Как установить apx драйвера
Несколько дней назад случилось знаменательное событие для владельцев планшетов Asus Eee Pad Transfomer. В Сети появился секретный ключ безопасности для этого планшета.
Чуть позже на xda был опубликован алгоритм установки Ubuntu Linux на планшет Asus Eee Pad Transfomer. Для установки Linux требуется специальная программа прошивки - NVFLASH, для которой нужны эти секретные ключи.
И вот теперь, разработчик с сайта xda rayman84, который также создал первое неофициальное ядро для этого планшета, сделал всем владельцам Eee Pad Transfomer настоящий подарок.
Он разработал метод, позволяющий с помощью NVFLASH не только перепрошить, но и восстановить планшет, превратившийся в кирпич, после неудачной прошивки.
Для восстановления планшета нам потребуется:
- Программа Nvflash для Windows или Nwflash для Linux
- NVFlash/APX драйверы
- Файл flash.cfg для Eee Pad Transformer
- Файл transformer.bct
- Скрипт для прошивки download.bat (или download.sh для Linux)
Архив со всем этим можно скачать по адресу:
Еще нам потребуется новая прошивка для Eee Pad Transfomer:
Прошивка Prime V 1.4:
Или более новая прошивка Prime V 1.5:
Prime - это кастомная прошивка Android 3.1, которая уже имеет права доступа root, и ClockWorkMod recovery, разработанная участником xda, Roach2010.
Еще можно скачать стоковую прошивку для этого метода отсюда:
Инструкция по восстановлению Eee Pad Transfomer
Важно! Прежде всего убедитесь, что батарея вашего планшета заряжена как минимум на 50%.
1. Распакуйте архив nvflash.zip (для Linux: nvflash.tar.bz2) на компьютер.
2. Распакуйте архив с прошивкой и скопируйте файлы boot.img recovery.img и system.img в папку nvflash. Эти три файла должны попасть в ту же папку, где находится файл download.bat (или download.sh для Linux)
3. Подключите планшет к компьютеру с помощью USB кабеля.
4. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку увеличения громкости, и не отпуская ее, нажмите кнопку включения. Не отпускайте обе кнопки примерно 6 секунд.
Экран останется темным, но планшет подключится к компьютеру через USB.
5. Этот пункт только для Windows: найдите устройство APX в менеджере устройств и обновите драйвер. Драйвер находится в папке, в которую вы распаковали скачанный архив, в каталоге usbpcdriver
6. Запустите файл download.bat (или download.sh, если у вас на компьютере установлен Linux.)
7. Дождитесь завершения процесса, в конце которого ваш Eee Pad Transfomer загрузит новую операционную систему.
Драйверы QualcommDrv и пошаговая инструкция по их установке.
1. Устанавливаем драйвера. Из архива QualcommDrv.zip
Распаковываем этот архив во временный каталог и получаем два каталога для 32-х битной и 64-х битной версий Windows.
Для 32-х битной версии Windows запускаем из каталога Allx86 файл dpinst32.exe. Для 64-х битной версии Windows запускаем из каталога Allx64 файл dpinst64.exe.
После запуска dpinstXX.exe получаем:
2. Подключаем включенный аппарат USB кабелем к компьютеру.
После обнаружения Windows новых USB устройств получаем. (Выберите устройство из списка устройств и по правой кнопке мыши выберите "Свойства" закладка "Сведения" из выпадающего меню "ИД Оборудования")
Определилось одно устройство "Android ADB Interface" в сведениях о котором "ИД оборудования" указано на скриншоте выше.
3. Обновляем вручную драйвера для этого найденного устройства.
В свойствах этого устройства (Выберите устройство из списка и по правой кнопке мыши выберите "Свойства") на закладке "Драйвер" выбираем "Обновить" -> "Выполнить поиск драйверов на этом компьютере"
Выбираем "Выбрать драйвер из списка уже установленных драйверов".
Выбираем "Составное USB устройство"
После нажатия "Далее" Windows сменит драйвер и обнаружит новые устройства которые установятся автоматически. (Номера COM портов могут отличаться но наименования устройств будут такие как на скриншоте). Кроме того будут найдены драйверы для внешней SD карты, внутренней флеш памяти аппарата и виртуального CD диска с драйверами для аппарата.
В результате получите. (Номера COM портов могут быть другие)
4. В списке устройств Windows будет одно неопределенное устройство.
С идентификатором как на скриншоте. (Выберите устройство из списка устройств и по правой кнопке мыши выберите "Свойства", закладка "Сведения" из выпадающего меню "ИД Оборудования").
Выберите его свойства и на закладке "Общие" выберите "Обновить драйвер. " в окне "Обновление драйверов" выберите "Выполнить поиск драйверов на этом компьютере"
Далее выберите "Выбрать драйвер из списка уже установленных драйверов" и кнопку "Далее"
В открывшемся списке типа устройств выберите "Переносные устройства"
В возникшем окне предупреждения выберите "Да"
В результате последнее неопределенное устройство будет установлено нормально.
Состояние данного устройства (определено оно или нет) не влияет на работу компьютера с аппаратом.
Задача процедуры установки драйверов - установка драйвера для "Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9025" COM порта.
Если вы будете подключать аппарат к другому USB порту на компьютере - процедуру установки начиная с пункта 3 возможно будет необходимо повторить.
Если у вас процедуру установки не получается воспроизвести - попробуйте сменить USB порт к которому вы подключаете аппарат на компьютере или USB кабель который вы используете для подключения. Если вы устанавливали другие драйвера для аппарата возможен так же конфликт драйверов, попробуйте их удалить и повторить установку.
Драйвера из архива 100% обеспечивают нормальное подключение аппарата в любых режимах к компьютеру по USB и любые действия с аппаратом.
Список возможных режимов работы аппарата.
1) Нормальный режим (Normal mode).
Подключение к компьютеру включенного или выключенного аппарата.
2) Режим восстановления (Recovery mode).
Включение (кнопкой включения) предварительно выключенного аппарата при удержании нажатой кнопки увеличения громкости (Volume Up / Volume +).
3 ) Режим прошивки разделов через fastboot программу (Fastboot mode).
Включение предварительно выключенного аппарата при удержании нажатой кнопки уменьшения громкости (Volume Down / Volume -).
4) Режим прошивки утилитами прозводителя аппарата или QPST (Утилитами производителя платформы аппарата Qualcomm).
Выключенный аппарат подключается к компьютеру USB кабелем когда одновременно нажаты кнопки увеличения и уменьшения громкости (Volume Up + Volume Down).
Если вы являетесь счастливым обладателем отличного планшета Asus Eee Pad Transformer и успели обновить прошивку до версии Android Honycomb 3.1, а теперь хотите получить права доступа root, то до настоящего дня это была весьма трудоемкая и кропотливая процедура, связанная с полной перепрошивкой вашего планшета на неофициальную (кастомную) версию Android 3.1.
Но, благодаря независимым разработчикам с сайта xda, появился довольно простой способ получить root права на Asus Eee Pad Transformer, без замены имеющейся прошивки Android 3.1.
Преимущества данного метода:
- Прошивка вашего планшета остается без изменений
- Сохраняются все файлы, данные и настройки планшета
- Простота
- Возможность установки ClockWorkMod
Итак, для получения прав доступа root на Eee Pad Transformer нам потребуется:
- Компьютер с установленным на нем USB драйвером планшета.
драйвер можно скачать здесь
- Планшет, с заряженной как минимум на 50% аккумуляторной батареей
- USB кабель
- Необходимое программное обеспечение и APX драйвер, которые можно скачать отсюда:
Инструкция по получению root прав на Eee Pad Transformer c Android 3.1
1. Распакуйте скачанный ранее файл tf_rootkit_31.zip на компьютер, на диск c:
На диске с: вашего компьютера должна появиться папка tf_rootkit_31, с тремя .bat файлами и тремя папками:
папка usbpcdriver с APX драйвером
папка root_app с программой adb и приложениями su и superuser
папка root со вспомогательными файлами.
2. Переводим планшет в режим APX. Выключите планшет. Подключите его к компьютеру, нажмите кнопку увеличения громкости и, не отпуская ее, нажмите и удерживайте кнопку включения планшета.
3. Если вы раньше не устанавливали APX драйвер, компьютер найдет новое устройство.
4. Установите APX драйвер. Для этого в диспетчере устройств найдите устройство APX и обновите его драйвер. Драйвер находится в папке, tf_rootkit_31, в каталоге usbpcdriver.
5. После того, как убедитесь, что драйвер APX у вас установлен правильно, запустите root.bat
6. Если вы хотите установить ClockWorkMod, запустите cwm.bat
7. Перезагрузите планшет (нажмите кнопку питания на 10 секунд)
8. После перезагрузки планшета включите в настройках приложений планшета режим "Отладка USB"(USB Debugging) и запустите root_app.bat который установит приложения superuser и su на планшет
Все! Ваш планшетный компьютер Eee Pad Transformer имеет права доступа root.
Решение возможных проблем:
Если на этапе 8. Файл root_app.bat завершается с ошибкой, и программы superuser и su не установились, необходимо убедиться, что:
a) USB драйвер у вас на компьютере установлен.
b) программа adb видит ваш планшет.
Для этого запустите командную строку (в Windows XP: Пуск -> Выполнить -> cmd в Vista и Windows7: Пуск -> наберите "cmd" и нажмите Enter)
и перейдите в папку с программой adb, введя команду:
cd c:\tf_rootkit_31\root_app\
Затем, чтобы убедиться, что программа adb видит ваш планшет, введите команду:
adb devices
Если программа сообщает, что нет подключенных устройств, попробуйте перезагрузить сервер adb, для этого выполните следующие команды:
I am happy to release my Universal Naked Driver. This is to allow ADB, Fastboot & APX interfaces to work without installing any package much less multiples packages for users with multiple devices. Yes you can just install them and uninstall right away but why bother?
I was annoyed that I couldnt use my Transformer Prime and Galaxy Nexus without having versions and packages trip over each other. My previous post for the Sensation & Galaxy Nexus was helpful so I thought I would bring to XDA the newest Android driver available from source (which they call 4.0) and make it start talking.
Warning: Uninstall any previous driver package's you may have installed and also manually remove drivers by attaching your phone and going to Windows device manager and right click the entry for your phone and select "Uninstall" on the next prompt make sure to select "Delete the driver software for this device" then hit OK and reboot before installing these drivers
Senior Member
Thank you very much! I just used your drivers and successfully unlocked my bootloader on my Nvidia Shield!1wayjonny
Senior Member
Thank you very much! I just used your drivers and successfully unlocked my bootloader on my Nvidia Shield!You are welcome, glad to know it making things easier.
I will make an auto root batch job once a recovery is made for the device. Shouldn't be too long.
Inactive Recognized Developer
You are welcome, glad to know it making things easier.
I will make an auto root batch job once a recovery is made for the device. Shouldn't be too long.
I used to have one (TWRP) but because touch will be much harder (or impossible) on this device, TWRP isn't a viable recovery for SHIELD. Instead, it looks like we'll need to use CWM, the dpad, and the A and B buttons.
I used to have one (TWRP) but because touch will be much harder (or impossible) on this device, TWRP isn't a viable recovery for SHIELD. Instead, it looks like we'll need to use CWM, the dpad, and the A and B buttons.What's wrong with the touchscreen on the device? Or did you not know it had a multitouch screen? (I can't imagine a modern Android implementation without one, ick)
Senior Member
What's wrong with the touchscreen on the device? Or did you not know it had a multitouch screen? (I can't imagine a modern Android implementation without one, ick)Nothing is wrong with the touchscreen, but its awkward to use when you have the controller attached to the screen. I'm very scared about the modding community for this device. It looks like the streaming might be broken by custom roms. That being said, I really want to root and put a custom rom on mine. We'll have to see how popular it gets here in the community.
Inactive Recognized Developer
Nothing is wrong with the touchscreen, but its awkward to use when you have the controller attached to the screen. I'm very scared about the modding community for this device. It looks like the streaming might be broken by custom roms. That being said, I really want to root and put a custom rom on mine. We'll have to see how popular it gets here in the community.The issue with the touchscreen is the driver. While it runs great in Android, it doesn't work in recovery, making a touch-based recovery a nightmare. Believe me, I already tried for a few days. I'm sure with enough time, I could get it working, but I didn't want to invest that much time with all the other things on my plate at the moment. I just don't expect recovery to come out this week with touch.
Inactive Recognized Contributor
I made a very high quality tutorial (video) on how to do this! Thanks @1wayjonny!
Senior Member
I made a very high quality tutorial (video) on how to do this! Thanks @1wayjonny!
Thanks for the video, I was testing something for Nvidia today and did 10 re-install without the SSD RAID 0 i have and it was killing me.
Once you have SSD you cant go back and yes daughters are LOUD! I have one . =)
I will probably post the video in the OP of all my UNDriver threads.
Inactive Recognized Contributor
Thanks for the video, I was testing something for Nvidia today and did 10 re-install without the SSD RAID 0 i have and it was killing me.
Once you have SSD you cant go back and yes daughters are LOUD! I have one . =)
I will probably post the video in the OP of all my UNDriver threads.
haha. She's a trip though. Thanks a lot dude, you don't see to many "screen captures" that show the computer rebooting and everything! lol
Senior Member
Ok I'm clearly doing something wrong. I need to reinstall the fastboot driver. I had it working properly before but need to install them on a different computer.
I plug the shield in and Windows auto installs a driver. The device is identified as the SHIELD but it's an adb driver (but doesn't allow me to send fastboot commands). When I try to update the driver it says it is up to date. If I uninstall that adb driver that gets auto installed by Windows and try to navigate to the universal driver folder and click one of the inf files in there windows says it isn't a compatible and to make sure it is for an x64 system. If I browse to the i386 folder nothing comes up. I'm really getting irritated.
Is there just a normal fastboot driver somewhere that isn't a universal driver? Typically if I have a correct driver and choose "Have Disk" and browse to my driver it will install, but not this time.
I am not sure if I have a previous driver conflicting or something. I don't have like 4 Android devices I used to have any more so uninstalling those drivers isn't possible. I just don't understand why Windows can be so difficult on something so trivial.
I'm using Windows 7.
Inactive Recognized Contributor
Ok I'm clearly doing something wrong. I need to reinstall the fastboot driver. I had it working properly before but need to install them on a different computer.
I plug the shield in and Windows auto installs a driver. The device is identified as the SHIELD but it's an adb driver (but doesn't allow me to send fastboot commands). When I try to update the driver it says it is up to date. If I uninstall that adb driver that gets auto installed by Windows and try to navigate to the universal driver folder and click one of the inf files in there windows says it isn't a compatible and to make sure it is for an x64 system. If I browse to the i386 folder nothing comes up. I'm really getting irritated.
Is there just a normal fastboot driver somewhere that isn't a universal driver? Typically if I have a correct driver and choose "Have Disk" and browse to my driver it will install, but not this time.
I am not sure if I have a previous driver conflicting or something. I don't have like 4 Android devices I used to have any more so uninstalling those drivers isn't possible. I just don't understand why Windows can be so difficult on something so trivial.
I'm using Windows 7.
I had the SAME PROBLEM! I uninstalled the drivers, and chose from the list manually! Eventually you choose have disk and there is a long list of things. Find NVIDIA Fastboot from that list.
Senior Member
I swear I tried that. I think I may have unplugged my device and plugged it back in after uninstalling because I thought I couldn't find it in the device manager after I uninstalled it. I bet it was listed with a yellow exclamation point somewhere in there but I just skipped over it or something.
I wish my work computer didn't lock me out of everything so I didn't have to wait to get home to try it again.
And off topic. I wish I got those kind of speeds in your sig on Sprint. My LTE (Galaxy S3) is hardly faster than 3G in Minneapolis. Though it isn't officially launched yet.
Inactive Recognized Contributor
I swear I tried that. I think I may have unplugged my device and plugged it back in after uninstalling because I thought I couldn't find it in the device manager after I uninstalled it. I bet it was listed with a yellow exclamation point somewhere in there but I just skipped over it or something.
I wish my work computer didn't lock me out of everything so I didn't have to wait to get home to try it again.
And off topic. I wish I got those kind of speeds in your sig on Sprint. My LTE (Galaxy S3) is hardly faster than 3G in Minneapolis. Though it isn't officially launched yet.
HERE YOU GO @Evo_Shift! (And others having trouble running fastboot commands on their NVIDIA Shield!)
Senior Member
HERE YOU GO @Evo_Shift! (And others having trouble running fastboot commands on their NVIDIA Shield!)
I have seen this many times if the driver is correct and user is having issues its usually because of the following.
A) Cable is not good, try changing a few cable and all should be well. I have even seen OEM cables give issues with fastboot for some reason on multiple devices.
B) User is trying to use a USB 3.0 port, you can replace the microsoft stack with the intel stack allowing for communication over USB 3.0 - Some other USB 3.0 chipset may have issues as well such as Astek etc.
Its important to remember that not all cables are pinned out the same. For example the Xbox 360 FREE ethernet cable only was 100mbps because they choose to save the money by only using 4 of the 8 available wires to reduce cost.
After watching the video it seems like you are forcing the driver which is OK. The driver 0.73 will pick up the shield in adb or fastboot automatically.
If its not the devices is not registering to the computer correct and I would check the cable and avoid USB 3.0 port until you work this out.
Was this a USB 3.0 port? If no go right for the cable and try 3-5 different cables.
Senior Member
I finally got it. I am pretty sure it is because of incorrect adb drivers getting auto installed on me when I plugged in the Shield. I wish you could force Windows not to autoinstall drivers when you plug something in and instead always choose your own location. Once I deleted enough of the incorrect drivers and installed the correct drivers to the SHield again it seems to work.wwjoshdew
Inactive Recognized Contributor
I have seen this many times if the driver is correct and user is having issues its usually because of the following.
A) Cable is not good, try changing a few cable and all should be well. I have even seen OEM cables give issues with fastboot for some reason on multiple devices.
B) User is trying to use a USB 3.0 port, you can replace the microsoft stack with the intel stack allowing for communication over USB 3.0 - Some other USB 3.0 chipset may have issues as well such as Astek etc.
Its important to remember that not all cables are pinned out the same. For example the Xbox 360 FREE ethernet cable only was 100mbps because they choose to save the money by only using 4 of the 8 available wires to reduce cost.
After watching the video it seems like you are forcing the driver which is OK. The driver 0.73 will pick up the shield in adb or fastboot automatically.
If its not the devices is not registering to the computer correct and I would check the cable and avoid USB 3.0 port until you work this out.
Was this a USB 3.0 port? If no go right for the cable and try 3-5 different cables.
Nope. A USB 2.0 port. That first video that I made (That you said "I will probably post the video in the OP of all my UNDriver threads."), did it correctly. But for some reason, it would work JUST FINE in ADB mode, but NOT in fastboot. I couldn't get "fastboot oem unlock" to work for the life of me, until forcing it to install after choosing "have disk". After that, it worked fine. Just showing that "manual" method for people that have their Shield working find while in android, but not in fastboot. I'm not saying anyone sole person is responsible for it not working, just showing a manual way around it.
Lord fiSh
I have only "Nvidia Shield" not Nvida Shield ADB in my devices Manager - adb is enabled
Senior Member
Nope. A USB 2.0 port. That first video that I made (That you said "I will probably post the video in the OP of all my UNDriver threads."), did it correctly. But for some reason, it would work JUST FINE in ADB mode, but NOT in fastboot. I couldn't get "fastboot oem unlock" to work for the life of me, until forcing it to install after choosing "have disk". After that, it worked fine. Just showing that "manual" method for people that have their Shield working find while in android, but not in fastboot. I'm not saying anyone sole person is responsible for it not working, just showing a manual way around it.Had this issues so I installed the "manual" way and still commands wont work in fastboot
Edit: followed the video as opposed to the sceenshots above. Good to go now.
Senior Member
Universal Naked Driver 0.73** Nvidia Shield ADB added (ADB & Fastboot Only)
** Will update with APX asap
Is APX mode available on NVIDIA Shield? I've used APX mode before on my Notion Ink Adam (Tegra 2), but I have read that the OUYA (Tegra 3) has APX mode encrypted or something so you would have to know the key to use it.
Would be nice to have APX mode on the Shield, but probably not necessary.
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Universal Naked Driver 0.73
** Nvidia Shield ADB added (ADB & Fastboot Only)
** Will update with APX asap
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32 & 64 Bit Windows 8 / 7 / Vista / XP - Attached to this post!
MD5: 5B9EA9C73066E8F655D14BBA8318C176
I am happy to release my Universal Naked Driver. This is to allow ADB, Fastboot & APX interfaces to work without installing any package much less multiples packages for users with multiple devices. Yes you can just install them and uninstall right away but why bother?
I was annoyed that I couldnt use my Transformer Prime and Galaxy Nexus without having versions and packages trip over each other. My previous post for the Sensation & Galaxy Nexus was helpful so I thought I would bring to XDA the newest Android driver available from source (which they call 4.0) and make it start talking.
Warning: Uninstall any previous driver package's you may have installed and also manually remove drivers by attaching your phone and going to Windows device manager and right click the entry for your phone and select "Uninstall" on the next prompt make sure to select "Delete the driver software for this device" then hit OK and reboot before installing these drivers
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