Как удалить инстанс oracle
Sometimes my Oracle database on Windows gets hosed. How do I do a manual uninstall of Oracle?
307k 75 75 gold badges 502 502 silver badges 486 486 bronze badges 25k 22 22 gold badges 75 75 silver badges 106 106 bronze badges Do you want to deinstall the software, or drop the database? Please define "hosed" in this case. You should not have to uninstall or reinstall Oracle.7 Answers 7
The six-step process to remove all things Oracle from a Windows machine:
A. Delete the Oracle services: In the registry, go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and delete everything that starts with "Oracle"
B. Remove other Oracle stuff from the registry: Go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ and delete the key ORACLE
C. Reboot
D. Delete all the Oracle software from the directories where you installed it
E. Delete the Oracle software inventory: Delete the directory C:\Program Files\Oracle . You must do this no matter where you installed your Oracle software - the Oracle installer automatically writes information here.
F. Delete all shortcuts from your Start menu.
G. Remove the Oracle directories from PATH Environment Variable.
To simplify cleanup in the future, I'd strongly recommend you install your Oracle products in one or more virtual machines.
Basically, it comes down to:
Remove all you can with the installer. Remove Oracle keys from the registry. Remove the Oracle directories from your computer.
With (of course) the requisite reboots thrown in as required ;-)
40.8k 11 11 gold badges 80 80 silver badges 90 90 bronze badgesOne thing to note - if you use the official deinstaller, it does not like the temp folder to have spaces in it. So if you have it set to "Documents and Settings. \temp" it will fail. Use the control panel environment settings button to SET the TEMP folder first.
Uninstall Oracle 10g from window 7, Xp
step 1 : Open up the start menu and in program files look for oracle – oraDb10g_home folder, and select oracle installation products – > Universal Installer.
step 2 : Select Deinstall Product, which will pop up new window , select check box oracleDb10g_home1 as shown below. Click on remove button. This will remove oracle.
step 3 : Remove the registration file from Regedit, in order to remove oracle 10g completely. Run Regedit.
Delete the following keys if it exits after the un-installation.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ORACLE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\Oracle.oracle HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OracleDBConsole HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Oracle10g_home HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OraclService
step 4 : Now delete the folder where you have installed the software. By default, it is installed in c drive as C:\oracle and from C:\programs files\oracle.
Hence by doing this steps successfully, Oracle 10g is removed completely. If you are having any problem in removing or uninstalling the program,(oracle ) then do comment below, we will look on that.
Как полностью удалить клиент Oracle 11g с моего компьютера? Я использую Windows 7, 64-битную версию.
Я пытался бежать deinstall.bat , но это не работает.
Попробуйте удалить папку %TEMP%\CVU*%USERNAME% . После этого мой deinstall.bat работал нормально.Сначала используйте Пуск -> Выполнить -> Services.msc, найдите все службы Ora * и остановите их.
- Удалите все компоненты Oracle с помощью универсального установщика Oracle (OUI).
- Удалите HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE (и HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE на 64-битном) ключ, который содержит записи реестра для всех продуктов Oracle, с помощью regedit.
- Удалите все ссылки на Oracle услуги / компоненты в следующем разделе реестра: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/ . Ищет ключевые записи, начинающиеся с «Ora», которые, очевидно, связаны с Oracle.
- Перезагрузите рабочую станцию.
- Удалите каталог ORACLE_BASE. (т.е. C: \ Oracle)
- Удалить каталог C:\Program Files\Oracle .
- Очистите временный каталог.
- Опорожните корзину.
- Удалите все записи оракула в переменной PATH в разделе «Компьютер»> «Свойства»> «Дополнительные параметры системы» => «Переменная среды» => «PATH».
- Там же удалите запись ORACLE_HOME
Шаги: сначала остановите все службы Oracle.
- START -> RUN -> Services.msc
- Найдите все услуги Ora * и нажмите СТОП
- Пуск -> RUN -> Regedit
- Найдите в реестре папку HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- Открыть папку с программным обеспечением
- Удалите папку Oracle в разделе «Программное обеспечение».
- Откройте системную папку в HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- Откройте папку CurrentControlSet в системной папке
- Открытые услуги
- Удалите все ключи, связанные с Oracle. Каждый ключ начинается с «ORA ..»
- Закрыть регедит
- Удалить папку ORACLE_HOME
- Удалить папку Oracle в Program Files
- перезагружать
«Установщик обнаружил уже существующий экземпляр XE в этой системе. Установка не может быть продолжена»
Конечно, я убрал все по разным источникам, включая этот, но он продолжал жаловаться. Он также не отображается в списке установленных программ.
Я вспомнил очень старую утилиту, которая была поставлена однажды с Office 2000, я думаю. Она называется «Утилита очистки установщика Windows» (оригинальная загрузка называется msicuu2.exe ). Загрузите его из надежного источника, запустите его с правами администратора, и вы, вероятно, найдете в списке потерянную запись для Oracle.
Нажмите [Удалить], подтвердите предупреждение и продолжите настройку. Это сработало для меня.
How to uninstall / completely remove Oracle 11g (client)?
deinstall.bat doesn't work.
4 Answers 4
Assuming a Windows installation, do please refer to this:
- Uninstall all Oracle components using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
- Run regedit.exe and delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE key. This contains registry entires for all Oracle products.
- Delete any references to Oracle services left behind in the following part of the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ora* It should be pretty obvious which ones relate to Oracle.
- Reboot your machine.
- Delete the "C:\Oracle" directory, or whatever directory is your ORACLE_BASE.
- Delete the "C:\Program Files\Oracle" directory.
- Empty the contents of your "C:\temp" directory.
- Empty your recycle bin.
- Be careful when following anything listed here (above or below), as doing so may remove or damage any other Oracle-installed products.
- For 64-bit Windows (x64), you need also to delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE key from the registry.
- Clean-up by removing any related shortcuts that were installed to the Start Menu.
- Clean-up environment variables:
- Consider removing %ORACLE_HOME% .
- Remove any paths no longer needed from %PATH% .
This set of instructions happens to match an almost identical process that I had reverse-engineered myself over the years after a few messed-up Oracle installs, and has almost always met the need.
Note that even if the OUI is no longer available or doesn't work, simply following the remaining steps should still be sufficient.
I want to delete an oracle instance (oracle created in the AIX 6.0 OS. I know i can delete all the dbf and ctl files in the Terminal but i thinks that's no the best way to do it. I think must be a cleaner way to do that.
Thanks in advance.
793 3 3 gold badges 13 13 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges2 Answers 2
You can delete databases with DBCA which takes care of most of it.
Or you can do as below, but this will do the same as removing the datafiles, redo logs, controlfiles manually.
After this, you still have to remove the entry that belongs to the database from /etc/oratab, remove init.ora/spfile, password file from $ORACLE_HOME/dbs, and clean log directories (adump, bdump, cdump, udump).
37.4k 2 2 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 41 41 bronze badgesIf you decide to use DBCA to delete the database, you can do this:
If you want to completely remove an Oracle 10.2g instance from an Oracle home directory you first need to identify the instance in the oratab file. For example, this entry shows that the testdb Oracle database instance is associated with the following ORACLE_HOME:
Next, you need to set the environment for the database that you want to remove, for example:
Now you can start the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA):
Then, select the Database to delete (mydb) and click finish.
You can also delete a database using DBCA in silent mode. For example, for single instance database:
Removing an Oracle database deletes all of the data in the database. For example, among other things, this action will delete:
1) All files resulting from this query (for mydb):
2) Entry associated with mydb in oratab
3) Entries associated with mydb in listener.ora and tnsnames.ora
If you want to keep this data, make sure that you back up the database before deleting it.
Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), you can take advantage of the deinstall command.
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