Забытый легион iron rage
This is a version of the official Iron Rage FAQ formatted for wiki.
Faction battle [ ]
At the end of each PvP season, rewards are provided to each player that earns at least one faction sphere through winning a PvP battle. It was originally implied that the faction that won the most total PvP victories would get more rewards, but at least as of July 2020, all three factions receive the same regardless of which faction wins. The rewards as of the August 2021 season are as follows:
All About Progression In The Game [ ]
How can I deploy my units in a battle more effectively? [ ]
Please know that there is a Cool-Down timer for our units that we can deploy during a battle and we must use good tactics to optimize our chances of winning a battle.
I am playing since the past week or two and I find it really difficult to collect the much needed resources. What should I do? [ ]
Please be mindful that all of the players have to go through this stage and we must focus on constructing enough of the resource buildings and steadily upgrade them to a fair level. Winning various chests from conquering different sectors, rewards for fully controlling particular zones on the World map and as well, completion of numerous Campaign missions can be greatly beneficial to overcome the storage of resources that we may experience during the early stages of our progress in the game.
My units are very weak and the Dominion forces are destroying them in every battle. What are my options? [ ]
Whenever we open a chest, there are always some type of units that are rewarded to us and more importantly, on average we receive better premium units than the usual regular ones that we can produce. Therefore, it is a very wise idea to mix those premium units with our regular units when forming a platoon, while we continue to work on upgrading our regular units. Eventually, our regular units will reach levels in which they are considerably much more stronger than most of the premium units and units used by the Dominion forces in the game.
The Dominion units have artificial intelligence, thus they can not use tactics or evaluate a fight as we can with our superior human thinking capability. However, if we are completely unable to beat them in a specific battle, then it is a clear indication that we must further upgrade our regular units before re-engaging in that battle or it is time to use few of our premium units for that battle in order to win against the Dominion forces.
Henry "The Mighty" Armstrong
Is it necessary for me to buy Gold to steadily advance in the game? [ ]
The simple answer is a No. The game gives plenty of free gold to us for our daily logins, completion of daily missions, participation in tasks required to level up in the ranks of our chosen faction, rewards for conquering zones and finishing campaigns, special gifts from the Community and the Iron Rage Elite group & other venues as well. Though for a rapid advancement, gold can be very useful and some players do buy it from time to time.
Which is the best Gold package? [ ]
Yes, you do and there is a special task for this in the game, called “Help from the Headquarters”, which will reward you 100 Gold + premium & regular units, when you invite your friends to play Iron Rage.
All About The PvP Event & Heroic Mode [ ]
Whenever I try to join a PvP battle, it just hangs on the waiting icon. How can I fix this? [ ]
To join a battle, generally the waiting time is less than a minute or two. If the time limit exceeds more than 3 minutes, then it is best to refresh our game and make another attempt.
Simply refresh your game and your lost units + 50 fuel will reappear in your game.
Opponents are matched based on the leagues they belong to in the PvP ladder system or in other words, the total number of accumulated PvP rating points they have earned decides who will they fight next. PvP participants needs to be aware of the fact that the more points they earn, the more stronger opponents they will face eventually as they rank up in the leagues. Also, most of the stronger players are the ones whom have already finished their campaign missions, unlocked almost their entire World map’s zones and have fully upgraded buildings, which allows them to proactively take part in the PvP events.
My units never left my spawn circle and I lost the battle. Why did this happen? [ ]
During a battle my units and/or hero just froze. How did this happen? [ ]
As stated in the game, when we activate our Heroic mode and face an opponent that does not have an active Heroic mode, then our regular troops will have the same Health Points, Damage, Accuracy, Evasion and other related stats as those of our opponent’s units. However, this feature do not affect the stats of the premium units used by either of the two players facing each other on the battlefield.
What happens when I am in the Heroic mode and my opponent is also in the Heroic Mode? [ ]
In such scenario, the Heroic mode of both opponents is considered null/invalid and the Heroic mode will have no effect on either of the opponent’s troops.
We are still scratching our heads on this one but we do strongly encourage our fellow group members to take a screenshot of such an occurrence and send it directly to the Iron Rage Community Support team. Least, you will be able to get your units back if you have suffered a loss due to the mismatching stats!
All About The Different Symbols In The Game [ ]
More symbols will be added soon!
All About The Barracks, Tank Factory, Design [ ]
Stormtroopers are another class of foot soldiers whose task is primarily to engage in Close Quarters Battle. They pack a fair decent amount of armor shield and can penetrate through any kind of enemy blockage. They are well known for their agile speed and are of great use when it comes to capturing mounted heavy machine guns, mortar spots and reaching the enemy spawns swiftly.
Part of the artillery regiment, Crusaders are the most heavily armored gunners in the game. Without any hesitation a Crusader can engage several squads of Stormtroopers and Infantrymen until back up arrives or he prevails in the fight. In most cases, a battle’s win or lose gets to be decided on how well do a Crusader or any other Heavy Infantry unit performs. Nonetheless, their destructive demolition power is unmatchable.
“Spare Parts” can only be obtained from various chests as a random prize, reward for completion of specific missions, reaching certain leagues in events or sometimes it can also be purchased in event shops in exchange for points/tokens/coupons.
All About The Heroes [ ]
All information related to the Heroes is available on the file named "Heroes"!
Other Game Related Questions [ ]
We searched for a lot of Youtube videos and came across one that can be worth watching to learn about how to make a screenshot.
Our General Rodriguez uses FastStone and we recommend it to all our fellow group members. Please visit the following website to get the software and as well learn about how to use it:-
Please get the Puffin browser for your phone and you should be able to collect the daily free gifts from the Community page on your phone.
Questions Related To The Iron Rage Elite Group [ ]
Please at all times obey the following rules:
You can turn off Facebook notifications of posts by changing their settings as shown in the screenshot below:
General Rodriguez is in charge of the Iron Rage Elite group and all suggestions, concerns or complaints must be relayed to him through private messaging only.
DISCLAIMER: This file is free to copy by any Iron Rage fan that may wish to use it in their own Iron Rage group or fanpage, regardless of whether it is on Facebook or on any other platform and no references to the Iron Rage Elite group is required as a condition.
The war is ugly, cruel and ambiguous. Occult wars took tens of thousands of lives, and even more - were mutilated. Contrary to the command opinion, not all of those who are listed as dead are truly laid to rest. Missing, vanished during the battles, forgotten and fallen into oblivion - not withstood the horrors of war, soldiers disappeared and preferred to remain dead in the face of the world community. Over time, their number grew, but no corpses to be found. Then, everyone began to talk about mysterious faceless assassins, sufficiently organized and armed to be considered a military threat. They gained fear and respect in criminal circles, destroying key goals and committing acts of sabotage for those who pay more. "Legion is our name, the world has forgotten about us, but we will make it remember" - Master Grave.
The Forgotten Legion is one of the three main factions in Iron Rage. Embracing occult technologies, they specialize in striking from the shadows against the Dominion. More history about the Legion can be found in this Facebook lore post.
Легион был послан на Элпис, спутник планеты Пандора, чтобы развернуть там шахтёрскую деятельность. Однако в ходе работ произошло из ряда вон выходящее происшествие: при выкачивании метана было обнаружено крупное углубление, явно имеющее эридианское происхождение. Вскоре после этого начались землетрясения. Полковник Зарпедон, глава легиона, поняла, что нужно срочно покидать планету, но сделать этого флотилия не успела: в результате начавшихся сильнейших землетрясений поверхность Элписа была расколота. В дальнейшем эта катастрофа стала известна как «Раскол». Тунгстина и её люди застряли на Элписе, их запасы истекали, было сложно дышать, но произошло самое худшее — была утеряна связь со штаб-квартирой Даль. Легион, возглавляемый полковником Зарпедон, был потерян и забыт.
Вскоре обнаружилось, что из-за вырвавшихся на поверхность после Раскола паров у солдат на коже начала появляться фиолетовая сыпь, а многих из них охватило странное спокойствие. Тогда Зарпедон приняла решение вместе с несколькими своими людьми спуститься в шахту, с которой всё началось, чтобы обнаружить источник странных паров. Там Зарпедон и её солдаты обнаружили древние эридианские постройки и столкнулись лицом к лицу с их обитателями — Наблюдателем и эридианскими стражами. Впрочем, они не проявили агрессии, а напротив, провели гостей вглубь построек — в местное Хранилище. Зарпедон была поражена Хранилищем и поняла, что содержащиеся в нём знания ни в коем случае не должны попасть в неправильные руки. Вместе со своими солдатами, Забытым легионом, она решила защищать Хранилище от любых посягательств, любой ценой.
После четырёх лет стражи покой Легиона был нарушен: их раскоп, ведущий к Хранилищу, был обнаружен разведчиками корпорации Гиперион. Допросив их, Зарпедон выяснила, почему они здесь: оказалось, что на Пандоре тоже было обнаружено Хранилище, а из останков существа, которое было заключен в нём, ученые Гипериона смогли создать мощное оружие. Следующей их целью стал поиск подобного на Элписе. Зарпедон казнила разведчиков без капли удовольствия; она поняла, что теперь Гиперион уже не оставит Элпис в покое, и решила, что есть лишь один способ уберечь Хранилище от корпорации — его уничтожение.
Я потратил огромное количество времени на строительство!
Пушу третье письмо.
С уважением Пользователь
ID: 11986533719176527443
Faction units [ ]
The Forgotten Legion fields the following faction troops. These can be produced from your faction center once the corresponding basic troop has reached level 6 and your faction reputation has reached the required level.
Troop | Faction level | Cost | ||||
Steel | Ammunition | Other | Units | Time | ||
Executioner of Legion | 1 | 50 | 100 | 100 | 3x Stormtrooper | 5m |
Legion Phantom | 2 | 25 | 50 | 50 | 3x Infantryman | 3m |
Usurper | 3 | 100 | 200 | 200 | 2x Crusader | 10m |
Mirage | 4 | 50 | 300 | 50 | 1x Ranger | 15m |
"Spear of Retribution" walking machine | 5 | 250 | 250 | 300 | 2x Hammer | 15m |
Like all faction troops, these can also be trained to gain additional levels, and have their own skins and equipment separate from regular skins and equipment, which can be purchased from the faction shop. For details on training and skins, see the individual unit pages.
For a list of the special faction research, see Forgotten Legion faction research.
Faction shop [ ]
In the Forgotten Legion faction shop, you can purchase the following. Most items require Spheres of Oblivion to purchase; some can also be purchased with gold instead. The hero skins require Forgotten Legion faction convoy emblems instead. For stats on the equipment, see the equipment page.
Item | Limit | Cost | Req. faction level |
Troop skins | |||
Outsiders (Executioner of Legion skin) | 1 | 750 | 4 |
Pariah (Legion Phantom skin) | 1 | 500 | 2 |
Missing (Usurper skin) | 1 | 1000 | 6 |
Stalkers (Mirage skin) | 1 | 1000 | 8 |
"Stunner" (Spear of Retribution skin) | 1 | 750 | 8 |
Supports | |||
Armageddon x5 | 5 | 175 or 250 | 1 |
Sacred landing x5 | 5 | 125 or 175 | 1 |
Gas bomb x5 | 5 | 175 or 250 | 1 |
Transformation x5 | 5 | 175 or 250 | 1 |
Landing x5 | 5 | 100 or 150 | 1 |
Lair x5 | 5 | 100 or 150 | 1 |
Equipment | |||
Legion Mark (legion phantom) (accessory) | 1 | 300 | 3 |
Experimental Armor of the Legion (legion phantom) (jacket) | 1 | 300 | 3 |
Mask of Grimmo Shadelancer (legion phantom) (helmet) | 1 | 300 | 3 |
Rifle "Slayer" (legion phantom) (weapon) | 1 | 300 | 3 |
Grave Bell (executioner of legion) (accessory) | 1 | 300 | 5 |
Legion's Armor (executioner of legion) (jacket) | 1 | 300 | 5 |
Gravedigger submachine gun (executioner of legion) (weapon) | 1 | 300 | 5 |
"Trophy" Helmet (executioner of legion) (helmet) | 1 | 300 | 5 |
"Charlie" Assault rifle (usurper) (weapon) | 1 | 300 | 7 |
"Citadel" armor (usurper) (jacket) | 1 | 300 | 7 |
Face of death (usurper) (helmet) | 1 | 300 | 7 |
Remember about Death medallion (usurper) (accessory) | 1 | 300 | 7 |
"Equalizer" helmet (mirage) (helmet) | 1 | 300 | 8 |
"Taurus" Revolver (mirage) (weapon) | 1 | 300 | 8 |
"Embrace of Death" Armor (mirage) (jacket) | 1 | 300 | 8 |
Dark reaper dirk (mirage) (accessory) | 1 | 300 | 8 |
Kinetic cartridges (Spear of Retribution weapon) | 1 | 300 | 7 |
Modular barrel (Spear of Retribution helmet) | 1 | 300 | 7 |
Smoke screen (Spear of Retribution accessory) | 1 | 300 | 7 |
Mounted Armor (Spear of Retribution armor) | 1 | 300 | 7 |
Miscellaneous | |||
Spare parts x50 | 5 | 100 | 1 |
Key x25 | 5 | 50 | 1 |
Heroes and hero skins | |||
Mona Rice | 1 | 1000 | 8 |
Mirage's legend (Mona Rice skin) | 1 | 50 | 8 |
Eye of the storm (Master Grave skin) | 1 | 200 | 8 |
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