Excel solution что это
Solver is a Microsoft Excel add-in program you can use for what-if analysis. Use Solver to find an optimal (maximum or minimum) value for a formula in one cell — called the objective cell — subject to constraints, or limits, on the values of other formula cells on a worksheet. Solver works with a group of cells, called decision variables or simply variable cells that are used in computing the formulas in the objective and constraint cells. Solver adjusts the values in the decision variable cells to satisfy the limits on constraint cells and produce the result you want for the objective cell.
Put simply, you can use Solver to determine the maximum or minimum value of one cell by changing other cells. For example, you can change the amount of your projected advertising budget and see the effect on your projected profit amount.
Note: Versions of Solver prior to Excel 2007 referred to the objective cell as the "target cell," and the decision variable cells as "changing cells" or "adjustable cells". Many improvements were made to the Solver add-in for Excel 2010, so if you're using Excel 2007 your experience will be slightly different.
In the following example, the level of advertising in each quarter affects the number of units sold, indirectly determining the amount of sales revenue, the associated expenses, and the profit. Solver can change the quarterly budgets for advertising (decision variable cells B5:C5), up to a total budget constraint of $20,000 (cell F5), until the total profit (objective cell F7) reaches the maximum possible amount. The values in the variable cells are used to calculate the profit for each quarter, so they are related to the formula objective cell F7, =SUM (Q1 Profit:Q2 Profit).
1. Variable cells
2. Constrained cell
3. Objective cell
After Solver runs, the new values are as follows.
On the Data tab, in the Analysis group, click Solver.
Note: If the Solver command or the Analysis group is not available, you need to activate the Solver add-in. See: How to activate the Solver add-in.
In the Set Objective box, enter a cell reference or name for the objective cell. The objective cell must contain a formula.
Do one of the following:
If you want the value of the objective cell to be as large as possible, click Max.
If you want the value of the objective cell to be as small as possible, click Min.
If you want the objective cell to be a certain value, click Value of, and then type the value in the box.
In the By Changing Variable Cells box, enter a name or reference for each decision variable cell range. Separate the non-adjacent references with commas. The variable cells must be related directly or indirectly to the objective cell. You can specify up to 200 variable cells.
In the Subject to the Constraints box, enter any constraints that you want to apply by doing the following:
In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Add.
In the Cell Reference box, enter the cell reference or name of the cell range for which you want to constrain the value.
Click the relationship ( <=, =, >=, int, bin, or dif ) that you want between the referenced cell and the constraint.If you click int, integer appears in the Constraint box. If you click bin, binary appears in the Constraint box. If you click dif, alldifferent appears in the Constraint box.
If you choose <=, =, or >= for the relationship in the Constraint box, type a number, a cell reference or name, or a formula.
Do one of the following:
To accept the constraint and add another, click Add.
To accept the constraint and return to the Solver Parameters dialog box, click OK.
Note You can apply the int, bin, and dif relationships only in constraints on decision variable cells.
You can change or delete an existing constraint by doing the following:
In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click the constraint that you want to change or delete.
Click Change and then make your changes, or click Delete.
Click Solve and do one of the following:
To keep the solution values on the worksheet, in the Solver Results dialog box, click Keep Solver Solution.
To restore the original values before you clicked Solve, click Restore Original Values.
You can interrupt the solution process by pressing Esc. Excel recalculates the worksheet with the last values that are found for the decision variable cells.
To create a report that is based on your solution after Solver finds a solution, you can click a report type in the Reports box and then click OK. The report is created on a new worksheet in your workbook. If Solver doesn't find a solution, only certain reports or no reports are available.
To save your decision variable cell values as a scenario that you can display later, click Save Scenario in the Solver Results dialog box, and then type a name for the scenario in the Scenario Name box.
After you define a problem, click Options in the Solver Parameters dialog box.
In the Options dialog box, select the Show Iteration Results check box to see the values of each trial solution, and then click OK.
In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve.
In the Show Trial Solution dialog box, do one of the following:
To stop the solution process and display the Solver Results dialog box, click Stop.
To continue the solution process and display the next trial solution, click Continue.
In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options.
Choose or enter values for any of the options on the All Methods, GRG Nonlinear, and Evolutionary tabs in the dialog box.
In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Load/Save.
Enter a cell range for the model area, and click either Save or Load.
When you save a model, enter the reference for the first cell of a vertical range of empty cells in which you want to place the problem model. When you load a model, enter the reference for the entire range of cells that contains the problem model.
Tip: You can save the last selections in the Solver Parameters dialog box with a worksheet by saving the workbook. Each worksheet in a workbook may have its own Solver selections, and all of them are saved. You can also define more than one problem for a worksheet by clicking Load/Save to save problems individually.
You can choose any of the following three algorithms or solving methods in the Solver Parameters dialog box:
Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) Nonlinear Use for problems that are smooth nonlinear.
LP Simplex Use for problems that are linear.
Evolutionary Use for problems that are non-smooth.
Important: You should enable the Solver add-in first. For more information, see Load the Solver add-in.
In the following example, the level of advertising in each quarter affects the number of units sold, indirectly determining the amount of sales revenue, the associated expenses, and the profit. Solver can change the quarterly budgets for advertising (decision variable cells B5:C5), up to a total budget constraint of $20,000 (cell D5), until the total profit (objective cell D7) reaches the maximum possible amount. The values in the variable cells are used to calculate the profit for each quarter, so they are related to the formula objective cell D7, =SUM(Q1 Profit:Q2 Profit).
After Solver runs, the new values are as follows.
In Excel 2016 for Mac: Click Data > Solver.
In Excel for Mac 2011: Click the Data tab, under Analysis, click Solver.
In Set Objective, enter a cell reference or name for the objective cell.
Note: The objective cell must contain a formula.
Do one of the following:
Make the value of the objective cell as large as possible
Make the value of the objective cell as small as possible
Set the objective cell to a certain value
Click Value Of, and then type the value in the box.
In the By Changing Variable Cells box, enter a name or reference for each decision variable cell range. Separate the nonadjacent references with commas.
The variable cells must be related directly or indirectly to the objective cell. You can specify up to 200 variable cells.
In the Subject to the Constraints box, add any constraints that you want to apply.
To add a constraint, follow these steps:
In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Add.
In the Cell Reference box, enter the cell reference or name of the cell range for which you want to constrain the value.
On the <= relationship pop-up menu, select the relationship that you want between the referenced cell and the constraint.If you choose <=, =, or >=, in the Constraint box, type a number, a cell reference or name, or a formula.
Note: You can only apply the int, bin, and dif relationships in constraints on decision variable cells.
Do one of the following:
Accept the constraint and add another
Accept the constraint and return to the Solver Parameters dialog box
Click Solve, and then do one of the following:
Keep the solution values on the sheet
Click Keep Solver Solution in the Solver Results dialog box.
Restore the original data
Click Restore Original Values.
To interrupt the solution process, press ESC . Excel recalculates the sheet with the last values that are found for the adjustable cells.
To create a report that is based on your solution after Solver finds a solution, you can click a report type in the Reports box and then click OK. The report is created on a new sheet in your workbook. If Solver doesn't find a solution, the option to create a report is unavailable.
To save your adjusting cell values as a scenario that you can display later, click Save Scenario in the Solver Results dialog box, and then type a name for the scenario in the Scenario Name box.
In Excel 2016 for Mac: Click Data > Solver.
In Excel for Mac 2011: Click the Data tab, under Analysis, click Solver.
After you define a problem, in the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options.
Select the Show Iteration Results check box to see the values of each trial solution, and then click OK.
In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve.
In the Show Trial Solution dialog box, do one of the following:
Stop the solution process and display the Solver Results dialog box
Click Stop.
Continue the solution process and display the next trial solution
Click Continue.
In Excel 2016 for Mac: Click Data > Solver.
In Excel for Mac 2011: Click the Data tab, under Analysis, click Solver.
Click Options, and then in the Options or Solver Options dialog box, choose one or more of the following options:
Set solution time and iterations
On the All Methods tab, under Solving Limits, in the Max Time (Seconds) box, type the number of seconds that you want to allow for the solution time. Then, in the Iterations box, type the maximum number of iterations that you want to allow.
Note: If the solution process reaches the maximum time or number of iterations before Solver finds a solution, Solver displays the Show Trial Solution dialog box.
Set the degree of precision
On the All Methods tab, in the Constraint Precision box, type the degree of precision that you want. The smaller the number, the higher the precision.
Set the degree of convergence
On the GRG Nonlinear or Evolutionary tab, in the Convergence box, type the amount of relative change that you want to allow in the last five iterations before Solver stops with a solution. The smaller the number, the less relative change is allowed.
In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve or Close.
In Excel 2016 for Mac: Click Data > Solver.
In Excel for Mac 2011: Click the Data tab, under Analysis, click Solver.
Click Load/Save, enter a cell range for the model area, and then click either Save or Load.
When you save a model, enter the reference for the first cell of a vertical range of empty cells in which you want to place the problem model. When you load a model, enter the reference for the entire range of cells that contains the problem model.
Tip: You can save the last selections in the Solver Parameters dialog box with a sheet by saving the workbook. Each sheet in a workbook may have its own Solver selections, and all of them are saved. You can also define more than one problem for a sheet by clicking Load/Save to save problems individually.
In Excel 2016 for Mac: Click Data > Solver.
In Excel for Mac 2011: Click the Data tab, under Analysis, click Solver.
On the Select a Solving Method pop-up menu, select one of the following:
Solving Method
GRG (Generalized Reduced Gradient) Nonlinear
The default choice, for models using most Excel functions other than IF, CHOOSE, LOOKUP and other “step” functions.
Use this method for linear programming problems. Your model should use SUM, SUMPRODUCT, + - and * in formulas that depend on the variable cells.
This method, based on genetic algorithms, is best when your model uses IF, CHOOSE, or LOOKUP with arguments that depend on the variable cells.
Note: Portions of the Solver program code are copyright 1990-2010 by Frontline Systems, Inc. Portions are copyright 1989 by Optimal Methods, Inc.
Because add-in programs aren’t supported in Excel for the web, you won’t be able to use the Solver add-in to run what-if analysis on your data to help you find optimal solutions.
If you have the Excel desktop application, you can use the Open in Excel button to open your workbook to use the Solver add-in.
More help on using Solver
For more detailed help on Solver contact:
Portions of the Solver program code are copyright 1990-2009 by Frontline Systems, Inc. Portions are copyright 1989 by Optimal Methods, Inc.
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You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community or get support in the Answers community.
Visual Studio provides project templates you can use to create document-level customizations and VSTO Add-ins for Microsoft Office Excel. You can use these solutions to automate Excel, extend Excel features, and customize the Excel user interface (UI). For more information about the differences between document-level customizations and VSTO Add-ins, see Office solutions development overview (VSTO).
Applies to: The information in this topic applies to document-level projects and VSTO Add-in projects for Excel. For more information, see Features available by Office application and project type.
Interested in developing solutions that extend the Office experience across multiple platforms? Check out the new Office Add-ins model. Office Add-ins have a small footprint compared to VSTO Add-ins and solutions, and you can build them by using almost any web programming technology, such as HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, and XML.
This topic provides the following information:
Automate Excel
The Excel object model exposes many types that you can use to automate Excel. For example, you can programmatically create charts, format worksheets, and set the values of ranges and cells. For more information, see Excel object model overview.
When developing Excel solutions in Visual Studio, you can also use host items and host controls in your solutions. These are objects that extend certain commonly used objects in the Excel object model, such as the Worksheet and Range objects. The extended objects behave like the Excel objects they are based on, but they add additional events and data binding capabilities to the objects. For more information, see Automate Excel by using extended objects.
Develop document-level customizations for Excel
A document-level customization for Microsoft Office Excel consists of an assembly that is associated with a specific workbook. The assembly typically extends the workbook by customizing the UI and by automating Excel. Unlike a VSTO Add-in, which is associated with Excel itself, functionality that you implement in a customization is available only when the associated workbook is open in Excel.
To create a document-level customization project for Excel, use the Excel workbook or Excel template project templates in the New Project dialog box of Visual Studio. For more information, see How to: Create Office projects in Visual Studio.
For more information about how document-level customizations work, see Architecture of document-level customizations.
Excel customization programming model
When you create a document-level project for Excel, Visual Studio generates several classes that are the foundation of your solution: ThisWorkbook , Sheet1 , Sheet2 , and Sheet3 . These classes represent the workbook and worksheets that are associated with your solution, and they provide a starting point for writing your code.
For more information about these generated classes and other features you can use in a document-level project, see Program document-level customizations.
Develop VSTO Add-ins for Excel
A VSTO Add-in for Microsoft Office Excel consists of an assembly that is loaded by Excel. The assembly typically extends Excel by customizing the UI and by automating Excel. Unlike a document-level customization, which is associated with a specific workbook, functionality that you implement in a VSTO Add-in is not restricted to any single workbook.
To create a VSTO Add-in project for Excel, use the Excel workbook or Excel template project templates in the New Project dialog box of Visual Studio. For more information, see How to: Create Office projects in Visual Studio.
For general information about how VSTO Add-ins work, see Architecture of VSTO Add-ins.
Excel Add-in programming model
When you create an Excel VSTO Add-in project, Visual Studio generates a class, called ThisAddIn , which is the foundation of your solution. This class provides a starting point for writing your code, and it also exposes the object model of Excel to your VSTO Add-in.
For more information about the ThisAddIn class and other Visual Studio features you can use in a VSTO Add-in, see Program VSTO Add-Ins.
Customize the user interface of Excel
There are several different ways to customize the user interface of Excel. Some options are available to all project types, and other options are available only to VSTO Add-ins or document-level customizations.
Options for all project types
The following table lists customization options that are available to both document-level customizations and VSTO Add-ins.
Options for document-level customizations
The following table lists customization options that are available only to document-level customizations.
Options for VSTO Add-ins
The following table lists customization options that are available only to VSTO Add-ins.
So, instead of the generated steps to change each column type, we can use the List.Transform function to apply a transformation to each Column:
Using Merged Cells Effectively in Excel
Simple, easy to remember, and effective.
Filter table, then delete filtered rows
You just need to change the sheet codename, the table name, the field index number, and the criteria value.
It would be simple to replace the user selected values with variables or parameters, so the code becomes more reusable:
YTZ Dice Game in Excel
Excel Book Recommendation
This simply returns a value from a list, based on its position in the list.
The INDEX function requires 2 arguments; The first is the list of values, or range containing the list of values. The second argument is the position in that list from which to return a value.
Example: Who is the 4th name in this list? We can use INDEX to tell us:
Now, the MATCH function does the exact opposite of INDEX: it returns the position in a list where a specific value occurs.
The MATCH function requires 3 arguments; The first is the value we want to find, the second is the list (or range containing the list) that we want to look in, and the third argument specifies whether we want an exact match, or the next lowest / highest.
Example: Which position is Helen in, in our example data:
This formula returns the answer 3.
Now, if the columns were reversed, you could simply use a VLOOKUP, to return the Name based on the Car value. So, you could restructure your data. Or you could add a helper column, to repeat the name in column C, and then use a VLOOKUP.
There are more advanced capabilities of both INDEX and MATCH functions, including 2 dimensional arrays, multiple areas, and returning closest values. But this post covers the basic use of the INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel.
Eurovision Song Contest 2014
Just a quick lighthearted post to share a scorecard table for the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest:
- Фильтр по значению – отметить флажком нужные значения из столбца данных, которые высвечиваются внизу диалогового окна.
- Фильтр по цвету – выбор по отформатированной ячейке: по цвету ячейки, по цвету шрифта или по значку ячейки (если установлено условное форматирование).
- Можно воспользоваться строкой быстрого поиска
- Для выбора числового фильтра, текстового фильтра или фильтра по дате (в зависимости от типа данных) выбрать соответствующую строку. Появится контекстное меню с более детальными возможностями фильтрации:
- При выборе опции Числовые фильтры появятся следующие варианты фильтрации: равно, больше, меньше, Первые 10… [Top 10…] и др.
- При выборе опции Текстовые фильтры в контекстном меню можно отметить вариант фильтрации содержит. , начинается с… и др.
- При выборе опции Фильтры по дате варианты фильтрации – завтра, на следующей неделе, в прошлом месяце и др.
- Во всех перечисленных выше случаях в контекстном меню содержится пункт Настраиваемый фильтр… [Custom…], используя который можно задать одновременно два условия отбора, связанные отношением И [And] – одновременное выполнение 2 условий, ИЛИ [Or] – выполнение хотя бы одного условия.
Если данные после фильтрации были изменены, фильтрация автоматически не срабатывает, поэтому необходимо запустить процедуру вновь, нажав на кнопку Повторить [Reapply] в группе Сортировка и фильтр на вкладке Данные.
Отмена фильтрации
Для того чтобы отменить фильтрацию диапазона данных, достаточно повторно щелкнуть по кнопке Фильтр.
Чтобы быстро снять фильтрацию со всех столбцов необходимо выполнить команду Очистить на вкладке Данные
Срезы – это те же фильтры, но вынесенные в отдельную область и имеющие удобное графическое представление. Срезы являются не частью листа с ячейками, а отдельным объектом, набором кнопок, расположенным на листе Excel. Использование срезов не заменяет автофильтр, но, благодаря удобной визуализации, облегчает фильтрацию: все примененные критерии видны одновременно. Срезы были добавлены в Excel начиная с версии 2010.
Создание срезов
В Excel 2010 срезы можно использовать для сводных таблиц, а в версии 2013 существует возможность создать срез для любой таблицы.
Для этого нужно выполнить следующие шаги:
Выделить в таблице одну ячейку и выбрать вкладку Конструктор [Design].
Форматирование срезов
- Выделить срез.
- На ленте вкладки Параметры [Options] выбрать группу Стили срезов [Slicer Styles], содержащую 14 стандартных стилей и опцию создания собственного стиля пользователя.
- Выбрать кнопку с подходящим стилем форматирования.
Чтобы удалить срез, нужно его выделить и нажать клавишу Delete.
Расширенный фильтр
Расширенный фильтр предоставляет дополнительные возможности. Он позволяет объединить несколько условий, расположить результат в другой части листа или на другом листе и др.
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