Как настроить горячие клавиши в clip studio paint
Sometimes shortcuts change from software to software. Other times I just don’t like the shortcut assigned, so I need to change them. In Clip Studio you can edit, delete and even add new shortcuts as you wish, which can be very useful!
If you’re new to Clip Studio Paint or can’t find a specific shortcut, I made a list of the most used shortcuts both for drawing and animating. Some of them you might already know since they’re very common and the same as in other drawing software. Others will have different keybindings set to them. So keep on reading to check them out and learn what each of these shortcuts does!
Clip Studio Paint Shortcuts To Speed Up Your Workflow
While drawing on any software, it’s always useful to know some shortcuts. Having to move your mouse or pen to each specific button on your toolbar or other menus is too time-consuming. Sometimes it even feels like it breaks the flow of your work.
While drawing, hitting the “P” or “B” button on your keyboard, so you change to the pen tool or brush tool, accordingly is much faster and automatic for us. This way you don’t need to stop drawing and think where do you need to go to change tools.
When you know your shortcuts, it’s very intuitive and you won’t even pause to think which buttons do you need to push. You just do them without thinking.
- Zoom: Zooming in and out is something you’re probably doing all the time. I do at least. While drawing, we need to bring certain parts closer to us to nail down the details as we want. But we also need to see the whole picture once in a while to check if everything is alright. The most common shortcut to use Zoom In is Ctrl+, but in Clip Studio Paint, you can also press Ctrl+Space and then click the left button of your mouse as much as you need until you’re as close as you need. Personally, I prefer to use Ctrl+. It feels more intuitive and easier, but everyone has their own preferences!
- New Layer: You can create different kinds of new layers in Clip Studio Paint. The most common to use is Raster Layer and Vector Layer. To create a new Raster Layer simply press Ctrl+Shift+N and it will appear right away. If you want to create a Vector, Fill, Gradient or another kind of layer using a shortcut, you have to input it yourself. Later on this post, I’m going to explain better how to change or add your own shortcuts on Clip Studio Paint, but for now, let’s see what exists already! Personally, I use Raster and Vector Layers a lot, but I barely use the shortcut, since the buttons are at hand right at the top of the layer window.
- Brush Tool: To use a brush tool, you simply press ‘B’. It is worth to mention that several types of brush tools are assigned to this button. If you press the ‘B’ button once it will go to the common brushes tab. Pressing it a second time, you’ll go to the airbrush tab. Press it a third time, it will change it to the decoration brushes tab. This is very useful if you tend to roam through all of these while working!
- Pen Tool: If you work with line art or inking, the pen tool is the one you’ll use the most. I use my pen tool more often than a brush. Of course, this changes from artist to artist. We all have different ways of working and like to use different tools. To use the Pen Tool in Clip Studio Paint, simply press ‘P’ on your keyboard. A small note though, there’s more than one Subtool in the Pen category. If you hit ‘P’ once, it will show you all the inking pen brushes you have. Hitting a second time the software will move you to the Pencil category. This might sound weird at first, but it’s actually quite useful if you tend to use both. I usually sketch everything with a pencil brush first and then move to pen brushes, depending on what I’m drawing and this way, the shortcut is pretty handy!
- Increase Brush: Ok, I’m going to be honest here. I never liked how in most drawing software increasing and decreasing the brush size has such a difficult shortcut to reach. To increase your brush size you need to press ‘]‘ on your keyboard. For me, to do this I have to hit Ctrl+Alt+9. That’s just too many buttons to remember all the time. If it sounds and works well for you, then good, leave it as it is. If you’re not a fan of it, change it to something easier for you. Personally, I just assigned them to buttons on my drawing tablet. It’s easier to reach than the keyboard. But choose anything as long as it’s intuitive and comfortable for you!
- Reduce Brush: If you need to reduce your brush size, Clip Studio Paint assigned it to the ‘[‘ on the keyboard. Again, I recommend changing this to something easier if you don’t like it. If this is a button that is easy to reach on your keyboard, then it’s fine! Any shortcut can be changed to your own preferences.
- Copy: This one is pretty straightforward. Lucky for us a lot of shortcuts are very universal, meaning they’re the same almost in any software. So if you want to copy something, simply select what you want and press ‘Ctrl+C’ and that’s it!
- Paste: Same case as before, you’ve copied what you need and now you have to paste it somewhere. Well, the shortcut is the same that you’re probably already used to ‘Ctrl+V’. Just remember to be sure you’re pasting it in the right layer. We don’t want to disorganize everything in our drawings!
- Cut: If you paste something in the wrong layer or you just want to move a part of the drawing to another layer, this is very easy to do! Just select what you need to cut out, then press ‘Ctrl+X’ this will cut that part of the drawing. Now you just need to Paste it. Usually, when pasting something you just cut, Clip Studio Paint will create a new layer with it!
- Eraser Tool: Another tool we’ll be using constantly. Clip Studio Paint has assigned the Eraser Tool to a very intuitive button, simply press ‘E’ and it will change from pen or brush to an eraser and its tab will be visible so you can choose what kind of eraser you need.
- Rotate: This is something I actually use a lot. While drawing sometimes I can’t get a line as I want because I can’t position myself properly. So I need to rotate my canvas. To do so just press the ‘R’ button on your keyboard and then just use the mouse to turn the canvas!
- Eyedropper: Another very useful tool. I constantly pick colors that I need to re-use. To change your tool to the Eyedropper, simply press ‘I’. Although this is something I barely use. If you’re using the pen or brush and you need to pick a color, you can just press ‘Alt’ and as long as you’re pressing the button, the software will change your tool to the eyedropper. From there simply pick the color you want and release the ‘Alt’ button. Now you’re back with your brush and can continue to paint!
- Fill Tool: To use the paint bucket or the gradient tool, just press ‘G’ on your keyboard. I use the paint bucket a lot to add the base colors to my drawings, so this is very useful. When pressing ‘G’ the first time, it will first show you the Gradient tab and pressing the button a second time, you’ll go to the paint bucket tool.
- Undo: The one shortcut that everyone loves! Undo is our best friend and everyone already knows it by heart. Even when working traditionally I feel myself trying to press my so familiar ‘Ctrl+Z’ buttons! Even though it has a very common and simple shortcut is also very useful to add an Undo shortcut to your tablet or pen keys.
- Transform: We often need to resize, flip or rotate something in our drawings, so the transform shortcut is also right at the tip of my fingertips as well. ‘Ctrl+T’ and the drawing or the selection you’ve made is ready to be transformed!
- Flip: If you flip your work a lot, even if it’s just to check on the proportions, Clip Studio Paint doesn’t have a shortcut assigned. I usually just press the flip button that appears on the tab when using Transform. But if you feel that’s counterproductive then you can add your own shortcut. Steps to change the shortcuts are explained further below.
- Select All: If you need to select everything in a single layer there are two ways to go about it. You can hover your mouse over the layer you wish to select, then press Ctrl+LeftMouseButton. To make this process faster you can instead just press Ctrl+A and move everything inside that layer. Both work and the only difference between them is that the first will select the work itself, while the latter will select the whole canvas, but it’s all the same.
- Deselect: When finished with your selection, you can promptly deselect everything by pressing Ctrl+D!
- Move Layer Tool: When you want to move the contents of one or more layers around, instead of clicking the Move Tool or the tools tab, you can just press ‘K’ on your keyboard and now you just need to move everything as you wish!
- Hand Tool: Useful for panning through your artwork. If you press ‘H’, Clip Studio Paint will change you from any tool you’re using to the hand tool. This is not one of my favorite shortcuts though. This implies changing from tool to tool whenever you need. I pan through my canvas a lot! So while drawing, when needing to move around, you can also just press ‘Space+LeftButtonMouse and move around. This makes it much easier since once you release this buttons you’re back with whatever tool you were working with!
Clip Studio Paint Animation Shortcuts
Animating in Clip Studio Paint is something quite new. I’m not sure if that’s the reason why, but the default settings don’t actually have any shortcuts bound except for showing the timeline.
If you want to animate in Clip Studio Paint the first thing you need is the timeline, which should appear when pressing ‘X’. In this timeline, most of the buttons you need will be shown, but it’s always useful to input some shortcuts to make your life easier and speed up some things a bit!
The table below will show the keybinds I like to use and feel that make sense. Of course, you can use your own and if you’re not sure how to change or add a new shortcut in Clip Studio Paint, just go a bit below and I explain how to do it.
- Timeline: As I’ve mentioned this one is the only shortcut already bound in Clip Studio Paint. Although I realized that the ‘X’ button enters in conflict with another shortcut already bound by the software. Changing it to something else, like Ctrl+Alt+T might be a better idea! Alternatively, you can just go to Window -> Timeline. If you animate a lot, having the timeline showing up at all times is a must, so maybe you don’t even need a shortcut for this that badly. All up to you and what you prefer!
- Enable Onion Skin: Onion skin is very useful while animating. I’ve set it to the ‘O’ button on my keyboard since it seems pretty intuitive. O for Onion!
- New Animation Cell: If you need a new animation cell, there’s a button for that on the top bar of your timeline. But, in case you want to make this process quicker, I recommend setting a shortcut for it, for example, the ‘N’ button on your keyboard!
- Add Keyframe: This is another action that you’ll use a lot. Adding and moving between keyframes feels like their shortcuts should be next to each other, so that’s how I set them up. To add a keyframe something like ‘Ctrl+K’ works very well for me!
- Next Keyframe: If I need to move to the next keyframe, I chose a shortcut that’s right after the latter. By pressing ‘Ctrl+L’ I’ll move to the next keyframe right away!
- Previous Keyframe: Going back to a previous keyframe, I recommend something closer to the two above, ‘Ctrl+J’ is what I use and hopefully it will work perfectly for you as well.
- Copy And Paste Keyframe: There are no keys assigned to copying and pasting keyframes, unfortunately. Sometimes it’s pretty useful if you need to just modify small things from one keyframe to another. Of course, it depends on how you like to work. Since copy and paste is a common action while drawing, I figured that a similar shortcut would work well. ‘Ctrl+Alt+C’ to copy a keyframe and ‘Ctrl+Alt+V’ to paste it!
- Play Animation: You’ll want to play your animation frequently to check how it’s going and what do you need to change. Again a button to play your animation stand right at the top bar of the timeline. But, I figured a shortcut can come in handy. For that, I used ‘Ctrl+Alt+P’.
- Loop Play: This one is not as necessary as the rest, but I still like to have it. Using a shortcut to loop play will not make the animation play right away. What happens is that you activate the loop option. Then, you need to press play and your animation will play in a loop. I’ve set the shortcut as ‘Ctrl+Alt+L’. If you don’t want to watch your work on loop anymore just press the shortcut again and it will deactivate it!
How To Change Hotkeys / Shortcuts On Clip Studio Paint
Sometimes Clip Studio won’t have shortcuts assigned to certain actions. Others you just don’t feel like that’s the right shortcut for a tool or an action. You can change them as you wish though!
This is very useful since we all have our preferences and like to work in different ways. To do so, you just need to go to File -> Shortcut Settings… and a window will pop up! There’s actually a huge shortcut you can use to open this window: ‘Ctrl+Shift+Alt+K’.
Now the tools, actions, menus and other are divided through categories. To find what you need, you just need to roam about a bit until you find the shortcut you want to add or change. When finding it, simply click on it and then choose the ‘Edit Shortcut’ or ‘Add Shortcut’ button, depending on if you’re changing it or adding a new one.
Finally, press the buttons you wish to bind that shortcut and press ‘Enter’. That’s it! When you’re finished with all the shortcuts, click ok and they should all be assigned.
Note that you can also delete a shortcut if you don’t wish to have any keybind assigned to that specific action. Just click on it and then the ‘Delete Shortcut’ button.
Clip Studio Paint has made it very easy to find and change shortcuts to your liking so make use of it as much as you need!
Related Questions
How do you flip a canvas in Clip Studio? If you wish to flip the whole canvas, go to Edit -> Rotate/Invert Canvas and choose one of the options. This does not have a keybind assigned to it, but you can if it’s something you do a lot!
How do you select multiple layers in Clip Studio Paint? If you want to select more than one layer, hold ‘Ctrl’ while clicking on each layer you want to select.
Александр, ну общая блокировка и прозрачность , то да, там на панели видно
Блэт, очень печально , спасибо
Александр, А подскажите еще пожалуйста( а то в обсуждении по теме, так никто и не ответил) каким кейгеном пользоваться, чтобы с последней версией ксп нормально работало ?)
Omar, на значёк в кружке сначала, потом криэйт. Потом уже созданный шаблон настраиваешь, и сохраняешь настройки.
как восстановить закрытый холст в клип студио?
тут вроде как есть автосохранение но я не знаю где найти список холстов
очень нужно восстановить работу
Данель, в меню файл смотри пункт.
Обрати внимание, что можешь задавать (или менять) клавиши как на группы инструментов, так и на подгруппы и на отдельные инструменты. Если задано на группу, то при нажатии клавиши попадаешь на последний использованный в ней. Если одна и таже клавиша задана на несколько инструментов, групп, то повторное нажатие этой клавиши переключит на следующую и тд, циклически.
Mikasa, да все панели в меню "виндо" собраны. Те что у тебя пропали подчеркнул, напротив галочки поставь. Или можешь вообще "ресет фо дофолт" нажать, во вкладке с вокспейс.
Shortcut Settings [Windows]
Allows you to set a shortcut for some of the main menu items, tool property items and brush sizes, as well as tools and sub tools.
Selecting [File] menu > [Shortcut settings] opens the [Shortcut settings] dialog box.
On the [Shortcut Settings] dialog box, you can edit, add or delete the shortcuts of menu items, etc.
Shortcut settings dialog box
(1) Setting area
Select the category of the item(s) you want to assign a shortcut.
Displays a list of the top menus, submenus, and commands.
Pop-up palette [Windows/macOS/Tablet]
Switches the [Shortcut list] to [Pop-up palette] items. The [Pop-up] palette is a function that pops up a menu next to the mouse cursor.
Displays a list of functions and operations that are not included in the menus and tools.
Displays a list of tools and sub tools.
Auto action
Displays a list of auto actions.
(2) Shortcut list
Displays the list of current shortcuts.
Sub-menu commands can be displayed or hidden in the following ways:
· Click the leftmost arrow symbol.
· Double-click the item name.
(3) Information area
The area where messages are shown when the set shortcut is duplicated.
(4) Edit shortcut
Select the row of the item you want to edit, and then click the button to edit the shortcut. To change the shortcut, type the shortcut you wish to use and press Enter.
· When using a Wacom stylus, shortcuts can be assigned to the side button of the stylus pen.
· With macOS, you cannot set shortcuts that are duplicated with keyboard shortcuts set in [System preference].
· Pressing Esc after typing the shortcut cancels the input setting.
· Double clicking the item in the Shortcut list also enables shortcut editing.
(5) Add shortcut
Adds shortcut settings.
Select the row of the item you want to edit, and then click the button and type the shortcut. To change the shortcut, type the shortcut you wish to use and press Enter.
· When using a Wacom stylus, shortcuts can be assigned to the side button of the stylus pen.
· With macOS, you cannot set shortcuts that are duplicated with keyboard shortcuts set in [System preference].
· Pressing Esc after typing the shortcut cancels the input setting.
(6) Delete shortcut
Select the item you want to delete, and click. The shortcut of the selected item is deleted.
·For shortcuts, operations in this guide are described based on the Windows version unless otherwise noted. If you are using the macOS or the iPad version, replace the Alt key with the Option key and the Ctrl key with the Command key.
·App Settings [Smartphone]
Clip Studio Paint shortcuts are as follows.
Version rmation [macOS/Tablet]
Shortcut settings [macOS/Tablet]
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + K
Modifier key settings [macOS/Tablet] [PRO/EX]
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Y
Command bar settings [macOS/Tablet] [PRO/EX]
Tab-Mate Controller [macOS]
Tab-Mate Controller Settings [macOS]
Quick Settings [macOS]
Rotation Settings [macOS]
Pen Pressure Settings [macOS/Tablet]
Wacom stylus [iPad]
Import calibration rmation [macOS]
Export Calibration rmation [macOS]
Open CLIP STUDIO [macOS/Tablet]
App Settings [Smartphone]
App Settings shortcuts are as follows.
Command Bar Settings
Palette Bar Settings
Edit Bar Settings
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + K
Modifier Key Settings
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Y
Pen Pressure Settings
File shortcuts are as follows.
Create New from Clipboard [Windows/macOS/iPad/iPhone]
Create new from app clipboard [Android/Chromebook]
Create new from photo library [iPad/iPhone]
Create new from device storage [Android/Chromebook]
.psb (Photoshop big document)
.psd (Photoshop document)
.psb (Photoshop big document)
.psd (Photoshop document)
Flatten and save to device storage [Android/Chromebook]
Export multiple pages [EX]
3D preview for binding
Export fanzine ing data
Open exporting destination of fanzine ing data [Windows/macOS]
Export in Kindle format [Windows]
Preview of exported Kindle data [Windows]
Open export destination of Kindle format [Windows]
Export settings for Kindle format [Windows]
Export EPUB data
Open export destination of EPUB data [Windows/macOS]
Export settings for EPUB data
Animated sticker (APNG)
Export animation cels [EX]
Exposure sheet [EX]
OpenToonz Scene File [Windows/macOS] [EX]
Export vectors [PRO/EX]
Pattern from Image
Create file object
Batch import [EX]
Pose Scanner (image) (Technology preview)
Pose Scanner (camera) [Tablet]
Pose Scanner (photo library) [iPad/iPhone]
Pose Scanner (storage) [Android/Chromebook]
Camera settings [Tablet]
From photo library [iPad/iPhone]
From device [Android/iPhine]
Continuous Scan [Windows/macOS] [EX]
Select Scan Device [Windows/macOS]
Exposure sheet [EX]
Batch process [EX]
Shortcut settings [Windows]
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + K
Modifier Key Settings [Windows] [PRO/EX]
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Y
Command Bar Settings [Windows] [PRO/EX]
Tab-Mate Controller [Windows]
Tab-Mate Controller Settings [Windows]
Quick Settings [Windows]
CLIP STUDIO TABMATE Settings [Windows]
Rotation Settings [Windows]
Pen Pressure Settings [Windows]
Open CLIP STUDIO [Windows]
File operation/ [Android/Chromebook]
Edit shortcuts are as follows.
Ctrl + Y, Ctrl + Shift + Z
Copy vectors as SVG [PRO/EX]
Paste to shown position
Ctrl + Back Space
Delete Outside Selection
Shift + Back Space
Remove tone (Technology preview) [EX]
Delete tones from selected layer
Change tones to grayscale
Alt + Back Space
Advanced Fill [PRO/EX]
Colorize (Technology preview)
Use hint image and colorize
Use more advanced settings
Change color of line to drawing
Outline Selection [PRO/EX]
Convert brightness to opacity
Register Material [PRO/EX]
Reverse gradient [PRO/EX]
Tone curve [PRO/EX]
Color balance [PRO/EX]
Gradient map [PRO/EX]
Mesh Transformation [PRO/EX]
Change Image Resolution
Change Canvas Size
Rotate by 90 degrees wise
Rotate by 90 Degrees Counterwise
Canvas Properties [PRO/EX]
Clear Memory [PRO/EX]
Obtain screen color [Windows/macOS]
Obtain screen color by hiding windows [Windows/macOS]
Story [EX]
Story shortcuts are as follows.
Open page with new tab
Add page (Detail)
Change to Split Pages
Change basic page settings
Change basic work settings
Sort page file names
Page manager layout [Windows/macOS/Tablet]
Webtoon reading direction
Show binding list
Settings of ing file name
Allow cover pages to be moved
Open story editor
Apply properties to text
Find and Replace
Group work [Windows/macOS]
Reflect change on group work data
Set member for work
Cancel settings of member for work
Cancel change of work folder
Open conflicting file
Prepare group work data
Obtain group work data
Animation shortcuts are as follows.
New animation layer
2D camera folder
New animation cel
Enable keyframes on this layer
Switch keyframe to hold interpolation
Switch keyframe to linear interpolation
Switch keyframe to smooth interpolation
Edit layers with active keyframes
Delete all keyframes
Batch specify cels
Create all supported cels
Rename in line order
Rename in layer order
Select previous cel
Select next cel
Set as first displayed frame
Set as last displayed frame
Play all frames
Render 2D camera
Render before starting playback
Go to previous frame
Go to next frame
Go to specified frame
Go to line label
Create line label
Delete line label
Create track label
Delete track label
Create inbetween track label
Create reverse sheet track label
Go to previous line
Go to next line
Change frame rate
Apply Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet rmation to current exposure sheet [EX] [Windows/iPad]
Load changes to Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet [EX] [Windows/iPad]
Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet settings [EX] [Windows]
Installation path for Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet [EX] [iPad]
Show animation cels
Show edited cel only
Enable onion skin
Onion skin settings
Check cel motion by key input
Check surrounding cels by key input
Enable light table
Fix current animation cel as editing target
Register selected layer
Select and register file
Register layer copied from another canvas
Register onion skin images
Deregister selected image from light table
Deregister all images from light table
Move canvas to center
Show 2D camera frames
Show camera path
Show all field guides
Layer shortcuts are as follows.
New Raster Layer
Vector Layer [PRO/EX]
Gradient layer [PRO/EX]
Fill in Monochrome Layer [PRO/EX]
Frame Border Folder [PRO/EX]
CLIP STUDIO > Foil layer [EX]
New Correction Layer [PRO/EX]
New Layer Folder
Create folder and insert layer
Ungroup Layer Folder
Mask Outside Selection
Apply Mask to Layer
Selection from Ruler
Create Perspective Ruler
Divide frame border equally
Show in All Layers
Show in Same Folder
Show Only When Editing Target
Convert layer to file object
Paste as file object
Change file of file object
Open file of file object
Open folder of file object
Up all file objects
Set as reference layer
Set as Draft Layer [PRO/EX]
Clip to Layer Below
Lock transparent pixels
Change Layer Name
Display palette colors in parent folder
Display palette colors on canvas
Selection from Layer
Select Overlapping Area
Convert layer [PRO/EX]
LT conversion of layer
Transfer To Lower Layer
Merge with layer below
Merge selected layers
Merge visible layers
Merge visible to new layer
Layer Order [PRO/EX]
Change Selected Layer [PRO/EX]
Selection shortcuts are as follows.
Invert selected area
Expand Selected Area
Shrink Selected Area
Blur borders [PRO/EX]
Select Color Gamut [PRO/EX]
Select Overlapping Vectors [PRO/EX]
Select Vectors Within Area [PRO/EX]
Quick Mask [PRO/EX]
Convert to Selection Layer [PRO/EX]
Convert Selection Layer to Selection [PRO/EX]
View shortcuts are as follows.
Selection Launcher Settings [PRO/EX]
Grid/Ruler Settings [PRO/EX]
Crop mark/Default border [PRO/EX]
Crop mark/Default border settings [PRO/EX]
Story rmation [EX]
Safety margin [PRO/EX]
On-screen area (Webtoon)
On-screen area settings (webtoon)
Show Tone Area [PRO/EX]
Show Selected Tone Area
Show All Tone Areas
Include Image Material Area
Show playback fps
Snap to Ruler [PRO/EX]
Snap to Special Ruler [PRO/EX]
Snap to Grid [PRO/EX]
Change Special Ruler Snap [PRO/EX]
Color profile [PRO/EX]
Filter shortcuts are as follows.
Remove jpeg noise
Adjust line width
Window shortcuts are as follows.
Control + Tab in macOS
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Control + Tab in macOS
Reset to default
Register Workspace [PRO/EX]
Register workspace as material [PRO/EX]
for workspace material(s) [PRO/EX]
Manage Workspace [PRO/EX]
Workspace import settings [PRO/EX]
Reload Workspace [PRO/EX]
Quick access [PRO/EX]
Sub Detail [PRO/EX]
Interte Color [PRO/EX]
Approximate Color [PRO/EX]
Color History [PRO/EX]
Layer Property [PRO/EX]
All sides view [EX]
Auto Action [PRO/EX]
Show/ All Palettes
Always Show Tab in Canvas
Fix the width of palette dock
Display (palette name) as pop-up
Display (palette name) as tab
Help shortcuts are as follows.
Training and Tutorials
Version rmation [Windows]
Shortcuts Usable during Operation
Shortcuts that can be used while operating a are as follows.
For shortcuts, operations in this guide are described based on the Windows version unless otherwise noted. If you are using the macOS or the iPad version, replace the Alt key with the Option key and the Ctrl key with the Command key.
·When the [Zoom] Is Selected
·When the [Move] (Rotate) Is Selected
·When the Object Is Selected
·When the Object (3D Material) Is Selected
·When Select layer Is Selected
·When Light Table Is Selected
·When Edit line Is Selected
·When Move layer Is Selected
·When Marquee (Rectangle/Ellipse) Is Selected
·When Marquee (Lasso) Is Selected
·When Selection (Selection pen/Erase selection) Is Selected
·When Marquee (Shrink selection) Is Selected
·When Marquee (Polyline) Is Selected
·When Auto select Is Selected
·When [Pen], [Pencil], [Brush], [Airbrush], [Decoration] or [Eraser] Is Selected
·When Pen (Dot pen) Is Selected
·When Blend (Except Copy stamp) Is Selected
·When Blend (Copy stamp) Is Selected [PRO/EX]
·When Fill (Refer only to editing layer, Refer other layers, Close and fill) Is Selected
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