Как открыть clip studio paint
A reference window or secondary window in Clip Studio Paint is very easy to use. This way you can split screen your work! You’re able to either use a reference image or preview the overall changes you’re making in your current drawing in real-time.
If you draw using reference images, which I always recommend, especially if you’re drawing something new, this is a very useful feature to use. You can open any image and have it to the side of your screen so you can view at any time.
So how can you use a Reference Window in Clip Studio Paint? Simply go to ‘Window -> Subview’ and a new tab will open to the right side of your screen. In here you can import any image you want and use it for reference!
You can even pick colors to form these images if you need to. Alternatively, you can also open a new window, that will display your art, so you can see it fully more easily! I’m going to go over all of this and explain step-by-step how to use these features in this article. From now on, using reference images will become much easier for you!
Why You Should Use a Reference Window In Clip Studio Paint
It is extremely helpful to use references and a lot of artists like to have reference images on their screen when working. This doesn’t apply only if you’re drawing fanart from a game, movie or series you like.
No, drawing from reference is important at any time.
This is how you learn to draw anything in life. Even if you’re drawing something made up, like a magical creature, something from your own imagination, that creature has its roots on something that already exists. And for that reason, you might find it helpful to find images that will aid you in creating your new creature or monster.
We are all inspired by something. Be it by real life or other art and works! So I really recommend using reference images at all times. Especially when you’re learning to draw something new.
If you’re drawing using an image for reference in Clip Studio Paint, there is a very easy way to be able to see and even edit that image! Before knowing about this, I’d actually open a new document with the image I wanted to use as a reference.
Then I would move the window to one side, resize it and look at it from time to time. I’ll be honest though, I didn’t like how that worked. I always felt like that document was in my way.
Thankfully, Clip Studio can actually open reference images in a way that won’t bother your work! Simply go to ‘Window -> Subview’. Notice that to the right of your screen a new window will appear. Where it usually shows the Navigator window, it will change to the subview one.
There is also another way to get to the subview tab. Clip Studio usually has the Navigator window opened as default. If you didn’t customize your workplace, then you’ll probably have, from top to bottom, several windows like History, Navigator, Layer Property and Layer.
Go to the Navigator window and press the second tab. You’ve now opened the Subview window. Now when you open Subview, it will probably show up empty. You need to open a reference image!
Importing An Image Into Your Sub View Reference Window
To import the reference image you want to use, simply select the small folder icon on the bottom of the window. When you do, just go to the folder where you saved your image and open it up. Your reference image should now appear on the subview window!
Now, this might look a bit small for you. If you’re using the image as a reference, chances are you want to be able to see it properly, so you can understand how to draw that object or subject.
The first thing you can do is to edit how big the window is. If you move your mouse to the extremities of the subview tab, an arrow will appear. While that arrow shows, you can scale the window as you wish.
This will change the view of your workspace, so be sure to set it in a way that feels comfortable when drawing. You might’ve noticed though that the subview window has quite a lot of icons and buttons going on.
Explore all the options you have here so you know how each work and how you want to see your image. But simply put, you can zoom your image in and out. This can be helpful to see better some details of it, for example!
You can also rotate the image you’re using as reference, as well as flip it both horizontal and vertically.
Notice the arrow icons right to the left of the folder icon? You can actually have more than one reference image! Only one image will appear at a time, but by using the arrows you can change from image to image, depending on what you need at the moment.
This is very useful if you need to draw more than one subject or object and need reference images for both. It is also really helpful if you’re using the Subview Window to pick up colors from other images or palettes for your drawings!
Using The Sub View Window As A Color Palette
Let’s say you’re doing fanart of a game or movie you like. Surely it will be useful for you to not only be able to see the character you’re drawing as reference, but to also pick their colors to use on your work!
Alternatively, let’s say you want to draw a summer landscape, full of golden tones or you just happened to find a really nice palette and want to use it. When I just want to practice a bit with color or just don’t know which colors to use in a recent work I have, I really like to go to coolors.co!
This website will generate random palettes for you to use. Simply click the ‘Generate’ button until you find one palette that you really like and want to use. This kind of websites is very useful for when you’re just unsure which colors you should use in your work but also learn better how to use colors in a balanced and interesting way!
Once you find a palette or an image that has colors you want to use, just open it in the Subview window, just like I showed above.
When you open an image on the Subview window, you might notice that the color picker tool is automatically set. Just hover it above the image and click to pick a color. Now the color is selected and you can paint on your canvas!
Easy as pie! I don’t know about you, but until I learned about the subview window, I would open a new file with the image and then move from canvas to canvas, picking a color, then painting it in a new layer on the file I was using. And so on and so forth.
It takes so long to do this and it’s quite counter-productive. Instead, you can just open a palette in your subview reference window and pick the color you need, whenever you want.
If you want to move the reference image, just click on the color picker icon and now a small hand should appear when you hover the image. It is now safe to move it around. If you need to pick colors again, just activate the color picker again!
Alternatively, Use A New Window To See Your Current Artwork
A lot of artists like to have a secondary window to show the whole drawing they’re working on. As you draw, most of the times, your work will be zoomed in, so you can draw the details more easily.
While doing so, you can’t see the whole picture. Of course, you can always zoom in and out so you can see your drawing from afar and then continue working. If you do prefer to have a secondary window, with the whole work, simply go to ‘Window -> Canvas -> New Window’.
This will open a new window in Clip Studio. If you want you can drag that new window to the side and resize it to your liking, so you can look at it at all times. While you work on the original canvas, the new window will always be updating, so you can have a faithful viewing of your work.
Now you can draw zoomed in comfortably and you’ll be able to see the full view of your work in real time and anytime!
Дарья, в настройках, я бы поставил размер кисти+крестик (короче, как на скрине)
Анна, могу повторить. Стоишь на нужном ключевом кадре, жмешь Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V (скопируется слой), потом жмешь правой кнопкой по фрейму где хочешь создать ключевой кадр и выбираешь свой скопированный слой. Тоже самое можно с вложенными папками в анимационную папку проделывать.
Еще можешь экшн записать.
У тебя скайп есть?
Анна, экшн такой можешь записать:
1. Ctrl+C
2. создать новый ключевой кадр
3. удалить слой
4. Ctrl+V
На экшн повесь горячую клавишу. Будешь ее жать и все.
Подскажите пожалуйста, как можно вставить референс, так, чтобы он был не на основном артблоке а отдельно. Нашла как вставлять картинку но мешает очень. у меня айпад версия
В клип студио имеются функции пластика или деформация, что-то кроме "пальца", подскажите пожалуйста?
Анюта, а каким образом вам удалось? Кто-то спрашивал как вставить референс, но что-то методы виндовс ему не подходили.
Анюта, Если вы открываете картинку вторым документом, разве нельзя окно этого документа сделать плавающим, просто перетащив за вкладку. Размер этого плавающего окна любой можно сделать, при необходимости его скрыть. Не совсем понял, в чем неудобство?
Александр, во первых оно не делается плавающим, оно просто открыто, во вторых там открываются файлы с которыми я работала в клип студио а не библиотека с картинками(
а вот я бы хотел узнать как деформировать "пальцем" так, чтобы область и смещалась и не размывалась, при этом не просто копировалассь. А был эффект как при меш трансформ, но "пальцем". Если в настройках "пальца" колор стрендж =100, то просто происходит как бы бесконечное копирование стартовой области. А меньше тоже но с размазыванием.
Меш трансформ, он хорош, но порой сама сетка мешает разглядеть, то что сдвигаешь + когда много точек начинаешь уже в них путаться. Жаль, что секторами нельзя двигать, а только точками.
Как я понимаю, здесь должны быть фигурные/текстурные кисти, но большая часть у меня почему-то отсутствует, вместо них просто круги.
Была у кого-нибудь такая проблема? Как решали?
Клип студио лицензия, если это важно.
Михаил, на 43 странице данного обсуждения Ирина описывает как решила эту проблему(то что на скрине и ниже коменты ее)
Файл CLIP представляет собой файл изображения, созданный клипом Studio Paint, приложение 2D-чертежа. Он содержит композицию изображения, которая состоит из одного или нескольких растровых или векторных слоев и может включать в себя фигуры, текст, фильтры, изображения и ручки, карандаши или мазки кисти. Файлы CLIP заменили %li_nk% файлов выпуском Clip Studio Paint 1.5.4.
Как восстановить утерянные .CLIP файлы?
Во время работы компьютера, ноутбука или других стационарных и мобильных устройств, даже несмотря на регулярное обновление и очистку, возникают баги, зависания, аппаратные или системные сбои. В результате, важный .CLIP файл может быть удалён.
Далеко не во всех случаях единственным способом восстановления .CLIP файла, будет его повторное создание.
Используйте программы для восстановления .CLIP файлов после намеренного или случайного удаления, форматирования памяти устройства или карты памяти, заражения вирусом, сбоя или очистки памяти.
Программы для восстановления файлов
Ищете как восстановить ?
В случаях, когда файлы удалены и стандартными средствами системы их восстановить уже не предоставляется возможным, используйте Hetman Partition Recovery.
1. Загрузите, установите и запустите программу.
2. Программа автоматически просканирует компьютер и отобразит все подключенные к нему жесткие диски и съёмные носители информации, физические и локальные диски.
3. Дважды кликните на диске, файлы из которого необходимо восстановить, и выберите тип анализа.
4. После окончания процесса сканирования вам будут предоставлены файлы для восстановления.
5. Чтобы найти нужный перейдите в интерфейсе программы в папку из которой он был удалён. Или перейдите в папку «Глубокий анализ» и выберите искомый тип файла.
6. Выделите нужные файлы и нажмите кнопку «Восстановить».
7. Выберите один из предложенных способов сохранения файлов и восстановите их.
You can use and install materials in Clip Studio Paint. You can find brushes, textures, color sets, gradient sets, and even animations! There are a lot to choose from in their Assets app and I do recommend you to use it, in case you’re feeling like trying and experimenting with new things.
I like to use their materials when I want to add textures to my drawings. There are a lot of textures, with different shapes and feels to choose from and it’s actually even fun to just spend some time and try them out and see the different results we can get!
How can you install and use these materials in Clip Studio? It is actually very easy! Just look for the material you want and download it. You can now find your new material on the ‘Material Menu’ to the right side of your screen and it’s ready to use!
Of course, there’s a lot more to it than this and if you’re still not used to Clip Studio Paint, I describe in detail and guide you through how to use the Asset app, create an account for it, search, download and use your materials!
How To Install Materials In Clip Studio Paint
Installing Materials in Clip Studio Paint is very easy. Mainly because you don’t need to install them per se. When browsing materials in the Clip Studio Asset store, just pick the one you want and click download.
The material should be ready to use right away in the material tab. There are different types of materials that you can use, from brushes and textures to auto-actions and 3D models. Some of these need an extra step to start using. For example, to use a downloaded brush, you need to drag it from the material tab to a brush/pen tab of your choice.
Otherwise, most of these materials you just need to drag them to your canvas and then edit and use them as you want!
To open this app, you just need to click its icon on the top bar of Clip Studio. When you do, a new window will appear.
It is important to note that this Asset app is fairly recent, so if you can’t see it on the software, update Clip Studio Paint so you can have access to it. Usually, Clip Studio updates automatically and will promptly open a window asking if you want to visit a page with all the new updates. Either way, if you need to update Clip Studio just go here and download the latest update.
It is worth to mention that if you’re not a fan of the app itself, you can also visit the website on your browser. It works pretty much the same way and you can download the materials from there.
Don’t forget that for both the app or the website you need to create an account and login to be able to download any material.
Downloading Additional Materials From Clip Studio Assets
Before we go into how you exactly use these materials, let’s go through a step by step of how to search and download your materials as well as some extra and useful information about the Assets app.
As I mentioned, before starting to search for materials, it’s better to create an account and log in, since the app will ask you for it once you try to download something. So, go to the top bar of the app and click the ‘Login’ button.
It will open up a small window. Now choose ‘Register Account…’ and follow the steps. Once you’re done, go to the app again and log in! Now your username should appear at the top along with how much cloud storage you have. Users get 10gb of cloud storage for free, so you can back up your files and materials!
Now you’re set to search for new materials! For that, look to the left of the app and click on ‘Clip Studio Assets’. A vast array of materials will appear to choose from. If you’re looking for something specific, you can just write it on the search bar. For example, if you’re just looking for brushes, type ‘Brush’ and the app will show you only materials tagged as it!
You can also mark materials that you liked as favorites, by clicking on the star. This way you can go back to these very easily on your Favorites page.
Note that there are both free and paid assets. The paid ones are called Gold Items and Gold is the currency used in Clip Studio Assets. To get it, you need to buy it. Simply go to ‘Account -> Point Service’.
When you find something you liked and want to use, click on it. You’ll be redirected to a new page. Most of these materials are made by Japanese users and they’re written in Japanese. If you don’t know the language but want to understand the descriptions you can click the ‘View Translation’ button.
To the right of the page, you’ll see right away a red download button. Click on it and your material should be ready to use on Clip Studio Paint right away! To access your new material, simply go to the Material Tab and look on the ‘Download’ folder. If you can’t see what you just downloaded right away, close the tab and go back to it again so it refreshes.
You might wonder if you can use these materials for commercial use and the answer is, yes! All of these materials can be used for both commercial and non-commercial use! You can’t share or sell them though. If you want to share these materials with a friend, send them a link of the material so they can download and use as well.
Using The Material Palette Menu
The Material palette menu is located on the right side of your screen and at first glance, it might seem a lot to take on! But it really isn’t, it’s just there’s a lot of information thrown at us, but the menu is very easy to use and understand.
Before even opening this menu, you might notice many different little tabs on the screen. These are each folder with different kinds of materials in them. For example, if you’re looking for 3D material, open the tab with the cube.
This will open and show you all the 3D assets you have and can use. Furthermore, inside each category, the folders are divided and organized in different types of assets, for example, ‘Pose’, ‘Background’, ‘Small Object’, etc.
Clip Studio has their materials very well organized so you can find anything you need, very easily and quickly! Also, you can find specific materials by searching for their tag. Below the categories, there are some suggested tags that you can look for and you can also type the keywords you need.
The tags are very useful to use, especially if you decided to add your own tags to downloaded or registered materials.
Finally, when you select a material, it will show you the details on the bottom of the menu. Below that, you have some tools to organize your materials. For example, you can create new folders, change how you view the materials, open the material properties (here you can add or change tags, change name and others) and even delete materials you don’t need or want anymore.
Overall it is very easy to use. You should have quite some materials already installed even before downloading or registering your own materials. So take a look and have some fun experimenting with all the assets!
Registering Materials
You might want to make your own brushes or textures and others. You can very easily do so. If you want to create your own brushes, I recommend taking a look at this step-by-step guide on how to make your own brush that I wrote. It is very simple and actually fun to experiment and create new and different brushes!
But giving you a general idea of how to register a material, simply create what you want on your canvas. When you’re finished go to ‘Edit -> Register Material…’ you can register them as images, templates or animations, depending on what you’re doing.
When selecting one of them, a new window will appear. This window is very similar to the one you see when opening a material property. Here you can name your creation, add tags to it, choose which folder of materials it’s going to and others.
Once you’re done with all the settings, click Ok and your creation should appear on the Material Menu now!
Using Materials In Clip Studio Paint
Depending on what kind of material you want to use, you might have to import them to your canvas differently. Let’s go over different types of materials and how to use them!
Image Materials
This includes all image materials in the “Image Material” section, Color Patterns, Monochromatic Patterns, Manga Materials, and even 3D Materials.
To use them simply click on the material you want to use and drag it directly to the canvas or to the layers section. When doing so, it will create a new layer with the material you chose.
You can also select multiple materials and drag them to your canvas. This will also create one layer for each material you just added. You can then edit them as you wish!
Animation Materials
- Be sure you have the Timeline showing! If the timeline is disabled, you can’t open the animation you want.
- Choose the frame where you want the animation to start. Even though you can move the animation around, it’s easier to choose the right frame right away and then drag the material to the canvas.
When pasting the material, it will both paste in the canvas and timeline. It is also worth to note that if the frame rate you’re using is different from the one in the material, the one from the material will be maintained. This means that the number of frames on your timeline might change!
Sub Tools
When importing brushes material into Clip Studio, it will work differently. They will appear on the Materials menu, but as opposed as with both cases above, here you can simply drag them to the canvas and use.
You want to be able to use it as a brush. For that, open one of the brushes tabs, now select the brush you want to use from the material menu and drag it to the brush tab you have opened.
It is now ready to use as a brush and you can even change some of its settings. If you want to add more than one brush, feel free to select more than one and drag all of them at the same time!
Color Sets
To import and use downloaded Color sets, simply select them and drag them to the Color Set Palette. They should be ready to use once you do so! If you want to change to different Color Sets, simply select the top bar to change and use different color sets.
Clip Studio Paint already has quite some sets available that you can use and the ones you add will show next to the pre-existing ones.
Auto Action Sets
Auto-Actions are groups of small actions that you can record and save for later use. For example, if you’re making the same action over and over again, instead of having to repeat it every single time, you can make an Auto Action of it, select it and play it.
This way, Clip Studio will make the action for you, making the whole process quicker! Clip Studio Paint already has default Auto Actions that you can use. To access it, look for the History Window and Auto Action should be right next to it.
To use downloaded Auto Actions, simply select them from the Material Menu and drag them to the Auto Action Palette. It should now be ready to use!
Gradient Sets
You can find several Gradients and even packs of Gradients in Clip Studio Asset app that you can download and use on your work. To add them and use them is very similar to what you do with brushes.
Go to your toolbar and select the Gradient Tool, right below the Paint Bucket. You’ll notice that Clip Studio already offers you some Gradient sets that you can use and customize as you want.
From the Material Menu, select the Gradient Sets you downloaded and drag it to the Gradient Palette. You can use your new gradients!
Workspace Material
You can find on the Asset app or website several workspace materials. This is basically people’s way of organizing their screen and Clip Studio’s workplace. You can download these and have your menus and tabs organized differently if you feel yours isn’t fully optimized or you don’t like how menus are distributed.
Personally, I like to move things around as I like. But sometimes it can be refreshing to try different things!
To load a Workspace, select it from the Material Menu and then drag it to the canvas. When you do so, a window will appear with the Workplace settings. From here you can choose what to load. Click Ok.
The new workspace should appear and it will ask you to confirm. You can then go to Window -> Workspace and you’ll notice the one you just loaded shows up there. Here you can change the workspace you’re using!
If you want to revert to your old workspace go to Window -> Workspace -> Workspace.
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