Dbeaver файлы драйвера postgresql отсутствуют
This guide describes how to manage/secure the DBeaver database connections. It is designed for System administrators. Regular users should check this guide.
Provide predefined connections
DBeaver keeps connections information in the project folder. By default, all projects reside in the workspace.
The default project folder is workspace\workspace6\General.
DBeaver 6.1.3+
DBeaver keeps information about project connections in the .dbeaver/data-sources.json . file.
All secured information (user name, password, secret keys, etc) is stored in the encrypted file, .dbeaver/credentials-config.json .
DBeaver can load multiple connection files. Any files in the project folder matching the .dbeaver/data-sources*.json pattern will be loaded on the startup. So you can create a file, for example, .dbeaver/data-sources-2.json in the project folder and DBeaver will see it.
DBeaver dbeaver-data-sources.xml . file.
DBeaver can load multiple connection files. Any files in the project folder matching the .dbeaver-data-sources*.xml pattern will be loaded on the startup. So you can create a file, for example, .dbeaver-data-sources-2.xml in the project folder and DBeaver will see it.
Importing connections from CSV/XML
You can import a connection from CSV or XML files.
The CSV file must have a header row (first line of file) with column names (see list of supported columns below). The XML file should contain a top-level element and a set of nested elements. The connections config must be specified in the attributes of the nested elements. Attribute names are the same as the CSV column names.
Supported names:
Name | Meaning |
name | Connection name |
url | JDBC URL |
host | Database server host name |
port | Database server port |
database | Database/schema name |
user | User name |
password | User password |
You can only specify the URL or the host/port/etc setting.
User name/password are optional.
Sample CSV
Sample XML
Secure connections from editing
It is possible to set the connection settings as read-only (protected by password)
У меня новая установка dbeaver 5.0.6.
Я пытаюсь подключиться к postgresql в Windows.
Я нажимаю на новое соединение, затем на драйвер, соответствующий
Я получаю ошибку при разрешении зависимостей:
Maven artifact 'maven: /org.p ostgresql: postgresql : RELEASE не найден
Maven artifact 'maven: /org.p ostgresql: postgresql : RELEASE не найден
Затем захожу в настройки драйвера:
Файлы, необходимые водителю:
сеть. postgis: postgis-jdbc : RELEASE 2.1.1
сеть. postgis: postgis-jdbc-jtsparser : РЕЛИЗ 2.1.1
Вы можете помочь?
Самый полезный комментарий
По умолчанию все файлы драйверов находятся в% HOME / .dbeaver-drivers. Или вы можете скачать их с официального сайта PostgreSQL. Или получите их в DBeaver Enterprise (который идет в комплекте со всеми драйверами из коробки).
Вам нужно скопировать файлы PostgreSQL где-нибудь на вашем компьютере. Вам понадобится 3 баночки:
- postgresql-42.2.0.jre7.jar
- postgis-jdbc-2.2.1.jar
- postgis-jdbc-jtsparser-2.2.1.jar
(Версия может отличаться). Затем добавьте эти jar-файлы в диалоге редакторов драйверов (нажмите кнопку «Добавить файл»). И удалите оттуда все артефакты Maven (иначе он будет пытаться загружать драйверы при каждом подключении).
Все 27 Комментарий
Вы за корпоративным брандмауэром? DBeaver загружает драйверы с Maven Central и поэтому нуждается в доступе в Интернет.
Большое спасибо за ответ.
У компьютера нет доступа в Интернет.
У меня есть другая установка на компьютере с подключением к Интернету.
Какие файлы мне следует загрузить и в какое место скопировать их на другой компьютер?
По умолчанию все файлы драйверов находятся в% HOME / .dbeaver-drivers. Или вы можете скачать их с официального сайта PostgreSQL. Или получите их в DBeaver Enterprise (который идет в комплекте со всеми драйверами из коробки).
Вам нужно скопировать файлы PostgreSQL где-нибудь на вашем компьютере. Вам понадобится 3 баночки:
- postgresql-42.2.0.jre7.jar
- postgis-jdbc-2.2.1.jar
- postgis-jdbc-jtsparser-2.2.1.jar
(Версия может отличаться). Затем добавьте эти jar-файлы в диалоге редакторов драйверов (нажмите кнопку «Добавить файл»). И удалите оттуда все артефакты Maven (иначе он будет пытаться загружать драйверы при каждом подключении).
Здравствуйте! Пожалуйста, помогите мне.
Manjaro Linux
DBeaver v5.1.0
Интернет-соединение без прокси и без межсетевого экрана
То же самое здесь с Manjaro Linux и DBeaver v5.1.0, пытающимся использовать prostgrsql
У меня все заработало после удаления всех файлов и добавления этих 3 файлов jar в драйвер.
Кстати, есть 2 типа соединений Posgresql: в чем разница? одно наследие, а другое - postgresql.
Он пытается сохранить артефакты maven в / usr / lib / dbeaver / maven-local / (и я считаю, что это просто не удается с отказом в разрешении).
Вы меняли настройки по умолчанию? Например, расположение драйверов (настройки-> База данных-> Драйверы-> Локальная папка)?
@ILTB это было решено в 5.1.3. Это проблема, связанная с Java 9.
Я использую 5.1.3 в Manjaro Linux и испытываю ту же проблему
Я исправил это, удалив .dbeaver4 из $ HOME и переустановив
Исправляю скачав файлы
Для установки Windows запустите dbeaver от имени администратора.
У меня довольно похожая ошибка Manjaro KDE (flatpak)
Моя базовая конфигурация:
- У меня нет проблем с интернетом
- мои брандмауэры выключены
- Пакет устанавливается с флетпаком
_My раствор в Manjaro (Flatpak): _
- Установить пакет flatpak install flathub io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
- Запустить приложение flatpak run io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
> Теперь мы закрываем его, нам просто нужны его файлы конфигурации - Удалите поврежденную конфигурацию:
rm -rf $HOME/.var/app/io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity/ - Пришло время запустить и установить драйвера
Здравствуйте, у меня сейчас те же проблемы с подключением Redshift (я использую версию 7.1.0 Community):
когда я нажимаю «ОК» в этом всплывающем окне, я получаю это окно, в котором обычно перечислены все необходимые драйверы, но у меня их нет в списке:
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: в окнах указано, что я должен проверить свое интернет-соединение, но у меня нет проблем с интернетом, и я пробовал это с включенными и выключенными брандмауэрами.
Если я удалю артефакт Maven и загружу файлы jar локально, соединение просто прервется:
У меня та же проблема, что и у @dushmar в Dbeaver 7.0.3, Ubuntu 18.04.
Может быть, драйвер красного смещения отсутствует в репозиториях maven?
Как мне добавить новый источник репозитория maven в настройках?
Та же проблема с Community Edition 7.1.0. Ошибка чтения «Ошибка при разрешении библиотек драйверов. Причина: Ошибка при разрешении зависимостей».
Как решить эту проблему?
Загрузите драйвер Redshift JDBC с основного веб-сайта в диспетчере драйверов, затем добавьте файл в библиотеки и удалите драйвер по умолчанию, чтобы устранить ошибку зависимостей.
Я хотел бы дополнить решение, которое сработало для меня (и мою конкретную настройку)
Я попробовал решение @aliceliunz, предложенное перед моим предыдущим комментарием, и оно не сработало для меня, по крайней мере, до того, как мой эластичный IP-адрес был добавлен в белый список для моего конкретного соединения с БД (я работаю над AWS WorkSpace). После того, как мой IP-адрес был добавлен администратором БД в белый список, вышеприведенное решение сработало, как задумано.
Это исправило это для меня.
У меня была примерно такая же проблема, путь к каталогу драйвера указывал на /usr/share/dbeaver . Я изменил его на свой локальный каталог $HOME/.dbeaver-drivers и все проблемы исчезли. Теперь я могу снова загрузить и установить драйверы. Возможно, попробуйте установить каталог, в который ваш пользователь может записывать, если драйверы нужны и другим.
С уважением, Томас
Помогла только свежая установка.
У меня была примерно такая же проблема, путь к каталогу драйвера указывал на /usr/share/dbeaver . Я изменил его на свой локальный каталог $HOME/.dbeaver-drivers и все проблемы исчезли. Теперь я могу снова загрузить и установить драйверы. Возможно, попробуйте установить каталог, в который ваш пользователь может записывать, если драйверы нужны и другим.
С уважением, Томас
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
michalk-k commented Oct 13, 2020
I resolved my issue by:
- removing files from snap
- restarting dbeaver
- creating new postgresql database or importing project (all connections)
However once I import configuration (Import General/Preferences) the issue is back. I'm really not aware about changes I made to config which would affect libraries. I can provide the preferences file if it could help you debugging the problem.
PS. At this stage I'm not sure it's the same issue as OP has. but still looks similar.
yonisade commented Oct 13, 2020
Do you use a proxy to access the internet?
No. I tried various connection types (inlc hotspot from my mobile). No changes.
HA.. I did another experiment.
- I exported Preferences from working DBeaver
- I imported "broken" config which causes the issue. DBeaver asked for its restart, After that the issue appeared as expected
- I imported config exported at beginning of this test case. After restart DBeaver remains broken
yonisade commented Oct 13, 2020
Probably nailed it down to the download path which points to snap directory. This path is being stored in exported preferences but might change (in stored prefs I had snap/dbeaver-ce/79/. while currently such path doesn't exist any more. There is 81 instead of 79.
Maybe question is why imported "bad" preferences cannot be fixed by importing preferences exported second ago. But it needs more testing
Ah. and changing the path doesn't help immediately. Restart of DBeaver is needed. After that DBeaver asks for downloading something but this time it works.
Thank you for answers !
To solve :
abhishekdanej commented Mar 23, 2021
Initially my proxy was not set ..so it failed to download the driver. But then it said that the RELEASE file is not available from maven. I restarted dbeaver and it worked for me.
mosesontheweb commented May 10, 2021
for those who may still struggle with downloading drivers - check your settings. I had the same problem and recognized, that the default location on Linux is set to /usr/share/dbeaver - a location, where normal users may not have access to. So, I solved my issue by setting the download location to /home/myuser/.dbeaver_drivers (or whatever you may choose). After that I reset all drivers to default and was able to download and update them. Worked like a charme.
leobasilio commented May 31, 2021
Probably nailed it down to the download path which points to snap directory. This path is being stored in exported preferences but might change (in stored prefs I had snap/dbeaver-ce/79/. while currently such path doesn't exist any more. There is 81 instead of 79.
Maybe question is why imported "bad" preferences cannot be fixed by importing preferences exported second ago. But it needs more testing
Ah. and changing the path doesn't help immediately. Restart of DBeaver is needed. After that DBeaver asks for downloading something but this time it works.
I just had the same problem and this helped me. A snap update was applied while I was using the dbeaver and the drivers location folder was not updated to the new location. I had to manually fix it at the preferences dialog.
patrick-cardoso commented Jun 23, 2021
Probably nailed it down to the download path which points to snap directory. This path is being stored in exported preferences but might change (in stored prefs I had snap/dbeaver-ce/79/. while currently such path doesn't exist any more. There is 81 instead of 79.
Maybe question is why imported "bad" preferences cannot be fixed by importing preferences exported second ago. But it needs more testing
Ah. and changing the path doesn't help immediately. Restart of DBeaver is needed. After that DBeaver asks for downloading something but this time it works.
I just had the same problem and this helped me. A snap update was applied while I was using the dbeaver and the drivers location folder was not updated to the new location. I had to manually fix it at the preferences dialog.
Great! This is the best way!
I am adjusted the path, restart dbeaver, and all works.
Thank you so much @leobasilio and @michalk-k
Dekai commented Jun 29, 2021
For me, fixed this issue by importing maven website cert into dbeaver jre cacerts which is under folder Application/DBeaver/Contents/eclipse/jre/Contents/Home/lib/security, this is Mac path, Windows could be different
Probably nailed it down to the download path which points to snap directory. This path is being stored in exported preferences but might change (in stored prefs I had snap/dbeaver-ce/79/. while currently such path doesn't exist any more. There is 81 instead of 79.
Maybe question is why imported "bad" preferences cannot be fixed by importing preferences exported second ago. But it needs more testing
Ah. and changing the path doesn't help immediately. Restart of DBeaver is needed. After that DBeaver asks for downloading something but this time it works.
This fixed it for me. For everyone as inexperienced with DBeaver as me:
The dialogue to change this can be found under Window > Preferences > Connections > Drivers , then change the path under the section Drivers location , labeled Local folder to the one with the path with newest version. (In my case the path that worked was /home/<user>/snap/dbeaver/current/.local/share/DBeaverData/drivers , with the change being that current previously was a number)
Then as mentioned in the original post, restart DBeaver and it should work.
You can use a pre-configured database driver or create a new driver.
DBeaver has a lot of pre-configured drivers including SQL, NoSQL, key-value databases, graph databases, search engines, etc. But sometimes you need to connect to a database which was not configured in DBeaver yet.
All you need is a JDBC driver of your database. The rest is easy.
Obtaining JDBC driver
JDBC driver is a program (in Java) which can connect and operate with some local or remote database server. It usually provides all needed functionality to cover 100% of database functionality. The JDBC driver is usually provided by database vendors to allow customers to work with their databases.
The JDBC driver consists of one or multiple jar files. The Jar file is a library which contains program code and some other files. You need to download the driver's jar files before adding them to DBeaver. Sometimes the jar files are included in the database server distribution - in that case you need to refer to your database documentation or ask your DBA.
Adding driver configuration in DBeaver
Open driver manager dialog
You can open the driver manager from the main menu:
or from Database Navigator drop-down menu.
Add a new driver
Just click the button New and create a new driver. On the driver edit dialog you need to enter all required information:
Main parameters
Parameter | Description |
Driver Name | Name of your driver. It can be any name you like |
Driver Type | Driver provider. In 99% cases you will need a generic driver (JDBC provider) |
Class Name | JDBC driver class name. You can get it from the documentation or find it in the jar files (see "Find Class" button description) |
URL Template | Template of driver URL. You can leave it empty. But in this case you will be ready to set JDBC URL for each your connection. It is better to define a valid template, which will greatly simplify the connections creation. See "URL Templates" for a detailed description |
Default Port | Default database port. You can get it from the documentation or leave it empty |
Embedded | Enable it for server-less databases. This flag affects a few config options related to the network/connections management |
No Authentication | This means that driver does not require authentication (no user/password fields will be shown) |
Category | Driver category, deprecated |
ID | Driver unique ID, ignore it |
Description | Driver description, it is shown in some dialogs/wizards as a hint |
This is the list of jar files, binary libraries (dll or so) and any other files required by the driver. In most cases you only need the jar files.
Click "Add File" to add a single jar file, "Add Folder" to add to the folder with Java classes/resources and "Add Artifact" to add the Maven artifact (see below).
After you add the jar files you will be able to find all JDBC driver classes which are found in these jars. Just click on the "Find Class" button and DBeaver will show all of them. In most cases there is just one driver class in the driver. If there are many of them, you need to refer to the driver's documentation.
Maven artifacts
DBeaver can download driver jars directly from the Maven repository (it is a global public repository of Java libraries, usually an open-source). If your database driver is published on some public repository you can use this feature. Maven artifacts are better than plain jar files because you can see all existing driver versions and can change the driver version in runtime without any driver properties reconfiguration.
Saving driver, adding connection
After you have finished configuring your driver, just press the Ok button.
Now you can create connection.
If you need to change some driver properties later you can access them directly from connection properties dialog:
URL Templates
JDBC drivers use URLs to identify remote servers - strings similar to classic web URLs. Usually, URL has form jdbc:vendor:host:port/database , for example `jdbc:postgresql:localhost:5432/postgres'. It is not very convenient to edit such a long and an unobvious string. DBeaver can construct this URL from connection parameters (like host, port, etc).
For example above the URL template is: jdbc:postgresql://:/
Host, port and database are parameters which you will need to enter on the connection configuration page.
Supported URL variables:
Parameter | Description |
Database server host name | |
Database server port number | |
Target database name | |
Target server name (rarely used) | |
Folder path (on the local file system). Used for embedded drivers | |
File path (on the local file system). Used for embedded drivers |
Advanced settings
For most drivers you do not need to change any advanced properties. But in some cases you can use this as driver tuning, e.g. for better performance or for structure fixing.
Main parameters
Parameter | Description |
Driver supports indexes | Driver supports table indexes |
Driver supports stored code | Whether this driver supports stored code (procedures, functions, packages, etc) |
Driver supports references | Driver supports table references (foreign keys) |
Driver supports SELECT count() clause | Driver supports SELECT count() clause | |
Driver supports views | Driver supports table views |
Split procedures and functions | Show procedures and functions in different folders |
Script delimiter | Literal for SQL queries separation in scripts |
Script delimiter redefiner | SQL clause which redefines script delimiter value |
Use script delimiter after query | Keep SQL script delimiter after each SQL query |
Use script delimiter after SQL block | Keep SQL script delimiter after SQL script blocks (BEGIN/END) |
String escape character | Character used to escape special symbols in strings |
Meta model type | Type of metadata reading model - standard or indexed |
All Objects Pattern | SQL pattern for all metadata objects |
Omit catalog(s) | Do not read and use catalog (aka database) information |
Omit single catalog | Hide catalog (database) if there is only one catalog on server |
Omit schema(s) | Do not read and use schemas information |
Omit single schema | Hide schema if there is only one schema on the server |
Use schema filters | Use JDBC schema filters when the database does not support catalogs. Otherwise just read all database schemas and filter on client-side |
Omit type cache | Do not use data types provided by driver |
Shutdown parameter | Database shutdown URL parameter |
Create database parameter | Database create URL parameter |
Driver supports multiple results | Driver supports multiple results for a single query |
Driver supports result set limit | Driver supports multiple result set limit (max rows) |
Driver supports structure cache | Driver supports structure cache reading. Enables schema columns, keys, etc |
Driver supports TRUNCATE operation | Driver supports TRUNCATE command. It is much faster than DELETE without criteria |
Queries (Custom driver queries)
Parameter | Description |
Get active database | Query to obtain active database name |
Set active database | Query to change active database |
Shutdown database | Query to shutdown active database connection. Used for some embedded databases |
PING query | Query to check connection state |
Dual table name | Name of dummy 'DUAL' table which is used for expressions evaluation |
Active object type | Type of selectable object (schema, catalog) |
Driver supports results scrolling | Driver supports resultset scrolling |
Quote reserved words | Quote columns/table names if they conflicts with reserved SQL keywords |
Escape LIKE masks in search queries | Use to access JDBC metadata API. Enabled by default but should be disabled for some (broken) drivers |
DDL (DDL generation options)
Parameter | Description |
Drop column short syntax | Use 'ALTER TABLE DROP column-name' instead of standard syntax |
Drop column - use brackets | Use 'ALTER TABLE DROP (column-name)' instead of standard syntax |
Use legacy SQL dialect for DDL | Use legacy SQL dialect for DDL |
Add COLUMN keyword in alter table query | Add COLUMN keyword after keyword ADD and before column name in alter table query |
Formatting (SQL values formats)
Parameter | Description |
Timestamp format | Format pattern for timestamp columns |
Date format | Format pattern for date columns |
Time format | Format pattern for time columns |
If you have configured some driver, it works well and you think that it makes sense to have this driver configuration in standard DBeaver, please send your configuration to us. Just create a feature request issue on GitHub and copy/paste driver description to the ticket (in any suitable form).
Читайте также: