Commenting on the results obtained with text explanations
- Working on the formatting in new tables and graphs
- Sharing figures with people unfamiliar with Power BI
- In PowerPoint, go to the UpSlide tab
- Click on “Link an image in PowerPoint to a Power BI visual” (far right)
- Go to your PowerPoint, still in the UpSlide tab
- Click on the “Update Power BI links” button (far right)
Некоторые отчеты невозможно экспортировать. К ним относятся следующие объекты.
Если в службе Power BI в меню нет пункта Экспорт в PowerPoint, вероятно, эта функция отключена администратором Power BI или владельцем отчета. Обратитесь к администратору или владельцу, чтобы узнать подробности.
Служба Power BI использует параметр языка Power BI в качестве языка для экспорта в PowerPoint. Чтобы просмотреть или настроить параметры языка, в браузере щелкните > Параметры > Общие > Язык.
APPLIES TO: Power BI service for business users Power BI service for designers & developers Power BI Desktop
Getting your Power BI report exported into PowerPoint is quick. Follow the steps outlined in the next section.
You can also copy one visual at a time from the Power BI service and paste it into PowerPoint (or any other program that supports pasting). Select the Copy as image icon to copy the visual to your clipboard. Then, open PowerPoint and paste the visual. For more information, see Copy visuals as static images.
Export your Power BI report to PowerPoint
In the Power BI service, select a report to display it on the canvas. You can also select a report from Home, Apps, or any other container from the nav pane.
When the report you want to export to PowerPoint is displayed on the canvas, select Export > PowerPoint from the menu bar.
A pop-up appears where you have the option to select Current values or Default values. Current values exports the report in the current state, which includes the active changes you made to slicer and filter values. Most users select this option. If you've scrolled, Current values does not include the scroll state of the visual, but instead exports the top portion of the data. Alternatively, selecting Default values exports the report in the original state, as the designer shared it, and doesn't reflect any changes you've made to the original state.
Additionally, there's a check box to select whether or not to export the hidden tabs of a report. Select this check box if you want to export only report tabs that are visible to you in your browser. If you prefer to get all the hidden tabs as part of your export, leave this check box cleared. If the check box is grayed out, there are no hidden tabs in the report. An example of a hidden tab would be a tooltip tab. Custom tooltips are created by report designers and don't display as report tabs in the Power BI service for business users.
You may also choose to export only the current page you're viewing in a report by checking the Only export current page option. By default, this is unchecked and all pages will be exported from your report.
After you make your selections, select Export to continue. You'll see a notification banner in the upper-right corner of the Power BI service browser window that the report is being exported to PowerPoint.
Exporting might take a few minutes. Factors that can affect the time required include the structure of the report and the current load on the Power BI service. You can continue to work in Power BI while the report is being exported.
After the Power BI service has finished the export process, the notification banner changes to let you know. Your file is then available where your browser displays downloaded files. In the following image, it's shown as a download banner along the bottom of the browser window.
And that's all there is to it. You can download the file, open it with PowerPoint, and then modify or enhance it like you would any other PowerPoint deck.
Open the PowerPoint file
When you open the PowerPoint file that Power BI exported, you find a few cool and useful elements. Take a look at the following image, and check out the numbered elements that describe some of those cool features. Pages in PowerPoint are always created in the standard 9:16 size, regardless of the original page sizes or dimensions in the Power BI report.
The first page of the slide deck includes the name of your report and a link so that you can View in Power BI the report on which the slide deck is based.
You get some useful information about the report, too. Last data refresh shows the date and time on which the exported report is based. Downloaded at shows the date and time when the Power BI report was exported into a PowerPoint file. The Downloaded at time is the time of the export in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).
Each report page is a separate slide, as shown in the nav pane.
PowerPoint includes the name of each visual on the page and adds alt text for each item. The report creator can include alt text when designing the report. Otherwise, the default is "No alt text provided."
Your published report is rendered in the language according to your Power BI settings, or otherwise by the locale setting of your browser. To see or set your language preference in your browser, select the cog icon > Settings > General > Language. For locale information, see Supported languages and countries or regions for Power BI.
When you view an individual slide, you see that each report page is an independent image. Scrolling in PowerPoint is not available since each slide is a static image.
What you do with your PowerPoint deck from there, or any of the high-resolution images, is up to you.
Considerations and limitations
There are a few considerations and limitations to keep in mind when you work with the Export to PowerPoint feature.
If you don't see the Export option, make sure that you are viewing a report (not a dashboard).
URL filters aren't currently respected when you choose Current Values for your export.
When exporting to PowerPoint, if the report uses a custom font, that font will be replaced with a default font.
The following visual types are not supported, and will not be exported to PowerPoint:
) aren't supported.
Some reports cannot be exported. These include:
If the Export to PowerPoint menu item isn't available in the Power BI service, it's likely because your Power BI admin or report owner disabled the feature. Contact your admin or the owner for details.
The Power BI service uses your Power BI language setting as the language for the PowerPoint export. To see or set your language preference, in your browser, select the cog icon > Settings > General > Language.
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4 effective ways of connecting Power BI to PowerPoint
In recent years, more and more financial departments have been adopting Power BI, the Microsoft software that is revolutionizing data analysis for decision making. With Power BI, teams have access to interactive online dashboards that allow them to explore their company’s data securely; these are known as “dynamic reports”.
Nevertheless, the use of “static reports” is still necessary in many cases:
Today, PowerPoint software remains the best tool in the Microsoft Office suite for presenting and commenting on results. Indeed, PowerPoint is the preferred format for presentations and static reports, whether they are internal (ExCo, accounting, retrospective reviews, monitoring indicators, monthly follow-up, etc.) or intended for clients: investment reports, commercial proposal or activity report. That’s why we built a link from Power BI to PowerPoint in order to smoother the the transition between the tools.
In this article, we’ll explain four different methods to export Power BI to PowerPoint in order to build a customized static report*.
The Power BI software is compatible with the Office suite, as it is also designed by Microsoft. This is notably due to the functions that allow data exchange between the software programs. Therefore, the easiest way to export data is to use the native “Export to PowerPoint” function from Power BI online.
How to export a Power BI report to PowerPoint?
Limitations of the native Power BI export to PowerPoint
In addition, the pages of the Power BI report are converted into non-customizable images, with a format which is often different from the PowerPoint template.
And finally, the Power BI data cannot be changed from PowerPoint: if the data changes, you will have to restart the export.
The second option is to copy a visual from Power BI and paste it into PowerPoint. This is useful when you want to highlight some elements of a Power BI dashboard without downloading all the pages.
How to copy and paste Power BI visuals to PowerPoint?
Limitations of copying and pasting Power BI visuals to PowerPoint
When only selecting relevant visuals, you become more flexible in your PowerPoint presentation. However, you cannot change/adjust Power BI data in PowerPoint. The visual remains an image accompanied by a text box detailing the “source” – this should be manually removed from your slide if you don’t need it.
Tip : you can keep the hyperlink in the “notes” section in order to come back to this Power BI visual later.
This third technique consists of importing the Power BI data into Excel, where it is then possible to rework it before restoring it in PowerPoint.
It is sometimes necessary to export Power BI data to Excel for analysis or to create tables and graphs before putting them into a PowerPoint presentation.
How to export your Power BI data to Excel, and then PowerPoint?
▶ Read our article “How to link Excel to PowerPoint” to find out how to easily connect your Excel tables and charts to PowerPoint.
Limitations of exporting Power BI data to Excel and PowerPoint
While offering more flexibility by customizing the data in Excel before adding it to your PowerPoint, this technique is still time-consuming and you will need to repeat the entire process as your Power BI data evolves.
This is not really a link as this last method still does not allow you to filter/update your Power BI data from PowerPoint.
The advantages of UpSlide’s Power BI to PowerPoint link
With the Power BI to PowerPoint link, developed by UpSlide, uploading graphs and tables to your presentations has never been so efficient. You can import your visuals directly from PowerPoint without going through Power BI.
You can still check and modify the filters applied, from a dedicated pane of Power BI to PowerPoint links that you have created on your slides.
And when your Power BI data changes over time, simply update the visuals or report pages you want in just a few clicks.
How to link Power BI to PowerPoint with UpSlide
Congratulations! You managed to connect your Power BI report to your PowerPoint presentation!
Now you can refresh your Power BI visuals to incorporate new data or add filters, directly from your PowerPoint presentation:
The Power BI to PowerPoint Link is exclusively available to UpSlide users.
Which method will you use for your next Power BI to PowerPoint export?
Let us know by leaving a comment!
*Prerequisite: Power BI account with access to a dashboard and PowerPoint software (desktop application).
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